Silak-won (3)

While colleagues are trapped in a rain leaking prison and scattering raindrops.

" Oh my god."

Yunsol was receiving a grand treatment with an uncomfortable heart.

[Come on. How hard have you been in your heart?]

The elder hugged Yunsol like a grandmother taking care of her granddaughter.

She hurriedly squeezed her eyes with both hands.

At the moment, I remembered my grandmother who had died, and I almost cried.

'I thought it was stupid to empathize with the NPC... .'

Yunsol tried hard to control her emotions while holding back her tears.

Then the elder hugged Yoon Sol once more.

[Okay, that's it because I came back like this. Now feel free to stay here. Don't be so stiff.]

She took Yunsol's hand and entered her house.

A log cabin located under thick tree roots.

Mushrooms in various places sprinkle bright light like a fluorescent lamp.

The first place Yunsol headed was the bathhouse.

" Wow!"

Yunsol screamed unwittingly.

The bathing culture of angels is truly developed and is much more convenient and more convenient than the facilities enjoyed by modern people.

It was gorgeous.

The cloud is caught with a charcoal chimney that absorbs moisture, purifies it immediately, and warms it with mushrooms that emit hot heat.

It was divided into hot bath, lukewarm bath, and steam bath, and there was no separate cold bath.

[Go in after oiling the wings.]

The elder hand squeezed the oil from the fruit and applied it to Yunsol's wings.

Eventually, Yoon-sol, who entered the hot water, trembled.

Wow I feel good.

The water was soft and fragrant, as if even a bath agent had been dispensed.

When I opened the water surface where the steam was rising with my fingers, I felt a slight viscosity.

She soaked in the water and closed her eyes.

Patter- patter-

The sound of rain hitting the roof can be heard softly.

Eojin-ah...sorry... Mr. Drake...

I'm sorry .'

At the moment I felt so good, I forgot the fact that my colleagues were in jail.

When Yoonsol beats her head and blames herself.

[Would you like to read a book while using the poultice?]

The elder recommended a bookshelf in the corner of the bathroom.

Yoon-sol hesitated to read because the book might get wet, but soon learned that the books of the angels did not get wet, he picked up several children's books.

"Wow, every single page is detailed. Awesome.

Yunsol admired as he turned the pages in the water.

Records of angels from around the world have been translated and introduced with illustrations.

Yoonsol, who was not usually interested in religion or mythology, was also interesting enough to read.

On the one hand, I can imagine how much effort the people who designed this island would have put in place.

However, the more I do, the more I feel anxious because I remember the words that Eojin said before.

'You'll find out soon. That this is never a place to be healed.'

Yunsol recalled the words of Eojin and hit her cheeks with both hands.

"Yes, don't be vigilant. Keep it up! Let's be careful!"


The elder came into the bathroom with a basket of various kinds of food.

There were various fruits in the basket.

It was a beautiful and plentiful dinner that made the viewers' hearts feel free.

[Let's eat while taking a bath.]

The elder laughed as he lifted the basket. Like Roman nobles, taking a bath

Eating while eating seems to be the unique culture of angels.


Yunsol tilted his head looking at the various fruits in the basket.

One of the many fruits that should be seen is missing.

"Is there any honey fruit?"

Yunsol asked, recalling the sweet and sour taste that his mouth remembers.

OK. The elder's expression stiffened for an instant.

[ ..What did you say now?]

Yeah? Honey fruit. I usually saw it in the labyrinth... ."

[It is a harmful fruit.]

The elder spoke again in a firm tone.

[The fruit is such an ominous fruit that you can't even dare to put it in your mouth. If you are a good angel, you should never touch it.]

"Ah. Is it like that. ,Yes sir.

Yunsol immediately nodded.

Although the honey fruit was delicious, it was because I didn't want to eat it even if it was against the elder's planting.

'There was also a word from Eojin-yi.'

Yunsol trembled while thinking of the honey fruit.

The fruit of bad endings as a staple food.

Hagisa, the fruit that leads to food for such ugly monsters cannot be normal.

'Obviously it is poisonous or it will be.'

Yunsol confessed her thoughts about honey fruit in her mind.

Why? Even if I try to forget it, it's a taste that keeps reminding me of it, but that's all.

Meanwhile, the elder stroked Yunsol's hair with a sad expression.

[You suffer a lot because you are innocent because of the crazy emperor.]

Yunsol opened his ears.

The memory of the angel girl Nettie was coming to my mind.

' Maybe we can find another piece of the memory puzzle!'

Yunsol decided to listen to as many stories as possible from the elder.

And, as she thought, the elder told a lot of stories on his own.

[It must have been difficult to get out of the prison and get to the labyrinth, but you were kidnapped by the bad endings... During that time, where did you suffer?

Did you watch it?]

Yunsol explained his circumstances.

I don't remember, but when I woke up, it was a ground floor 40,000 meters from here.

And, of course, the elder was amazed when he heard it.

[For some reason, a child who escaped the royal dungeon and escaped to the labyrinth could have opened his eyes from such a distant place?

I can't know right now.]

I mean, I don't know.

[ Well, do you remember anything about your sister?]

Asked the elder.



Yunsol felt a little headache.

The current flowing in the capsule slightly stimulated the scalp.


Obviously, a video was about to play in my head.

It keeps getting buffered like a YouTube video connected to a faint Wi-Fi signal.

'Ah-oh! stuffy!'

Yunsol's hand touched her heart, but that didn't mean that Nettie's memory immediately came to mind.

Eventually, Yunsol had to give up watching a new memory video.

But, thanks to the elder's words, something became clear.

1. Netty, the angel girl, was one of the countless young children imprisoned in a dungeon by the mad emperor.

2. One day, Nettie and her sister escaped from the dungeon and escaped to a paradise in this labyrinth.

3. On the way, he lost his memory and fell to the ground after being attacked by bad endings living in the labyrinth.

' By the way, who is the girl that is the older sister?'

Yoonsol tilted her head while watching the video of her memory stuttering from buffering.

I laughed.

A memory that never comes to mind.

Countless times, Yunsol decided to ask the elder about the person he is an older sister.

If you do well, it seems that your understanding of the character Netty will deepen a little.

"Elder. What kind of person was my sister?"

Then the elder opened his mouth with a slightly sad expression.

[You've been very scared since you were a kid. Whenever I couldn't stand crying, I cried by letting go of my neck. When I saw something scary because my brain was smart on such a subject, I remembered it for a long time and was scared.]

The elder seemed to be a neighbor who knew well about Nettie and her sister even before he fled here.

She spoke with a sign of reminiscent of a long ago.

[Your twin sister Betty, who was born a few minutes earlier, was the opposite of you. My head wasn't very smart, but I wasn't really afraid. I've always been the leader of the town's alley, but when I look back now, it seems like I broke it and pretended to be courageous, saying that I would protect you, who was scared.

Alas. Did you do that?"

[then. Betty had a stupid side, but her heart was so soft. One day, it was for you who read a scary fairy tale and said that it keeps reminding me of it. Ho ho ho. I guess I wanted to make you forget your bad memories by shocking my head.]

"Ahaha. Cute. But it would have been useless."

[Of course. Rather, you both were scolded because you cried louder with a bump on your head. Ho ho ho.]

After speaking, the elder looked sad for a moment.

Then he reached out and hugged Yunsol tightly.

[Seeing that you are alive like this, Betty will also be alive somewhere healthy. Don't worry too much.]

After listening to the elder's words, Yunsol felt as if somewhere in her heart was getting heavier.

In fact, she knew.

That the angel girl Nettie is already dead.

When she first discovered Nettie, she was buried deeply and died, and now Yunsol is the one who controls her body.

When Yoon-sol was saddened by the fact that Nettie's end was not so good, the elder reached out and quietly covered Yoon-sol's hand.

[Don't worry too much, dear. The'white flame' will protect us.]

A white flame?

Yunsol suddenly trembled at the memory passing through his brain.

It was not Netty's memory, but Yunsol's memory.

The'white flame' that didn't back down even a bit from the black bad ending in the labyrinth

How anxious and sinful was he leaving him behind?

Perhaps the elder is referring to the old man?

"Elder. Actually, in the labyrinth, I...

When Yoonsol is about to ask a question about the white flame.


A great roar broke out somewhere.

The ground vibrates and the water in the bath overflows.

At the same time, I heard the shouts of guards from the distant watchtower.

[come! Bad endings are coming!]

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 277
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