Battle Royale Ground Zero

what? That's...

I ran towards 2 o'clock and paused.


The buildings in front of you

Sit down.

The ground was shaking with a roar.

It can be seen that the Stone Buddha Im Joseph and Gale Hong Ji-no are fighting fiercely.

" Ohh.

I paused hunting and watched the fight between them.

The fight between the 1st and 2nd in the Korean rankings

Being intuitive, it's pretty good to see.

"By the way, Jino Hong seems to have completely transferred from the Elites to the Blue Skull."

I think I will meet the opponent who once won in the Challenge League (Seoul Competition) in the Best League again.

It makes no sense in the system regulations, but... .

"Well, the high-ranking people

I guess you didn't know much about the rules."

The situation is like this, so I'll just move on.

Anyway, what's important now is the advance to the second round of Beth Trig.


Pow 一 Poop- P oop-

Heung Jino's style, who continued to show off his big skills, has changed a little.

He started using a knockback that was lighter and quicker than the heavy one.

Of course, I noticed it right away.

"Ah, you want to retire by pushing it into the red zone?"

A strategy that deliberately drives the opponent deep into the red zone and only gets out of it.

At the beginning of the tournament, it is evaluated as a novel strategy, but after a while, it becomes an obvious strategy.

just as expected.

[Fuck it!]

Instead of having high defense and stamina, Im Joseph, who moved slowly, could not come out of the red zone and was retired.

"Tuk-t-k, making such a rudimentary mistake."

I've tasted good.

H] Key, it's still the first difference, so you may not be familiar with the rules.

However, it is said that an entity whose name is ranked No. 1 in Korea is being trapped in the red zone and subjected to retirement.

'I know the level of the rankers of this era.'

I've tasted good.

Perhaps I was overestimating the level of rankers 15 years ago.

"Hey, now, people who are wondering if their play time will exceed three thousand ."

For reference, I played 70,000 hours before my previous life, and 4,000 playing hours after returning.

In total, I have a record of 74,000 hours.

Good. Then, from now on, I will give you a lecture on high-level strategies for eating using the red zone."

What is a newbie?

It's love.

You have to teach them well.

I defeated Im Joseph

I ran towards Hong Ji-no, who was shrugging.


When I appeared in front of Jino Hong, his complexion hardened.

" Well.

Jino Hong looks up at me with an uncomfortable gaze.

It seemed like I was trying to get rid of the slightest pulling of my feet back, but my pride

A rein called was imprisoning him vaguely.

"Come on, is this your first time sticking with me?"

Let me beckon towards Hong Ji-no.


It looks like the fire was drawn to Hong Ji-no's pride.

He ran toward me and shouted angrily.

"Where are you treating me as a rookie? On the subject of Unrang!"

I was called a Rookie because I was a rookie with less than 4,000 hours of playtime. Why should I say why I am called a Rookie? .

I was innocent and innocent looking at Dae Jang Geum.

And with a gauntlet filled with the power of the earthquake, the center of Hong Ji-no's face

It was beaten once roughly once.


Oh, are you too strong? I was just trying to provoke moderately.

Heungjino fell about 8 meters behind him.

In the meantime, the pillars, walls, and beams of the abandoned house collapsed.


He woke up with staggering steps.

'Car, hitting the counter... In the meantime...

Hong Ji-no was staring at me with a tired expression.

However, as a natural matchmaker, he never dies.


He put red flames around his fists.

And in that state, he began to bombard me indiscriminately.

I silently met Hong Ji-no's attack.

For reference, I have left out all the items I wore when I was in the meta.

Instead, my body is heavily armed with'earthquake' and'vortex' gauntlets obtained from the deep sea, and other items that increase defense and HP.

land! Daang! land!

Hong Ji-no's fist struck my whole body.


'What, what is this!?'

Hong Ji-no was astonished that the more he hit me, the more his fist hurts.


I laughed slyly as I saw Hong Ji-no.

-Title: Hellwheel Great King Crab Catch (Special: Baekjeon Veteran)

'Baekjeon Veteran'

It is a trait obtained by killing the boss monster'Hellwheel Great King Crab' in the deep-sea dungeon'Tomb of Poison'.

This trait is a metamorphic trait that increases HP or defense power as it hits.

Hong Ji-no's'Nanta' characteristic

It is a counter characteristic in relation to the opposite pole.

more! Hit more! harder!

I shouted to Heungjino.

Then Jino Hong stepped back with a creepy expression.

Damn it! Or eat it!"

He put his hands together to create a huge flame ball and throw it.


There was a loud binge drinking, and the whole area was colored red.

Sizzling or sizzling...

The fire spreads and spreads in the surrounding abandoned houses.

I laughed bloody.

"If it's fire, I use a little too."

At the same time, I expressed the'fire step' characteristic of'Ganshomaru's feet.


All the steps I took were covered with fire.

In that state, I also brought out the characteristics of the'Great King Crab Crab's Crab Hammer Gauntlets' and the Mawfish Catfish Tooth Red Knuckles.

'The earthquake and the eddy current turned the ground upside down at the same time.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa!

At the same time the ground is broken and smashed, they form a huge earth current.

As the whirlpool hit the fire, the whole area was swallowed up by fire.


A hot frenzy rushes and swallows everything.

However, Jino Hong wasn't very embarrassed.

Does not matter! I have extreme flame resistance!"

Jino Hong looked at me with a laughing expression.



Hong Ji-no's expression soon changes.

It's hot, but it's too hot.

"I'm sorry."

I expressed my condolences to Jino Hong.

No matter how much Hong Ji-no's flame resistance

Even if it was taken to the limit, it is the standard of a newbie to the last.

Isn't the'Ganshomaru's Footskin' I'm wearing an A+ grade item?

If you hit it well, there was no way that Hong Ji-no, who had the physical ability of one B-class monster, could survive.

Right then.

Damn it! I can't do it!"

Hong Ji-no pulled something out of the waist dance.


I opened my eyes round. An unexpected item appeared.

- Advanced burn treatment! D

A potion that temporarily increases fire resistance.

Hong Ji-no seems to have farmed a first aid kit that the organizers sprayed while visiting the abandoned house.

"Hey, are you lucky?"

I laughed bloody.

The flames that I caused and the flames that Jino Hong caused are intertwined and spreading.

The surrounding area is littered with red flames.

"Let's play!"

Jino Hong took all of his power and prepared a powerful blow.

Whether you have noticed the characteristics of the'baekjeon veteran', or if the damage falls a little, you have expressed the'penetration' characteristic that allows you to ignore the opponent's defense.


Hong Ji-no has been charging towards me, screaming like a boy's cartoon.

Fighting spirit! Passion! flame! fist!

friendship! If you have it, it is a character of a boy cartoon that can't be beaten.


I didn't really want to hang out with him.


I quickly started to run away.


Jino Hong was embarrassed to see me fall behind.

But even for a while, he started chasing me horribly.

'The Ma-Dong King of the world is running away!?'

Who is the Madong King?

Isn't that an existence that leads to fear even among the pros?

Such an opponent is now avoiding himself and is showing the appearance of throwing him back.

Hong Ji-no was courageous.

Hey! at there! Are you scared!"

He shouted in a great voice.

It was a comment that was conscious of the fans watching this in the video.

When greed supported some conviction, it became a goal.

'If I kill King Ma Dong after Im Joseph, I will be number one!'

Jino Hong thought so.

So the ruins drenched in red flames

It runs through and keeps running forward.

Right then.


I stopped running and stood in my place.

Then I turned back and looked at Hong Jino.

"This child!"

Jino Hong threw his fist at me to be right.


His fist hit the center of my face.


I stood there without buzzing.

Doesn't retreat even 1mm

This is due to the fact that the nature of the old battlefield has blossomed to the limit.

Hong Ji-no seemed to be embarrassed by an unexpected situation.

The enemy's face is as hard as a sheet of iron.

The body was also heavy like Cheon Geun-chu, so I didn't think I could move.

'What, what is it? Then why have you run away so far?'

Hong Ji-no struggled to ignore the creepy creeps on his back.

Something strange incongruity was making him uncomfortable.


"Now you know? You can write it like this."

I said briefly.

Looking at my smiling face, Jino Hong looked around in a hurry.


There is nothing unusual about it.

There are no enemy players and no hidden traps.

All around you are the flames of yourself and your enemies, the ground and buildings covered with red flames.

No, wait.


Hong Ji-no opened his eyes wide.

The ground and buildings are too red to be said to be because they are burning.

If it's the red light that the flames emit, there must be a shadow somewhere. It should look like blackened ashes, but there are no such things.

Only perfect'red' in the burning ruins!

The moment you realize it, Jino Hong's

The complexion changed rapidly.

"Red paper !?"

But it was too late.

It happened just as soon as there was no time to recover the main food that was in contact with the other person's face.


I heard you were covered by a binge drinking earlier.

I heard a sound that I didn't do.

It is the sound of'exclusion (排除)' that blows away all living things in the red zone.


Just as Im Joseph was, Hong Ji-no also fell into the red belt!


Before long, Hong Ji-no, who was in front of my eyes, disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Something falls in front of my shoe nose.

It was a fist cut neatly from the wrist.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 161
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