Watering (6)

Deep web.

It refers to a website hidden in the deep sea that cannot be found by ordinary search engines.

-Tiring! -Tiring! -Tiring! -Tiring!一Tiring!

One day, a few videos were posted on one of these deep, dark sites, mostly used for murder requests, illegal money laundering, drug trafficking, and weapons smuggling.

Videos of clear source and unknown purpose.

It was a video of the PK between Deus Ex Machina users.

The first video is traveling through the desert

It was a snuff film filming in real time that Dune was dying without finding an oasis.

The second video is a video of Gore where a person riding a roller coaster in an amusement park dies from being cut off by a barbed wire hanging in the air.

The third video is a mystery video in which a person riding a boat disappears from the sea along with the boat.

The fourth video is a heavy weight

A disaster video of a summoner who is killed by a golem.

The fifth video contained the miserable end of a man who fell into a trap he had installed and was struggling to die from dragon cancer.

The picture quality and sound quality are poor, so it is difficult to hear who is saying what.

However, in the video, the people who were killed were quickly revealed by the netizens investigation team.

It was a topic enough to startle the gaming world.

Japan's top-ranked group and notorious for non-manners, the professional team ``Re-Special

The top five aces there were brutally slaughtered.

Of course, the comments were upset.

-What is this video;;; You're the mastermind?

-I can't see it well because of the quality... As if the members of the reunion meeting were correct, the voice, tone, and item trees matched. 0

-I've seen one of them often, but I know because I see you die in real time. They're right

-No, aren't they the top rankers in Japan? Although there is controversy about personality...

一張匸匸Who is holding them like that???

The number of comments increases in real time.

The video came out from the dark to the sunny and started to spread all over the place.

Meanwhile, image quality and sound quality are gradually improving.

-It seems that someone deliberately took the picture quality and sound quality, but I tried to smooth it out a bit~

し Oh thank you, Geum guest!

-But that's where I saw a lot of people who catch the members of the re-special session... ?

Shiah! That's rotten water!!!

し and;;;ロ え awesome... Was it alive????

As the video became clear, the identity of the person hunting the members of the reunion was also revealed.

Villain, who used to slaughter players in a submerged area,'Rotten Water

It is that he has come out again.

But there was something strange.

-But wasn't rotten water originally a monster???

-It doesn't make sense for a monster to open a PK, shoot it and post it on the Internet, right?

-Isn't that a human-controlled character?

- Wow;; It seems like that person is going to be umjik",

し Isn't it a deceased person? Hooxy,,

し Ll-Or at that time, it was all over to explain that it was not a deceased person when King Ma Dong caught rotten water.

Obviously, the rotten water is in the process of imitating the appearance of the water in the doppelganger.

It is a copycat that was born.

It was a little strange that this rotten water, which is just a monster, shoots a video and posts it on the Internet.

However, the situation was reversed when the posted article along with the video appeared on the Internet.

-Hello, I am. My name is Rotten water.

My 4, is the best in the world. Deep learning system. Think and update yourself.

Many 喇de I move their moves. copy.

Upload your video. Internet. Large profits. Aim Click the moment you finish watching the video. Recommendations, subscriptions, and favorites.

The donation is. Cryptocurrency. Blockchain.

Thank you and support.

Humans. I am Rotten water. Be afraid.

and I also P.K. Joe. Ah.

There are parts that break in several places

Can only understand the context

It's an article.

Rotten Water was developing its own intelligence as a bug monster with Dem's AI system.

He was recording his actions as many other rankers were doing and updating the video on his own Internet channel!

-And crazy;;; AI7]- people

Killing and publishing the video on the Internet to earn money??

しIt's virtual reality, but you're scared...

-Is that a real monster???

し Seeing strange vocabulary and sentences, it seems that artificial intelligence is correct...

し It's definitely a monster.

-Rotten water = Isn't it a deceased person? It's too raw and similar...

I can't do that is the King of Madong VS.

Right after the silver water, the deceased person turned on the broadcast right away.

-Wow... Anyway, it is true that the rotten water appeared much stronger than then. It seems like I can't easily catch the King Madong anymore...

しTo catch that, the Ma-Dong-king and the late characters must join forces.

-It's big, but the one I gave to the kids at the reunion is a little flirting,,


I came back to reality and was reading the comments.

I guess it worked well.'

Wearing a rotten water costume and wearing a villain play, the reaction is hotter than expected.

Videos spread on the deep web for fun

The people were spreading all over the place and were recording huge number of views.

even .

ー溺れながらヘイトスピーチシ ネ トウク想像 Shitewarota

(Imagine a net right wing that will do all kinds of lament while dying)

一自分の身は自分で守らなアカン (Protect your body yourself, idiots)

ーKorean nationals are allowed to pay the bills に落っこちた子供助けたけどネ

トウヨは誰か助けたことあるんか Koreans saved their lives and saved a child who fell on the track, but did Net Right help anyone?

ーKorean nationals, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, people, etc.

(Some Koreans are kind, but Netwooik is 100% discriminatory.)

Surprisingly, the Japanese reaction is also good. There were also comments criticizing the declaration of attacking Korean rankers at a reunion in the past.

Well, anyway.

After the deceased, the king of Madong and the king of Madong followed by rotten water.

Suddenly I have 3 characters.

Now all that remains is to manage them separately.

'Anyway, it is clear that the monster itself, called Rotten Water, will survive somewhere... Someday, when I deal with him, I'll finish this rice cake.'

I looked at my cell phone.

Black cellphone. This is the fourth cell phone that I bought at this opportunity.

The first cell phone was connected. The second cell phone is a deceased person. The third mobile phone is the Ma-Dong King.

And this fourth cell phone is for rotten water only.

On the screen of my mobile phone, X was drawn in red letters on the faces of five members of the reunion who came to assassinate me.

They unfortunately dropped important items every time they died, and I took them all on the black market and sold them.

(The item price alone was enough to pay for Yoo Se-hee's surgery)

In addition, most of the members of the re-special session suffered the result of losing games or significantly declining skills as the experience of death became a trauma to me.

I've lost even an important weapon or armor item, so I'm sure there will never be a crawl in this Asian Champions League.

When I'm just looking at my fourth cell phone and wandering around.

" The Devil. Did you change your cell phone?"

Director Eom Jae-yong, who was drinking green tea, asks with a strange expression.

I nodded moderately and put my phone in my pocket.

Then, director Um Jae-young sat down on the sofa with an insignificant expression.

Then he puts a cup of green tea in front of me.

A fragrant haze is blooming in front of you.

Director Um Jae-young asked as if he suddenly remembered it.

Did you see the article?

"What knight?"

"The last time you went to visit a girl, well. You said you paid for the surgery."

I was talking about Yoo Se-hee's work.

I nodded silently.

" The operation went well. I contacted you last night."

"Hey, that's fortunate. I have to send out a follow-up article."

Director Um Jae-young showed me a news article.

The article said that the pro gamer Ma Dong King is supporting a child with an incurable disease.

There was a lot of content about the story.

Of course, the comments were also very friendly.

Director Um Jae-young smiled and tapped my shoulder.

"Anyway, you are amazing too, young man. It's not easy to get wealth and fame at the same time in your 20s... Even if you got it, it's harder to manage it well. Normally, it's like a scandal and the image goes bad, but you don't really look like a child."

But do you know director Eom Jae-young? That my original age wasn't that young compared to him.


Director Um Jae-young asked me.

"By the way, you said you were going to make that little boy a pro debut?"

" Was that also in the article?"

Uh. Hey, how talented did he say that? I'm not the personality of you saying that in an empty language."

Director Um Jae-young looks at me with twinkling eyes.

I shook my head toward him.

Don't worry, "I won't bring it to K-L."

What? Hey, sadly, what kind of words

of! And if it's Guk K-1, where can you recommend it? No way are you thinking about the transfer!? This traitor! I've been looking for some spawners to improve your contract terms! Yes you can do this to me... !"

Please calm down, brother."

I calmed down director Um Jae-young and sat down again.

As he looked at me with an anxious expression, I opened my mouth.

"I'm going to start that club."

Bomb declaration.

Director Um Jae-young looked at me when he heard me.

" Starting a club? you?

Yeah. I already have a large spawn investment. This is my first time speaking to my brother."

Is the market bad these days?

It is the game club that every day passes, it looks like it's going to happen.

When all small and medium-sized teams are combined, more than 150 clubs are inundated in Korea.

If I only have money, there is no reason I can't make it.

Director Um Jae-young nodded with a moan.

"It's a fact I never thought of.

But...but I think it will work for you to do it. Yes, you can do well enough."

"Thank you, brother."

It's good, but it's a little sad. If you had such an idea, wouldn't it be okay to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, brother. Maybe it looks like I'm trying to get rid of the national K-1 players... ."

child. I believe in you I don't doubt that."

Director Um Jae-young laughed bitterly. Then, leaning back on the sofa, he opened his mouth.

"How are you going to recruit players?"

"First of all, Entree was built around acquaintances and unranging people. I have friends abroad."

"Yes, yes. I cant think of you all

I must have done it. Because you are a smart guy."

Director Um Jae-young opened the desk drawer without a word.

There was a pack of cigarettes piled up in dust.

The cigarette he quit a long time ago, and then re-opened it, Director Um Jae-young muttered with a confused mind.

like that. Next time we meet, it will be the enemy."

There may be a feeling of pressure to deal with me, but... . In fact, rather than that, the regret for the goodbye to a close brother and a favorite player is deeply peeked.


I said as if there was no need.

no. It won't be the enemy."

Mom looking at me with a cigarette

To Director Jae-young, I said firmly.

"In addition to players, the club needs coaches and coaches."

"I could be'owner','player' and coach', but I couldn't be the only'director'."


"So, I want my brother to take over as the manager of my club."

"Tア 力

After listening to me, director Um Jae-young again made a blank expression.

Between the half-opened lips, a cigarette that hadn't been lit was about to fall.

" Devil. Are you sane?"

"Yes, brother. It is clear."

"Why am I going to your club? I'm the country's K-1 coach, man. Wake.

Director Um Jae-young shook his head after making an impression.

"I like you humanly and you are close, but that doesn't make the distinction between public and private. My team is Kuk K-1 and I can't defeat the players here. As long as I'm not hardened by my mistakes

Will continue to protect this team."

However, the answer to that extent was already expected.

I drank a bite of green tea and asked.

"But what if the team called'Kook KT' disappears?"

" What?

Director Um Jae-young continues to be embarrassed

He asks as if he's finished.

"No man, why is the good team suddenly disappearing?"

It will disappear.

" Kuk K-1 disappears?"

Not only KT, but all of the existing teams will undergo a major change. At least half of them will disappear.

After hearing me, Director Um Jae-young rubbed the temple with his hand.

He soon said in a quiet voice.

"All of the things you've said so far have actually happened."

"But I can't believe it this time. Why the hell do you mean half of the pro teams disappear?"

I did not immediately answer the question of director Um Jae-young.



She robbed her seat and got up and locked the door of the director's office.

That was not enough, and all windows were closed and even the lights were turned off.

Perfectly dark backroom.

I turned on only one dimmed auxiliary light so that only my face could be recognized.



I took off the mask in front of Jaeyoung Um.

It's been like a symbol of King Ma-Dong.

Dunn's white mask comes off.


Director Um Jae-young looked at my face with his eyes wide open.

Director Eom Jae-young was first surprised by the fact that my bare face, which I thought would have been distorted by burns, was actually fine.


"I w

Soon, director Um Jae-young's eyes widened as if torn.

When I realized who my bare face was, a second shock came.

I smiled toward director Eom Jae-young, who was just screaming with his finger outstretched towards me.

"Let's prepare together. 'Cataclysm'."

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 270
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