It is a reward in this industry (1)

A few days later.

I came back to Korea.

As many welcome crowds gathered to greet each other and return home, the body was exhausted.

"You have a hard time, brother."

Yoochang looked down. Thanks to him, I am grateful that I was able to survive the terror of radical Lizardmen and Orc hooligans many times.

I took two cans of beer and handed one to Yoochang.

Then I sat on the sofa in the lobby and turned on the TV.

[Korea, which achieved record achievements in this Asian Champions League... .]

My face appears on the 9 o'clock news of the three main airwaves.

Shortly thereafter, an interview with director Um Jae-young, who seemed to be overwhelmed, followed.

[For your support... Thanks... Work harder... Trying... The worn out newbie... I will.]

Announcers also deliver other news.

[There was also a dark side behind the record performance of this Korean team In fact, it turns out that the Korean Dem Association did not properly support the national team, which performed great... The originality of the fans... The government confiscated the reorganization it supported the association... A full investigation into the financial structure is decided... ]


Yoo Chang, who saw me, clapped and admired me.

"Kya, you are really successful now."

It's still far away. It's only a Little League Woo Sungin.

"Oh oh oh! Are you already watching the big leagues?"

no. Not Asia. I have to look at the whole world league."

At my words, Yoochang looks at me with his mouth open.

It looks like you are truly admiring.

'Well, before that, I have to make sure that the Asian Champions League has to be strengthened first.'

When I think of the upcoming Asian Champions Big League.

[Yeah. Next news.]

The TV screen has changed.

A reporter dressed in thick fur is standing in the center of the screen while holding a microphone.

The background caught behind is the house of an angel. It is a shelter for children who have nowhere to go.

The reporter grabbed the microphone and said.

[At the beginning of the year, a warm touch is growing. Even today, many volunteer volunteers are reaching out to take the lead in sharing hands for neighbors in need. At that heartbreaking scene... ]


I found a familiar face in the corner of the TV screen.

Yoo Da-hee.

She was held small in the corner of the news screen.

Moo eagerly chasing the crowd of children, sometimes chasing them, and playing passionately.


" Isn't that your sister?"

When I asked, Yoo Chang drank a beer and opened his eyes wide.

uh? What's he doing over there? Oh, I've been doing volunteer work since before, and that seems to be that."

After speaking, Yoo-chang took out his cell phone and made my phone call.

One tour m m m

A small flowing beep.

Then Yoo Da-hee, who was running around with the children at the corner of the news screen, smacks his pocket and answers the phone.

[Uh, why.]

"Oh, sister. What are you doing?

[Why dude.]

Yoo Chang laughed at her sister's fat voice.

"No, I'm curious about where you're doing a good job again."

[Well, what a crazy guy! no it's not? Did you come to the club?]

"Ah, is it a club?"

[ uh? Uh, it's the beginning of the year, so the water is good. I hang up.]

"I like water? There are a lot of pretty kids?"

[What, why, you come too?]

After talking, Yoo Da-hee, caught in the corner of the TV screen, glances at her side.

Children crowded around.

[ Lots of pretty kids, then.]

I heard Yoo Da-hee's calm voice over her cell phone.

Yoochang said with a bloody smile.

"Oh yeah? Next time, take me too."

[Shut off, siblings are unfamiliar with each other.]

Yoo Da-hee is about to hang up the phone, and at a moment she grabs the phone again as if she remembers something.

From this point on, the news screen changes

I couldn't observe her.

Yoo Da-hee said to Yoo-Chang.

[Oh! Come to think of it, I forgot to tell him that.]


[It's new year, so there's an event that I'm planning... .]

Then Yoochang called me right away

I changed it.

brother. I think you can listen to it right away."

Still, I was about to hear all the calls.

I silently listened to Yu Da-hee while answering the phone.

[So It's like an auction... Ma Dong King's beloved items... By auction... Proceeds are disadvantaged

By donating to Uzz ]

In short, I want to auction my personal belongings at a fan club event for the New Year.

Well, if it's not an auction for profit, and the proceeds are delivered to disadvantaged neighbors, I'm also welcome.

As I nodded silently, Yoo Chang again said to his cell phone.

"Uh, but I told you."

[okay? What do you say?]

"You say you can do it."

[Kak! hurray!]

Then, I hear the children all around me shouting'Long live' together.

Soon Yoo Chang finished the call and put down his phone.


Yoo Da-hee, who thought she hung up on the phone, suddenly opens her mouth again on her cell phone.

[Hey, Chang-ah. But I have one more question.]

" what? What?

Yoo-chang asked with a puzzled expression, and Yoo Da-hee soon asked with a sincere voice after a little silence.

[At the time, when I am in the emergency exit. Who was the person who saved me?]

Me and fluency are hot at the same time.

Yoo Chang said with a slight stuttering voice.

"What are you talking about. That's Madongwang's brother."

[ okay? Is it like that?]

Nothing can be heard from the cell phone for a long time after that.

and then.

[ It's cold. OK got it. I hang up.]

Yoo Da-hee hung up the phone after saying what she had to say.

"Whew. I was surprised, brother.*

Yoochang said, turning his head. I too nodded.

When I found Yoo Da-hee at the emergency exit, I was startled and caught up.

It's a mask and I didn't have time to write anything.

'strange? At that time, I was definitely not conscious.'

H]Kee, Yoo Da-hee himself is not sure, so he would be asking like that.

I drank my beer and got myself up.

'What's important now is something else.'

In fact, besides Yu Da-hee's work, there are a lot of things to think about.

Now that you've done one of the big things in the game, it's time to take care of the real things as well.

In the meantime, after arranging the revenue and tax books, such as advertising fees and sponsorships,

Respond to new unread advertisements, sponsorships, and broadcast inquiries.

It looked like he was busy for a while.

* * *

Yoo Da-hee.

She took a quick breath.

It's also a cold and dark space.

She was trembling alone and alone.

My vision is getting worse and worse.


I cried out to get my voice out, but no one listened.

A place without a single point of light. I thought I got used to it, but I never got used to it.

The moment Yoo Da-hee is about to give up everything and leave her body to the darkness.


A ray of light appeared somewhere.

It was small, but it really had an overwhelming warmth.

Yoo Da-hee raised her head.

The light was approaching her slowly, but surely.

In time, a person's face is seen through the light.

That face... .


Yoo Da-hee raised his head with the blanket on.

The whole body is soaked with sweat... I didn't.

It's a nightmare I've always had, but today it's different.

I didn't get wet and didn't wet the blanket with sweat.

Rather, the body feels light and comfortable as if waking up after sleeping.

But it wasn't in the mood.

"Ahhhhhh! Why do you keep dreaming like this!"

Yoo Da-hee struck the pillow with her fist.

After returning to Korea, I started broadcasting, volunteering, and exercising again.

When she was awake, she was having a good time, but... If I just slept, the memories of staying in a Chinese hospital for a few days still come to mind like a nightmare.

Well, compared to the previous nightmares, it was a much better axis.

When she was hit hard by the zodiac, she had intuited death.

I knew then that a person could die so absurdly.

the problem is It is the face of the person who saved himself.

'Then why did you come up with a deceased, that's the face of that damn?'

At the moment, Yu Da-hee's face becomes hot.

"Aoh what is it really! I feel dirty!"

If this is also a nightmare, it is a nightmare. I am grateful that I no longer have to shiver in a cold, dark prison... That said, you can see the disgraceful face of the deceased even in your dreams!

As she lay in the hallway and closed her eyes, what she saw in a passing illusion like a kaleidoscope was the face of a deceased person.

"Why the hell did you see such hallucinations? Getting entangled in the game is also annoying, but it even comes to my dreams."

Perhaps the shock at that time was so great that it appeared in a dream.

Yoo Da-hee decided to think so.

But the back was so wide. It seemed to be warm.'

Yoo Da-hee pondered for a moment, thinking about the time when he was on the back of the deceased.

Thinking like that for a while.

'Oops! It's not a deceased person, it's Mr. Madong King! The one who saved me.'

She slammed her hard on the cheek without my knowledge.

Why did you think you were helped by the deceased person?

Madong king's head is repeatedly mistaken for a deceased person. I don't know why.

"Obaya, Obaya, Gaeobaya. That's not it. Wow, that's not it."

It is King Ma who took himself from the emergency exit to the hospital.

That's a fact that also proves his younger brother, Yuchang.

Even the deceased guy is a deceitful hater who deceived himself while on the way to the hotel, hiding emergency money in socks!

Even if I didn't catch a cold at that time, I wouldn't have been so helpless by Zodiac.

It is very difficult to mistake the grace received from a grateful person as being received from a disrespectful person.


Yoo Da-hee struck her on the cheek with both hands.

And then the thoughts in my head

She shook her head, deciding not to do it again.

"Yes, the more I do this, the more I have to focus on virtue."

When my heart was shaken, it was Yoo Da-hee, who knows that nothing is as good as virtue.

She kicked up her bed and quickly started preparing for the auction.

The following phrase was written on a finely folded banner in the corner of the room.

Auction for treasured items that King Ma Dong used 'directly used' in 2024 Industry awards included

Worn out Newbies

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