Agitation and Fabrication (2)

The situation in the disputed zone is unusual

(轨Injoongshot X).text

'Unknown Game Ducks 3021' / (03.21) /20**-**-04/19:03:21/Inquiry 4,576,302/Recommended 32,982/Not recommended 4,896

-The date of the Great War is the Morego certification

none. Believe it or not~

A post that heated up the entire gaming community.

This post has created a tremendous syndrome in the world beyond Korea.

The Great War Syndrome!

(Great war syndrome)!

An enormous crowd flocked to the rotting and burning land, the 7th Conflict Zone.

Most of the flocking people were, of course, Lizardmen and Orcs.

Race, nationality, language, disability, gender, age, and all the differences and discrimination that existed in reality were nothing more than a piece of paper on this'rotting and burning land'.

The people gathered here cannot dare to share with the various standards that exist in reality.

Only one.

Lizardman or Orc.

It is only divided by the answer to this question.

Lizardmen players belonging to the'Immortal Legion' under Oz, the Death Dragon, leave their level and equipment.

I formed a huge group of me.

The scenery was spectacular as Lizardman warriors, whose main weapons were excellent regeneration, agility, and powerful critical attack power, marched north of the gorge.

Numerous large guilds, far more small and medium-sized guilds, and the largest number of individuals gathered, and the number reached almost 10,000.

The number of Orcs was also no less than that.

Orc players belonging to the'Burning Legion' under Mamon's Constellation of Greed also left their level and equipment to form a huge group.

Orc warriors with high stamina gauges and strong strength as their main weapons took a seat in the south of the gorge and sat down.

Both those who attended as guilds and those who came as individual

Combined, they also approached 10,000.

Surprisingly, the proportion of Koreans was not much. It wasn't because there were few Koreans gathered, but because foreigners gathered that much.

This was possible because the post of '3021' posted yesterday became a big issue even overseas.

In addition, nearly 20,000 players from around the world gathered in one place.

The fact that it was so rare was hard to find a precedent, so there were also a large number of spectators who flocked to see it.

ridge! ridge! ridge! ridge!

Along with the loud drums, roaring shouts in the languages of each tribe were popping out from all over.

[Let's follow Mamon's command and crush those abominable lizards!]

[Dirty Orcs! Let's show the power of the dragon camp! Long live Oz!]

[Let's kill them and raise their race kill numbers! It's your chance to get a buff!]

[Maybe you can see where the gold is buried if you set up the ball in this war!]

[You don't need all of them, and the experience you get from the race war is unconditionally doubled?]

Over 20,000 users each move according to their own desires.

Some needed money, some needed honor, some just needed a place to play for me.

The inside of the gorge is truly a bucket of drumbirds when the curious onlookers, the jap dealer who wants to share, and the reporters from various media, and the gangsters looking at which side to join, are gathered.

The night before the storm (暴風前夜).

The results will tell who is crappy.

Nearly 30,000 players were facing tight on both sides of the gorge.

A strange peace flows between the two Koreas even in an atmosphere that is about to burst.

Sometimes local provocations erupted, but it was because war was not declared yet, and neither camp was moving quickly.


[ Oh look over there! All Orc Rankers!]

Lizardmen's camp is fluttering.

I wondered if the orc camp gathered in the south would split in half for an instant, and a few Orc users walked out in between.

thud! thud! thud!

Each time they roll their feet, a light earthquake and dry dirt are rolled up.

The muscle that seems to show the fact that it is a goreb with the whole body.

High-grade equipment that shines brightly.

The 10th place in the current Orc rankings,'Gurai Bural' and his guild of Testosterones have appeared!

They were the group that formed the largest power among the current Orc guilds.

The dignified appearance of the Orcs nearby, as well as the Lizardmen in the other camp, was thrilled.

Bural shouted in a loud voice.

[Oak users! Don't be drooping because the climate of a rotten and fiery land is hot! Soon we will cool our hot body with the cold blood of those cold-blooded animals in front of us!]

At Bural's cry, many orcs felt trembling.

Of course, the hot heart.

[--Orc!... Orc! Orc! Orc!]

The orcs of the whole canyon rolled their feet together and lifted the weapon high.

Their momentum ascended to their fullest, and the south gorge began to sway.

Right then.

[ The nerd pigs are noisy.]

The Lizardman camp also splits into two branches.

In the meantime, there were Lizardmen walking with dignity.

The equipment was shabby, but the body wearing them was large enough to overwhelm other Lizardmen.

Some of the Doma Snakes, with a much heavier weight than the others around them, appeared in arrogant gait.

Lizardmen were obviously walking on the ground, but there were few footprints on the floor.

Considering their large size, it was a very unrealistic sight.

The 8th place in the current Lizardman rankings

The appearance of'Anti Niemi' and the guild scene club he leads (club SIN) are all!

Likewise, these were also the largest guilds among the Lizardmen.

Niemi stared at the Orc Union in front of her with a sharp eye.

Bural also opened his beaked eyes and looked at the Lizardmen Union in front of him.

[What you looking at? The one who dare not even meet my eyes when the war begins. Anyway, filthy orcs are full of bluff. If you are confident, come in here!]

[Only declare war, I'll beat your head with a mace right away. That beautiful music will be played. I'll use it as a game BGM!]

A large guild representing Lizardmen and a large guild representing Orcs face each other.

The masters of both guilds are standing at the forefront and fighting with pride, so naturally, the eyes of all races were focused on this side.

[Wow!? Bural and Niemi are in a nervous war!]

[I don't know what they're talking about, but you're definitely swearing, right?]

[My heart trembles when I see that Bural is majestic, I always longed for

It was a ranker!]

[Niemi's Force is not a joke! As an individual, he's the highest rank in the Lizardman rankings, but he's a good-looking man who also leads the group!]

Numerous Lizardmen and Orcs whispered in awe of each one.

War has not yet been declared, but when things happen, the two and the groups they lead will probably be at the forefront.

Everyone gathered here pumped into the heart in preparation for an upcoming burst.

According to rumors circulating on the Internet, there was a high possibility that war would be declared soon.

Giant large monsters will rush into the field and tighten the field, and numerous soldiers from both sides will rush like crazy.

The mountain of corpses will accumulate and the sea of blood will overflow!

Reporters from several broadcasting stations were busy wandering around to cover the situation.

Immediately triggered (一觸卽發).

Even if someone is possessed by a drop of blood, it will be irreversible.

A river of blood was destined to flow in this gorge.

Right then.

[ No? Hey, there's something on the gorge!]

Somewhere, a vague voice burst out.

The voice of a man.

The sound came from the Orc side, but the pronunciation was so dim that it was hard to hear even by Orc users.

But that wasn't the end.

[War! The person who posted the war! Appear over that gorge! Everyone feels the need to pay attention!]

I heard a more awkward cry than before.

This time, the voice of a woman.

It was from the Lizardmen side, but likewise Lizardman users

It is an awkward accent and pronunciation so that it is difficult to hear even by the public.

However, in any case, the meaning was passed on.

Gossip between the Lizardmen and the Orcs gradually spread.

Rumors are spreading out.

In the end, the movement of the agitation was the two losers standing in front of the Lizardman camp and the Orc camp.

It was also passed on.

[ Well?]

[ what?]

Bural and Niemi raised their heads up when they heard the report of the guild members.

It wasn't just them. The 30,000 people gathered in this gorge all headed in one direction.


A shadow stood above the gorge.

fist! Everyone look here!"

Unknown existence.

He spoke fluent Lizardman and Occitan languages.

Is it so? Neither Lizardman nor Orc could distinguish his race.

Wearing a black hood

In addition, the sun was also on its back, so I couldn't see it straight.

Don't you even speak both Lizardman and Occitan perfectly?

[what? Is that the one who posted the war post?]

[Are you paying attention? Why are you up there?]

[ Isn't it just the seeds of interest?]

[Hey! Are you 3021!? Come down!

Before you shoot and kill it!]

[It's black again, but why are my eyes yellow?

Is it shiny?]

[Discover the race! Which side are you on!]

The players gathered under the gorge booed all at once.

It was a sign of protest against the inability to see the identity due to the black hood.


30,000 players gathered under the canyon

The earlies soon couldn't say anything.




[ !?]

[ ,,!?]


Those who were staring at the top of the canyon quickly disappeared.


Black Hood of Being Standing on the Canyon


It happened after facing the ominously sparkling golden gaze and gaze.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 358
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