Korea, China, Japan (2)

The new year of 2024 has dawned.

At the same time, Asia Champions League Day, which will be the best event of the year,

An enormous amount of firecrackers that color the sky with colors, shooting a number of globular beams in the air, creating a fantastic effect

The drones that bring about

However, the overwhelming scenery is the crowd.

It was not enough that the huge hall was filled with enormous audiences that couldn't be counted, so the surrounding area was wrapped in several layers.

Not only the hall, but all the facilities around it are so great that they are paralyzed.

In Korea, there were 150,000 waiting rocks, but now

It was so overwhelming that it was incomparable to that time.

Gyeonggi promo videos are played on large billboards all over the streets and hologram machines in the center of the dome ceiling.


Boo Woo-

Dozens of vans broke through the crowds and entered the dedicated road.

National teams from Korea, China, and Japan who will participate in the Little League today are coming in.

There are only 15 pro gamers in total.

However, the number of attendants escorting them was ten times as many as that, and ten times as many as those concerned with the attendants.

The number of fans who surround them there is truly incalculable.


The roaring shouts of the stadium's ceiling simmered in Shanghai's sky.


' Wow, this is a bit burdensome.'

I was surprised to see the crowds outside the window, beyond the mask.

Unlike at the airport, the fans here

In general, it wasn't favorable to me and to our club members.

Most of the Chinese fans we met yesterday were friendly to us and showed only good appearances all day long, but those we meet today openly stare at us with hostility and youthful gaze.

"Where is the small country attacking the big country?"

"Pangz go away!"

"Neither Japan nor Korea are idiots! I just throw away transportation expenses!"

"It's a league held in China, so why are you guys here?"



Several Chinese hooligans were openly swearing at our van.

The process continued until we got off in front of the hall.

I didn't make any specs while I was getting off.

I just thought.

'In the first place, Korea would have been raped here. From the beginning, I was beaten up by Japan and China one after another.'

Although some Korean players fought, they couldn't do anything about Japan and China holding hands.

Before the return, Korea was definitely an E-sports retirement country.

'But today it will be a little different.'

I lifted the face inside the mask and looked at the audience around me.

An expression of not expecting anything from the Korean team.

At least one of me seems to be quite vigilant, but I don't seem to think that it is too much of a threat.

'The expressions will be fun soon.'

I looked around the audience in front of me, hiding my expression in the mask.

Right then.

' Huh?'

At the moment, I fixed my gaze between the crowds.

You seem to have just seen a familiar face. Is it your mood?

'...No. When I thought it was because of my mood, that was right.'

Is it the mood? = Not because of mood.

Did you see it wrong? = See you well.

Isn't it? = Right.

I thought the opposite of the common clichés in movies and cartoons.

Heoyeon skin, black dark circles, black all-white hair.

If what I saw right now wasn't my mood, it was the zodiac who just hid in the crowd and saw me and split it up.

It was my first time seeing him in real life, so it was a little creepy.

If the news article I remember was correct, he would be in the midst of looking for it.


"There is one psycho, brother."

I hear a faint voice in my ears.

fluency. He was looking at the middle of the crowd with a sharp expression.

This is the direction I just saw the zodiac bismuth face.

"Did you see it too?"

"Yes, brother. A psycho knows a psycho."

Does that mean that I am also a psycho?

As I turned my head, Yoochang laughed at me.

He also knows his face because he had the experience of fighting the zodiac in the swampy area in the game before.

'Why did he get here again?'

I crumpled my eyebrows.

As far as I know of the future, there was no interference from Angxin in the Asian Champions League.

As usual, the zodiac at this time would be stuck in the tower of the murderers and planned to catch a fixed S+-class monster.

'It seems like the future has changed a little.'

Certainly, the zodiac's move is a bit different from the future I knew.

Well. It was already twisted from the point when the cutting edge he should have got into my hand in the first place.

'However, it will be almost certain from Nam Sena's testimony that he made the tower of the murderers as a hideout... . That said, the fixed S+-class monster he's aiming for is definitely...

I won't have time to hesitate about this.

As soon as the Asian Champions League is over, we have to catch the zodiac and go footsteps.

He played the game with innocent intentions.

It must not have come, and you need to be careful at first.

I entered the hall with a plan to prepare for the steaming feeling inside.

It has been a long time since the truth of anti-fans has already disappeared.

All of the main characters of the day entered the hall.

Players from Korea, China, and Japan all come in, say hello to the fans, and wear capsule equipment.

Casters from all over the world were standing in their middle seats and eagerly sending videos to fans in their faraway countries.

Also, it is the face and voice that are familiar to Korean fans and even fans around the world who are shining their seats in the Korean relay seats. It is a caster for exclusive use.

Woman]! Greetings to all the gentlemen and ladies who are supporting our Taegeuk warriors from afar! It's just now at the premier show in Shanghai, China. Today's Asia Champions Little League 1st! 'Battle Royale Ground Zero] Welcome!]

It's light even if you don't see it. How much interest is being poured out in far away Korea?

Probably, in front of cell phones, TVs, and monitors, there will be a large number of viewers at the highest level.

Caster Jeon Jeon made a comment with an overwhelming expression.

[Today's seat is the first battle for one ticket to advance to the Asian Champions Big League! If you get good grades here, you'll be more likely to advance to the big leagues in the future, right? Because strategically

Is also a very important plate. The performance of our worn-out newbie club is highly anticipated!]


At the same time as firecrackers came up on the stage, the deathmatch between Korea, China and Japan began in earnest.

Each of the 15 pro gamers accessed the game, ripped the teleport scroll, and went to the stadium at once.

Was warped into.

The first version was'Battle Royale Round Zero' as scheduled, and a map with a rail to push cargo in the middle was added.

At the moment, the expression of Caster Jeon Jeon-jin became dark.

[ Ah, dear. What I was concerned about eventually happened.]

A lot of negative comments

Even though it is a position that should not be done, there is a grief.

However, the caster Jeon Jeon has a personality that maintains his composure, so the facial expressions of the other casters next to Mangjeong Iji were completely rotten from the moment they checked the map.

The map on which the game will be played today is a giant western jungle called'GreenHell'.

Dense forest and strange rock formations, high temperature

It was a huge open field famous for its humid climate.

So why is this map a problem?

This map was a hot topic among heavy gamers long before the Asian Champions League was held.

Gamers in Korea, China, and Japan referred to this map as a "madong king killing map".

It was because it was a map that nerfed the characteristics, personality, and attack patterns of Ma Dong King in all aspects.

1. Dense tree roots that reduce damage from land-based wide area technologies such as earthquakes and eddies.

2. Fluffy leaves obstructing the view and obstructing the push of cargo.

3. Dense fog and humid climate to prevent the fire from being ignited.

4. A good environment for one-deal snipers to hide and for evasion characters to escape.

5. A myriad of obstacles arranged to allow a few to survive and to conquer and resist.

So, it is true that there were many opinions that if the map for the Asian Champions League was selected as'Green Hello, it would probably be a joke from the organizers.

However, in reality, there are so many maps that Greenhell couldn't be chosen, so everyone was unsure.

[ But it really happened. This is so blatant!]

Jeon Jeon-jin said, biting his lips.

Perhaps there was a biased map selection by China and Japan, and Korea would not protest there.

This is more of an intentional hindrance than an incompetence of the Korean Association.

Cha Gyu-yeop

Maybe he's getting involved to some extent.

'...After all, the association's dullness ruins both the player and the country.'

Caster Jeon Jeon swallowed words that he couldn't even say out of his mouth.

Then I glared at the screen with a wet expression.


It's not an over-the-air broadcast, or even a terrestrial broadcast.

Numerous private broadcasters in Korea were refreshingly replacing the words that caster Jeon Yong-jin could not.

[Fuck! And among the many maps,

'Lin Hell' came out. I know that the map was decided after a clear agreement between the China and Japan associations. The Korean side is sitting with such shit as it is impossible to select a map that is advantageous to their own players!]

[It's obvious, well, it's uncomfortable because the worn-out new B club doesn't even get a sloppy push and goes up to a high place with hard power. I have to bend my head and write to the association, but I don't do that, so it's high.

They're ugly.]

[Anyway, this guy's X-like associations are always crazy about grabbing a bowl of rice, right? Don't you think of the players or fans as X? All Korean associations are ruined!]

Streamers vomit everything they analyzed on the broadcast without adding or subtracting them.

So even those who don't know much about the game can quickly find out that something is wrong with this situation.


This is because it is not a time of receiving only the information thrown from the top like in the old days.

Of course, all of the game community comments were upset.

-are you kidding? In Korea, the king of Madong is holding his ankle on the board that would be uncomfortable even if he pushed him out.

-I'd rather go to another country for King Madong to abandon his Korean nationality.


L Really pissed off country... Carcinogenesis...

-The list of association officials who participated in this map selection meeting has been leaked!

L and you are very gorgeous;;;

``There's also the president of Red Moon in the center, is it Cha Gyu-yeop?

It looks like an LX----even if you look at it, your face is grumpy.

Is it L one, but isn't Redmoon the Busters spawning company?

L Busters is a worn-out newbie

From the national university selection to the end

Was it?

-Hmm... Does this smell like something?

L Isn't it really necessary to find out the truth?

-Is it one day to avoid players from the association's irritation?~~~人日

Natural reactions pour out.

The criticism of public opinion is so high that all Internet communities are paralyzed with dissatisfaction.

It was enormous.

And caster Jeon Yong-jin, who was guessing the flow, was making a comment with a heavy tone.

[Yeah. The moment I told you, the game started! Each of our players is scattered. We meet one by one to form a team. Oh, Ma Dong Wang is alone on the outskirts of the forest.]

The caster is still the King of Madong

Looking at, the complexion became brighter.

However, the voice still seems to be full of worries.

[Yes, Ma Dong Wang player. You don't panic at all even looking at the map. As if you already knew that this map would be better, it's a casual attitude. However, as long as it was a human, it wouldn't have been embarrassing, and you probably wouldn't be skeptical about it. Maybe it's not that I'm conscious of the fans who are watching the current situation, and I don't want to show off. It's a very bold appearance. Us

I think the fans should support me a lot.]

Caster Jeon Yong-jin follows the movement of the Ma-Dong-king and continues to strike a comment.

[If our Ma-Dong-King player does not perform well on this map, that is unavoidable. Indeed, there are many regrets when it comes to map selection. It almost feels nasty. This is why it is Green Hell among many maps. This

Conspiracy to explicitly suppress and seal the power of the Ma-Dong-King player... ]


[ uh?]

Jeon Jeon Caster's eyes widened.

It was the same with the countless other streamers who were watching the game live, and the huge number of fans watching their videos in real time.

This is because there was something unbelievable happening in the electronic display even when looking directly with both eyes.

The result is that everyone's expectations are completely reversed.

Worn out Newbies

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