Golden Mines (3)

With my eyes wide open, I stared at the twelve Lizardmen in front of me.

Lizardmen have to look at their skin color, body size, tail length, etc. because it is not easy to distinguish their appearance by face.

In general, Lizardmen get bigger and bigger as the level goes up, and the scales get bigger and thicker.

High-level Lizardmen have muscle strength that is not pushed even when compared to oaks because the skeleton becomes huge and the muscles are attached, not just the height.

In addition, considering the agility and resilience of Lizardmen, the magic resistance and physical defense of the scales, Liza

Deman's race balance gets closer to the golden ratio as the level goes up.

It is the norm that the physical of the same level humans can hardly catch up with.

Of course, it's not just an advantage. Of course, there are also drawbacks.

1. Monsters under the Dragon Corps are classified as friendly and can no longer be hunted.

2. The hop yield and fuel efficiency of consumable items are very inefficient.

3. The meta and variations of wearable equipment are quite narrow.

These three are the biggest drawbacks of Lizardmen users.

The biggest drawback among them is the first.

After the cataclysm, the nerve war between the dragon and the devil has entered a countdown, and whether a number of monsters will join the dragon

I had to choose whether to join the side.

Therefore, almost half of the monsters were attached to the dragon side.

In the main story, a race called Lizardmen under the command of the Dragon Corps cannot hunt monsters belonging to the same Dragon Corps camp for this reason.

Even if it is possible to hunt, the reward or experience is poorly reduced, and sometimes even a penalty is suffered.

The second drawback is also daunting.

While the human race has the fuel economy of a light car, the Lizardman race is similar to that of a sports car.

Humans are a tool-using race, and as they have been, they can freely use numerous potions, spellbooks, and various buff potions.

Using a potion exerts 100% of the potion's effect, and writing a spellbook activates 100% of the effect of the spellbook.

However, in the case of Lizardmen, the fuel economy was very low.

Even if you eat the same potion, you sometimes get half or less efficiency compared to the amount that humans recover.

As it was large and physically good, the amount of food and water to maintain it was incomparable to that of humans.

The third drawback is also that it annoys many Lizard Man users.

It was phosphorus.

Lizardmen are basically big.

The skeleton is thick and has a lot of muscle, so it is suitable for a style of battle where the enemy sticks closely to the enemy.

Therefore, most of the weapons and armor that Lizardmen can wear were on the side of simple types of items.

The magic book that has to turn pages one by one or the book that has to be gently gripped

Crystal beads, delicate bows, and orders with complex characteristics are not suitable for Lizardmen.

For this reason, Lizardman's evaluation was slightly better than its own powerful performance.

In a way, it can be said that the'correct answer style' is just decided and it is a'very expensive' race.

Because they couldn't afford the maintenance cost, there were also those who erased the character and raised their race again with good fuel economy orcs or humans.

Is it so?

The twelve Lizardmen who were in front of me now looked very hot for gold mines.

Susuk- Chuck!

They are in front of us with an urgent attitude


And I noticed the tallest and tallest of them, the Lizardmen in front.

Thick bones, tough muscles, and thick scales

The Lizardmen next to them also had two heads larger than the general Lizardmen, but the interest in front of them is one head taller than their peers.

Real name'Karelin River'

The nickname in the game is'Sleeping Dog

Lizardman user of Russian nationality.

I already knew his name and face.

'Before returning, he was quite famous. It's a monster Lizardman... .'

He was a ranker who did not stand out before the Cataclysm, when all players were unified as a human race.

However, after becoming a large-scale tribal patch, he abandoned the human body and changed into the body of a Lizardman, and from then on, he began to glorify a talent he did not know.

He always walked fiercely on the front line and reigned as the myth of many Lizardmen, winning the neck of countless humans and orcs.

Thanks to that, he was recognized by the seven dragonlords and was the first Lizardman user to receive the title.

'Have you already adjusted to the cataclysm? That's a great talent. Well, so I must have kept the number one in the official rankings of Lee Zadman for several years.'

I looked at the Karelin River in front of my eyes.

Before returning, he was smaller than the one in his memory, but he is still close to two meters tall.

As it is now, it was quite overbearing.

'I remember working for the press in Russia... Then are you still on the way?'

Is it so? His whole body was spewing out an indescribable semi-bone temperament.

I thought I knew roughly why the nickname in the game was'Sleeping Dog'.



Karelin Kang pulled out his index finger nail. Long nails like the blade of a long sword.

.. 产

I narrowed my eyes.

I wanted to attack right away... It wasn't.

Karelin lifted her nails and began to write on the ground.

-Э т о наша область.

Soon after, a simple message popped up when I quickly turned the translator into an image scan because I wanted to say something.

-This is our area.

A really simple message.

They say they will monopolize the huge gold mine that has been created in the place where the angel girl Nettie was asleep.

I laughed bloody.

"If you guys go, you can attack quickly. What have you not done in the meantime?"

I logged into the game as soon as the Cataclysm patch was complete, and it took me about two weeks to get down here.

I don't know how they got here sooner than me, but in fact it doesn't matter much.

The important thing is who is the owner of this land now.

As I was sarcastic, the Lizardmen looked at each other as if they couldn't understand what I was saying.

Meanwhile, the Karelin River, who appears to be the leader of the group, calmly subsided the turmoil.

Then, calmly, I continued writing.

-We were hunting in the Hongya of this area. When we accessed after the cataclysm, the plain that we were in became a pit and we were lucky.

Fortunately, I was able to find this dungeon. We tried to attack this dungeon, but the difficulty at the beginning was so difficult, so we decided to rewrite our strategy. Meanwhile, you guys... .

It seems that the character has been in the coordinates here before the Cataclysm patch, and the character has been moved to the right place after accidentally connecting.

If it's a coincidence, it's a coincidence. It's a tremendous luck indeed.

They seemed to have tried various things to attack the dungeon during the two weeks we came down to this place.

'That's why I was a beggar like that.'

I looked at the lucky Li Zardmen in front of me.

The area that was before the cataclysmic would go down and become a deep sinkhole of 40,000 meters. Who knew?

However, if you unconditionally run into it as a large, delicious chunk of meat, you will lose this redness or get indigestion and pretend to be.

No matter how good the opportunity is, you can't catch it unless you become competent.


I only said one word.

Some Lizardmen are excited by my single-single-smiling attitude.

But they couldn't attack.

This is because the Karelin River reached out and held back his fellow colleagues.

He was staring at me with a thoughtful look.

It seems that you know my face, a popular YouTuber.

As Karelin murmured a few words at her colleagues, their expressions changed suddenly.

It seems that I have only recognized my identity now.

Soon Karelin wrote another letter on the floor.

This time, it was a nuanced Korean.

-A large gold mine. Gold. Enough reserves to share.

Anyone can see it as if he just turned the translator.

Knowing that I am Korean, it seems that I have adapted it.

I can see my willingness to rectify the situation without going against my planting as much as possible.

As usual, the devotion would have allowed me to do whatever I wanted, but... .

No. No. I don't want to give you gold. go back.

But I too was in desperate need of money.

It takes a lot of money to roll the club and provide the kids' salaries.

In the first place, what else would you dare to share with other people a net treasure that you can eat all by yourself?

I shook my head.

There were only two paths they could choose.

"Either escape or die."

Lizardmen seem to understand my words.

Breakdown of negotiations (協商決裂).

Q A dance (問答無用).

The battlefield is full of tension.

Soon twelve Lizardmen

Surrounded us.


Karelin, the leader, came out in front of the group.

He stepped his hand towards me.

-Between bosses. Won't you play a game?

It looks like he wants to do a 1:1 Great War (大將戰).

Well, a suggestion that is not particularly bad for me.

It doesn't matter if you deal with all twelve at once... . It is also one way to abbreviate the troublesome battle that you have nothing to gain in this way.

If the captain is brutally broken by self, the group's momentum will also diminish.

The moment I am willing to step forward.


Drake held me back.

"You are the club's signboard. Signboards don't consume images by going out."


When I asked, Drake smiled and stepped forward instead.

"The miscellaneous merchant filters me out of my line."

Drake Cat, number one in the official ranking of the (future) human group.


(Future) Karelin Kang, number one in the official rankings of the Lizardmen.

'Yongya and' Sleeping Dog stood face to face.

Two rankers representing the United States and Russia, respectively, while representing humans and Lizardmen respectively.

'It's. It feels like watching a world war


I opened the popcorn bag with Yoonsol.

The neurological warfare between dogs and cats has just begun.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 311
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