Full River! (3)


That's the light that announces the emergence of new items

", What, what? What is that!?"

Without knowing, I put my head inside the pot

I almost fell upside down while pushing it in.

That much I was excited.

It was Drake who judged the situation most quickly.

"Look! Check it out soon!"

He moved in a calm and rational manner, quickly tying a rope near the entrance to the furnace. And he handed me the end of the rope.

But I have been a slave of impulse for a long time.

It was after Drake dive into the furnace before he even tied the rope.


I landed on the bottom of the furnace that had cooled down.

HP has been cut down considerably, but it's about this point.

There is still hot heat

Vulcanose melts that emit a dark red glow were collected throughout the bottom of the furnace.


I looked down at the glow on the floor.

Cut. The flurry of shaving.

The guy was waiting for me.

That way That way Jerk off

I held back what I wanted to run right away.

And, striving to repress and repress my beating heart, step by step, slowly, I went all the way toward the cut.

When viewed from a distance, it looked small, so I thought it was broken, but when I saw it up close, the size of the cut was not reduced at all.

So, there is one more cutout of the same size!

I looked down at the two shavings that were rolling in front of my feet with a blank expression.

Even if you look at it again, it is not broken or amputated.

The cut was only slightly thinner and longer, but remained in its original form.

Oh!? The condition of the cut is.........

- Death to cut off / Two-handed weapon

/ S(S+) / Enhance: +10

A weapon used by the darkest and most vicious among torture technicians.

Even the noble archangel will have no choice but to insult the god who stands before this sword.

-Attack Power +990 (+990)

-Non-destructive (special)

-Can be used with the characteristic'Neungji's (陵遲處斬)' (special

-Can be used with the characteristic'Neungji's (陵遲處斬)' (special

Congratulations! 'Shielding Fleeting Horse (one-handed weapon), silver) has been enhanced to "Cutting Fleeting Horse (two-handed weapon)"!

My body trembles.

However, a completely different feeling was dominating my whole body!


I carefully reached out and picked up the two shears off the floor.

Dual means too (雙手短刀)!

The one-handed weapon was transformed into a two-handed weapon through the Pulgang and became two in the process!

Is it a dream or reality?

If it's a reality that feels like a dream, it's perfect, and if it's a dream that feels like reality, please don't wake up.

" S+."

I muttered with a blank expression.


Successively broke through the gates of that ridiculous probability and succeeded in the full river.

Is that because you are so lucky? I can't feel it right now.

Well, no matter how thin the odds, every time someone in America wins a Powerball or Mega Million Jackpot.

Breaking through the wall of 0.0000000033% probability.

Therefore, the miracle of the full river can happen in the game is definitely something that can happen in reality.

(Of course, that the main character will be me

If you do, the feeling will be different!)

As time passed, both breathing and pulse were relatively stabilized close to normal levels.

It was only then that I was able to examine and appraise this Ssang Sudan map, which was wholly attributed to mine.


There wasn't much change in attack power, other options, and appearance, but it was a tremendous change that doubled the dots that went into the damage.

'Neungji' is a characteristic that inflicts dot damage on enemies.

In more detail, it is the ability to reduce HP by 0.01% of maximum HP every 1 second.

In 10,000 seconds, that is, 2 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds, an enemy full of stamina can be knocked upside down.

Of course, you need to keep in mind the enemy's natural resilience and other special circumstances, but as time passes, it will not change that you will drive your opponent into the inevitable swamp of death.

The trouble is time! It was always time to be a problem when hunting monsters using this trait.

I do dot damage while dealing with countless boss monsters so far.

I have fought in a way that survives and endures until enough to get in.

Fights that ended in 2 hours 46 minutes 40 seconds were extremely rare.

Most of them were fights that took hours or days, and in the meantime, I had to survive and escape from the fierce struggles of the monsters without a single armor.

And now, I got another'cut'.

In theory, with this, you can cut your raid time in half!

5,000 seconds. The ability to kill an enemy if it lasts only 1 hour, 23 minutes and 20 seconds.

The trait is twice as strong!

Because the excitement has subsided to some extent

Despite this, I can't say anything because I like it.

It feels like I took the elevator from hell and came to paradise in one room.

I couldn't even make a sound and jumped.

And as if I was worried, I hugged Judylofe, who had come down with Porre.

"You were the goddess of luck! Such a gold hand! Like a hand made of gold


Let me blow a few kisses against Judilofe's plump cheeks.


The Queen is displeased with the excessive skinship

Queen's favorability declined significantly

The Queen said,'Why are you? We look at it with the gaze of, "Aren't we such a close relationship?'

Judylofe's expression quickly rotted, and his favorability fell.

But now that wasn't what mattered.

" With this, you can play even more ridiculously."

I muttered, as if possessed, as I looked at the two large awls in both hands.

S-class weapons have been reinforced ten times, so they have the same power as the S+ grade, which is one level higher.

Now, Oz, the Death Dragon, wasn't too afraid.

The'intermediate boss' that has to be passed on before that is also now rather awaited.

"Congratulations, Oooh! It's a double slope!" "It's not like a double slope. Was there another big hit in the history of the game?" !"

Yoon Sol and Drake, who had just come down to the bottom of the furnace, also responded to my joy with excitement.

Did you say that if you share your sadness, it will be half, and if you share your joy, it will be doubled? The situation was just like this now.




Yunsol and Drake look at me

I tilted my head.

"Down. What are you doing now?"

Drake looked at me and asked, seemingly puzzled.

I was taking the scales out of my inventory and weighing the two shaved weights.

"Ah, no big deal. I changed the meta from a one-handed weapon to a two-handed weapon, so I have to do it."

" ? Why weight while adjusting?"

Drake still looks puzzled.

I answered kindly.

"After grasping the basic resources such as weight, surface area, width, length, volume, etc., we will try to test the melting point, specific gravity, tensile strength, hardness, elasticity, yield point, and elongation again."

" Why is it like that?"

"That's how perfect pixel-by-pixel control is possible. It doesn't make sense if you get a good weapon at best and you don't handle it perfectly."

Then Yunsol stuck out his tongue.

OMG. Do I have to figure out that stuff in order to control it?"

"Then~ two-handed weapons, especially

Ssangsudo is a weapon that is known for being difficult to control. Actually, this is not enough."

I lifted the two cuts towards Yunsol.

Look Carefully. These two cuts look exactly the same, but in fact there are subtle differences. Do you know what it is?"

Um, well?"

"It's'weight'. If you listen, you may not know, but if you take a precision measurement with a scale, the right cut is about 2 grams lighter. Why?"

" Mo, I don't know."

"It is the result of the consideration of the developer. Normal users are right-handed, so I added the weight on the left for balance. But what if I, an ambidextrous person, did not know this and swung the two shearers equally? There is obviously an error

I couldn't help but do it?"

uh. Is that so? It's a difference of 2 grams?"

Nope. The excess weight of 2 grams, the elasticity when it bends and returns slightly when hit, or the stiffness to withstand it, and the trajectories with the least resistance of air during exercise gather and gather to create a decisive one. "

I'm not saying very much.

In fact, golf players sometimes put lead tape on their clubs to fine-tune their swing.

When the 1998 Masters Tournament was held, golf player'Philip Am d Blackmar' wrapped lead tape around the driver to fine-tune the draw shot.

The extreme micro-area that cannot be controlled by human muscles is enlarged through thorough financial analysis of the tool.

It is to lose.

I said to Yunsol and Drake.

"There are a lot of gamers who enjoyed one era. But in the end, the gamers who are long-running and who become the final winners are the types that are loyal to the theory rather than the physical type. Over time, physical will eventually be replaced by experience. Someday."

After hearing that, Yunsol sparkled her eyes toward me.

She whispered small to Drake.

"Isn't Euijin really great? I want to quickly reach that level of craftsmanship!"


I said to my friends.

"Well, friends. Would you please collect some of the vulcanos debris left in the furnace?"

" Huh? Why is that?"

"I want to do more detailed inspections."

Eh? Didn't you do all this and that in detail earlier?"

"What are you talking about, that's a basic test of basics. We should also test the heat transfer rate, cold air transfer rate, and conductivity."

"I'm going to use the vulcanose metal to measure the surface roughness. I plan to measure the average roughness of the center line, the roughness of the maximum height, and the average roughness of 10 points... I must apply the method of measuring the surface roughness of KS."

When I finished speaking, I turned my head back to Shahdan.

"Hehe, sheer, let's play roughness with me

Yunsol's eyes, who saw it, are flesh

I am trembling.

" I don't think there is a need to reach such a point."

"Well, I agree."

Drake also nodded.


[ ..It's time now.]

Jack O'Lantern muttered, looking down at the secret door where the Banshee Queen disappeared.

It was time to go down to the 3rd basement level of Death Road.

Oz, a deadly dragon, is lurking in the heart on the 4th basement floor.

To get there, you must first cross the'Impossible Zone' on the 3rd basement floor below.

"There is a middle boss beneath it. Are you ready?"

I looked up and asked.

Instead of answering, Jack O'Lantern was wearing a Vulcanos scythe, tin armor, and a lion's mane cloak.

Me, Yunsol, Drake, Jack O'Lantern. Everyone is ready. Overflowing!

Now, if you grab the middle boss that will pop out soon and catch Oz, the death dragon right behind him, this raid ends neatly.

In addition, I will be able to ascend to the throne both in game and in reality.

Who in the world can hunt down fixed S+-class monsters?

Even in the world before the regression, this was unprecedented until the 2nd cataclysm opened.

A Jack O'Lantern spewing out a black aura stood in front of the pit with a scythe.

I felt that the blade was standing close ahead of the existence of Oz, the death dragon.

Me, Yunsol, and Drake also followed Jack O'Lantern.

[ Go.]

He chinks briefly at us and threw himself down the cliff.

Abyss (深淵). The avenger has begun.

Multiple lines

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 373
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