Straighten (5)

_E lol... Three... thud!

The merry-go-round began to move.

I focused all my attention on holding my breath and watching the dynamics outside.

[What is this big one? Words?]

[Maybe it's a trap sent by the dragons!]

[Just crush it because it wins!]

[Let's burn it on fire! That's neat


I heard the demons roaring loudly.

Before long, the horse's body began to tremble in succession.

The demons are attacking the horse.

'But it's useless.'

It is a horse made by Bellot, a master of the Dwarven master Arpagong.

No matter how fast it was built, its sturdiness far surpassed that made by ordinary blacksmiths.

It's even made of sub-jinkook, so it doesn't burn.

The demons have been exhausted after attacking the horse for a long time.

Whale Whale yelled.

[Why aren't they broken!]

[By the way, it looks like a pretty cool sculpture. Isn't it a waste of breaking down?]

[Yeah, you can't just leave it like this anyway, right? Wouldn't it be nice to leave it in the castle?]

[The weight is also quite light. Take it and tell the two great kings.]

As I expected, the demons began to treat horses like loot.


The merry-go-round slowly descends the slope. I couldn't see the outside, but it was clear that I was going to the outer castle.

A sturdy wall that no one can cross

We crossed the Maginot Line, guarded by two S-class monsters, so easily.

After all, life is a backdoor.

The sun has risen in the middle of the sky.

There wasn't much difference between day and night due to the thick smoke and sulfur gas.

When the insanely burning flames were a little quieter, for the demons, this is the time to go to bed.

The moment when Manmajeon becomes quiet for a moment.


We opened the cover of the horse and came out.

"It's so comfortable that I don't want to go out. Hehe.

The last runner, Yunsol, smiles with a handsome expression and descends the ladder.

We are in full condition and have crossed the outer castle!

"If I was hard, I would almost fight against those monsters."

Drake hides behind the horse's hind legs and alternately gazes at the two towers towering high on both sides of the Manmajeon.

Above it, you can see the backs of the super-high demons Demogor Gon and Balrog.

They were still standing at the forefront of the Manmajeon Outer Castle and directing the battlefield to the front.


The two fireballs they are creating watch the front like eyeballs.

However, we have already been inside to avoid their surveillance.

If you break in without making a sound like this, you are done.

"Demogorgon and Balrog are both pretty friendly fighters. Once you're on the battlefield, you don't look back. so

As long as you move around in the back, you won't get caught in any way."

I moved carefully and headed to the rear of the Manmajeon Outer Castle.

As far as I know about the future, Demogorgon and Balrog didn't even care about us in the back.

We were able to safely infiltrate into the fortress towering high behind the outer wall.

I said, hiding under the moat.

Good. First of all, the first backdoor is a success."

At my words, Yunsol and Drake opened their eyes round.

"Oojin. The first success is...

You mean there's a second car?"

Isn't Operation Trojan over?"

I smiled and shook my head.

"There aren't just Trojan horses in hacking programs."

Backdoor strategies are divided in many ways depending on the location, situation, and caster.

I sneaked deep into my immunity to prepare for the second backdoor.

Manmajeon resistance wasn't that big or flashy compared to his reputation.

Just to the extent that a stone mountain was carved and shaped like a castle?

Rather, it should be viewed as frugal and crude.

However, this is only the outermost, visible place.

I already knew that this is not the core of Manmajeon.

"This is the mouth that leads to Manmajeon

It's just a phrase. It's just a guide desk, so to speak. Really, I have to go through the underground passage leading to the middle of the inner city and the abyss."

That means you have to go into the ground again.

It is natural that Mamon is also the lord of the abyss, just like Oz, the death dragon.

Drake asked me.

"Well, then if you find a tunnel,

Is it going to work?"

I shook my head.

"There is no passage in the inner castle."

" No?"

To be precise, I don't know.

Is there really a pathway to the abyss where Mamon is?

I can't figure it out either.

This was a topic where opinions were divided even in the world before the regression.

But this is the only thing I know.

' If there is no way, you can make it!'

Who said that? 'Knock it, it will open'.


I move quickly, inside my immunity

I headed to the deepest place in Seodo.

There was an entrance to the underground prison, not the main hall of Manmajeon.

"I always go to jail."

Drake complained as a joke.

I also agree, so I only nod my head.

"Okay, then start the second backdoor

Shall we see?"

I quickly cut down two guards in front of the prison and opened the prison door.

[Wow!? Who are you!?]

A demon soldier with a spear cried in surprise as he stood guard in the prison.

Looking at the blue skin under the helmet, it looks like an orc.

I lifted the shaver upside down and smashed the demon bottle's head.

"Ah, a stick is a good communication tool."

The meat is said to be tender when beaten. It is similar in person's personality.

puck! Poop! Drench! Oops!

It seemed to work even in the case of the devil.

[Who, who are you? J

The demon soldier grabbed the furrowed eyelids and trembled in front of me.

However, no matter how much you talk in Occitan, my friends can't understand.

I asked in short Occitan.

Underground. defense. headquarters. where?

Then, the Orc soldier shook his head, trembling.

I feel the spirit that I can never tell you that alone.

I nodded.

"Your conviction. It was replaced separately."

At the same time as my hand movements, the quality of the demon's disease becomes softer.

[that! there! That door! Open it and go in the left end! That, stop hitting it!]

I hold the cut upside down, orc

I slapped the bottle without reason, and in the end I was able to get the answer I wanted.


Break the door and go down to see the gloomy straight corridor peculiar to the dungeon.

There were numerous prisons on both sides of the corridor, some with only skeletons, and some with prisoners.

[ Who is there!?]

Did you come to save me!]

[Give me out! Please take me out!]

Prisoners holding on to the grate and shaking.

Most of them were Lizardmen.



I was able to meet unexpected people.


The twelve prisoners in the jail with gloomy expressions raised their heads.

Eoldreum. And 11 Lizardman users who follow him.

They were trapped here!

"Why are you coming out here?"

I asked in absurd heart.

The Lizardman prisoners trapped here are all NPCs... Why are these guys trapped in the player topic like this?

Then, Ioldreum crumpled his face and wrote letters on the ground.

I turned it over to the translator.

-I received a quest from Stan the Lizard Elder of Mushroom Village to go to the Underground Defense Headquarters and deliver a letter.

place Nandai's s-class monster appeared and trapped us here. W I was contemplating whether I had to delete the character because I couldn't get out because I was trapped in the 刁. .

Is there such a pitiful thing?

Honestly, you are caught by'Psychopath Stan'.

The NPC is notorious for giving quests of ridiculously high difficulty to low-level novice users.

Where was it once or twice that beginners were unsure about the rewards, so they went to deliver a letter, were trapped in the map, could not get out, and eventually deleted the character?

Even though he is a master of the age, if he gets caught and feels sick, he's done.

'I remember the old days. Can I help you at least once?'

I opened the lock where the Ioldreum party was locked with the key I beaten and stolen the demon soldier earlier.

Thank you! I will never forget this grace!"

Eoldreum bowed his head to me several times.

And quickly escaped the dungeon and went up the stairs and disappeared.

,,It was nothing.

I smiled as I looked in the direction of the disappearance of the twelve Lizardmen.

Still, there was a big noise about breaking the door, so I was in a position to worry about the pursuits, but fortunately.

I freed the rest of the prisoners as well.

Camels, bandits, wanted criminals, demon hunters, etc... Prisoners in various professions escaped at once.

[Hahhahaha! I am free! I'll kill you Demogorgon!]

[Oh oh! I'm A-Hap! I owe you! Please come to the'Hahae (下海)' anytime!]

[Ahhhhhh! It is finally jailbreak!]

[Balloc! I'll kill this guy first!]

This will make a big fuss outside the prison.

Then we will be able to get to the depths of the prison more safely.

to be.

"Oojin. Is there any reason to go down to jail?"

Yunsol asked me.

I nodded and answered.

"Because there is a guide there to help our secondary backdoor."

Then Yunsol and Drake nodded.

It used to be like'Jack O'Lantern'

I'm in the middle of meeting a great helper.


" Ugh!? "Ahhhh!?"

As they descended to the deepest part of the dungeon, the sight unfolded where both Yunsol and Drake would swallow the wind.

Prisoner in a deep prison.

The guy who will be our reliable guide in the future.

I smiled as I looked at the solitary room in front of my eyes.

" How's it, it's been a while?"

All of us and the spherical beings were there.

Huge body.

Eyes that have gone away.

A straight body that is wrinkled.

A large mouth and sharp teeth that filled the inside.

Sandworm -Grade: A+ / Characteristics: Bug, Earth, Drought, Extinguishing Team, Drilling (鑿 掘), Earthquake

-Habitat: All areas of the harsh desert, A-51 area of the Abyss Terminal'Chilhok platform

一 Size: 50m.

-This giant monster, marked at the end of the mythology, has been in front of people's eyes for a long time.

Did not reveal.

But as much as the desert nomads still remember it.

A nightmare in the sand that used to swallow hundreds of camels at once.

It is the appearance of Sandworm, an underground cutie.

Worn out Newbies

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