Watering (3)

Tomomi Inada.

I am just a young female college student in her twenties.

She was also a master who is currently ranked 18th in Japan.

The main weapon is a long Japanese sword.

The name given to it because it dries up when it is cut by this knife was called'Dream Test'.

Certainly, in addition to the knife, she has all the items she wears all over her body with the characteristic of'drought'.

Therefore, anyone who is engaged in close combat with Tomomi Inada should be careful.

This is because the whole body can change like a mummy the moment you want to miss it.

She won't fight unless it's a map where her traits are best expressed.

For this reason, I was mostly left for hunting in the'harsh desert' of the western continent, where vast deserts were spread out.

Tomomi Inada gave a wink while watching the camera screen being broadcast in real time.

"Ah, oh. I came to look for Sandworm again today, but I can't see it. This is really

He must be a field boss that is hard to find."

After she finished speaking, she looked down.

A large sand pit was dug beneath it, and the body of a large ant ghost was rolling around.

Pasa Sasak_

When the wind blew, the ant ghost's body turned into sand and scattered.

This is because Tomomi Inada's'drought' characteristic made the monsters dry.

She looked back at the camera.

"Eight. Even today, the discovery of the sandworm was a failure. I heard that Korean rankers caught Sandworm twice, so I thought we could do it, but it's surprising. They must have been just lucky, but....

Tomomi Inada shrugs and turns.

She has reached the deepest depths of the desert with the aim of finding the sandworm.

Because of this, I had to walk quite a long way to return to the village.

"Whew, it's hot."

Tomomi Inada drove a camel through the desert.

The desert field is so wide that it cannot be passed by the player's steps.

Even if you ride a camel, it will take a day.

Ah-oh! hot! Why does it feel so long on the way back after being blown away?"

Tomomi Inada complained to the viewers of the internet broadcast beyond the camera.

In fact, it is not that the road feels far because of a blowout, but the road in the desert is originally a long way.

There, the hot weak sun and the desert sand breeze make the players' stamina depleted more quickly.

No matter how advanced users, it is difficult to withstand damage to the terrain of nature.

Tomomi Inada took out a water bottle hung from the camel's side and

I brought it on.

Then, the water in it was completely emptied.

She said into the camera screen.

on? Aren't you wasting too much water? a! It's okay! If you go a little further ahead, there is an oasis group rock."

If the desert terrain is not an oasis in the middle,

The bell goes up too.

This is because the loss of stamina due to the insane heat and dry season cannot be prevented even with armor.

Therefore, it is necessary to stop by an oasis in the middle and replenish water to maintain condition.

Soon I saw palm trees and a lake over the flickering haze.

It is an oasis of shelter for travelers.

However, Tomomi Inada stopped in front of the oasis and had to flinch as soon as he stood.

"What, what is this!? Come on?

She hurriedly looked around the oasis.

All of the giant palm trees, the symbol of the oasis, are all burnt to death.

It wasn't by fire.

It wasn't surprising that I tried squatting from the root to the end of the leaf.

. .surely?

She hurried off the camel and ran.

Let's lift our head and look at the lake below... .


The vocal quality rises.

The lake was all black and polluted.

It is poisonous by the smell.

It looks like this is what killed nearby palm trees from their roots.

"I guess some crazy guy has poisoned the oasis. Anyway! Maybe not Korean? A family who poisoned a well after the Great Kanto Earthquake in the past

Are you inside... ."

Tomomi Inada was angry for a long time, making ridiculous remarks.

But just because you stand still and talk stupid noises, no one will water you.

Eventually, she had to leave in search of another oasis.

It's okay. Another half an hour from here is another oasis.

Although it is a little small."

Tomomi Inada drove a camel to the next oasis.

Not VI.


What she saw was, as before, a darkly polluted oasis.

Someone has done the same thing here.

The water was all contaminated with poison and the trees dried up.

"What kind of sneaky person has done this? I really hate it."

Tomomi Inada drove the camel with an annoying expression.

After this, you have to go to an oasis that is more than an hour away.

I don't know if my stamina will last until then.

It's been an hour after passing through the scorching sun.

Tomomi Inada was suddenly losing room to comment while watching the screen.


The camel fell in the middle.

It was crushed by the heat and died.

Countless times, Tomomi Inada

Boro had to move to the next oasis.

And the scenery unfolding before her eyes barely discovering an oasis



Once again, black polluted water and dried-up trees.

However, this time it was a little different.

The water is simply polluted and the trees

It is not a problem that it is burnt dead.

" Quick quick."

Someone stood in the center of a contaminated oasis, soaked in poison.

White ヲ], the shoulders are wide open.

However, it seems that it is not easy to tell whether it is a person or a monster.

His body covered with black blood vessels.

They are fluttering vigorously like pipes that supply black blood like petroleum.

The face did not look covered in black veins.

However, nothing but pure two eyes are shining.

Tomomi Inada frowned.

I have never heard of any information that such a monster is haunting in the desert,

The monster in front of you will surely be the player.

" What is this crazy guy?"

She was very alert.


A long Japanese sword was pulled out of the waist dance.

However, she was exhausted while crossing the desert.

There was no way a proper battle could be possible.



The black monster's movements are truly beyond imagination! It really boasts a terrifying speed!

"Wow what!?"

Tomo Inada in the blink of an eye

A pair of beauty's arms fell.

And that was the beginning.


A black barbed wire sticks out from the body of a black monster and wraps around Tomomi Inada's whole body.

Because of that, she had to suffer a terrible agony, scratching her body without even running away.


A pair of her legs, struggling to run away, fell off.

Red blood seeps into the dry sand.

At that moment, Tomomi Inada recalled.

I've seen that black monster in front of me from somewhere.

" Use, rotten water? In Korea before

It's a monster that became a hot topic!? How come here... !"


A monster covered with dark veins.

Villain lives only for slaughter and destruction.

That rotten water has appeared here and now.

Tomomi Inada bit her lips


"There was a controversy over whether it was a player, but it must have turned out to be a monster in the end I also heard that I didn't die at that time. No way will it appear to such a place... ."

However, just knowing the situation does not mean there is a remedy.

Rotten water turns its head from side to side


And Tomomi Inada's eyes are stained with fear.

"That, stop. I can't die. A lot of items that should not be dropped... ."

However, there was no way for the monster to negotiate.

In the end, Tomomi Inada suffers from extreme exhaustion in the desert before she buys it.

Ended up being torn to death.

Of course, she lost some of the valuable items that made her a ranker.

Eriko Yamatani.

She is a woman in her thirties with a deep knowledge of music.

His major is Kyokyu and Shamisen.

Unlike her quiet, sexual image in real life, she was quite a party fanatic in the game.

The area where Eriko Yamatani mainly haunts is'Idiaemu Island' located deep in the southern continent.

It is an exciting place where parties are held 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Here at Idiaemu Island, the joyful EDM, which makes the body shake, always resonates.

Fireworks and parades were in full swing every day in party venues and amusement parks throughout.

The NPCs spoke in a pleasant tone and enjoyed themselves with or without players.

Champagne and beer flowed from all over, and there were cheers and laughter.

And after all, the specialty of Edie Emoo Island here was the 666 roller coaster.

Everyone will love this island once you ride on a roller coaster that moves at an incredible speed that cannot be achieved in reality.

Eriko Yamatani also loves to cheer on this roller coaster.

So I was still doing it now.

Despite the fact that no one rides the roller coaster so much

He's wrestling with himself on board.


She couldn't just scream.


This is because the head was separated from the torso immediately after a brief blunt noise.

The body left on the roller coaster went to the front, and only the head that the owner lost was rolled down the roller coaster rail.

Eriko Yamatani's head was blue with a terrifying expression at the last minute.

It is because of the last thing I saw just before I died.

Rotten water.

A villain whose whole body is like a black nightmare.

He saw that he was tying a thin, thin barbed wire between the roller coaster rail and the rail.

Yamatani Eriko, who was hung up by this barbed wire, naturally lost his head.


I removed the black veins that covered the picaresque mask.

Rotten water.

This is the third character I created and Bill Run, who can realize my dark self without hesitation.

I used the'Kill Chain' trait that I originally intended to use for the Ma-Dong King.

I decided to give it.

It doesn't matter because it hasn't been released on broadcasts yet.

As a newly evolved Doppleganger character, a villain with the concept of not only being able to use all the characteristics of the deceased, but also copying the skills of the Madong King.

Anyway, I haven't been charged with'rotten water = old person' anyway, so now I don't have to worry about it anymore.

as it were Do you think it's a deceased person + a magical king?"

In addition, the tremendous regenerative power peculiar to Doppelganger was added.

It is the birth of the strongest villain!

I don't know where and what the real rotten water is doing, but for now, I was going to make the most of his notoriety.

"People to play with me, stick here and here."

The rotten water began to boil.

If you don't want to smell a terrible odor, you'd better run away.

Because I must pay my debts.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 267
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