Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 534
Lord of 出e

Flies) (8)

"Any country will be destroyed if they split from each other, and no high school or household will be able to withstand if they split up. "

-What Jesus said when he rebuked the Pharisees for driving him to Belzevu (Matthew 12:25)-

[All human beings are free and alone. There is no need for solidarity or bonds with others in living the world. The moment you see other people except me as'prey', you can meet the true'me'. Of course, A here means I, the Great King of Paris !]

Exclaimed Belzeboop.

At the same time, the blue mark indicating allies disappears, and the red mark, which is visible only when we see a monster, separates us.

We see each other as prey!

" Well, if it were a normal party, it could be."

But who we are? Aren't these friends who stick together even in reality?

For us, who have no interest in'team kill', the characteristic of Beljevoop has little effect.

They were friends who didn't break even when they got the astronomical amount at the time of Mamon Raid.

"Eun, but my vision is red, so it's not very good."

Yeah. Uh, I'm a little hungry, too?"

"Really huh!!. The red eyes are roughly true

All you have to do is to be hungry because it's just time to eat."

Then it turns out that the belly button clock rings and keeps crying from a while ago.

Of course, it wasn't the effect of the game system, it just made me hungry after running the raid for a long time.

"I eat this evening in hell."

I stood in front of Beljevop, shouting the famous movie Myung-do.

Eventually, Belzebov's attack went to Phase 2.

[It is Doriro who became a son to fight against his father's enemies.]

The second of Belzeboob's'five worst traits' emerged.

In the first phase, the'appetite' trait was triggered, and the'wealthy parent (父子 有親)' trait phase was triggered.

It's the countless sons of Belzebov

It is to greet and fight.

Monster Wave!

The task is to stop all the huge amounts of maggots that are filling the ice island Matryoshka.


Maggots covering the whole world began to flock toward this side at once.

However, since this is an island, all maggots that have grown more than a certain amount are drowning in the sea.

"Now, shall we start?"

I quickly stepped back.

The place I'm headed for is the maggot hill

It was a hill rising high in the center.

The surrounding area was blocked by dead trees and ice blocks, and the road leading to the top of the hill consisted of only one steep ascent.

I climbed up the hillside, occupied the mouth, and stood.

"From now on, it is time to block the entrance.

Please come only the super-goers who block the entrance."

Drake and Yunsol listened to me and opened their eyes round.

I explained to my friends what'blocking the entrance' was.

"This game is a Use Map version of Swarcraft that was popular decades ago, and it's a mod that users made themselves."

With a handful of units, you can shoot at the mouth of the hill,

It is classified as a kind of "defense game," in which the task is to endure for a certain period of time while killing enemies. The game ends in defeat if the invading enemy pushes the entrance to the hill and penetrates into the hillside.

At the time of its appearance in the early 2000s, it became a storm of popularity for its simple rules, high-level cooperative strategy, and novel materials, and it was enough to dominate more than half of the Yuzmap workshops at that time.

Now Beljeboo's second phase

In'maggot wave', this is the homage to this mouth-blowing game.

Written by,

On the other hand, the maggots were showing a terrifying momentum.

They don't hesitate to covet each other's bodies as they have nothing to eat.

The big ones are eaten and the small ones are eaten.

Down the hill, there was a ravenous slaughter war with no brothers or co-workers.

Yunsol cried out with disgust as he watched the swarm of maggots creeping up like crazy from the hillside entrance.

"Oojin, how long do we have to stop these maggots? Is it difficult to attack?"

"Well, it's notorious for being difficult... Actually, the monster wave itself is young

I am not crying. but

I said, looking back at Yunsol and Drake, who are all colored red.

"It's a problem because there are too many trolls and friendly PK offenders."


The most famous version of the entrance block is the 7-player entrance block.

Seven people have to work together to block the entrance to the hill and make a bargain, but the problem is that one of these seven makes a deliberate mistake, self-destruct, or kills allies, causing the game to fail to clear.

As soon as they start, the difficulty of feeling feels like heinous because of the deliberate trolls who pretend to block the entrance or open the door to the enemy.

If you think about it, is there a humor that the beginning of the entrance block is paiting and the end is pad lip?

Even here, this Belzeboob maggot wave is intertwined with the'appetite' trait triggered before that, making it even more difficult to clear.

To put it simply, is it like playing a game of blocking the entrance while the alliance has been released?

"Are you sure Irashaimase! While there are trolls who open the door of the entrance! G. There are a lot of torais who use magic or place swords on allies."

I shook my head.

Blocking the entrance allows the game system itself to bring out the trolls from the heart.

A structure that reveals the bottom of the human mind and its natural malice.

This, combined with the appetite trait of the king of Paris, Belzebov, creates the difficulty of atrocities.


"Now, I'll stand in the middle."

"Okay, I'm assisting the left."

"Then I'll give you the heel on the right!"

We are different from the five murderers who preyed on Belzebov.

To cooperate thoroughly, consider and respect each other without seeing each other as prey or prey.

Wouldn't that be a real party play!

I exclaimed vigorously.


[ Super expert to block entrance for 3 people


And immediately went into practice.

As the entrance is clogged up with rice cakes, maggots flock to the bottom of the hill.

They were climbing uphill, turning their fat bodies out, spewing disgusting fluids.

"Now, first spread the mucus so that it can't come up."

I held my breath and expelled Mr. Adable's mucus from my whole body.

Grungy- Grungy- Grungy- Grungy-

The mucus soaked in my body is sticky like that of an eel

Going downhill smoothly.

Naturally, the maggots that touched here struggled with no more knowledge of the earth whose frictional force had become zero.

However, no matter how slippery the mucus is, there is no business in due tactics.

The maggots stepped on their brothers' bodies covered in mucus and started to climb upwards.

Around this time I started dropping orders.

"Okay, first of all, I'll block the entrance with reflection damage, blood predators, stubbornness, redundant heart, etc."

I'm not a tank character, but once I make my mind, I can be better than anyone else.

"Drake is holding on to the left behind me and

I pick and shoot around these high maggots."

Drake is a great one-dealer who can plant lozenges or shoot small arrows at a fan-shaped angle.

"Solyi goes back to the outskirts a little further down from the right behind me, and hangs the holy inviolable veil at the end of the hill and at the point on the entrance to the maggots under the cliff. Then the maggots will become bottlenecks at the entrance to the slope and hitch.

It will be distance."

Yunsol is a debuff master who not only plays the role of a healer, but also casts various abnormalities on enemies.

"Drake should be careful not to splash damage to Sol when he planted a lozenge on the floor, and Sol did well to avoid spraying bodily fluids from the maggots sticking to the wall, and at the same time heals me in gaps.

In other words, even if there are only three people, our combination is quite good.

When Yunsol and Drake heard my order, they nodded and replied at the same time.



At the same time, there was one more existence protruding from my arms.

Judilope, this guy led the scarab soldiers who followed him and began to fight valiantly with the little Plague Riddle coming in from the air.

Just [ Just beans] Perfect]

Judylofe, moving sharply with two branches, suddenly resembled my movement a lot.

If you think about it... Is he the type of assassin?


I dig a few chunks of ice that sparkled like jewels from the side and closed it at 1 o'clock.

Then the maggots began to turn around and come back at 7 o'clock.

"If the entrance block is piled up a little, you can use this trick."

I put the jewel again at 7 o'clock and made the maggots come back to 1 o'clock.

So, the maggots came up after turning a straight path in an m-shape.

A method that leads to a so-called'jewelry work' and reproduced a little differently from the original strategy of the original game, but the principle is similar in that it hinders the movement of the enemy.

"Jewelry work completed. Now you just have to hold on."

I continued to ward off the maggots.

If you wanted to accumulate too many numbers, you could roll your feet over the ground in any gap, so the wave wasn't too greasy.

Assuming you can trust your companion and are immune to maggots' venom.

"The teeth of maggots are only itchy anyway."

I laughed as I blew away the gnawing maggots with reflection damage.

And how long has it been?

In the end, many of those maggots are now showing the bottom.

Poo-wook- Clapper duck!

Drake took a dagger in his hand and struck a final attack on the maggot crawling to his feet.

"It seems to have been sorted out by this, Jinjin."

I looked straight ahead and nodded.

Trial blood loss (尸山血海)!

The corpse formed the mountain and the blood formed the sea.

Maggots suffered near annihilation.

The island still appears to be covered with a large number of maggots, but we can see that we have been fighting over and over again.

The end of this wave, which seemed to be forever, is gradually approaching.

Sigh . Hungry. I didn't know my stomach would be so good."

The moment Yoonsol takes a short sigh.

The maggots that formed the white sea began to split like the Red Sea.

Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng Weng-

Only then I get mad at the death of my sons

Ghanaian Abi, the Great King of Paris, began to move in earnest.

But his revenge is neither hasty nor impatience.

It's just a slow flight with full of anger.

Of course I'm too confident that we won't run away.

[You, you will not be able to descend from the hill where you climbed, and you will die as it is.]


The Emperor of Plague and Corruption began in earnest.

  Worn and Worn Newbies

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