Upside Down Rain (5)

The huller-deng characteristic is truly a subtle characteristic.

A skill that randomly peels off items equipped by the attacker and the attacker one by one.

Items peeled off are 24 hours

It becomes impossible to equip for a while, and as the item is removed, the attack power of the person with the huller-deng characteristic increases temporarily.

It's almost useless when dealing with monsters, but the story is different when it comes to PVP.

Dalki, whose effectiveness varies according to writing?

It is literally a serendipity, which, if used well, can yield more than expected profits.

' But I don't need it.'

I was looking down at the Bald Emperor Suri with my arms folded.

In fact, the hulledeng trait is a trait that disappears after the cataclysm.

To be more precise, after Cataclysm, all of the characteristics obtained by catching A-class monsters disappear.

Monsters all over the world will be leveled upward in line with the cataclysmic ecosystem.

Accordingly, the system is forcibly reorganized by giving the title only when monsters of A+ grade or higher are defeated!

" It will be more and more tricky to get the title. Well, I'm not worried about it now."

I muttered to myself and crossed my arms.


The raid is in full swing under the rock where I stand.

The four members of Nia and Manager Woo-Ram Lim are fighting hard with the Bald Emperor Su-ri.


Like a gentleman, the Bald Emperor Suri informs the attack pattern in advance with the sound of crying and motion.

He had a very monotonous attack pattern, not like an A-class monster.

It is often said that flying-type monsters have a trickier attack pattern than other monsters of their class, but this bald emperor eagle is the only exception.

Poop Poop!

The bald emperor eagle flew into the sky and launched another feather attack.

Then, if you are tired, come back to the ground and take a break.

Each time Nia members attacked the bald emperor Su-ri.

Then, there is no doubt that the huller-deng character will be revealed.


Whenever the hulledeng character bursts, you can hear a non-singerri.

It was because the members of Nia who had their clothes removed made a sound.

Most of the items that were already covering the body were in a state of being removed, but they continued to scream without getting tired.

Spending time screaming is very damaging.

Doesn't it mean that if you attack once more at that time, your contribution will increase and your raid time will be shortened?

I touched my forehead with my hand.

"I thought there were no men and women on the bus, only drivers and passengers There were also terrorists."

The Nia members couldn't easily shake the fear of the item being peeled off.

"Oh, I can't fight properly to cover my body, oh ."

Park Bo-yeon looked at me with a sad expression.

Although her crying expression was so cute and pretty that it was really exhilarating.

" Then I should die."

I didn't even snort.

A terrorist who ruins my odds if the opposite sex, no matter how pretty or handsome, does not do well as long as they play the game together.

It is only.

That's the fate of gamers!


The Bald Emperor Suri once again threatened the Nia members with a sharp beak and claws.

Right then.

" Oh no!?"

Park Bo-yeon accidentally got a foot on the stone

I stumbled.


Bald Emperor Suri rushed over Park Bo-yeon.

He looks like he's going to peck her in a blow.


Park Bo-yeon closed her eyes tightly.



Park Bo-yeon did not take any damage.

Just a few drops of blood splashed on her face.

" Gosh!"

Manager Woo-Ram Lim.

He was blocking the relationship between Bald Emperor Su-ri and Park Bo-yeon!

" brother!?

When Park Bo-yeon got up in a hurry, Manager Lim Woo-ram opened his palm to him.

Do not come! Smear blood!"


"You can't get a death penalty. I have to go to the competition."

That's the last of Manager Woo-Ram Lim

It was a will.


The Bald Emperor Suri threw manager Lim Woo-ram to the ground.

Log out of death.

Manager Woo-Ram Lim eventually became retired.


Park Bo-yeon's eyes turned red.

The manager who threw his life to save himself.

Sorry, gratitude, and a sense of vengeance rise deep in my heart.

She turned and shouted at me.

"This bad guy! How can I not blink an eye!?"

why me?

"You could have saved it! Our manager oppa!"

Park Bo-yeon's protest sounds reasonable at first glance.

That is why the other NIA members are shooting me with an angry expression.

But I shook my head.

"I told you for sure. I don't intervene in the raid."

"Yes, though!"

"No matter what. Another attack comes. damage!

When I raised my fingers and shouted, the NIA members were forced to cry and turn their heads to eat mustard.


The Bald Emperor Sui is attacking again.

This kinky bald head! It's like a naked and crazy bird! Don't let it go!

The members of Nia were furious at the death of manager Lim Woo-ram.

Thanks to this, I think I have a little bit of goodwill.

'I don't have to tell you that the bald emperor is a female.'

The atmosphere of the battlefield was changing little by little.

I looked at the situation calmly.

The Nia members and the Bald Emperor Su-ri were fighting the same over and over again.

After having exchanged numerous workshops, all of the Nia members are naked, and the crown of the bald emperor Su-ri is so empty.


The members of Nia, who have even removed their weapons, rush with their bare hands.

However, the bald emperor eagle stretched out its wings to block their bare fists.

I saw it and shouted.

"Don't hit it with your bare hands! If your weapon is taken off, lift up the top of the floor and hit it! That side is much more offensive

This is counting! It's also an ability to use the surrounding artifacts well!"

Then the members of Nia picked up the stone from the floor with expressions supported by evil.

Their physical attack power has risen quite a bit.

In that state, the members of Nia beat and beat the Great Head Emperor Sui again.

Puck 一

As soon as a great stone hits the bald emperor eagle's body.

Holler Deng-

One item comes off without fail.

" Shit! town!

Park Bo-yeon is trying to scream while looking at the stripped bottoms and sleeps.

I shut the mouth of the god.

An expression that feels shameful and desperate at the same time.

Not only Park Bo-yeon, but also Park So-dam, Bae Soo-ji, and Yoon Do-na were all showing the same expression.

I yelled at her one more time.

"You are not a woman! And I'm not even a celebrity! One person's'Gamer' is all!"

"Gamers don't wear clothes as they become more advanced players]! Look at me!"

Then Park Bo-yeon screams wickedly while swinging the stone.

"The other rankers all wear clothes!?"

"Ha? so! Those other rankers play games more than me

Are you good?"

Of course not.

Wasn't it this body that killed the Angsin Zodiac in the Pro League?

Currently, there are no professional players that can be compared to those in the professional league.

If there is, is it about the Madong King?

Knowing that, Park Bo-yeon was silent with a tight bite of her lips.

I shouted to those girls.

"Trust me and follow me. I will make you the king of the AE generation."

After I finished talking, I calculated the remaining HP of the Bald Emperor Suri.

At this point, you will be able to receive rewards based on your contribution.

I moved my body only then.


As I jumped high into the air, I fell towards the body of the Bald Emperor Suri.


The bald emperor saw my approach and raised his beak.

And with all your might, to me

Started to bump into it.

"Up, it's dangerous!"

Nia members shouted at me.

But I didn't care.

"Grow up your hair!"

This was the last virtue I gave to the enemy in front of me.


The moment my fists collide with the beak of the Bald Emperor Eagle!

The trait of the scabbard child and the trait of antagonism were expressed at the same time.

Poop Poop!

The body of the Bald Emperor Sui exposed to tremendous reflection damage bursts.

I live with 1 HP left

At the same time, he fully recovered his HP through vampirism.


The Bald Emperor Suri was lying in the wasteland with his tattered body.

Blow (一撃)!

In just one shot, A-class monsters were destroyed.

That's why I'm the only one

Although the cloak he was wearing disappeared, he became completely naked.


The eyes of the NIA members who looked at me like that were 180 degrees different from the previous one.

Originally, the moment when a newbie is attracted to a deceased person is simple.

When you get rid of the strong monster you've been catching with so much trouble!

Especially among the members, Park Bo-yeon's gaze was the hottest.

'In a blow to that monster-like bird... .'

She took turns looking at me and the huge body under my feet.


The eyes of Park Bo-yeon and I met in one place.


Park Bo-yeon trembled.

I am naked, and Park Boyeon is also naked.

However, my gaze is only penetrating Park Bo-yeon's eyes.

Without even paying attention to her naked body, which is clearly visible under her neck.


It would not be unusual to have this thought in Park Bo-yeon's mind.

' This person is real!'

* * *

character! Once more!''

Special training began under my loud cry.

Nia's members are bald again

Fights with the Emperor Suri.

This time, Manager Woo-Ram Lim, who reconnected to the game after receiving all the death penalty, is also with him.

" Wow, Master! It's hard and I think I'll die!"

Bae Su-ji, who is the weakest among the members, makes a whining sound.

But I cut her shoulder with a knife.

"I can still play 15 minutes more from HP. Birding!"

"Hoe-e-en! The game system hates this! The faking disease is not through!"

The members of Nia are again trying to hunt for the Bald Emperor Eagle.

It took a whopping three raids before all the members had the'Huler Deng' characteristic as passive.

, Hmm.'

I thought as I watched the NIA members work together and exchange workshops.

``The trait of'Tank Team' goes well with the trait of'Hulle Deng', but is it a bit late to get it now?'

The trait is the trait used by Pro Team Mad Dog's Bang Cheol-woo.

Instead of avoiding the opponent's attack,

Technique to hit.

But now it takes too long to get that trait.

'Instead, I should write a trick to make up for it.'

I closed my eyes and rolled my head.

As a girl group that will become famous for their sword group dance in the future, the NIA members match really well in attacking and defending.

To make the most of this advantage...

" okay. Was there a'that bug'?"

I clapped my hands.

An emergency patch was released out of nowhere, so I only knew after fixing the bug.

Come to think of it, there is little left that is the emergency patch. A little over a month

Are there more left?

"Before it becomes a patch and disappears, I have to use it as soon as possible. It's perfect."

I nodded as I watched the members of Nia fighting with the Bald Emperor Su-ri.

Now, it remains only to learn them until the day of the decisive battle.

It's so severe that the'body' remembers it.

(Worn and Worn Newbie)

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 252
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