Idol stripping (1)

Finally, the day of the idol e-sports championship has dawned.

The front of Goyang Indoor Gymnasium is already full of huge crowds.

The number of visitors that can enter is only 400, but there are already thousands

I could see those who become me camp around the gym.

It is a fandom gathered to support the idols they all love.

"BTS Fighting!"

"The helmet boys are cool!"

"I like BTS brothers!"

"Han Joo-min Facing to Become Uncle Fan Idol!"

Various idols are called.

The heat inside the gym is even more

It was hot.

As soon as you enter, you will see a huge number of banners and plan cards.

A cheerleader who gathers and shouts.

From their teens to their 60s, the age group of the fandom varies.

It is truly a venue for festivals that become one with idols.

The peculiarity is that the heat of the festival is not gathered in one, but is completely separated.

And it is that they are in tight confrontation with each other.

"Uh_ahah! Our'Girl's Friend, is the best!'

huh! What are you talking about! Our'cousin sucking cheeks' is the prettiest!"

"Sit down and talk to the children! Our'Infinite Gauntlets' brothers can't see their faces! I'm afraid I'll leave half of it out."

Mom! I came to the X0 brothers' athletic meet today!"

daughter! Mom, look at TOH oppas today

I can't go in because I have to

Numerous idol fandoms are fighting tightly.

But among them, by far, the size of the fan was overwhelming.

"Big! re! wave! S! Get up!"

"I love you, sisters! crayon.


"Yeonji Lee! pretty!

"Gazua-ah, No. 1 in crayons!"

They were the ones who sang the girl group crayons.

As crayons boasting a huge fandom, they were the ones who took the most seats today.

In time, the idols who are the runners of the day come in with the smoke of dry ice.


Cheers echo throughout the stadium.

The idols went up on the stage to relax or went to the audience to greet the fans.

Some even entered the capsules on the stage early and greeted the fans with their own game characters that appeared on the giant billboard.

Today's stage is the competition for survival in the game played by idols.

It is similar in format to Pro League's'Battle Royale Ground De Zero', also known as'Bag'.

A total of 100 idols will compete for survival, and the surviving team will immediately take the honor of winning.

If there is only one last survivor, the team that one belongs to will win, and even if there are many survivors, if they are all one team, of course, that team's right

It is recognized as a win.

Those who commented on the competition were the same faces I saw in the pro league.

Caster Jeon Yong-jin grabbed the microphone with embarrassing laughter.

[Hey, if there is a dem relay where this is, I will come out. It might be boring, but please be patient. Everyone in the audience!]

However, the popularity of Jeon-Jin Caster is the best.

As his familiar voice echoed throughout the stadium, all the fans arose and cheered again.

It was the same cheer as the idols when they entered.

This is because the people who come here are not just idol fandoms.

Idol fan + game fan

Those gathered here today are fans who are very affectionate in both fields.

It wasn't just that they gathered to see their favorite idols, but the content of the game they were going to unfold was also of interest.


The casters began to exchange preliminary explanations about this event among themselves.

[Yes, this time, a total of 100 seniors and fairies will be gathered to engage in a fierce competition for survival. Where are our players going to play today?]

[The stage of this survival competition is the'Sword's Plateau'. It often leads to the road to the'brave of the brave.']

[Aha! If it's a brave's grave, isn't that a tower-type huge dungeon consisting of 108 floors?]

[Yes. Sword's Plateau is a wide open-field dungeon that unfolds before going to the Tomb of the Brave.]

[There may be some people who do not know, so can I check the map settings a little before the match?]

[Yes, it is. Kal's Plateau is a plain located in the alpine region. It is said that in a long time ago, many races were entangled in this place and fought large-scale battles. Demons, giants, angels, spirits, dragons

It is said that as a result of several races and other races entangled in one place, nothing can live on this land.]

[Aha. There was such a setting. Somehow I thought that if I only went here, undead monsters would appear.]

[Yes Yes. All of them are the remaining soldiers who were unable to achieve success after losing in the race war. Because of that, aren't there so many weapons stuck all over the earth? All old and rusted

There is not much value as an item.]

Casters eagerly explain the map.

As they say, Kal's Plateau is a large plain situated on the hillside of the high mountains.

The ghosts of the battlefield wander over the earth, where numerous swords, spears, and arrows are embedded.

But now, it was clean because the GM squads organized all the undead monsters inhabiting this place.

In the empty plateau, there are countless numbers of old weapons, but no living thing stands out.

[Thanks to our GM Team Manager for the hard work of cleaning the map.]

The dedicated caster sits outside the window

I bowed my head toward those who were there.

They all wear black hats and are silent.

Only the woman sitting in front of her was greeted by Caster, a dedicated staff member who bowed her head.

Nam Sena, head of GM processing team.

She was looking at the signboard with her arms folded with a boring expression.

The girls her age down there are cheering hard for the male idol group, but she doesn't seem to be interested in it at all.


Under that, idols were handing out gifts and lunch boxes to fans.

Wow! Thank you for coming! handshake!

Oh my God! You're here again! Get your lunch here!

"Thank you for your support. Here's my gift! I have a letter."

Exchanges between celebrities and fans are active.

In the case of idol groups with too many fans, managers and staff also carried lunch and water instead.


Nia also moved to find their fans.

"Young tea!"

Park Bo-yeon, Park So-dam, Bae Su-ji, and Yoon Do-o-I picked up the drinks, water, lunch boxes, letters, and hot packs I put in the box.

These are also gathered, so they weigh quite a bit.

The members of Nia went out to find their fans with lunch boxes for 10 people and other reverse tribute items.

"Nia Fan Cafe" Evolein

(EVOLRAIN), guys!"

"Where are everyone!"

"We are here!"

Get your lunch! It's Nia!"

The members of Nia, including Park Bo-yeon, eagerly walked around the audience with lunch boxes.

There are 10 out of 400 fandoms, so the scale is small.

So it may be a little difficult to find.


No matter how much I searched the audience seats, I couldn't see these 10 Bolane members.

Despite having to go back and forth three times in that wide audience, Nia's fan'Evolein didn't appear.

No matter how much, no matter how much you call and wait.

"Evolein, everyone ."

Park Bo-yeon stopped shouting and dropped his shoulders.

The glances that can be felt everywhere.

Other idols are busy taking pictures and eating with their fans.

But Nia members couldn't.

Park Bo-yeon, a drop of tears dripping from her eyes, under her chin

The moment I fell, I woke up.

In this way, it is difficult to take a picture.

Park So-dam, Bae Su-ji, and Yoon Do-na approached behind Park Bo-yeon's head bowing.

They also had lunch boxes without owners, water bottles and beverages, hot packs, and boxes with autographed photos and albums.

" no. I'm not crying, you were prepared. It's a common thing."

Park Bo-yeon said in a trembling voice with his head bent.

There must be.

Unpopular nameless for every event like this

After applying for the idol group's fandom, they entered the stadium and jumped out to see other idols.

Since the competition rate is high to be selected for the idol fandom that they originally support, they are aiming for an unknown idol group with relatively low competition rate.

" However. All ten people did too much... ."

Park Bo-yeon said, pressing the hat deeply.

She couldn't see her expression because of the brim of her hat, but her emotions were felt only with her trembling voice.

Right then.

" Do you have one more lunch box?"

There is one voice from the side.

Nia members hurriedly looked up


There was a man cramping over one of ten lunchboxes.

Standing water. It is me.

"Oh, it's delicious because it is carefully made with good ingredients. However, the amount is a little disappointing. Give me one more."

Let me laugh.

" Phu Ha!"

Park Bo-yeon, who looked at me, also burst into laughter.

Then Park So-dam, Bae Su-ji, and Yoon Do-na also laugh as if they were absurd.

Uh, Master. Boyeon's parents made this to give fans, but what if Master eats it?"

"No, my God! This amount is almost

It's close to 3 servings, isn't this enough?"

"Because it's 1 lunch box per person. Oh~

Master Paohu. Did you eat some juice here."

A very slight smile returned to the faces of those women who criticized me for this time.

"Wow, guys! I can eat the rest of the 9 servings!"

Everyone was ignoring manager Lim Woo-ram's crying with a crying expression next to him.


I looked down at the box of lunch box Park Bo-yeon was holding.

The members of Nia who participated in the contest with a woven number of 10 seats.

The nine lunchboxes prepared as counter-tributes eventually faced the fate of having to cool off without the owner.

A lunch box made yesterday through the hard work.

The devotion that Park Bo-yeon's family made up should be treated like that.

The words Park Bo-yeon said yesterday is gone

It hovered in my heart.

'Is the game rewarding the last one as well?'

Indeed, the game and reality seem to be very different.

When I look back on last night and make a bitter look.

Oh my goodness. Who is this?"

A voice passing by my side

There was.

As I turned my head, I saw a familiar face.

Yeonji Lee.

The leader of girl group crayons!

She was laughing at me.

(Worn and Worn Newbie)

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 255
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