The Greatest

Showman) (3)

Once upon a time there was a greedy wage in a country.

Then one day, a scammer came up and made an offer to the king.

'Make the coolest clothes in the world

I'll listen.

But the scammers didn't make anything with their budget.

He simply lied to point to the empty air and say that he made'clothes only visible to good and wise people'.

All the servants praised the king for his clothes and pretended to be happy.

Before long, the king was naked and a hundred thousand

They marched on the streets in front of the castles, and the people praised the king's clothes while hiding their embarrassment.

But soon, a child shouted,'The King is naked!', and eventually all the truth is revealed.

I was now naked and standing in the middle of a fancy party.

It is only visible to good people.'

I decided not to tell such obvious lies.

I am getting the attention of everyone with the naked body and the clothes I always wear.


The eyes of contempt and amazement that have always been directed towards me have nowhere to go.

[Heo heo heo, if the dress is so free

I see.]

[It's cool. The appearance that is not bound by the stereotypical formality.]

[It's like Hoho Hopsa's wind, it's cool!] [It's not the great Gatsby, it's the great Gochubi!]

[Pya! What could you dare to imprison the Count!]

All the high-ranking NPCs in this city come to me and say good words.

It's usually a pervert or an exposure mania

It is very different from the swearing situation.

He would be like that, because I'm wearing great clothes called'Aura of Jabon,' right now!

Who is shooting in front of my overwhelming person who is planning and implementing this huge party!

, Still, the naked king was a good king. Because he believed that all his people were good and wise.'

If I had been a naked king, the scammers would have struck the neck as soon as they did the refurbishment.

I am kind and wise so I can see my clothes, but most of the people don't, so I won't be able to see them.

And I also believe firmly.

Everyone around me will see the garments, vanity and idols of capitalism that I have created.

I can.

As proof, isn't anyone telling me to get dressed!

'Originally, when I was in a rich town, the coolest fashion was slippers and pajamas.

There is also a saying.'

When playing in a rich neighborhood, wearing pretty clothes or luxury accessories means that he didn't live in this neighborhood and came to play from a faraway place.

It's like advertising.

A pitiful fashion where the overwhelming booties of the place and the wanderings who seem to follow or resist the overwhelming booties are terrifying.

A really cool fashion is a comfortable outfit that looks like shouting'I live in this town'.

It's as if I was out of the house for a while because I had something to do.

Nervous the booty the place spews

Comfortable clothes that seem to be adapting naturally without using a car.

Isn't this a real luxury figure?

[This is a party held in such a wonderful mansion, so it's great!]

[Originally, the owner of this mansion, Mr. Scrooge G. Burns, had a closed personality, so he never opened the mansion.]

[Of course, Count Go, you are amazing. What the hell did you offer, so that the Marquis of Scrooge,

Did you rent the mansion?]

Nobles, colossians, and high-ranking soldiers all fart me.

As a reward for holding a party today, it was natural that all the NPCs, the body that was awarded the status of honorary count, wanted to show me well.

On the other hand, NPCs were chattering among themselves.

[By the way, the original owner of this mansion

I mean. Mr. Scrooge Burns. Psoas

Didn't you see the lae barrel?]

[Yeah. It's time for the old man to go... I wouldn't have opened the mansion in general.]

[It's been a while since you haven't seen it? It's been a while since you haven't appeared in the noble social center.]

Marquis of Scrooge Burns, the original owner of the mansion.

He was the richest man in the world and an old man who was notorious for being a Susana.

However, after the cataclysm, he was stuck in the deepest part of the house, not going out.

And this was a common phenomenon occurring in all NPCs who have the setting of chaebols and chaebols around the world.

However, the majority of people took this fact out of the way.

The rich go to a secret place

It is because it was common not to appear in front of the public.

[I wasn't worried about the rich.]

[right. You'll be stuck somewhere and live as tight as usual.]

[We just need to have fun and eat the grace and spending of money that is the same as the count of the deceased count!]

NPCs soon forget the comfort of the Marquis of Scrooge and get drunk with highballs and whipped cream.

The same goes for the players.

"Wow, that's great! Is this a party hosted by one person?"

"All famous NPCs have gathered here. Wow, look at the size of the party."

"How much money did you spend? I haven't been able to play like this in the present room."

On a rainy day, all adventurers flocked to this place looking for a place to relax with alcohol, food, and warm bodies.

Quite a few pubs and inns

An incomparable luxury party.

I freely open all sections of this luxury mansion to the players.

Only place.

Except for the'study' on the top floor of the mansion.

I told everyone who had gathered here.

character! Sprinkle free pool party skins today! Everyone come and have fun!"

Swimming pools of champagne and whiskey, and warm and delicious snacks are all over the place.

Spectacularly dressed models and clown NPCs wander around the mansion in an atmosphere.

As prizes with B-class items or higher are sprinkled everywhere, general

Users flocked with enthusiasm.

[Quick! Point!]

Sitting on a fountain made of chocolate, Judyloffe was smiling to see if he liked the scene of the party.

I really like the glamorous thing that someone might not be the queen.

After confirming that Judylofe's favorability rises, I looked up.


Now is the time to establish the justification for holding a party like this.

I climbed onto the stage in the center of the party hall in front of the large fountain and grabbed the microphone.

And he delivered the speech he had prepared.

"Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors were innately safe while freedom was realized.

A new city was born on this continent where this principle of being guaranteed is faithfully followed."

All the NPCs who heard my cry nodded.

In particular, the formation of consensus among the old soldiers was thick.

"But since the cataclysm, we have been caught between the forces of dragons and demons, this precious city that our ancestors passed on and our descendants wanted to live.

We are going through a severe ordeal to the point where we are concerned about how long it will last."

This time all players nodded.

It is no wonder that the prestige of the human race has greatly declined since the cataclysm.

As many of them became Orcs or Lizardmen, the original town of Utorus was also desolate.

I continued my speech.

"But in a more rigorous sense, we are by no means the ones that make this earth a holy place for humans. There is no room for us to intervene, and the brave people who fought here, whether dead or survivors, have already transformed this place into a sacred place. The people of the world will not pay much attention to what we say here, nor will they remember it for a long time, but they will never forget the achievements they have accomplished here."

All those who have gone away.

The innkeeper, the general store merchant, the blacksmith at the weapon shop, the priest of the priest, the soldier guarding the wall, and the players... .

I shouted, clenching my two fists.

"Now, as human remnants, we must dedicate ourselves to accomplishing the unfinished task that the great men who made this place a sacred place eagerly aspired to accomplish.

When we make such dedication, the'Mother's City Utorus' will be able to enjoy a new guaranteed freedom. As a city for the human, it will never disappear from this world!"

Lincoln's Gettysburg speech was modified a bit and the result was quite good.

Numerous NPCs clapped with tears of emotion.

[It was a great comfort to us humans! Thank you so much for arranging this place!]

[Surely he deserves the honorary count!]

[A little bit of warmth and vitality came to the Utorus that was dead!]

[I love you, Countess! We will do our best too!]

The players also seemed to have received even a little comfort.

right. Lizardmen and Orcs, etc. I couldn't even go to the hunting grounds for rice, and it tasted like dying these days."

Is that all? The number of NPCs has decreased so much that the commercial district has collapsed.

The city itself has become very quiet. Still, it's comforting to see everyone gathered in one place today. There are still many heads of us humans.

The deceased person remains in the human camp

I'm really glad you know."

Apart from NPC and Player's High, it was a part that would be comforting to all humans.

I raised the glass of champagne and shouted.

"I have set up this place today to be a small but warm comfort to human survivors! Humans! Don't be overwhelmed!"

As soon as my words are over, it thunders

The same applause broke out.

I calmed my applause for a moment, then lifted a glass of champagne and looked back.

"Now the festival is almost finished! I hope you enjoy watching the last show I prepared!"

Then, many eyes looked at the big stage behind me.

A large temporary stage that has been covered with white cloth so far.

Soon, the servant NPCs attached to the mansion ran and removed the white cloth.


That moment.

[Oh My God!]

Oh my gosh!

Both NPCs and players, regardless of whether they are NPCs or players, swallow up the wind.

My last show!

Donjiral of an all-time scale was just about to be introduced.

Worn out Newbies

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