Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 608
catching thieves (2)

I asked with a hard expression.

" What are you talking about?"

A warehouse being robbed, does that make sense?

But the drake I know

It's not like I've met someone in a long time and I'm not the type to talk nonsense

To shout like that in such a hurry must mean that something unusual has happened.

As it turns out, Drake immediately left the warehouse and led me to the next warehouse.

"What's going on?"

"Father, hurry up. You have to see it for yourself, dear! I mean, it's too long

It is shocking, incomprehensible, and beyond common sense, so it is difficult to convey accurate information to explain each one with my own words, so you must follow me to the next warehouse and witness the situation with your own two eyes. do!

" When it was time to speak, I would have explained it."

Warehouse 3 across the street.

The moment I passed through the wide open warehouse door and looked inside.


I had no choice but to open my eyes wide.

I was so surprised that I couldn't get the words out like the previous Drake did.

Needless to say, a lot of agility items should be piled up.

Because the warehouse was empty.

There is only one big hole in the floor of the warehouse where everything has disappeared.

" look at this What's the matter with this?"

I walked away with my eyes narrowed.

Looking at the hole in the floor, I saw an adult male

There were enough holes drilled for a dozen or so people to come and go.

Drake and Yunsol also started looking at the hole.

"Looks like they dug a burrow into the warehouse from outside. Looking at the footprints, there are quite a few."

"Oh my God, how dare you dig into such a hard rock formation. What kind of thieves could do such a serious deed!"

Meanwhile, the warehouse keeper, Mr. Tekkaluk, covered his face with both hands and started crying.

[It's my fault. I should have been watching more closely... .]

"That's right, it's not my fault, it's your fault, but don't worry too much. How do you stop them from coming under the ground?"

As long as I comfort Mr.

I looked carefully at the hole in the ground.

'These days, little thieves are on the rise, so it seems that's true.'

When I shrugged my chin and didn't say a word, Mr. Rook cautiously asked.

[Does anyone have any doubts? Someone worthy of a grudge or... .]

"Not at all. i live a good life

It was."

[ ] Don't cut it out like that. Everyone has at least one enemy in their lives...]

no. I didn't do anything to bring a grudge against anyone. I have always lived a good, pure, and sexy life."

I said firmly.

A person worthy of being called a suspect

They don't come to mind

There are some famous thieves NPCs, but as far as I know, none of them dig and move like this.

In other words, this is 100% the player's work.

" But I didn't know how to dig a burrow and rob a warehouse. Should I make this ingenious?"

It is forbidden to sell land in the city without permission, so they must have digged the ground outside the city and came all the way here.

In fact, it can be said that it is a virtual effort.

" But at the very least, the things I stole are jap items."

Job items with agility options are important to me and not useful to general users.

Maybe selling it by weight will cost you a little bit of money, but... How could he have done such a big thing to earn that money?

"These mole rats. Just try to catch it."

"Looking at it, it looks like he came here knowing that there would be something valuable, and then robbed it of everything. Oh, and dear.

It's not a mole, it's a mole.

"That's right, we go to and from the warehouse often, so I must have thought there were some rare items."

Drake and Sol Yun also had a similar opinion to me.

In fact, if you look at the supercars that I recently posted on social media, you might be misunderstood as to whether something huge is hidden in my warehouse.

I took a step and headed towards the hole in the floor.

" Well, even if it's trash for others, it's essential to me. Let's go find it quickly.

Good. I can't stand being robbed.

I also!

Drake and Yunsol follow me.

[I'll go too! I can't stand still as a warehouse keeper!]

Mr. Tekkaluk with a spear and a shield also followed me into the tunnel.

I quickly made a torch in my hand and held it.

The inside of the tunnel was narrower than it looked

Still, it was quite sturdy and sturdy.

There is no need to worry about it collapsing, as iron pillars support the soil and soil on the ceiling in the middle.

I looked carefully at the walls of the tunnel.

"Hmm, I dug with my fingernails. What's more, there's something like hair on the wall. They must have made a tunnel using a summoned beast."

"Are there summoners among the thieves?

Look. What is the number of summons?"

"Looking at the fact that he has hair, he's not a worm mole? hamster? Or it could be a spider."

Drake and Yunsol were also following me, collecting clues.

Anyway, if you keep following this tunnel, you will be able to meet them.

If that happens, I will make sure to pay the price for stealing my items.

Drake and Yunsol are also preparing for PVP with a determined expression on their faces.

"It must be filthy Orcs or Lizardmen."

"Mr. Drake, such racist words and actions are not good. What I hate about my job is racism

Orcs, Lizardmen."

Oz and Judilope also seem very angry.

[How long have I been living and dying to collect these items! Little things dare to steal!? If that's the case, there's no point in collecting so much! Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

[ ] boo woo! Hopuin!]


" Shh.

I stopped everyone.

Then he stopped in the middle of the tunnel and pointed his finger at the floor.

"Look at this. What do you think when you see that floor?"

Everyone who heard me tilted their heads and smiled.

Drake, the most savvy, offered an opinion.

"Perhaps there is a blacksmith in the thief party. The pillars supporting the ceiling are erected quite nicely. I think it was built by a fairly skilled craftsman?"

"That's right. However What we need to pay attention to now is something a little different."

I beckon to Drake

At the same time, I looked around the floor, walls, and ceiling.

"Look, friends. Bring a torch and you'll notice something odd.

Hearing my words, Mr. Tharluk put the torch in his hand close to the floor.

Yoon Sol quickly noticed the difference.

Ah! At which point the soil changed color!"

bingo. That's right.

The soil at the point we walked in was reddish and quite damp.

But from this point forward, the soil is crumbly and dry.

The color was also much lighter.

Drake tilted his head as if he didn't understand.

"It's the same soil, so why are you doing this? It certainly looks like the same soil."

It's the same soil. It's just the time of digging the tunnel is different.

After hearing my words, Drake puts an exclamation mark above his head.

I grinded this.

" thieves children. got some hair


The thieves seemed to have been preparing for quite a long time to rob my warehouse.

They dug half a tunnel first and waited a certain amount of time without completing it.

And he calculated the timing of the escape and dug a tunnel leaving the delay.

And the result!

[Lalalalalalalala happy maintenance! The sparks are always and ever

In front of me, the manager of the Akashic Records, the Fire Spirit, is approaching this way.

Hundreds of Thousands of Defilements 一 Rank: A+ / Traits: ?

-habitat: ?

-size: ?

- A fairly large fireball. The shape and size depend on the mood.

It always seems to be under overburden.

This guy shows up every 24 hours to restore the map.

As his mission was to restore the destroyed map to its original state, he began to slowly refill the tunnels dug by the thieves.

And that's right in front of where I am.

[Huh? Hasn't it been 24 hours from this point on? I have to come back here

The Fire Spirit filled the area right in front of where I was, and then disappeared.

Exactly the point at which the color of the soil started to change.

"The thieves. In order to prevent the escape route from being predicted on purpose, I dug it at different times for each section of the tunnel. Do you know how to use your own hair?"

The moment I grind my teeth.


An unknown roar could be heard from the space beyond that was clogged with dirt.

Dub- Duck- Duck- Duck- Duck-

It was definitely the sound of digging and moving forward.

" surely!?

I've been sweating in a cold sweat for a very long time.

The sound of digging a hole was moving away from the ground, towards the second warehouse.

"Damn! these children! You're aiming for another warehouse!

I turned right back and ran.

Drake and Yunsol, Mr. Tikluck, and Judilope on Oz's back were also hurriedly following me.


As soon as I got out of the tunnel, I opened the warehouse door and went in.

Then I saw dozens of people in shock and bewilderment, as if their mother had suddenly opened the door at night.

What is surprising is that many of the agility items have already been swept away.

"Hey!? Go, dead people!?"

"Bouncing, bouncing!"

"Stop the tunnel quickly!"

So many thieves cut my face

As soon as you know it, you put a row in the tunnel.

" One guy, two-sik, three-three, you-guri, squid, yuk-gaejang Do you see these kids?"

I counted the number of thieves without missing a moment's notice, and it was a considerable number, approaching 40 Earl Chu.

'This is not Alibaba and 40 Thieves.'

I wanted to tear down the ground and bury all the thieves under the ground, but there is a high probability that I will not be able to retrieve the items.

Moreover, the timing design was so good that as soon as I was about to enter the tunnel, a fire spirit appeared in front of my eyes.

[Come on, it's been 24 hours, so I'll fill the ground.

But the sound of their footsteps is already echoing through the basement and moving away.

It is likely that the tunnel was dug in several directions rather than a straight line.

In the end, I lost them right in front of my eyes.

In fact, it was like eating out of nowhere.

Yoonsol and Drake look around the empty warehouse with disappointing expressions.

Everything I've accumulated over the years has been robbed.

"It's a big deal. It was prepared for the 2nd Cataclysm... Hey, what do you do now?"

No matter how much shit or japtem was stolen, the results of the past few years have been in vain, so we can't help but be disappointed.

The warehouse keeper, Mr. Tekkaluk, was on the verge of crying.

Thieves are worthless garbage.

We were blown away by the field, and we were in a situation where the tower with the ball collapsed.

And my feelings about this are good, and I think it can be replaced by the sound of teeth grinding.

" gotta catch it You have to catch him and make him pay the price.

I will definitely pay back what I suffered in the game.

at any cost.

  Worn out newbie

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