Surprisingly, this game is Ryukgem (4)

I ended up getting everything I wanted from the Nordic Face fashion show held at the auction house.

" Oh my gosh. I've never seen anyone who buys so many game money at once. I also have a lot of fees

I got it expensive."

It was also a great harvest this time when he sold enormous amounts of gold in his inventory to an excellent customer named Hase Danilobar at the end of the auction.

The huge difference that you can never get when you sell game currency in the normal way is a bonus.

(The commission alone was enough to cover all the money spent on buying clothes at the auction house, so we were done!)

"Well, it's not illegal, so if you pay other income tax properly, there will be no problem."

After consulting with a tax accountant, I decided not to release the game currency at once.

This is because, pursuant to Article 32 No. 7 of the Game Industry Promotion Act, it is possible to be treated as a business entity selling game currency.

Well, I'm not doing this as a karma, but also Deus X

Makina's game currency is irrelevant because it is classified as a game currency of RPG games, unlike the game currency of betting games with strong contingency and gambling.

And I was relieved that there was no exchange of money using other people's personal information or illegal copying of the game currency itself.

Rather, in the case of gold obtained by holding Gordian, the surprise lotto prepared by Deus Ex Machina

It is more appropriate to see it as winning a warball event.

So, in this case, it means that there is no legal problem with other income!

'But there is nothing bad about being careful and prepared in advance.'

This time, since I sold a large amount of game currency to a user named Hase Danilobar, it is essential that foreign currency is involved in my bankbook.

If money from other countries flows into it, it could be a big deal, so I was advised by a tax accountant and a legal adviser, and I thought I would not snoop around the currency exchange market for a while.

"Safety comes first.]. To be safe, you only have to play legally."

I muttered as I left the auction house.

I heard a screaming sound from behind, asking where Hase was running, but I decided to ignore it.

After leaving the auction house, I found a secluded vacant lot with a warehouse building.

Even after the cataclysm, the area where warehouses are gathered remains unchanged.

The safest places in any village were the temples, banks, and warehouses.

I looked for the warehouses I had been sold to.

A huge warehouse full of japtems with agile options.

These are the most expensive and sturdy warehouses that individuals can rent.

In the first place, there are a lot of users who have so many items that they need a warehouse, so the warehouse has quite a lot of spare.

And I already owned three warehouse buildings that would be useless if I was an ordinary user.

It's been like this, it's been so thick. For the past three months .

With a proud expression, I looked up and looked around the three warehouse buildings.

All of them are warehouses full of japtems that have been collected while playing games.

If there is one thing in common between japtems, is it that they all have agility options, whether more or less?

I looked around the warehouse and headed towards the entrance.

These warehouses are guarded by an indestructible iron gate that never opens without a key.


Only after unlocking the seven locks with the key could the warehouse door be opened.

When the door opens, the smell of old dust mixes with the smell of oil prepared for application to leather and metal.

I walked under the dim light in the back of the warehouse.

Necklace, eye patch, shield, vampire, shoes, ring, gloves, helmet, earrings, armor, pants, cloak, mask, gaiters... It can be seen that all kinds of items form a mountain.

It's all one [...早 Pa匸de... Bar people rock...

Loud noises coming from somewhere. The sound comes from the mountain of items.

Drake was organizing the items according to the grade.

It is also seen that Yunsol, who majored in taxation and statistics, analyzes the quantity and ability of items in a diagram and organizes them systematically.

"Mr. Drake. That's a C+ grade kid

It's a class, but the stats are too bad, so I think it's okay to classify it as a C class. Just throw it to the left."

I know. Looking at the chart, there were surprisingly many high-grade items with a C+ grade or higher. This is why people have to organize and live."

"That's surprising. There are more C+ grade items than c grade items. Will the graph bend strangely?"

"I used to catch Lizardmen at once. I think it's what I got there."

" on? Lizardmen? Did you PK?"

no. At one time, there was a time when Lizardmen were not just users, but simple monsters. Before the cataclysm."

It seems that Drake and Yoonsol have been quite awkward.

After all, there is nothing like a game story when it comes to making friends with gamers.

On the other hand, Yoonsol was writing charts and graphs and tilting his head.

"What is Euijin collecting all this for?"

Well. At first glance...


I'm Drake and Yoonsol are agile

We entered the field to determine the quantity of items.

"The auction is over."

This is what I say with a pile of clothes on my back.

When Drake and Yunsol saw the clothes I brought, they opened their mouths in amazement.

Lost. I bought some women's clothes like this... ah, did you have such a hobby?

I didn't know. respect.

"Although there was a report on the game community site earlier that a naked man was buying women's clothes at the auction house, but it wasn't "

It wasn't my choice, but Judylofe's choice, but, well, I didn't specifically give a second speech.

I'm a happy expression on a pile of clothes

Sighed, looking down at Judyloffe.

Then he raised his head and said.

"Well, actually, these clothes are essential items for future raids."

The path we will walk forward is the path toward a fixed S+-class monster in the dungeon.

The first route is the extremely cold dungeon.

A place dominated by a much more intense cold than the'Severe Snowy Mountains' in the North Continent.

In order to go to such a place, it can be seen that warm and light'Nordic Face' clothes are essential.

It weighs little and has warmth, so it's perfect for wearing under or over armor.

" , to wear something like this?"

Drake picked up a laced dress with a black mesh attached to it.

A garter belt is enclosed underneath.

Even the fur hat worn on the head is long, black rabbit ears.

There is also an agility option, so it is perfect for archers and assassins.

"Help yourself."

I raised my hand to Drake.



Judilope began to cry sadly.

I bought a lot of clothes because there are limits to what I can wear.

This greedy queen insisted on wearing dozens of dresses at once, causing her to quit and become fat like a gran ball.


As soon as I stumbled, I sighed as I watched Judiloffe roll over the sloping warehouse floor.

"It's calm, I can't wear all that. moderation

He should know how to distribute it to his subordinates."

Upon hearing my advice, the queen nodded with a very heartbroken expression.

In time, Judyloffe takes a dress and walks happily.

This is where Yunsol is.

Oh? Are you giving this to your sister? Thanks~

Yoonsol blushed after accepting the off-shoulder dress from Judylofe.

When she put on the item, the perfect fit was shown, as if with wings.

The model who was walking on the stage earlier is not envious of the model.

Judiloffe claps and laughs at the sight of his clothes glowing.



The Queen shows willingness to take you as a vassette

A notification sound popped up in Yunsol's ear.

Then Yunsol smiled as if sorry and stroked Judyloffe's hair.

Sorry. My sister is different from you, so she can't be Wadu-doo."

Not surprisingly, the sound of a notification in Yunsol's ears.

Because of the different species, I am not infected with spores

Failure to become a myth



The queen's will is stronger than I thought

The Queen is working hard


Queen is a steady personality

I shook my head.

' I used to think so too.'

Judylofe's Aux](?) can't be overcome.

finally. Yoonsol also went through the same procedure as mine.


Searching for the connection between you and the worm

1 search result was found

The number of friends on the connected SNS account exceeded 3000!

Congratulations! This is a great insight,'Real Chung'.

Considering that only 'a certain part' has an insect property, only 'a certain part' is infected

I was successfully infected by the spores of Queen Wadudu!

You have been appointed as the queen's vassette!

on? Am I a bug?"

Yunsol looked at the small orange mushrooms that had sprouted and sprouted above her head and made an embarrassing expression.


Judylofe's next goal was Drake, who was next to Yunsol.

"What, what? I also? I'm done. Weird with mushrooms on the body

I have no hobbies... ."

However, before Drake's refusal was over, Judyloffe's attack (?) began.


Searching for the connection between you and the worm

I found one search result Gameplay time exceeded 10,000 hours so far!

Congratulations! This is an obvious'game bug'

ぐIn consideration of the fact that only certain parts have insect properties, infection will proceed only in 'certain parts'

I was successfully infected by the spores of Queen Wadudu!

You have been appointed as the queen's vassage!

Drake had to follow the same procedure as me.

"Ugh! What is this horn mushroom? Why do you grow up in such embarrassing places!"

I saw Drake in embarrassment

I stopped laughing.

Finally, the number of comrades has increased to three! I can't be alone.

I was thinking of taking out the mushrooms that were covered with Ochumelof's infinite costume ring and showing them.

character. Just kidding. Now that we are ready, let's start playing in earnest."

I clap a few times and then I'm a friend

A large map was spread out in front of the field.

Yunsol and Drake look at the map with curious expressions.

What are you trying to catch this time, are you so serious?

"Did you say you should go to a cold place? If the monster lives there... ."

I decided to answer all of my friends' questions at once.


My fingers point to the red-marked area on the eastern continent.

'The 7th Conflict Zone'

Dozens of kilometers deeper northeast of the Abyss Terminal, not far away.

Despite being in the middle of a burning wasteland, a land of cold weather is filled with frost.

I put in my mouth the name of Monster, who appeared anew after the Cataclysm and became the ruler of this district.

"The Lich King."

(Worn and Worn Newbie)

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 333
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