Deathworm (4)

Stew Worm -Grade: A+ / Characteristics: Bug, Earth, Drought, Overgrowth, Drilling, Earthquake, Incomplete Transformation

-Habitat: Manmajeon (萬魔殿), Maggot Hill

-Size: 70m.

-Sandworm relieves extreme stress

A variant resulting from receiving.

The strength of the body became strong enough to penetrate the mantle, but the old mental system has long since collapsed.


An entity that has mutated due to stress during the sandworm adapting to the extreme environment.


It was contaminated with Mamon's energy and began to suffer.

Pride! Crackling!

Is it due to the imperfect metamorphosis characteristic that sandworms have in the process of transforming into stuworms?

Stuworm's appearance was gradually changing.

Both Yunsol and Drake were surprised with their mouths wide open.

" Standing, can't you?"

"Is it evolving?"

A macroevolution is taking place on a scale that will open everyone's mouth.

I bite my lips.

Damn it. In the process of the sandworm's evolution into a stuworm, the resistance of the mental system attack was greatly reduced."

I am literally.

Sandworm turned into a stuworm and powered up a lot, but his mental power was weakened that much.

And the result was terrible.

Death Worm -Class: S / Characteristics: beetle, ground, drought, crushing, drilling, earthquake, foresight, abyss, eddy current

一 Habitat:?

-Size: 100m.

-The body reached the ultimate 窮極 of the worm-type monster, but the mind could not catch up with the evolution of the body.

He runs through the world's underground, barely seizing the crumbling spirit.

Oh!? The state of the sandworm... !

Among the monsters I've seen so far, the largest entity appeared.

Death Worm!

This monster, likely to appear only in mythology, was wriggling like the master of a manma war.

[Ha ha ha ha ha. Even if you can't tame it, you can runaway.]

Mamon chuckled and looked down at us.

I felt like I would destroy it if I couldn't have it.

As he intended, Deathworm was showing hostility towards us.

It slowly scratched the ground, setting up scales of hospitality like a bull before rushing to the matador.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang/

Deathworm twisted violently and vibrated everywhere.

The mountains of gold coins crumble.

An underground monster that wanders around the world inside Deus Ex Machina.

The strength to dig tunnels from the end of the continent to the end of the continent without a break, and a body that can withstand problems in the mantle layer.

When in the ground, it is the Deathworm who dares to call himself the king of all subterranean species.

And now such a being was pouring out its heinous enmity all over us.

" Damn, it has an abyss characteristic on it."

I sharpened my teeth while looking at the death worm.

Drake looks at me like that.

"What is the characteristic of the abyss that has been lost, but?"

"It's like Kraken's deep sea character. When you are deep underground, the risk level rises to a higher level."

After listening to me, Yunsol and Drake closed their mouths with a shaggy expression.

If so, the current death worm's risk rating is almost equivalent to the S+ rating!

This is not a more terrifying grade than the combined Demogorgon and Balrog seen in the Manmajeon Outer Castle!

Both Yoonsol and Drake are embarrassed

to be.

Wow, it's an S+ grade! Even if it is not a fixed S+ grade but a limited S+ grade... This is too much!"

"It's similar to the three doorknobs before Cataclysm. The risk rating of the Deep Sea Kraken, Eight Legged King Culekium Falldown Mode, and Bocasa Bad Ending Nightmare Form Mode was about S+."

Among them, the power of the deep sea kraken has never been felt properly.

This is because the place we met Kraken was not inside the Blue Hole, but outside, so its'deep sea' character was not fully exhibited.

Nevertheless, however, we already know how terrifying the power of the S+ class is.

What's more, Death Worm is fully exerting the power of the'Gang gang' characteristic right now!

" Um. The abyss death worm, with all its power in full bloom, is very deep.

It has the same power as Raken."

In other words, it means that he is a very difficult enemy to deal with.

As I swallowed my swelling castle, I encountered a huge monster in front of my eyes.


Deathworm rushed towards us with terrifying momentum.

"Look! I cover it!"

Drake stepped forward.

Drake's Caltrop is effective against monsters with a movement pattern such as death worm.

Poop Poop Poop!

Pointed irons were all over the ground.

They are all powerful traps made of vulcanos.

However, as far as I know, it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no existence that can stop deathworms underground.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

Deathworm pushed forward, pushing Drake's staples as it is.

Kigging! Kigging! Gude deuk!

The irons are pressed by the heavy body of the death worm, and the flat Vulcanos iron plate

It went back to or bounced around at an amazing speed.

The power of the sandworm is so great that even the Vulcanos metal, which was not deformed as much as a grain of rice, is flattened even though the famous Arpagong hammered so much.

" Ugh!"

"Sol, Hill!"

Rock and dirt debris bounce back

HP was cut in response to the calender that came out

Yunsol cast a heel magic on me and Drake.

She cried out crying.

"Ahhhhhh! It doesn't have a dark characteristic, so it doesn't work!"

Death Worm had a perfect body that was truly all-in-one.

The Vulcanos arrowhead that Drake desperately shoots only leaves limited scars.


Oh oh oh oh!]

Deathworm's attack faced a brief lull.

Shouted Drake.

"I think you're tired of death worm!"

No matter how maddened you are, wouldn't it be unreasonable to keep showing such intense movements? I think.


No way.

Deathworms, which have even revealed the abyss character, never get tired.

That's just one.

[Woo-woo-woo... !]

The last remnant of the Choongwang sect's noble reason is resisting Mamon.

"Oojin, don't you have to attack?" "No, I should have done it in the first place to do it. It's late now."

As soon as Yunsol's words were answered, Death Worm suddenly raised a giant body and stood upright.

As expected, too. Until now, it was just a taste.

Really The real thing is coming!

[ Five.]

The death worm made a whispering sound and opened its mouth toward the sky.

I lowered my posture so that I could move at any time.

I didn't forget to advise Yunsol and Drake.

"Everyone be careful. I've completely lost my mind. From now on, the original attack pattern will be added."

Well? Isn't that the current original attack pattern?"

"It's quite different from a random fist and a thinking-wielding fist. Look there. come!

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang/

The seismic waves produced by the death worm hit everyone.


The roar that seemed to shake the heavens and earth had the power to obscure the view for an instant.

If you were a low-level player, just being exposed to this peer effect might have stiffened your entire body and collapsed.

"Get back!"

I grabbed Yunsol and Drake's lean waists and flew back.

At the same time. I hugged my friends and jumped into the air, avoiding the vibrations of the ground.

"Now, I don't have time to speak twice, so you have to listen carefully and understand right away. From now on, I will show you how to deal with Death Worm."

Even in the midst of an emergency, I spread my powers to Yunsol and Drake.

Ji Ji-jik!

Looking back at Death Worm running like crazy in front of my eyes, I immediately informed him of his attack pattern.

I looked all the way through and found that the death worm's movement pattern is really simple."

In fact, rather than taking a look, I am just memorizing the strategies that will come in the future.

"Deathworm's movement and attack pattern is a classic game from the 1970s,

It's in the form of'Snake game'. In fact, there is no need to explain more."

What is a snake game?

It's a game with very simple rules.

The elongated snake on the screen is automatically set to go forward, and the player must move the snake up, down, left and right to eat an apple that is randomly generated on the screen.

If it succeeds in eating an apple, the snake grows little by little, and the user controls the snake and continues to eat the next apple, but dies if the snake's head goes out of the screen or touches its own body.

The more you eat the apple, the longer the snake becomes, and eventually it almost covers the screen, and it changes like a maze game.

Therefore, the snake is well controlled from the edge of the screen and the head falls out

The strategy point is to move toward the center while securing space to go out.

It's a very simple and easy game, but if you dig deep, it's a terrifying game that's really difficult and endless.

"Coming again! damage!

I took my friends and stood near the death worm's tail, then quickly flew away to avoid the death worm's head.



When he bumped his head against his torso, Swarm retreated in great anguish.


A large tooth mark was left where it touched his big mouth.

It looks like it is a pot with a pointed contact surface, and it looks like it is floating.

"Kak! hurray! Damage went in!"

Oh oh! It went in a lot!"

Yunsol and Drake cheer.

Now I felt like I had a sense of how to deal with Death Worm.

But there was one more problem.

"Oooh! But the HP of Death Worm is so high that it takes a long time to catch it this way.

I think? In the meantime, will the Demogor and Balrog not appear?"

"Moreover, the location seems to be a problem! In a snake game, you have to control the snake from the edge, but we are being chased by De Swarm from the center of the Manma Battle! Not only will this gradually lead you away from the Mamon in the center, but you may eventually hit the wall and be crushed by Deathworms to die!"

It's not even that Deathworms are chasing us quietly.

The snake in the snake game doesn't attack apples, but the death worm continues to attack us.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwang!

This heavy seismic wave is it!

Every time a death worm twists its body

All the axes shake and interfere with our run-off.

Not only that, but because of the tremendous earthquake damage that burns through your feet from the ground, there was a risk of being retired immediately if you were vigilant.

Total difficulty!

Deathworm was a threatening middle boss.


There is always a way.


I took over one of Drake's arrows and lit the arrowheads.

A fire arrow was made with a hot to the touch.

I gave it back to Drake.



I smiled once at a time to Yun-sol and De Lake, who were making strange expressions.

"From now on, let's take revenge on the camel."

Just before the raid, it's time to collect the rice cakes that were laid out in advance.

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