Island of many things to bridge (1)

Thoroughly- check it-

The waves hit the boat and crumple white.

Sacred flowers are in full bloom all over the place.

"The weather is nice."

I said to the sea.

Softly... Rumble/

The sea was rough.

Haemu, which can't be seen one inch ahead, chokes.

The sound of thunder sometimes thundering through the thick fog.

" Is this good weather?"

Drake asked as if he was absurd.

The NPCs who were sailing before departure had torn and dried several times.

If you go out to sea in this weather, you will die or disappear 100%.

But from my point of view, the weather is right.

Because the dungeon that I'm going to attack today is a place that I can't go to unless it's weather like this

'Buyu Island'

A long time ago, this is where I had to give up my strategy and return due to my lack of ability.

Acre, a small port city, comes out after passing through the'Meat Boiled Jungle' and'Meat Jungle'.

On a stormy night, when all NPCs are forced to go out and get on a boat at Acre's port,

It is possible to enter a special dungeon.

I once went back to the bar after receiving only the quest for the statue of Pygmalion there.

Drake asked, paddling.

"How do you know a place like this?"

"I've been there before. I also took a video. Skill at that time

I just went back because it was not enough."

" That's great."

Drake just wants to.

He doesn't ask anything about me first.

I liked the reticent point.


I keep going through the rain and wind


It was a pretty muscular job, but it wasn't difficult for me who had a lot of level up.

Even though the boat shakes with anxiety, it proceeds without losing the center of Yongke.

Hood Duck- Hood Duck-

The mist on the sails flows into water and wets both of us.

When I paddled, Drake picked up a bucket and poured cold water into the boat, and when he paddled, I scooped water from the bucket.

The boat we both got is the most expensive in Acre.

If you handle the sharpy sail, the rope, and the oar well, it will never sink.

'Of course, under the premise that all safe routes are memorized.'

I keep living the swaying wave

It was blooming and adjusting the direction of the sail.


I witnessed a fun sight.

Creak- creak-

A ship was approaching from the front.

The ship was very old and frayed.

Long wander through storms and fog

It seems to be Athan.

A ragged sail, a rotten stern, a ship wall with holes in several places, and ropes hanging out of it.

It was a ghost ship.

Geek! Geek!

This scrap ship slowly passed by the side of our ship.

I didn't bump into it due to the slightest difference.

What, are there other players who are wandering here besides us?

Drake admired.

Looking at the ship's condition, it looks like he's been running a pretty hard grade.

Indeed, I thought that the world is wide and there are many geniuses.



Eventually, Drake's eyes wide open as he checked the inside of the ship that was approaching.

In the misty water mist.

This is because there were things moving on the deck of the abandoned ship.


They were dancing like marionettes on the decaying deck.

A movement that makes viewers feel creepy.

Watching that strange movement makes me feel bad.

Drake took a closer look at the skeletons on the abandoned ship.

It wasn't a monster.

According to the traces of the items worn, the bodies of the players are harmed.

It seems that only goals remain.

He tilted his head.

What? Are they players? Why in this place like that... ."


I had a guess.

In the past, I posted a strategy to go to floating islands on the Internet.

That's a lot of hits, maybe?'

At that time, it was possible that quite a few people left the floating island raid after watching the video I uploaded.

However, the floating island was a place that even I at the time could not even try to attack.

All those who saw my strategy and tinkered with me would have faced a miserable death.

"The result will be that."

I looked closely at the skeletons dancing round and round on the deck.

Ghost ships and skeletons.

If you look closely, they are woven in a transparent thread.

Like a marionette.

The water mist forever wrapped around the thread

A curse to wander inside.

And the threads that were holding them stretched out toward the other side of the fog.

It is not known what the hell is controlling them even after death.

"Why did the players' bodies remain undisassembled?"

Drake tilted his head.

I began to explain with my arms folded.

"It must have been taken by an unknown monster and the body was stolen."

I pretended to be explaining, and I joked over the oars.

"The route here is complicated, and if you paddle at least a little wrong, you will quickly fall into a strange place. It's not a place where New Bees can go."

I started to advise Drake.

He nodded as if he knew well.

"Down. But why don't you play?"

" Uh yeah, I'm going to catch it again now."


As I expected, the shipwreck was pushed by the ocean currents and began to enter the dangerous zone.


In front of the shipwreck, a noisy mass of water arises.



A large eel and squid blocked the front of the boat!

Sea Serpent -Class: B / Traits: Water, Beast, Thank You, Sneaky

-Habitat: All sea

一 Size: 10m.

-If the boat on the calm sea suddenly sank without a sound, this is probably the case.

It also eats flying monsters flying above the sky with a long neck stretched out.

Natural Squid -Grade: B+ / Characteristics: Water, Fighting Fist, Fast Fist, 1:1

-Habitat: All sea

-Size: 14m.

-A competition in the sea wearing boxing gloves on ten legs. It is said that you can make more than a hundred fists per second.

Boxing gloves only stick to the maker's products.

If you ride the ocean current even a little wrong, the attack of these marine monsters continues.

An eel with large ears like an elephant, and a squid with a huge size.

Both field mobs appear only on stormy nights.

The shipwreck in the mist was completely destroyed by the appearance of these two sea monsters.

It stood and soon sank.

Drake and I quickly paddled and moved away from the scene of the brawl.

"These are the miscellaneous mobs that are haunting in this area. There are a lot of pages, and the instincts of each area are clear. Even one by one is pretty high grade, so it's very annoying if you turn it to the enemy."

"It's sick of fighting sea monsters."

Drake shook his head. I guess I thought of a fight with the old Kraken.


"What about this, this time there is a monster that I have to grab and go."

I stood on my prow and stretched my fingers.


Drake narrowed his eyes.

You can see something huge floating on the sea.

It was a jellyfish.

Floating oil tentacle'Oil Tenta'

-Grade: B+ / Characteristics: Water, floating, infinite growth, overeating

-Habitat: Coast of floating island

-Size: ?m.

-A large jellyfish that floats on the water in everyday life.

Although it doesn't really harm humans, it is said that sometimes fishermen hate them because they eat too many rockfish and sardines.

Indeed, a huge jellyfish could be seen floating above the water.

On a translucent jelly-like body

There are many tentacles like rae.

On both sides of the round body, there were two large holes that are now blocked, one for the mouth and the other for the anus.

(Both are wrinkled, wrinkled holes, so you don't know which side is the mouth and the anus)

The oil tentacle'Oil Tenta' named monster appears!

Drake frowned at this jellyfish, large enough to look like a large reef.

"You want to catch this?"

Exactly, it's dragging.

I touched the jellyfish with a paddle and said.

This oil tenta is a monster that eats a lot of fish under the sea and floats on the sea without doing anything while they are being digested.

It is not particularly aggressive, so it does not attack players first.

Just very occasionally, when I'm hungry, I open my big mouth to suck in a herd of sardines, and when digestion is done, I open the anus and spray the excrement.

Seawater is sucked in for 24 hours, digested for 24 hours, and excrement is flushed out for 24 hours.

"It's a beautiful life."

I looked down at Haepa Lee with an enviable expression.

It seems that it is time for Oil Tenta to take a break while eating a lot of food.


I paddled and placed the boat next to the jellyfish.

Then, I picked up the tentacles of the guy floating on the water.


The tentacles soaked in oil were soft and slippery.

I held it tightly on the back of the ship.

"Will it be heavy?"

Anyway, the jellyfish's body is all full of fish oil, so it's not too heavy.

We paddled slowly.

The currents and winds were also on our side, so the ship was able to move smoothly even with a large jellyfish attached to the back.


A eerie shadow casts from the other side of the misty fog.

Drake stopped rowing and stretched his finger toward the front.

"Is what you see over there is the purpose of this?"

I nodded.

Shadows sway through fog and storms.

Its overwhelming ominousness and gloomyness.

It's been a while since it's been a while.

Fuyu Island -Class:?

An island floating by the ocean currents.

Neither the land nor the sea.

A bizarre map without even pesky coordinates.

Disgusting tastes will overflow with the grotesque appearance that looks like it will appear in the sketch drawn by a maniac.

Lee is the space.

That nightmare appeared before us.

"Are you attacking this island today? Who is the owner of that island? What is the risk level?"

Drake dug in unfavorably.

That would be the case, because floating islands are really bizarre.

The moment I see it, the thought of entering into it disappears.

A + grade super-high-risk monster, Basilisk, was trapped in the 'Birds' Nest.

If Drake, who even jumped in there without hesitation, came to this place and hesitated like this, it means that he has finished talking about the ominousness of floating islands.

I respond to him in a gentle way


"The catch is'Eight Legged King', the owner of this island. The grade is...


Drake's expression is distorted in astonishment when he hears me.

" S+"

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 205
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