Plague of the Underground City (2)

We followed Bellot to the first floor of the Nether Play.

[Once upon a time, when all the surviving villagers migrated from the corrupt Gordicsa, I was the only one left here. The last vote I threw makes Gordixa the spirit king.

I couldn't. Master said he would stay with me, but I rejected it.]

Underground passage to the north of the Abyss Terminal.

Belat struck the rock wall with a chisel and hammer to open the door.


Beyond the two-piece rock, the deep and narrow streets where refugees walked long ago.

There was a cave.

[Now that Gordix is gone, I think everyone can come back here. I also wanted to visit Master.]

A dark cave located in the corner of the first floor of the Nether's Play. This is the entrance to the Hidden Dungeon, which leads to the rest of the tongue.


Hidden Dungeon ``Underground City Derrinkuyu

You have entered the'Access Road'

First visitor's name is recorded on Akashic Records

As soon as I step into the cave, a beep sounds.

" Hidden Dungeon?"

" Underground city?

Yoonsol and Drake, who were behind me, also opened their eyes round.

I nodded.

"At the end of this dungeon, there is a blacksmith who can smelt vulcanos."

And only if you smelt Vulcanos to strengthen your weapons, it will be easier to run the Mamon Raid.

After I finished talking, I followed Belat's back into the cave.

Yoonsol and Drake were the same.

The road to the underground city of Terinkuyu.

It was as long as the distance from the ground to the Abyss Terminal.

The cool, damp, narrow, winding caves continue endlessly.

Had it not been for Bellot's jewels to emit from his eyes, he would not have dared to enter this dark underground labyrinth.

The problem is that the speed of the bellot is so fast that you might miss her if you don't mind?

'I'm glad I have a Gen 0 capsule.'

I tried it by any chance and it worked.

The pathfinding bug of the 0th generation capsule, which was useful when attacking the maize on the sky island, was also occurring in Derrinkuyu.

Chijik... Chijichi...

You don't have to worry about getting lost even if you miss a bellot thanks to the navigation bug shown by the solid white line.

When everyone puts their balls against the damp cave wall and squeezes through a narrow gap.

Food is delicious!

A swarm of bats make a common ceiling

It rises loudly toward.

A D-class monster that lives anywhere in a cave.


Yunsol, who was following him, staggered while trying to avoid the bat.


I quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Patter... Patter...

The sound of stone debris rolling into the abyss below.

[be careful. Since this cave is an evacuation route, there are many traps to get out the pursuers. You must come by stepping on the place you stepped on.]

Bellot said with a glance.

When the light hits, the pit where Yunsol almost fell out is revealed.

A large pit tens of meters deep was settled without warning.

Looking inside, you can see something wriggling in the pit.

Guardian of the Ancient Civilizations who died -Grade: A / Characteristics: Rock, Emoji. Minions

-Habitat: Painless gorge abandoned mine area, underground city Derrinkuyu access road

-Size: ?m.

-A guard guard guarding against intruders in the eternal abyss.

Repel intruders with a mineral fist containing the will of a craftsman.

"I see it in a short time."

After the cataclysm, I watched the body of a golem that became even more majestic.

Blew the waves.

Several golems were walking around in the pit.

If you fall in there, it's probably hard to see a good look.

Bellot shouted quietly.

[These golems were also made by my master at one time. These are the things that the Queen of the Far Nara directly commissioned.]

"Is that queen a female king without a name?"

[ She also had a name back then. Looks like it's called that now.]

Belat continued to crawl through the rock.

The same was the case with us.

The road to Derinkuyu is cool, unlike the play of the yellow cloth, which was hot due to the energy of lava.

The entire rock cave was very dark and humid, so it felt like a road to rob a graveyard.

In some places, it was narrow enough for a person to curl up and walk by, and in others it was as wide as an eight-lane road.

However, most of them were wide enough to pass by just about one person.

OMG! Quite a few people will come with claustrophobia. Too much for mental health

It's not good?"

Yunsol shouted with a tired look.

She is the one of us who quickly hit the limit.

Immediately after that was me, and then Drake.

"It can't be helped. All I have to do is log out, take a break, and then connect again."

I made a reasonable judgment.

Derrinkuyu has a lot of mental power

It is a place that cannot be reached, so it is necessary to proceed step by step.

There is still a long way to go.

How many times did you log in and log out like that?

The road to the cave ended thanks to Bellot who kindly waited for us while we were away.

It was only after passing four giant cavities, two underground rivers, and thirty-two golem pit traps before we were able to get out of the tunnel.


First visitor's name is recorded on Akashic Records


I come out of the cave and look up


De Rinkuyu, a huge underground city that I can never guess at a glance, appeared in front of me.

A colony of mushrooms can be seen emitting a sparkling light throughout the dark cavity.

And the narrow and steep corridors reflected in the glow, countless rooms that feel like a dead end, and a tanned kitchen

And underground passages that are open countless times.

Giant cavities are connected like ant dens and piers in the middle are also visible.

It was a tremendous size, as if seeing a colony of termites.

A huge underground cavity created by the food culture of Dwarves who live by digging up minerals.

Someone thinks there's a big city like this tens of thousands of meters below ground

Would it be?



After exiting the narrow cave, Bellot saw the appearance of Derrinkuyu and had to swallow up the waste.


I, too, had to open my eyes narrowly.

Yoonsol and Drake, who followed me out of the cave, also looked startled in front of them to admire the magnificent scenery of Derinkuyu.

Green fog.

Even at a glance, the disgusting poison mist was floating in the interior of Derrinkuyu's cavity.

Yunsol frowned at the disgusting smell and said.

"The air of this city is like this Is it cloudy?"

Because of her good personality, she couldn't say that she was disgusting, but she was talking about it.

干 不:下 ^二...

The green fog floats sticky and comes to us.

Drake muttered, wielding his hand, scattering the green fog.

Hmm. It's an underground city, so it makes sense that the air is cloudy."

But Bellot jumped out as if there was something nonsense.

[Derinkuyu always maintains clean air because it has numerous ventilation holes connected to the ground. Even the soil that makes up this place breathes and communicates with the ground. It can never be like this... .]

Her words are true.

Turkey's underground city Derinkuyu, the motif of this megacity, is also located deep underground, but thanks to numerous ventilation ports and other scientific facilities, it has always been able to receive fresh air from the ground.

Then, why has this city changed like this?

I muttered as I looked at the city of the underpass engulfed in green fog.

" The plague is circling."

This can be seen by seeing that HP slowly decreases.

There are eerie poisons everywhere.

'There can be no plague in the underground city where dwarves live. Something is weird.'

The plague is caused by the decay of what is actually alive.

This station is where dwarves live, whose bodies are made of soil and minerals.

There is no reason for the outbreak.

"Unless external forces have intervened...

When I'm stroking my chin.

Right then.

[Oh uh uh uh... ]

Through the green fog, I saw a black shadow approaching this way.

"Is it Undead!?"

Drake and Yunsol took a hurry to warn.

Everyone knew that undead would appear in these areas because they had gone through the evil castle raid once.

Not surprisingly, it was an old man with a long beard that came out of the green fog.

It is not easy to recognize the face because of the skinny and trembling body and the shaggy white eyebrows and beard.

[Huh... ]

The old man crawled toward us in a sobbing appearance.

There are no two legs, so the appearance of touching the floor with both arms is indeed a groovy task.

"Kak! It's a zombie!"

"It's so close! It can't be helped, it's melee!"

Yunsol and Drake rolled their arms and ran toward the zombie in front of them.


The moment Drake pulls out an arrow and hits the head of an old man approaching.

[Ah! Why are you hitting Inum!

These aren't ugly guys catch sick old men... !]

The zombies started talking.


Yunsol and Drake are furious and retreat.

I said, scratching my head.

"It's not a zombie, it's just old. Even if I see you like this, NPC%

no. Whoever sees it, it's undead, who sees it, it's a zombie!?"

"It's not good to judge people by appearance."

As Drake protested, Bellot, who was scouting the other side of Derrinkuyu, was seen running with tears.

[Master! You're okay!]

It was the emergence of the master craftsman'Arpagong' who will smelt our weapons.

Although it was a little bit bad.

Worn out Newbies

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