Cataclysm (3)

NPC Royal Road Guide

Said the old man.

[To get the key out, you have to go through the thick wall of the box for a long time. You have to endure quite a lot of damage]. But how much to me

If you give me the gold of the liver, it will allow me to get the key right away. How is it?]

You need a key to open the door in front of you, and the key is built in this black cube-shaped bad ending.

It is a suggestion that you can get the key right away by paying about 100,000 won in real money.

Needless to say, this is a good condition.

But I shook my head firmly.

No. I don't want to give you money, go back."

I turned down the old man's offer. Then Drake and Yoonsol shouted in surprise.

"Look! Isn't this a great opportunity! If you can get the key right away with just 1 million gold, it's a good deal!"

right. This box is sturdy and

I think it's hard to break it because it even radiates reflection damage."

But I still shook my head.

In fact, it is not simply because money is wasted.

"That's a trap."

I said, facing the old man's face.

..? "

Drake and Yoonsol tilt their heads.

Before they could do anything.


I lifted the cut and stabbed the old man in front of me.

Not honoring the elderly, but attacking the elderly!

Drake and Yunsol were astonished when they saw my actions.

However, they soon noticed why I was wielding the shave.

The old man who was attacked by me fell from his place and slowly changed shape.

It looked like seeing a Dopple Ganger just before his transformation.

What was written as NPC Royal Road Guide is not the holographic text, but the text on the top of the head.

It was just a decoration.

The letters faded and then disappeared naturally.

So this means that this unknown entity in front of you wasn't an NPC from the start.

Kourreuk- Kureuk!

The old man's eyes, nose, and mouth were gradually getting blacker and then disappeared.

And then with a white beard

Turned into black tentacles and wriggled.

No, looking at it, the old man's body itself was just one big tentacle.


The black tentacle, which had transformed into an old man, was soon sucked into one corner of the'unopened box'.

And naturally, it becomes part of the wall of the box and calms down.

When the black cube moves its tentacles

As if it was right, the hour hand was lifted and left still.

If you're looking at that shamelessness, you might doubt your eyes if what you just saw wasn't hallucinations.

I looked back at Drake and Yunsol with their mouths wide open.

"It's a kind of'mistake'. Certain deep sea fish disguise their antennae to look like prey and catch other fish and eat them]. The old old man also used the NPC's intimidation to catch adventurers.

I'm paying out... In fact, they are just bad ending fishing tentacles."

I raised my hand and tapped on the outside of the bad ending'Unopenable Box'.

"Maybe I would like to pay the money and get the key right away This would have eaten us and trapped us in the stomach. I would have got the key, but it would have been digested and died without being able to escape the stomach of this guy."

After listening to me, Drake and Yoonsol pretended to wipe off the cold sweat.

I've come all the way here, but in exchange for just one trick, everything was almost in vain.

I looked at them and wore clothes.

"There is no surplus business. Business is basically the principle of Dongga exchange. There is no free lunch."

After listening to me, Drake and Yoonsol nodded.

Now they seem to understand.

There are many traps in this dungeon, but there aren't any tricks.

Meanwhile, Drake was quite embarrassed.

"Hmm, then you have become quite embarrassed? This bad ending guy... It's so sweet. In addition, they counterattack with reflection damage."

Drake just wanted to shoot an arrow against the black cube, but, of course, it didn't even budge.

However, it reflects the damage caused by the arrow and sharply cuts Drake's HP.


Me and Yunsol's eyes are facing each other

Hit. Maybe she thought the same thing as me.

I went back to the black cube without a doubt. And I started pushing it with all my might.

" Moan!"

As I gave it strength, Yoonsol also squeezed to the side and pushed the cube.

Drake with a puzzled look also stuck next to me.

The three of us kept pushing the cube like that.

The direction was where there was a hot iron road.


The heat of the coal field heats up the iron legs.

We kept pushing the black cube over it.


The black cube on the hot metal seems to vibrate a little.

But with that much heat, I couldn't do anything about the cube.

"Now, this is the next gateway."

I pushed the cube forward.

That's the ax blade garden.

It is an area where giant guillotines hanging from chains are performing pendulum motion.

bang! Kwakwang! simplicity and honesty! Poop!

Countless ax blades hit the black cube.

This hard cube was also forced to take damage at this time.

Deep scars dent the wall and distorted corners.

But the damage the cube reflects

Because of this, the guillotines were also not safe.

Per Kwachang! Shit!

Most of them were hung in the air with the chains broken or the teeth of the blades were missing, and the movement stopped as it was.

character. Next is a sulfur swamp."

I headed for the stepping stone.

Then he put a black cube between the cliff and the first stepping stone and pushed it down.

Chii profit...

The cubes that touched the heat began to melt little by little.

Boo, Boo, Boo, Boo... Pow./ Pow./ Pow/ Pow./

Reflected damage was applied, but when the terrain damage was reflected, only the terrain was adjusted.

It just changes.

Sulfur caught in the shock wave continued to create waves.

Drake refreshed his appetite as he watched the slowly melting cube.

"It's subtly slow. Will this all take all day?"

But I can wait with a relaxed expression.

Anyway we are the gates of the north

If you can not open the main quest will not proceed any more.

If it was as usual, I would have been nervous because latecomers would not know when to follow me... It didn't matter if I was told to wait a few days instead of a day now.

Anyway, the moment I finish this raid, all the achievements of the competitors who have tried to catch up to me will go back to the origin.

However, soon our work began to show signs of progressing a little faster.


The'sulfur swamp sea anemone' that had been repelled before was revealed!

He recovered all his wounds and climbed his legs in a healthy shape.

Then, the black cube on the water surface was wrapped around and tightened.

It was a good thing for me.

Chii profit... .

The black cube's sturdy body has finally begun to crumble.

The heat of sulfur is mixed with the strong power of a bad ending, so it is hard to say that it is my'unopened box'.


One of the dark corners became soft, then collapsed and drowned in the sulfur swamp.

"It's now."

I quickly grabbed the rope and went down the cliff.

And faced a huge cube.

The inside of the black cube was made of bright red wrinkled six walls.

They were showing very unpleasant and lively movements, but there was no way to properly check them as they were emanating hot energy and odor.


I put my arm in it and shook it.

Then, in time, something made of metal touched the tip of my finger.

"I found it, the key!"

I quickly picked up the key and climbed the rope.


Sulfur swamp sea anemone belatedly stretched its tentacles towards me, but thanks to Drake's cover fire, I was able to survive.


with a plop!

The sulfur swamp anemone went into the deep Nether while hugging a black cube.

Shortly thereafter, black blood began to spread sparsely over the yellow surface, and there was no way to tell whether it was from an anemone or a black cube.

"It was good. Now I have the key. Only the final raid remains."

I smiled as I lifted up the white glowing key.

From above, I could hear Drake and Yunsol clapping hands.

yet. We all stood at the north door.

Beyond this door will be Emperor Nicodemus.

The cannibal emperor went crazy and eats the children.

It is ironic that the situation that such a monster was born in the last haven of the angels who had escaped from the devil.

Well, anyway.

Now it's time for an end to the Sky Island raid!

"Now, only the boss monster is left. Let's do it neatly and get back to our daily routine.

I encouraged Drake and Yoonsol, and then both nodded in a state full of energy. Pretty reliable look.

"Shall we go then!?"

I picked up the white key and opened it against the lock at the gate of the castle gate.



The lock was opened, and the massive iron gate on the north gate of the castle began to move.

The throne where the insane emperor Nicodemus sits is right in front of you.

We didn't wait for the door to open on its own, and we ran right inside.

That moment.

Me, Yunsol, and Drake stiffened while standing.

The sight in front of me is truly a shocking sight.

A beautiful young man.

There was a handsome man standing in front of the throne with a mischievous appearance, as if it had just popped out of the pure cartoon.

Long white hair, and an angel ring that shines brightly above your head.

And the big, rich wings on the back.

However, both eyes are red and red, so it seems like the blood is flowing down as it is.

Angel Emperor Nicodemus!

We finally met him.

However. It wasn't his shocking beauty that surprised us.

" Grandfather]!?"

Yunsol cried out in tears.


This is because the neck of an old man was trampled under the feet of the angel emperor Nicodemus.


Bocasa Pharisee.

His whole body was covered with blood, gasping for the last possible breath, and his pupils were sorely engraved in our pupils.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 291
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