The Ancients Quiz Contest (5)

Congratulations! Lee E-jin is entitled to win the first prize of 150 million won! Come on, raise the pulley and go to the first place!"

MC shouted at me.

At the same time, when the winner of the quiz show is decided, a congratulatory bread pare

It resonates.

No, it was about to ring.

I quickly lifted my palm to stop the bread pare.

no. I won't go up."

At my bomb declaration, everyone on the set looks at me with their eyes wide open.


I turned my gaze and looked to the side.

Yoo Da-hee, who had been cursing me up until now, is looking up at me.

4 I told you to listen like that."

I would have told you to get a second prize

If I had heard it, this would not have happened.

I said leisurely.

"Instead of not going up, please lower the footstool of this person here."


My footstool went up and stopped standing.

At the same time.

Yu Da-hee's footstep fell one step down to the place where the third prize money was.

'This gentleman will lower you.'

I woke up as if paying for someone else's table meal at a restaurant.


Yoo Da-hee grabbed the pulley and began to tremble.

The prize money of 100 million was reduced to 5,000. 50 million won evaporated in an instant.

I told her like that.

"Are you going to pick the 3rd prize money right now?"

It is the same line as in the second prize money.

However, Yoo Da-hee, of course, did not win the prize.

They just stare at me as if they were going to kill me with their red eyes.

"Look and see, I will definitely take revenge!"

Yoo Da-hee waits for the next problem with a vein on her forehead.

Soon, the MC gave the next quiz.

Q. How many legs are there for the monster in the'Nightmare Forest (5)'?

Again, a problem with high difficulty came out.

Yoo Da-hee sharpened his teeth.

'How do you know this in the first place!'

The problem is that I want to kill both the ones who give it and the ones who get it right.



Again, I ring the bell without hesitation.

"42 correct answers! The name "kirkayak" itself means "40 legs" in Turkish, so it seems to be 40 at first glance, but in fact, it's a long stutter

If you look closely at this pair, it is a leg that has joints, so a total of 42!"

Eventually I got into this problem as well.


Again, I refuse to receive the first prize.

"Instead, I will lower that person's footsteps by one step."

I pointed to Yoo Da-hee with a single smile.

In this way, Yu Da-hee was taken down to a position where she could not get the third prize.

" you you Ugh Ugh!"

Yoo Da-hee grabbed her back neck and stared at me, but I didn't care at all.

'I remember the old days.'

I am only paying off my debt from the quiz show that I suffered from Yu Da-hee 15 years ago.

At that time, Yoo Da-hee deliberately informed me of the wrong answer to me, who was right next to me, and made me fall right before the prize.

'And he stepped on me and went up to the second prize.'

Apologize for misunderstanding later

I did, but since then she has been using me steadily.

'Well, it was a cute axis back then.'

Running on a quiz show or giving an incorrect answer is a joke.

Later, didn't you borrow items and not repay them or even make them use bonds?

I looked down at Yu Da-hee and said.

"I am different from you."

"Because I still gave it a chance."


I have always given Yoo Da-hee a chance.

The Goseong of Evil informed us of the dangers of the zodiac, and recommended not to pursue further in the North Continent.

In the last quiz show, he gave the second prize first and advised him to choose the third prize.

'But you don't listen even if you talk...

I sighed as I watched the fluttering Yoo Da-hee.

And, it still solves the quiz show problem without hesitation.

Q. Who is the lowest defense monster in'Deus Ex Machina' or'Deekma'?

This time a problem appeared that seemed pretty easy.

Numerous participants from all over the place press the bell.





"The slaughter bee!"

The names of various monsters pour out.

However, none of them were correct.


The footsteps of those who answered incorrectly are lowered one step at a time.


I pressed the bell and said the correct answer.

answer. Armadillo in Painless Canyon! It is known as an intermediate monster with excellent defense, but sometimes there is an armadillo that is born without a shell with a 0.001% chance. This armadillo is less durable than a slyme with 10 defense. Its defense power is 1, which is the weakest defense among all monsters, but the reason players can't see it is

This is because the attack power of the wind blowing in the field is set to 2, and in order to see an armadillo without a shell, receive the item'Blessing of the Sand Fairy Baramdol' from NPC Toggler at Ketus, a forgotten ruins and desert village. Temporarily make it into a non-poong area. Then the terrain damage caused by the wind will change from 2 to 0, and even the shellless armadillo will come out of the den."

Again, this is the correct answer.

Again, I took Yu Da-hee's footsteps a step further.

And the next problem.

Q. How many eggs can be caught in the'Hon Viking Lake (17)' area during the spawning season of the'Giant Snake Head'?

answer. Thirty-one and 21. This is accurate because I count it with my friends whenever I am bored."

To be precise, he knows by seeing the deceased people playing while modifying items on the wiki.

And by this point, the MC is only looking at me now.

It's like,'Are you going to press this again?'


Each time I cleared a problem, I lowered Yu Da-hee's footsteps one by one.

Having climbed higher than anyone else, she was in a lower position than anyone else.

Yoo Da-hee trembled as she watched the flowing ice water right under the sole of her feet.

From the highest to the lowest.

It is an ironic fall, as if looking at the past and present lives.

I thought to myself as I saw that Yu Da-hee.

'I have to stop harassing me now.'

No matter how much I do, I don't even think about putting Yu Da-hee in ice water.

If I just interfered with winning the prize, that was enough.

Now you can get the next question

It's time to get the first prize.


The final problem appeared on the electronic board.

Q. What is the woodwind instrument that can produce the highest notes in the worldview of'Dem'?

Again, a strange difficulty problem came out.

The moment I raise my hand and try to press the bell.


The ringtone pops up first in other places.

Yoo Da-hee!

Surprisingly, she never gave up even in the face of this predicament!

I stuck my tongue out at her determination and tenacity.

Before long, she shouts the right answer.

answer! The entrance to the castle of evil, the horn in the ruined cathedral!"

Yoo Da-hee said in a voice filled with conviction.



Only the bell to announce the wrong answer came.


When Yoo Da-hee has a quaint expression.


I pressed the bell and intercepted the correct answer.

answer. The entrance to the castle of evil. Horn in a ruined cathedral! Priest oboe hidden next to him! If you practice for more than 150 hours after learning with the hidden piece carried by the choir member Camilla, who has become a zombie, you will increase your skill level to MAX, and at this time you can achieve the highest pitch range. However, it is not a human audible range.

The problem is that users cannot hear the sound."

This is a problem that cannot be known unless it is a deceased person until it is really deceased.

Of course, I got the correct answer neatly this time as well.


At the same time as my footsteps go up to the place where the prize money is 1 round.

with a plop!

Yoo Da-hee's footstool falls under the cold ice water.

Self-proprietary benefit (自業自得).

I said a word as I watched Yoo Da-hee standing blankly in the ice water.

"Do you remember the time of Matryoshka?"

I really like ice water in reality and in games.



Yoo Da-hee looks up at me with a ghostly face.

"Oh Cuck...

She began to laugh as she swept her bangs with her hand.


I'm going to kill it-ah ah!

Soon he stepped on the foot of the person next to him and started to climb by grabbing the pulley rope.


I was so terrified that I swallowed up the wind.

No, the last time I met at the Youtube View Awards, I was relieved that I couldn't distinguish between reality and game. .


The riot was ended by the crowded staff, but the set had to be confused by Yu Da-hee's riot for a while.


I covered the blanket with a trembling body.

He wore a flat one-size-fits-sized shirt and sleeping pants.

Neat Turm Villa.

I was in the room of Yoon Sol, who had just moved.

For reference, this clothes was worn by Yoon Sol's father during his lifetime.

"Is your body okay now?"

She looked into my face with an anxious look.

Immediately after winning the quiz show, I slipped off the scaffold and drowned in ice water while trying to avoid Yu Da-hee.

When Yoo Da-hee saw me like that, she calmed down a little and went back to her house, holding her hand as you are by Yun-sol.

Cover the blanket and dry with a dryer, so I think I'll buy a little now.


Yunsol asked as if he was embarrassed.

"I was really surprised before. No, who the hell is she trying to eat you like that? Ex-girlfriend?"

No way. It's just the bad guys I met in the game."

I resolutely dismissed my relationship with Yu Da-hee.

Isn't there anything more to explain in the first place and nothing else to do?

Then, Yunsol hesitated as if there was something more he wanted to ask.

" Well, when I saw it from the auditorium, there was someone who cheered you on."

What? okay? Who is it?

"Is that LGB? It's the PD...

Alas! Mr. Hong Yeong-hwa."

Come to think of it, it seems that the auditorium was noisy throughout the whole time focusing on the problem.

Surely it would be if it were her voice.

I gave Hong Hwa a clerical honor.

"He's a good person. He has helped me a lot in my business."

" It seemed to be very close."

I shrugged.

Well. Shouldn't it be considered friendly?"

" Are you not personally close?"

Not at all.

I returned the blanket and said.

Then, Yunsol heard me and noticed somewhere with confidence.


I said hello to Yunsol's mother and came out to the front door.

"Ah, Eojin, wait a second. I would have run all the clothes and dryers. wait~

Yunsol goes to get my clothes on the veranda.


Yunsol's mother said a little to me.



"Our Sol is pleased with me."

My mother handed me a shopping bag full of side dishes and held my hand.

"Our Sol is It's repulsive to look at, but in fact, he's a very tender kid."


"But since I met you, I dressed up a little and showed a lot of smiles, so I feel so relieved. Please continue to do so in the future."

Suddenly, my mother blew her eyes.


You seem to be misunderstanding something.

The moment I'm trying to say something.

Ahh! Um taste!"

Yoonsol runs up and comes out uh

Blocked the money.

"What, what, what, you just said something weird to your mom!?"

Hey, do you think your mother is a person who only makes strange noises?

My mother takes care of me with a casual expression, as if when she blew her eyes.

"Then go well, go well and come to play again

My mother has a considerable poker face.

Yunsol looks at her and my face alternately and tilts her head.

" Didn't you really say anything?"

"I didn't. Go quickly~ Ejin must be busy."

Soon, Yunsol continued to tilt his head and went out to the front door.

As I walked to the place where my car was, Yoon Sol became more talkative than usual.

" No, is it because my mom has become more sensitive these days! Do a lot of silly sounds! No need to care! It's all weird!"

"Well, what. Didn't you say much?"

" What did you say?"

"Just eat well the side dishes."

I lifted my shopping bags and laughed.

Yoonsol was a little relieved at the moment.


I got into the car with Yunsol's help.


Hearing the heavy engine sound, I leaned against the back of the driver's seat.

The long and long quiz show has only ended.

"Now, after going home and having a sigh, it will be time to access the game.

I thought, looking at the red-colored sunset in the distance.

Now, it's time to dive again.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 134
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