Gangbang (3)

The end of the canyon.

Standing tall on the road to the end, I met Balrog and Demogorgon.

' I lived thanks to Nam Sena's text.'

The message I had seen just before the start of the game came to my mind.

Ah character now spring 一一

Text messages, which started out as a strange chat, conveyed very important information.

  One. The Zodiac's goal is a special quest called'The Killer's Request, among the Hidden Quests of Gray City.

  2. The latest move of the zodiac is the failure of raids after entering the'Manmajeon Outer Castle' and

Escape, perhaps considered an intentional defeat.

  3. The hidden piece that the Zodiac learned in recent years is'Summoner of the Decision Maker'. Be careful near or right after the game is over. For personal reasons, do not expect the mouth of the handling team.

(4. Information fee will be charged in deferred payment!

As soon as I heard the information that the Zodiac had acquired an item called'Summons of the Decision Maker' and recently went to the Manmaseong Outer Castle, I was able to understand his intentions.

'I was thinking of picking up the Balrog and Demo Gorgon I left behind.'

When I was going to catch Ma Mon, a fixed S+ monster, I skipped two outstanding middle bosses, Balrog and Demo Gorgon.

The zodiac enticed these two super-high devils with Hamelin's flute and enlisted them in the summons of the decision maker.

'Would you not have to take the main boss yourself? Anyway, he's the one who lives very conveniently in the world.'

In some ways, it can be said that it was caused by the monsters that I left without processing, so it is right for me to end this situation.

I glanced back.

The Japanese team players who had been saved alive at the tournament were secretly avoiding my gaze.

I spoke to the Japanese and Chinese rankers standing behind.

"Stop A+ class monsters. I will try some S-class two."

Then everyone's eyes who heard me

This is round.

All the pro gamers, rankers, and general people in Korea, China, and Japan all ran into it, but I wondered what I would like to do by myself.

But I have no time or thoughts to seek their patience.


I ran straight ahead.


The first thing that came to mind was Balrog.

He shook his body to shake off the whole body of fire.


The gorge that quickly became a sea of fire, Balrog, received the hot energy and jumped even more ferociously.

After seeing it, the complexions of all the Chinese and Japanese national teams have changed.

"Mr. Ma Dong King! Avoid!"

Akisada Ayaka exclaimed.

In her eyes, that Balrog monster in front of her is a monster that she can hardly hunt.

Seeing the memories of being bullied so far and the force exploding right in front of my eyes, my legs couldn't even be shaken.


However, Balrog said that he would not let any enemy in front of him run away, spreading his flaming wings and flying low at a tremendous speed.

I looked straight at the two eyes of Balrok rushing in front of me.

'Guyaksa... . When Bellot sees that figure, he'll be sad.'

Balrog's name is Gaiaksa, a body that was once a high-ranking spirit in charge of soil and grain.

He thought that he had been nailed to the abyss and died, eventually yielding to Mamon and transforming into an evil demon.

"So is that so? Even the owner doesn't know it, and you're struggling."

I knocked down Mamon and lifted the stolen hammer gauntlet like a lightning rod.

Raised up.

Whoo woow./

Balrog, whose whole body has become a huge fireball, is shooting at me.

No! Avoid it-oh!"

The sound of Ayaka Akisada crying out.

At the same time, me and Balrog met vigorously at one point.


The result was neat.

My fist, falling vertically from top to bottom, crushed one side of Balrog's face and broke all of his teeth.

Woo Ji Ji Ji-jik!

Balrog broke his neck in the same position he had flown to me and was thrown to the floor.

The ground shook fiercely up and down, and a huge crater soon formed.

In a moment, the entire canyon was engulfed in a strange silence.

The surprise itself. The expressions that they were so surprised that they couldn't say anything.

Everyone, with their eyes and mouth wide open, stretches out their tongue in front of me

I'm looking at the abandoned Balrog.

Ayaka Akisa, who was closest to me, mutters a stutter.

" This, blow?

It was a scene that couldn't go well with the words of being hit by a short sale.

[ Gruk! Grup!]

But Balrog hasn't died yet.

He tries to get up by supporting his body with both arms while trembling.

I nodded as I looked at it.

"I admit the fighting spirit, but as long as I have the characteristic of being a minion, that's it."

Balrog and Demogorgon are monsters under Mamon.

Therefore, I cannot use my strength properly in front of me, who has the title of'the phase of the demonic constellation of greed, Mamon'.

Probably the combat power will decrease to 50% or less.

Moreover, the'Great Earthquake Gauntlets' obtained by killing Mamon inflict double additional damage to them.

It cuts the defense by 50% and deals twice as much damage, which means that a total of 4 times the damage can be inflicted.

to be.

And it was the same with Demogorgon, who was staggering behind Balrog.

Kour, rush, rush./

I pulled the Demogorgon with my left hand with the power of Deathworm, and then repelled even the Demogorgon with my right fist with Mamon's power.


Demogorgon resisted desperately, but Yoon-sol suffered a gun debuff due to his improbable spitting trait behind him and kneels without help.

In the first place, the magic defense power of them was drastically reduced in places other than the burning land, so Yunsol's debuff would have been more effective as well.

In many ways, the match is good.

Jijik! ...Pagak!

I pulled out the power of Mamon and smashed the heads of the two super high devils, and immediately the situation ended.

When the two s-class monsters who were running wild without knowing that the world was scary were cleared up, the rest of the A+-class monsters were in a flash.

Go! Mr. Ma-Dong has sorted out all the S-class monsters.

"Nothing scares now! charge! "Get rid of the monsters!"

Only then began to flock to the battlefield with courage and courage.

Only ten A+-class monsters remained, but then they stumbled away.

A huge number of bombardments were pouring into the battlefield.

I nodded as I watched the battlefield in an instant.

The emergence of Balrog and Demogorgon

Lee knew, so I was able to respond calmly and efficiently as possible.

I have a lot of support from other players' home bombardment.

No matter how many countries, if two S-class monsters suddenly appeared and attacked, they would not have been able to show their skills in great embarrassment.

Easy profit...

My right fist is hot

While rising, spew out hot steam.

It looks as if you are seeing the engine of a runaway locomotive running to its limit.

"No matter how much s+-class items, it was a little bit severe to catch S-class monsters in succession, right?"

Even if it was overwhelmingly superior in terms of performance due to the characteristics of a minion, the durability would be extremely consumed.

If it was an S-class monster other than Balrog and Demogorgon, of course, this

Hunting this way would not have been possible.

When I'm just about to leave.

" awhile.

There were some who called me.

When I turned my head, I saw the members of the Chinese national team Wang Segi and the Japanese national team Jushingura.

They wrestled with my

Avoid gaze.


As I tilted my head, Xun Jang Mao, the eldest of them, came to me and said.

that I was sorry earlier. Far from helping, only the ankle... It really doesn't look good."

Oh, you mean work on the canyon road?

When I was dealing with Manotaur and Jotunol at the same time, I was embarrassed for a moment at the outbreak of a landslide.

' Well, it doesn't really matter.'

I didn't really want to think about what happened at that time in the current situation.

Anyway, it was a minor damage that would disappear in a few times.

done. Anyway, that's the best back then

Because it was."

I just said roughly to fix the situation.

However, the members of the Chinese team and the Japanese team who heard my words were very impressed.

"The ability and distribution like this We have lost."

"You are truly Asia's number one."

Everyone speaks with their mouths.

I was embarrassed for a moment at this unfamiliar situation that was going on out of nowhere.

At that time!


Balrog and Demogorgon again

Began to get up.

Even though a corner of my head was broken and broken, seeing that it moves in spite of it, the fighting spirit is scary.

But what surprised me was not their fighting spirit, but something else.

"Puss suss! finally! As expected!"

The zodiac, he suddenly appeared on the road in the canyon.

Because of the cloak with invisibility function, I did not notice the appearance.

Before I even turn around, Joe

Diak created a black flame like a blade and put it in the heart of Balrog and Demogorgon.

Last hit! The zodiac, who cut the necks of Balrog and Demogorgon, soon acquired two items.

- Hellfire Core Half / Material / S

A piece of red beads split in half.

It's so hot that even the devil wears a thermal image (熱傷) and contains the flames of the east side of Hell.

- Hellfire Core Half / Material / s

A piece of red beads split in half.

It's so hot that even the devil wears a thermal image, and Manda contains the flames of the east side of Hell.

A red bead in two pieces.

The zodiac is one half of a bead from Balrog's corpse and the other half from Demogorgon's corpse.

I could.

In fact, I didn't feel much need, but the Zodiac was delighted as if I had earned a thousand gold.

"Puss suss! Oh my gosh! I thought I couldn't get it until the squad guys came! Thank you Madong King! All thanks to you!"

The zodiac winks at me and quickly turns around

Started to go.

I quickly tried to chase him, but... It stopped just like before.

Maybe Madongwang mode is too much weight to follow Zodiac's agile movements.

"Ooh, we'll follow!"

Rankers of the Chinese and Japanese teams, including Ayaka Akisada, are quickly in front of them.

Go out to.

Some were already pursuing the zodiac on their own.

But, I know.

That the zodiac's maneuverability is far ahead of them.

At the same time as ruining the Asian Champions, he needed firepower to take over Balrog and De Mogorgon.

And now, he is fleeing with his intended purpose of'Hellfire Core'.

If you don't follow him and kill him, your dreams will really be upset.


I blew myself up and started chasing the zodiac.

But the nerves are rather the other players catching up with the back or the side

I was conscious of it.

' Do I have to change into the standing water mode to follow the zodiac?

In a moment, a better idea came to my mind.

Isn't there one more mode for me that can move faster than a deceased person and don't even have to look at others?

Rotten water.

Shall we become stupid once in a while?

Worn out Newbies

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