Surprisingly, this game is a look game (1)

What is power?

There is one problem, but there are many answers.



A person or animal has it on its body and allows it to move by itself or to move other objects.

Muscle action, action that makes a stationary object move, changes the speed of a moving object, or stops it very much, the ability or ability to do something, helping or relying on a job or activity, drugs, etc. The power or power to control and compulsorily follow an individual or group, the ability to know or realize the reasoning of things, the power or power of a country, and the ability to govern and control emotions or impulses. The ability to be able to, the intensity of the action of natural phenomena, the action that affects other objects, the invisible action that affects the affairs of the world beyond human will, the degree to which the object is strong or hard...

The word'strength' and its definition is used in more than ten or three different uses.

Even in English words, there are many things that mean power.

strength, energy, force, brawn

It is clear that the concept of power is understood and used in various situations in various situations.

But here it is different.


There is a very clear order and justice

That's the'Auction House'!

In the auction house, money, especially the one who has cash, is king.

The strongest, the best, and the noblest is the one with money.

You can't do anything without money.

You have no choice but to watch with your fingers suck on what others achieve, others laugh, others cheer, and others win.

A world in which a person without money can't hold anything and get anything.

It's really simple and really cool!

There is no shortage to call it the heart of capitalism.

Inside the Patty Room, a large chandelier sprinkles colorful lights at a hundred and eight angles.

Neat wooden chairs are placed in front of the elegantly decorated stage.

This is an auction house, and users

Number of NPCs managing space

You can pay a fee and put the item in auction.

There are quite a few private auctions in this way throughout the town, but today's auctions were a bit special.

Usually, the auction is a short form of a tavern or a simple tent in the village.

Antiques or ash that are not appraised as items that are usually listed at auction.

There are Ryo items, rare weapons or armor, or corpses of monsters that must be collected as quests.


Occasionally, there are'special' auctions that are different from the usual auctions of this type.

It is an auction hosted by real-life companies and is intended to sell items that exist in the game.

Rather, it is for the purpose of publicity.

For example, if a famous confectionery company makes a new product, the taste and design of it are demonstrated in the game as well.

Clothing companies, sporting goods companies, etc. also costumed and displayed in-game items with the same designs as new products made in reality.

Demonstration meeting. Show.

It is an auction in the form of a very luxurious party room.

Those who are interested in this place are, of course, VIPs in the real world.

Celebrities who are interested in such a place want to maintain their superior position in both reality and games.

They taste and wear the designs of new products that will come out of the game earlier than reality, before the public.

Seeing was regarded as the keynote of the latest fashion.

And today!

The famous outdoor brand'Nordic Face' demonstrates a new design of clothes in the game.

This auction takes the form of a fashion show, and when models are wearing clothes and standing proudly on the stage, numerous celebrities bid for the clothes.

In reality, numerous designs that are difficult to describe due to technical issues shine out in the game world.

Of course, celebrities interested in fashion cannot miss this auction opportunity.

Is it a thorough'their own league' that is difficult for the general public to understand?

just as expected.

Before'Nordic Face' started the auction fashion show,

Thousands of people are coming in.

Most of them were women, and they wore dresses that completely ignored defense and efficiency.

They laughed and chatted.

"I'm really looking forward to this Nordic Face fashion show."

right. It is famous for having both design and practicality at the same time."

"It's really very warm when you wear it, and it's a brand that originated in a cold northern country, so the warmth is really good."

"However, it also emphasizes the white skin and distinctive features of northern people."

"To be able to capture both exposure and warmth at the same time. Nordic Face is the only brand that can do this design!"

"It's a design that can't be found in real life, so you should wear it to your heart's content, even in the game! How much the masses are

Will you envy me!"


There was a woman coming in a wagon to the entrance of the auction house.

Woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

There is no option to increase stats, but wear a gorgeous off-the-shoulder dress and get off the chic carriage.

'Hase Hattison Daniloba'

This is the restaurant of the Daniloba family, which is famous for being a Uzbek catering conglomerate.

She put on thick horn-rimmed glasses and looked at the entrance of the auction house.

"Did you start an auction?"

Then, the women who were about to enter the auction house pretended to be close and gathered around Hase.

"Hey, why are you here now! Just now

It must have been small."

sorry. I have a breakfast appointment with my brother."

Oh? With President Gordon? cool. You are still caring."

"What is the cut. The subject of being a chef is a person who doesn't cook once at home."

Hasse sticks out his tongue with a whacky expression, and then with his friends

Together, we visited the fashion show and auction site of'Nordic Face'.


A few of the guys who were with him, who were infrequent, responded that they couldn't understand such girlfriends.

*'No, are you just buying items with bad options just by looking at the design? I am. Even if you have a lot of money and no interest in hunting, it is. Fashion lee

I don't understand the friends who say that."

Then, Hasse Daniloba turned his head and looked at his boyfriends with an elegant expression.

"What do you guys think is the'final content' of the game?"

Then the men struggle for a moment.

Hmm. That's it, you're catching the boss monster."

"Getting the ultimate weapon?"

Then Hatse asked again.

"After getting all that? After defeating all the monsters?

Then, the men immerse themselves in thoughts.

After long ago, they scratched their heads.

" Well, the character is tickling

Wouldn't it be unknown?"

Then Hatse laughed.

right. The final content of the game is, after all,'look'. In other words, all games are lookgames."

Character design is what gamers usually do after conquering all the content in the game.

Decorating your character with new skins or pretty cool equipment.

That's the look!

Hasse swept her long hair with an elegant expression.

"I'm enjoying the'final content' of the game right now. It's sewage to play while catching monsters."

The men who listened to her looked blankly.

It was not because I was persuaded by Hatse's logic, but because she was persuaded by her beauty and momentum.


The friends who were influenced by Hase's logic entered the auction house with her first.

To see the fantasy design of'Insulation + Exposure' of'Nordic Face', a luxury brand that will be introduced for the first time in the game today!

[...Sorry. The morning auction is already over.]

The manager of the party room with a nice mustache stopped them with an embarrassing expression.

Hasse looked at the watch and asked with a puzzled expression.

"It's still 10 o'clock? Didn't the auction start at 9:30?"

Usually auction in the morning is until 1:00 p.m.

It will continue.

After that, the auction in the afternoon is often held until the night.

But the manager is still embarrassed.

[Because the first person who came in the morning bought all the goods at super speed .]


Of all the ladies including Hasse

A question mark floated above my head.

What guy's auction ends 30 minutes after it started?

It is not manners to clean things up in this way.

There wasn't even time for other people to see and enjoy things properly.

Although taking the form of an auction, it is definitely an event for the purpose of a fashion show.

Designers of the auction organizer'Nordic Face' are unlikely to be grateful for this situation.

(It's always hot, it was her guess)

' What? What was it that you bid so aggressively? Are you the designer of the hostile brand?'

Hasse frowned and asked the manager.

So when is the afternoon auction?"

[It will be held from 2 o'clock.]

"I can log in again after eating. I know.

Hatse greeted the NPC politely as if he were dealing with a person.

Then he turned back and left the auction house.

Guys. Find out who was the one who wiped out the items at the auction in the morning."

"I already recognized it."

When Hase asked, a man replied with an attitude that seemed to buy her favor.

"I heard that some Asian guy came and screamed for a superior bid unconditionally? as if one was crazy.

" Are you an industry person?"

"It seemed like no. No look

He looked like someone he wasn't interested in... ."

"How can I make it look like I'm not interested in the look? You have a look that doesn't seem to be interested in looks?"

If you are a gamer, whether you have a good fashion sense or not, everyone has customization that only they pursue.

No matter how good the performance is, if it looks ugly, it is natural that you don't want to wear it.

'What the hell and how would you wear it?'

This was Hase's curiosity.

But my friend's answer wasn't good.

Well. I haven't figured out that far... ."

After hearing that, Hatse bite her lips.

"I don't know what kind of'look' he is. To stimulate the planting of look-duck like me.

She opened her big, beautiful eyes into her horn-rimmed glasses.

'How long have I been waiting for this fashion show... I will pay the price of lochan by taking this Nordic new statue!'

Hatse thought that he must see his face at the auction in the afternoon.

Beating at the auction in the morning

If you put it, it will surely appear in the afternoon.


Her prediction was correct.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 330
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