Lord of the Paris

Flies) (2)

The constellation of binge eating and corruption,'Beljebub'

Small maggots born from the remains of a corpse have evolved and evolved.

All carrion in this world has priority to him.

The Demon Sovereign (至尊) oversees all plagues and deaths.

Of all the demons in the world, only six can match them.

'Paris the Great... Right. Somehow, I heard that the storm is getting worse and worse... Was it that guy?'

I clenched my teeth.

The sea was swaying like crazy by the flapping of Belzeboob's wings.

It is he who causes natural disasters just by being there.

" Culekium's last action now makes sense."

I remembered the end of the Eight Legged King.

Life gained for 100 seconds, absolute strength.

Culekium used it to split the sea into eight pieces.

After that, I was able to come under pressure as much as I could.

But it didn't do anything at the last minute.

I just stood blankly looking at one side of the sea.

If you think about it now, it may be because of eye contact with Belzebop.

The moment the eyes meet. Culekium'resigned'.

One of the characteristics of insects is that they become hard when standing in front of a monster stronger than themselves.

Even with the same S+ grade, the prices are different between fixed and non-fixed.

"Well, I have to thank you for stopping Culekium's last attack

In a way, the appearance of this guy could save his life.

I looked at the bell and made a grunt.

I felt that the back of the body inside the capsule was getting wet.

Cold sweat flows down like rain.


Belzeboop spoke.

[You have nothing to do.]

It's a word that points to me.

I have to be very nervous.

One of the seventeen strongest rulers in this world is looking down at me now.

' In any case.'

I clenched my teeth.

It's incredibly premature, but... Still, it is an enemy to fight someday.

As long as I have the three mysteries in my body, and the last weapon, neither will I easily fall apart.

I kept my mouth shut and waited for Belzeboo to speak.

This gigantic fly soon opened its mouth with a speech full of contempt and arrogance.

[I originally came here to meet the'Eight Legged King'.]

[Because we need a powerful allied lord who will empower our side for the upcoming war against the dragons.]

The words are alliances. Actually, the master-slave relationship

It must have been to conclude.

No matter how powerful the Eight Legged King is, and there are countless spiders under it, it is still impossible to disobey the powerful ruling monarch who holds half of the current world.

(Flies dominate spiders, so it sounds a little weird)

On the other hand, when I heard Belzebop's plan, I also felt creepy.

The spider monsters that exist in this world are basically sticking to the neutral position.

It doesn't matter whether it's a demon or a dragon, stay far away, and if you can just fill your stomach, it's enough.

But what if the Eight Legs Great King is under the control of the Demon Legion?

With the addition of S-class monsters, the demon army will be able to achieve a tremendous increase in power.

How about the countless spiders who will follow the Eight Legged King and come under the control of the devil?

'I know it won't happen in the main story, but it was almost a big deal.'

Even if it was a little late, I felt like it was almost a big deal.

The content of the quest was realistic and vivid.


Belzeboob kept making a buzzing sound of wings.

He said in an unfortunate tone.

[But, because of your little things, the Eight Legged King has disappeared!]

[Oh, Tongjae. One great alliance lord was gone, so I had been smitten by vanity. It is entirely your fault.]

The big, red-eyed eyes on both sides of the face of Belzebov moved down a little.

Hundreds of millions of small eyeballs were gathered in the huge orbit.

One of my faces is in each of the hundreds of millions of eyes of Belzebov.

The momentum of the fixed S+-class monster was really great, so as soon as I met my gaze, I plunged into the seat.

The illusion as if the whole body was torn to pieces and divided into pieces.

It feels like the flesh is deprived of countless maggots.

Rather, Drake is standing upright and guarding me.

Seeing his spacious back, I was able to calm down a little.

Beljeboo continued to speak.

[Stirring the wings in vain makes me feel very bad, but I'm not going to be like a constellation of Akka, and I'm going to hold it up once.]

Five? Do you mean you'll save me?

I took a sneak peek at 3 novels.

And I also put Solomon's necklace in my hand in my arms for a while.

Pearl Tteok Pearl Tteok Pearl Tteok Pearl Tteok_

Solomon's necklace was beating loudly like the heart of a person facing the enemy, but it is not yet the time.


Belzeboop brought out the real business.

[Instead, you should gather your little things under the king's hands. Instead of the eight-legged great king, you guys will be the limbs' limbs

At the same time, options emerged before my eyes.


The main quest 'The Dragon Horse War' has been activated! One of the seven constellations of the demon tribe,'Belzebop of gluttony and corruption', has made a direct scout offer. Will you accept to join his corps?

One. Acceptance 2, rejection

Drake looked at me with a confused expression.

"Eojin, what should I choose?"

I responded with a cold sweat.

'If you press rejection in the atmosphere, it's natural to die...

However, when I accept it, it takes my mind to be attached as a subordinate to the Demon Legion.

If this is the case, there is no point in choosing the human camp when you first caught Yong-ok's torture engineer in the tutorial.

'God, I haven't heard of this option!'

I was looking nervously at the options in front of me.


I had a good idea.

Dark King's'choice' trait.

It always shows the best way in 50% of situations.

In Solomon's eyes, I looked at Belzeboob's proposal.


,..I can not see?'

I felt my heart pounding.

What options are available in Solomon's eyes?

I don't see what to choose.

'Oh my gosh! Mr. Solomon! Are you blinded that the demon who has corrupted you is right in front of you!?'

I had no choice but to open my mouth to the absurd heart.

Was Solomon's eyes blinded by anger?

Or is it a no-answer whichever you choose?

Between'accept' and'reject'

I hesitated.

Right then.


The patience of'Belzeboob' reaches its limit.

Belzeboob's whole body burned brightly.

At the same time, heo-yeon underwater air began to spew out from the surrounding sea.

The temperature around him began to rise when Belzeboob got angry.

Buzz Buzz B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B b B b b b b b b b B b b b b b b b b b b B b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ... .

The nearby sea water boiled with a loud noise.

The great king of Paris was angry.

[The devil constellation does not wait. It's even more against something insignificant like you!]

There were no counts.

Belzeboob suddenly took a choice and abandoned it, and soon he began to reveal blatant malice.

"You crazy fickle Parisian! It hasn't been 3 seconds yet!"

I woke up frightened.

There is no way to run away from this guy in front of you. Fighting for death

I have to!

"Chi, calm down, Drake! When I say Lu... perhaps Maybe I can win!"

However, Drake was already feeding the crossbow with a cold expression.

"You're the most excited."

is it? Ready for battle anyway!"

Me and Drake are ready for battle.


The other person... The ruler of the ruling class who divides the world into 17 equal parts, the constellation of the demon tribe, the great king of all the decaying and sick things in this world.


Against this mythical monster we have to fight!

"Even if you die, you kill and die!"

I took over the hatred of the Dark King and went into battle.

It's a slim probability, but I definitely had a way to deal with Belzebop.

Of course I will die 100%.


Just before we start the raid.

There was a thing that hindered it.


The boiled sea shattered loudly.

Under the water, a giant monster soared with a loud cry.

[This dirty Parisian

It was between me and Belze Boop floating on the sea.


Drake opened his eyes wide between the pouring water.

What filled the field of vision is a burning prominence (紅焰).

It was the scales that seemed to have hardened the flames!

Mu 己Gmar Level: S+ / Special^:?

-habitat: ?

-Size: 55m.

-One of the seven monarchs who rule over all dragons in this world.

The great red dragon that rules the desert and craters.

"I have decided not to understand you and the world will be bleak."

-Mormir T Silver Medicine Kings' Verse 7

Red Dragon!

What appeared in front of him was a red dragon, which can be said to be the flame itself.

The incarnation of lava and fire 化身 Mor G'mar.

Lava flowed down from the tip of the horns that protruded from the head.

A flame drips between the teeth and the cracks of the scales.

Just by his appearance, a huge amount of seawater evaporated as if it were exploding.

A monster whose appearance is overwhelming.

As soon as Morgmar, the red dragon, appeared, he made an empty stop for Paris, the great king of Belzevu.

[The corpse of a rat or the old man who lived there was a lot bigger.]

Belzeboop didn't answer.



He just struck Morgmar with a loud fluttering sound.

The red dragon meets the great fly

it started.

I quickly threw the oars at Drake.


" Oh, okay!"

Drake quickly started rowing.

The same was true of me.

The fixed S+ class that makes up this world

Two monsters started fighting.

This is different from the monster battles I watched with interest so far.

The dragonlord and the devil constellation.

The fight between the two is terrifying enough to blow up the whole sea!

I can't believe Belzeboob's offer

Because it was not locked, Morgmar is not paying much attention to this direction.

'Thank you Solomon!'

There was a reason that the selection characteristics were all quiet. It meant that neither accept nor reject!

Chooak- Chooak-

We paddled hard and avoided our seats.

I had to run away before the fight ignited in earnest.

There wasn't much to say.

Damn it! Let's see it somewhere!"

The third-class villains who run away after defeat, or the words that are not scared to spit out.

However, today was the day when I felt more deeply about the situation of the third villain than the protagonist.


Kwa-Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

A huge storm began to rush around the place where the two monsters met.

If it doesn't bounce quickly .

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 215
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