The Ancients Quiz Contest (2)

I drove right away and headed to the meeting point.

It's an unexpected dinner appointment, but I can't access the game for three days anyway, so it would be okay to close my time in this way.

The place we decided to meet was Ka吼, who met Yoon Sol for the first time.

As I turn around the corner, I see a woman standing in front of her neck at the crossing.


She looked at the floor with her head down, waiting for the signal.

The black Paulati shows the curvature of her body.

Longer legs are even longer

Black skinny jeans that make it visible.

He wore a light brown long coat on his body.

"I'm only taking pictures by myself."

I laughed in vain.

As she stands on the sidewalk block, the people passing by appear distorted.

Do people who are really pretty and handsome actually look like CG in their faces?

Yunsol is just standing in a normal way, but the entire landscape has already turned into the background of the set.

Indeed, I thought that the people who even model magazines are different.

Whenever passers-by pass by Yunsol, I can see them glimpse.

Surely she has something special like aura.

"It's a really powerful OP character.

The long-awaited in the beauty world."

When I'm just turning around the corner and trying to hit the clock.

excuse me.

Someone has spoken to Yunsol. He was a man with curly hair, round glasses, and a painted height.


Yunsol did not even hear that

I'm just looking blankly in the air.

excuse me!

Then the man raised his voice a little.

" Yeah?

Yoonsol turned his head only then.

Then the man smiled nicely and scratched his head.

"Do you remember me? On the set


Yunsol tilted his head.

Then the man burst into laughter as if embarrassed.

"Ah, we were talking together until now! On the set! I took two pictures together... "

"Ah, that model... Sorry. Because I can't remember people's faces well... ."

When Yoonsol bowed his head and apologized, the man hurriedly touched his hand.

"No, no. It could be. I also don't remember the face of a woman well."

Alas. Yeah.

"But there's something different there."

" Yeah?

Yunsol gave a look as if it were something fat.

"No, I wonder if the face is stuck in my mind the first time I see it :'


When there was no answer, the man started making noise more excitedly.

"Because I don't really remember a single woman's face. However, Yoonsol has an aura left in her mind from the moment she saw it for the first time. I don't know English either!"

" Ah, haha... Yes. Thank you.

Yunsol looks embarrassed and smiles.

The moment she was about to turn around, the man hurriedly grabbed her arm.

"Well, there. Yoonsol! If I'm not excused, can I get a cell phone number?"


Yunsol is greatly embarrassed and hits her hand once more.

Wow, it's okay. I'm sorry, but I'm a little busy with my appointment right now...

Yeah? Oh, just give me your number and I'll go right away!"

"Hmm. That, that...

She asks with an embarrassing expression.


I sang the clocktion twice and pulled over to the side of the road.

"Hey, celebrity!"

Let me sing playfully with the window down.

"Oh uh! Goo!"

Yunsol jumps to me with the brightest expression I've ever seen.


She quickly got into the passenger seat and closed the door, and I looked at the man with a blank expression through the driver's window.


Both of us have nothing to say.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to say anything in this situation?

Bung _

I stepped on the accelerator and started the car as it was.

"Hua, it was really difficult."

Yunsol sighed, sweeping her chest down.

I asked for her.

"Why didn't you give me the number? It's fine because it's hot."

"I hate handsome men because they are so burdened."

"You're a liar."


"No, it's a lie. So why don't you feel burdened with me?"

When I asked him as a joke, Yunsol tilted his head with an innocent expression.

Huh? Why am I burdened with you?"

This guy, is this beating me?

It was a little bit upset, but I decided to put up with it.

The opponent is 21 years old. Am I 36 years old?

"Whatever. If you're uncomfortable to say no, don't you just say you have a boyfriend?"

" That's a lie."

"Well, then to say that it's burdensome to tell you "

It seems to hurt again...

What do you mean?

As I opened my eyes, Yunsol grabbed his hair.

"Oh! I hate my personality too. Really. When I started broadcasting, I thought I changed a little more extroverted, but in reality it is the same!"

I quite agree with that point.

As I returned, I thought my personality changed to be outgoing and outgoing.

When I went out, the old personality was the same.

"Being a person doesn't change easily."

I giggled.

Then he looked back at Yunsol and said.

"So it turns out that you were a very principledist even when you were a vice-president."

Hey! Would you like to make fun of it?"

Yunsol put my fist on my shoulder


Right then.

" uh?

Her eyes are round.

I was also a little surprised to see the reflection in the side mirror.

[No, I can't really remember the face of a real woman]. Looking at what happened to your face, it was stuck in your mind... Uh, what is this really in English?]

The model man who took the number to Yunsol earlier.

He was quickly getting a number from another woman.

" Hey, you don't know the real English. Is it English department?"

As I muttered as if I was embarrassed, Yunsol also seemed absurd.

"There are really a lot of people like that these days."

"Do you see it often?"

"Yes, there are a lot more these days. From the start of the broadcast."

Isn't it exactly after removing the glasses and bangs?

"Well, right."

Yunsol nodded.

And ask me.

"Are all the men like that?"

A troublesome question came up.

I answered roughly.

Because I'm Man 1, I don't know the whole thing.

Well, is that so? Then are you like that too?

I answered calmly.




I won't do that for you, don't worry.

When I laughed, Yoonsol made a vague expression.

Was the answer too ambiguous?

'Is it fun to teasing anyway?'

In social life, I see these natural characters after a while.

Oh, in the first place, I didn't have a proper social life.


During this or that conversation, we arrived at the cafe, which was the original meeting point.

Yoonsol sat in a cafe chair and turned on his wit.

Then he said as if he was in a good mood.

It's great because this is the first place I met you. It's also the place where my life has changed!

"What is it like that."

I laughed over a cup of coffee.

Anyway, congratulations to the magazine model. It's all left to win and win.

"All thanks to you."

Yunsol, who smiled brightly, clapped her hands as if suddenly remembered.

Oh! I asked to meet you today because of this! Look at my spirit!

She pulled something out of the big backpack on her back.


Yoonsol soon brings out a large sheet of paper in front of me.

The 1st Meximbae'Deus Ex Machina' Quiz Contest!

Simple flyer.

However, the design and print quality are quite good.

The traces of their effort in the competition were revealed from the flyers.

Hoo, the total prize money is 300 million."

I stroked my chin.

A quiz show conducted by Mexim, a fairly large fashion magazine, in partnership with broadcasting platforms such as YouTube View, Aprica, and Grape Turi TV.

LGB, a broadcasting station specializing in games, is also participating.

'I also went out several times 15 years ago.'

At that time, I had a good relationship with Yu Da-hee, so I went out together.

Of course, at that time she was just using me.

Since it was the first quiz contest, the concept or difficulty of the quiz has never been disclosed... .

I already knew everything.

1. Each person has a foothold

Stand on top

2. If you answer the given question correctly, the height of the scaffold increases one step at a time.

3. There are 1st prize, 2nd prize, and 3rd prize money on the ceiling.

The first prize is in the highest position, the second prize is a little lower than that, and the third prize is lower than that.

4. The person who hits the most problems first goes to the position with the 3rd prize money.

Will reach.

At this time, if the person chooses the 3rd prize money, the person's stairs do not go up further and others compete for the remaining 1st and 2nd prize money.

5. If the first climber does not win the 3rd prize, he can continue to challenge the problem and climb to the position with the 1st prize.

6. Award that was pointed out as giving up on going up one stair by guessing a problem

You can lower one staircase to the other side. Water is collected on the floor, so if the footboard is lowered over a certain height, it will fall into the water.

7. If you don't know the answer to the question, you can pass it. At this time, there is no change in the height of the footstool.

However, if the answer is given and is wrong, the footrest is lowered by one level.

It is roughly a quiz with this concept.

1st place prize money 150 million won, 2nd place prize money 100 million won, 3rd place prize money 50 million won.

Probably, this is the only time that a prize money of such an all-time scale will be taken.

'In the future, it turns into a competition for who can memorize the problem genealogy more...

The competition, which was held offline at first, became more and more

It will also proceed to the line.

And 15 years later, as genealogy searches and macro users hit the board, the quiz contest would fall.

Tsar Leuk-

The film spins in my head.

Memories of crying and laughing along with the Maxim Quiz Contest, and unforgettable problems.

A long and epic list of problems and answers that have been put together by the power of collective intelligence.

All the genealogy is reproduced in your head like a movie film.

'It must be fun.'

As I looked at the flyer and laughed, Yunsol said with a bright expression.

As you said, I put the application form to PD.


I close my eyes and quietly savor the taste of coffee and the smell of trouble.

The quiz contest is the next day.

There are about 13 hours left.



I thought it's been a while since I've been feeling'thumping' in reality outside of the game.

It's a night with anticipation for tomorrow.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 131
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