Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 602
King of Shanghai (10)

"Huh!? you!?

When I raise my wide-eyed eyes, I can see the uninvited guests in detail.

Skeleton face, old leather clothes, barnacles and corals, seashells

skin to which it is attached.

And one large crab.

Lehrak with his captain's hat crooked and the huge crab Gestalt carrying him on his back were swimming towards me at full speed.

Gestalt swung the last pair of legs wide like a fan, blocking my way in an instant.

I had to push back a bit because of the current they pushed.

It's a very unexpected situation, so I can't hide my absurdity.

I asked with a puzzled expression.

" Guys, why are you here?"

Then Lehrak frowned and gave a wink in one of his rotten eyeballs.

[I'm here to repay your favor, my friend.]

He reached out and tapped my chest.

Then Gestalt, who was burning Lehrak, also lifted up a huge claw and struck me in the chest with its tip.


Watching the giant monster crab wink with one eye moving was somehow grotesque.

However, there was no time to share the story like this.

.. gurgling rumble!

The ocean current in front of you roars violently.


In the center of a vortex large enough to be called the navel of the sea, the blue sea dragon Bermuda was moving toward the front with its three huge horns protruding forward.

but i look at it

I couldn't even move from my seat.


This is one of the reasons why fixed S+ level monsters are scary.

Just looking at each other makes my mind wander and my hands and feet tremble.

Even I, who possesses the Kraken's 'Paleontological' trait, is tired of the dragon's piercing and my legs are shaking, but this drunken girl in front of me is

What are the stones?

However, to his surprise, Lehrak was not at all terrified while he was basking in the energy radiating from the blue sea dragon Bermuda.

The same goes for the Gestalt, who is carrying him on his back.

'What? How could this be?'

I looked at Lehrak and Gestalt with a blank expression.

Why are these guys still intact even after receiving the Peer of the Changhae Dragon Bermuda?

The answer was soon revealed by Lehrak.

[That's thanks to this Yogi's Potion!]

Amber liquid in a glass bottle glowing in his hand.

-  Rum of Lehrak / Ingredients / D

The pearl that the pirate Lehrak loved next to his life.

It is one of the most powerful alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of 105%. If you drink too much, you will become blind.

What Lehrak took out of his pocket was strong rum.

Poison that blinds you if you drink it

It's something I'm familiar with too.

Lehrak said as he turned to the Gestalt that was spewing foam.

[If it's a bottle of this guy, I'm not afraid of that blue lizard!]

Indeed, it seems that Lehrak and Gestalt are drunk and have nothing to see.

I asked in amazement.

" Did you guys come down here knowing where you were?"

At the most, I escaped from prison and let him go, but I'm sure I'll come down to hell like this on my own feet.

He's also very drunk!

However, even in the face of the heavenly blue dragon, Bermuda, Lehrak was still calm.

[ ] Well. good for drinking


Lehrak and Gestalt looked straight ahead with their bottles of wine in their mouths.

And in front of him, the Chang Hae-ryong Bermuda with three horns is carrying out a terrifying special move, 'Trident Dive'.

.. gurgling gurgling!

enormous repercussions.

Finally, the dive in Bermuda has begun.

And in front of him were Lehrak and Gestalt, who were grinning.

Oh, no! Oh, these drunken idiots! How do you guys stop that!?"

I shouted in amazement.

If you think rationally, you pay when these guys buy you time.

It's okay to run away, but... Somehow my feet don't come off.


bang /

With a roar that seemed to tear the eardrums, a surprising surprise occurred.

The moment the three horns of the Changhae Dragon Bermuda strike Gesh Tald's back armor, a huge shock wave erupts, devastating the surroundings.

Mushroom-shaped clouds of mud rising up, rushing currents, and collapsing cliffs.

However, after they were all lifted, what was revealed was Lehrac and Gestalt standing tall without being pushed back an inch!

[ ] I'm so drunk.]

Exploding shell fragments, fragments

I'm flesh.

However, in the will of Lehrak and Gestalt, there is not even a single home.

[But I'm not afraid.]

Their eyes were clear and firm even after the drunken spirit had dried up.

Rather, it was Chang Hae-ryong Bermuda who stepped back with shaky eyes!

[ ] Whoa!?]

Chang Hae-ryong's huge body stiffened and trembled thinly.

Behind the dive-type attack pattern, there is always 'paralysis' in the numb state.

Chang Hae-ryong Bermuda took recoil damage and staggered backwards.


I had no choice but to open my mouth.

Gestalt is definitely an A+ class monster.

On the other hand, the Changhae Dragon Bermuda is a god who divides this world into 17 equal parts and rules over half of the sea, a fixed S+-class monster.

There is a difference between the two, as if comparing a firefly to the sun.

But, nevertheless, the Gestalt is the spearhead dragon of Bermuda.

blocked the fight.

No, it wasn't enough to block it, so I pushed it back!

[ ] !?]

Even Chang Hae-ryong Bermuda didn't seem to realize what had happened.

Bermuda with her mouth open so absurd, but now he is paralyzed by the recoil of his attack.

It comes to a standstill for a moment.

In this dire situation, I thought quickly.

'Is it because the carapace has become hardened to an A+ level due to the characteristics of a veteran veteran?'

Hahaha, after being beaten by me and beaten by Akisa da Ayaka Reid, and while coming here, the Gestalt's carapace is getting harder and harder as it pierces other monsters

presumed to have lost

It had reached such a high level that it was able to stop the Bermuda assault!

' But there is only one miracle.'

I closed my eyes.

Gestalt and Lehrak's momentum, standing tall on his back, while revealing the flesh and internal organs inside, did not die at all.

Patter/ Patter/

Of course, the body slowly turned to powder and crumbled down, but it was inevitable.

Damn it! damn! pass sass.

Starting from the tips of Gestalt's two claws, the carapace of the whole body was shattered to dust.

On the other hand, the body of NPC Lehrak is

dot fades

Naturally, as a heavy game junkie, I know what that phenomenon means.

extinction (消滅).

disappearing completely.

I raised my hands in an indescribable emotion and then lowered them again.

I didn't know what to say.

But Lehrak acted like a man who knew exactly what to do next.

He lifted the bottle with his exhausted hands.

[For our friendship. Cheers.]

Then, he shoved the rest of it into his mouth.


Broken teeth go down the throat with alcohol.

I was speechless for a moment at the words of Lehrak and Gestalt, who were turning their backs towards me.

Instantly, the area around the eyes heats up.

It's amazing how far the mystery of the characteristics of a veteran veteran is.

But A miracle of that magnitude cannot happen twice in a row.

Don't get drunk on a miracle that happened for a while.

Because I didn't drink, because I was rational.

"It's over, you bastards! You too run away! to die!"

I pushed out the clutter in my head and shouted at Lehrac and Gestalt.

Although it's part of the game setup... Still, I can't let these two friends who reunited after so many years go away like this.

However, Lehrak and Gestalt stood in front of me with their increasingly blurry bodies, not moving.

[friend. Thanks to you, I was able to see both friends again. One for alcohol and one for this guy.]

Lehrak didn't look back, but pointed his thumb at me.

Gestalt, too, lifted up his wrecked claws and swung it towards me.

Does that mean go?

Soon, the Changhae Dragon Bermuda prepares for the next attack.

The tip of the three horns faces the front again

was heading

Lehrak patted Gestalt on the back and shouted.

[Okay, let's try again. That bastard hasn't even had a drink yet! I can't let you die in a place like this!]

Gestalt then responds to Lehrak's words, even with his shattered body.

I looked at them and bit my lip.

What should I do? Are you going to run away like this? Or fight together?

Either way, there is a low probability that you will be able to kill the Changhae Dragon Bermuda right away.

It's best to run away since you've eaten the shears.

But is this really the best practice?



Chang Hae-ryong Bermuda was one step ahead.

It has attacked us with a terrifying force.

[Come and look! This is a snack-!]

Lehrak clenched his teeth and fell flat on the Gestalt's back.

right then

Again, an oddity occurred.


Blinding golden light began to emanate from Lehrak and Gestalt's bodies.

Oh!? What is the status of 'Hell Wheel Giant Crab'?

  Worn out newbie

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