Domestic League Conquest (1)

March 21, 2021.

The 1st Dem Pro Championship came to an end in the Best League.

50 professional gamers who have passed the Challenge League and qualified as'Challenger' have crossed the entrance gate.

Among them, only 25 of the five teams, half of them, were able to pass the first gate of the Best League,'Battle Royale Ground Zero'.

And now, the fierce competition of the 25 top Korean players has begun.

Seoul'Kook K-Y, Gangwon'Mad Dog', Chungbuk'Korea Steel Livestock', Jeonbuk'Heaven and Earth', Gyeongnam 35'

All teams play each other once.

The rules are the same as in the Challenge League.

It is similar to a professional wrestling or fighting game with a 5:5 tag match.

After a total of 10 matches have been completed, only 3 teams will survive according to the points earned in the match.

1 victory point for winning.

2 points for an all-kill.

If you do a reverse all-kill, you get 3 points.

This point system is surprisingly well balanced.

When the opponent's ace comes out first, there are a variety of strategies such as sending the player with the least competitive ability to offset it, a strategy to aim for an all-kill by sending out an ace from the beginning, and a strategy of reversing all-kill that can be created just before the all-kill. It can get entangled.

So each team is in the order of entry

Even when weaving, we were engaged in all kinds of psychological warfare.


30,000 audiences came to see the competition unfolding today.

Challenge League or Best League! Compared to the 3rd round, it was less than half of the number, but it was still quite a crowd.

Rather, it's really hot at this point

It can be said that only passionate fans with luck and passion are left.

Those who brought tents and camping equipment also stood out for this game, which took place over 3 days and 2 nights at the Yongsan e-Sports Stadium.

And the long-awaited D Day, 5:30 pm.

[Now, then the second best league match! Let's start ah ah ah!]

With the loud shouts of caster Jeon Jeon.

The war of slaughter in the heavenly world began.

Kuk K-l VS Star Five

The match was held in the 3rd round of the 3rd round of Best League.

The highlight of this match is round 6

It was a big match between Im Joseph and Lee Joon-ho that took place in De.

Joseph Lim,'Dol Buddha', the number one in Korea's ranking.

Lee Jun-ho,'Ssang Kal', ranked 3rd in Korea.

The two losers at the top of the rankings faced off with full HP in the sixth round.

Im Joseph with two shields and Lee Jun-ho with two swords.

The two, who seemed to have swapped their weapons and armor one by one, faced each other tightly in the wasteland of'Deathcall Gulch'.

[ .]

[ .]

The two top gamers didn't say much to each other.

Extreme vs. Extreme Deal.

A bout where you don't know who will win.

The two entered the countdown and stared at each other silently for a while.


The first person who moved unexpectedly was Im Joseph, the wife of the stone Buddha.

Like a mammoth rushing with two ivory in front, Im Joseph struck Lee Jun-ho head-on.

A loud battle unfolded.

Lee Jun-ho constantly beat Im Joseph's sturdy shield and ivory using his unique twin sword fight.

Solid Defense Fat HP VS Sharp Attack Fast Speed

It was the most notable point in this match.


Surprisingly, after a collision of grounds.

In the aftermath of the reaction, Lee Jun-ho missed one of the two swords he was holding.

And it was the same with Im Joseph.


Joonho Lee and Joseph Lim are two each

Dropped one of his swords and two shields to the ground and had to pick it up again.

the problem is The two's items changed during the game.

Im Joseph held up his shield and Lee Jun-ho's sword.

Lee Jun-ho raised his sword and Im Joseph's shield.

Indeed, each other's items change

An absurd situation has happened.


The game was inclined to Im Joseph, who was able to skillfully use both a sword and a shield.

Lee Jun-ho did not know how to use a shield outside as a defense, but Im Joseph was also good at attacking with a shield.

In the end, Im Joseph pushed Lee Jun-ho's shield away with a sword and

He broke his head with a shield.

Afterwards, Im Joseph died after Lee Joon-ho because there was not much left behind.

Still, by catching the opponent's ace and cutting the next player's HP by about half, it gave a huge advantage in the exchange of deals between teams.

Korea Steel Livestock VS Kuk K-1

The next match was a decisive match against the Chungbuk team.

The match was held in the 6th round of the 3rd round of Best League.

The highlight of this match was Matthew'Trust'.

All-kill (AHkilD!

Matthew River jumped into the pool from round 1 to round 5.

In the middle of the 3rd round, he did not go out of the field except for a moment to recover his HP by shifting with'Shin-Bak' Choi Yeon-seok for a while.

The wizard, who tried to fill the field with vampire plants, retired as he watched the field become a fireball by the fire fist of the Avatar God.

As I spread the distance, I constantly aim an arrow

The archer who was raging was caught up in a flash and retired.

Healers with solid defense and high divine power are retired after receiving penetrating damage.

The magic swordsman, who was dealing with both magical and physical attacks at the same time, couldn't feed even one effective hit, but after losing his concentration from the middle, he was counterattacked with one shot.

The tanker with a large shield and ax applied for a 1:1 head-to-head battle, and all armor was smashed and retired.

Mataegang, the trustee.

He's got the water right.

As a result of measuring the deal meter, the industry's theory is that the ranking is likely to be revised upward after the economy is over.

If that happens, he

It will be pushed out and placed in the top 5 in the Korean rankings.

K-L vs. Heaven and Earth

The next match was a match against Jeonbuk's strongest team, Heaven and Earth.

The match was held in the 8th round of the 3rd round of Best League.

In this game, Song Byung-gun and Lee Yeon

Ho's performance was remarkable.

Whether there was not enough victory points, Agent Ryu, who came to the match aiming for an all-kill, was afraid of momentum from the start.

To break the aggressive offensive, Song Byung-gun, whose clocking time doubled, and Lee Yeon-ho, who had a genius sense, were put in turn.

After a whopping 4 hours of tag matching, Ryu Yo-won has never switched to his successor, and Litai

I got it.

Although Song Byung-gun and Lee Yeon-ho were also moribund, as long as they captured the opponent's ace, the follow-up runners had nothing to fear.

When Im Joseph, whose nickname was changed to'Mammoth', and Matthew'Tooshin', put the rest of the runners neatly organized, the game ended somewhat in vain.

amazing! That's a great achievement!"

Um Jae-young hugged everyone and shouted with emotion.

Originally, Kuk K-1 was a strong team, but it was not a very strong team so far.

Im Joseph, who was the number one in the team's rankings, felt overconfidence and neglected to learn without knowing.

Lee Yeon-ho, who was second in the team's rankings,

Except for Im Joseph, I did not recognize the rest as a team.

Matthew, who was ranked 3rd in the team, turned around without getting along with the team members.

Song Byung-gun, who was fourth in the team's rankings, was cautioned to go only moderately.


The 0P character called Madong King is on the team

Everything has changed since coming in.

Im Joseph seemed to be shocked to realize that he was nothing in the appearance of an overwhelming strong man.

When geniuses are overwhelmed, they often fall apart or grow further, but Im Joseph belonged to the latter.

Lee Yeon-ho has a stronger presence in front of him than Im Joseph, whom he longed for.

When he appeared, he changed the object of his yearning.

Now he started running toward the Ma-Dong King.

The Matthew River was also similar.

He didn't say anything, but it was Matthew Kang who always made coffee without saying a word when King Madong appeared in the practice room.

Song Byung-gun was still cautioning to do it in moderation.

However, with the appearance of King Ma Dong, the amount of effort of other members has risen dramatically, and in order to meet the average level, we had to increase the amount of practice tremendously.

Because of this, he was always struggling to keep average even in the changed team atmosphere.

'Demon king! You are a treasure!'

Um Jae-young is looking towards me who has never participated in the game.

I was frowned.


I was still looking at the draw with a thoughtful look.

' Let's see.'

I thought while looking at the score so far.

Everything fits exactly as expected within the margin of error.

Seyeopajuk (勢如破竹)!

Agent Jihwa (燎原之火)!

The green earth (破竹之勢)! Consecutive winning streak 連戰連勝 !

The rise of the K-1 team was great, but it was not enough to surprise me.

The competition was moving in a similar way to the memories of the past.

The exact number of rounds and the number of killets are different, but the order of matching teams and teams and player entries are all the same in my memory.

'If that's the case, the'extraordinary' will start from now on...

As I looked at the draw, I swallowed swelling.

Gangwon-do national team'Mad Dog'

An emerging team from the least competitive region.

It is a team that no one paid attention to because they had no outstanding ranking or record.


If my memory is correct

Today, the old 1 is defeated by the team'Mad Dog' who has little business.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 168
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