Killing Spirit (擲殺令) (3)

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Severe Desert Zone B (1)

This place was popping up with people now.

A street vendor, the symbol of a hot place!

They gather together to form a huge flea market zone.

Originally, it was a district where there were no people at all, so this crowd was unusual.

Perhaps this is the first and last time that people gather here like this.

Right then.


Suddenly, the desert floor began to slump downward.

"Huh huh!?"


Those who used to be street vendors were greatly embarrassed.


Sand rises like a fountain, and a giant monster emerges.

Sandpit Ant Goblin -Grade: C+ / Characteristics: Goblin, Bug, Latent, Vortex

-Habitat: Throughout the harsh desert

一 Size: 5m.

-Chungwangjong monsters inhabiting the middle of the desert of the heat.

If you are walking in the desert and there is a hollow pit in front, it is better to avoid it unconditionally.

A C+-class monster has appeared! He is a field boss with an appearance that looks like an ant ghost has become huge as it is.


The ant ghost cheered the countless prey and created a whirlpool in the center of the sandy swamp. The ambition to devour everything that moves!


There were too many opponents.

Puff Puff Puff Puff!

All kinds of magic and arrows were scattered.

As many as a thousand people attacked each, the ant ghost turned into powder and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey . It's a great crowd?"

There was a woman who admired the sight.

A beauty with a physical body that looks like he is not a real person.

It was Yoo Da-hee.

She looked around and checked the population.

More than a thousand people were now flocking here.

All of them have an outstanding level.

It was even more crowded when hitting the chopsticks.

"How did you get so many together?"

Yoo Da-hee tilted as if he couldn't understand.

Of course, he recruited the killing squad mainly from the hot-blooded fans in the secret fan room, but the number is at most about 100.

'If I collect Jang Tae-ik's Incheon Union Guild, it will be 200 or not...

This, of course, is tremendous, but it is not comparable to the thousands of people gathered now.

As Yoo Da-hee and Yoo-chang tilted their heads, Jang Tae-ik, who was next to him, said.

"A lot of Chinese rankers are probably coming."

What? China? Why?

When Yoo Da-hee asked, Tae-ik Jang explained.

"It seems that Chinese gamers don't like how Koreans are doing right now. It is said that the Chinese great favourite,'Ng', personally bet a large sum of money and ordered the killings. If I partner with them, it seems like things will go well, so I released information and collected it."

Ng Bae PK Quest.

There is no way that dark gamers in the dark realm will not respond to this amount of bounty.

Among those who are wandering, there are often also those who are running as pros.

All of them have world-class rankings.

Eventually, the dominance here was a three-way battle.

'YouDie' guild led by Yoo Da-hee.

'Incheon Alliance' guild led by Tae-Ik Jang

And'bounty hunters' aiming for the bounty of the godfather'Nungsi'

It doesn't matter if it's the chopsticks who hit it outside the field, but they are also gray molecules that can draw a knife at any time in some cases.

Strictly speaking, is it a 4th wave battle?

All these people flocked to catch a'dead water'.

Yoo Da-hee shed a cold sweat on the plate that was bigger than she thought.

But apart from him, the tail of his mouth keeps rising.

'Now I can kill 100%.'

When I think of that bad guy, my heart boils again. this time

You should definitely swear at the opportunity.


There is quite a loud noise coming from the other side of the crowd.

Hey! I caught it! Give it to me!"

A man was shouting in an annoying manner.

'Sandpit ant demon' just haunted

There seems to be a dispute over the item that came out of catching this giant Chungwang-jok monster.

In the midst of countless attacks, items were first distributed to the beings who made the most decisive contribution to catching the ant ghost.

The problem is that there are two subjects.

The one who's getting annoyed right now

Guillaume Patter, the 12% shareholder in Yeodo

As a famous professional gamer active in France, the official ranking is 9 places], the Western European ranking is 6th, and the French ranking is 2nd.


Even with that annoyance in front, silently

A man with no answer.

A man covering his body with a black cloak.


His eyes shine brightly under the hood.

Audacity 鬪神 Matthew!

Official ranking 30th, Asia ranking

21st, 16th in Korea ranking.

He was also here. The stake in'Sand Pit Ant Devil' was 12%, which was the same as Guillaume.

Usually, the contributions rarely overlap like this, but sometimes this happens infrequently.

"Take your hand off. If you don't want to be cut off."

Guillaume put a grudge toward the investment god.

His ranking is 9th in the world, and his opponents are at best 30th. He thought it couldn't be a game.


"Cut it."

No investment was pushed back.


Guillaume narrowed his eyes.

As soon as he realized that he shouldn't be verbal, he drew a long sword from his waist.

Rankers' PK began.

Oh oh oh! Awesome! Are the'real's sticking together?

go! Kill it!"

"Is it an unofficial ranking game!?"

Get the PK of pro gamers

All the spectators who became light were excited.


Guillaume was quick to play.

He narrowed the distance from the Toushin by playing the sword with his demon-like skill.

'It is the second place in the French rankings... fast!'

Avatar is breathtaking with its head tilted back

It narrowly escaped the offensive trajectory.


The large rock behind it is cut diagonally and slides.

And after that, the bars behind it were also cut off in succession. It seemed to be using a weapon with penetrating characteristics.

It must be delicious to squeeze."

Tooshin clenched both fists.

For him, who pursues a macho style of martial arts, close combat is rather welcome.

Soon, when two masters are going to make a full-fledged game.


There was a person between them.

It was Yoo Da-hee.

She stared alternately at Toshin and Guillaume with a bitter look.

"You haven't forgotten the purpose of gathering here, right? Don't lose your power without need."


Both Guillaume and Investment Shin are fluttering.


Wasn't this gathering here to catch one'that new meal' in the first place?

Standing water.

A greedy man who alone disturbs the ecosystem and tries to dominate everything with excessive soloism.

It is not necessary to fight among the just people gathered to stop him.

huh! That's right. Because of those japtems, there is no need to subtract HP in these places."

Guillaume took the knife first.

He gave up the item coolly and left.

Anyway, these days, C+ grade items

It has been released quite a bit, so it's not so insanely expensive.

That's not a big cake for Guillaume Toya, about a month's worth of salaries.

And, compared to the bounty that Mr. Ng, the Chinese refusal, originally paid for, the money generated by selling C+-class items is like a small amount of money.

Let the PK fever fade.

" huh.

Tushin also left.

He also has a clear purpose for coming here today.

Standing water'

I didn't really want to kill him.

However, I was curious about the expression he would make when dealing with so many crowds.

'What the hell are you going to do?'

Tooshin sat down in a ugly place and thought alone.

Will he die from being beaten?

Would you like to die so smoothly?

Considering the play he showed at the time of the Medusa Raid, it would seem that it would be so vain, but it is not.

But what can that one do against the thousands of players gathered here?

No matter how much you think about it, the probability of the deceased winning or surviving is infinitely close to 0%.

Tooshin was sitting here with such a complex and subtle feeling that he wanted him to die but not to die.




Ju Da-hee, who prevented the PK of Tushin and Guillaume, had to travel around busily even after that.

As the masters who are said to be Nandanda gather together in one place, there will surely be an uproar.

Those who couldn't win the favor were already playing PK everywhere.

If I went like this, it seemed that the buntang quality would become too big.

It is not known when the'one purpose' gathered here will be disturbed.

'Even though the miscellaneous trader admits, the PK offender cannot!'

Because of this, Yu Da-hee was gathering diligently to dry out the PK and unite the forces.

Her agitation and politics are gone

He's a genius.

Even the innocent face that stimulates the man's protective instincts and the reverse body completely different from him were enough to bake a number of men in an instant.

In the meantime, it is no wonder that the number of members of the'YouDie' guild rises by about 10%.

Everyone! Don't use that overflowing blood in PK, but use it to kill!"

PK players who heard Yu Da-hee's words immediately nod their heads.

Bounty, beauty's beg. It's enough to move the rankers with some skill.


The forces that were divided into three groups began to calm down quite a bit.

One great current dominates this power.

Kill'Dead Water'!

Everyone sharpens their swords and aims only for the timing when the baby's appearance will appear.

Looking at the scene, Yu Da-hee smiled.

She secretly instructed her younger brother, Yoo Chang, standing behind.

"As soon as the baby dies, you gather a few of the ten blooded kids and hit the heads behind other guild leaders and some of the rankers of interest."

Yoo Da-hee was very strategic.

As soon as he succeeds in hunting the deceased, he plans to receive a bounty or use it as a career to eliminate rankers who will grow more and more in advance.

The strategy of repaying enemies, not giving money, and trying to get ahead quickly when others are behind.

In addition, the Chinese sign,'What a profitable business if Nung-si even eats my bounty!

When Yoo Da-hee and Yoo-Chang are planning to hit everyone in the back of the head.


There was a voice calling for them.

Yoo Da-hee raised her head with a puzzled expression.


There, you can see a man wearing a black hood deeply.

Having a crossbow on his back seemed to be an archer class.


Yoo Da-hee recognized his identity at once.

Lee who took a screenshot of the baby's location and reported it.

It is'Drake Cat'.

The rank is unknown because he is not registered in the official rankings, but he is already quite famous in the under.

More than anything.

It is quite trusting in that I go alone without making an unreasonable partner.

It is because they are not entangled in the interests of any group.

"Thank you for the report. Thanks to that, you can know where he is, so it will be easy to destroy. Thank you again as the guild leader."

Yoo Da-hee with a pretense smile

As he lowered his head, Drake Cat struck his hand.

Soon, he revealed Yong-Geon, who had visited Yoo Da-hee and Yoo-chang.

I had a party with him for a while, so I know his exact location and access time.

Then, one of Yu Da-hee's eyebrows wriggled.

She is quick to notice.

"I understand what you're using."

Yoo Da-hee opened her eyes and looked at Drake.

Like sticky and dense honey, her gaze runs down Drake's whole body.

Assassination (暗殺).

Half (anti-).

Either way, this strategy has nothing to lose.

Soon, Yu Da-hee and Drake's eyes are sticky and tangled together.


The hands of both men and women were firmly held together.

Deal is complete.

Worn and Worn Newbies

korean novel Worn And Torn Newbie 45
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