Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 627
Disclosure (1)

With a bright beam of teleportation, I stepped on the ground.

The place where I, Yunsol, and Drake were moved was the beginner village of Utorus.

A world that collapsed and shook

Cognitive dissonance occurs when you are at the center of the chaos and suddenly come to a stable and familiar place.

I leaned against the pillars of the temple and sat down on the floor.

My physical stamina was full, but my head was not.

Some newbies who seemed to have just started the game passed by looking at me with strange eyes.

Is it space movement?"

A warped Drake followed me, muttering in a cracking voice.

He continued in a tone that was difficult to accept.

"I heard that even if fixed S+ level monsters collide with each other, they do not lead to extinction The fact that Phoenix Joe died is a shock. It is also the cooperation of dragons and demons.

due to.

"What does it mean that the boss of the Dem Universe was illegally interfering in the game? Didn't Zodiac and Kim Jong-un say something similar in the past?"

Yoon Sol, who had followed the warp, also looked back at me with a puzzled look.

Neither of my friends had directly heard the phoenix, so I was reconfirming the sparse facts.

But I also didn't know anything clearly.

He only grasps the reality of the present day, even with his throbbing head.

" The Phoenix is dead, but the Akashic Records seem to continue to function."

It wasn't just us who were saved by the Phoenix.

Countless Fire Spirits and Ice

Shit spirits also saved their lives.

Thanks to that, functions such as notification sound and map recovery seemed to play a role.

The phoenix wanted to keep the order of this world until the last moment of its life.

One ring!

I turned on the status window.


LV: 93

Title: Sandworm Lander (Perk: Drought) / Long-awaited Gravekeeper (Privilege: Undead) / Guild Catfish (Perk: Burrowed) / Cthulhu Kraken Killer (Perk: Paleontological) / Wadudu Queen Judilope's Pet (Perk: Exodus) / Eight-legged King Beheader (Privilege: Incomplete Metamorphosis) / Lizardman Slayer (Benefit: Collection) / Man-Emperor Assassin (Benefit: 1st Cataclysm) / Survivor of the Twisted Nether (Priority: Saving) /

Left corps commander of immortality (privilege: the heart of a bee) / agent of the phoenix (privilege: optional) / black dragon lord Aspect of Oz (privilege: reincarnation of blood relatives) / honorary Count of Utorus, the village of beginnings (privilege: Nobility) / Demon constellation of greed Mamon's Aspect (Perk: Susanno) / The one who broke the horn of Balrog (Perk: Beast) / The terrifying Demogorgon (Perk: Brawler) / The owner of the 5th floor of the Tower of Killers (Perk: Map Design) / Aspect of the Gluttonous Demon Constellation Bell Zebub (Benefit: Gluttony Bowel) / Descendant of the Death Knight 'King Arthur' (Benefit: Old War veteran)

/ Cursed Old Tree Zakum Lumberjack (Perk: Ancient Faith) / Deep Sea Stalker (Perk: Friction Coefficient) / Aspect of the Blue Dragon Lord Bermuda (Perk: Diving) / Leh Rock and Gestalt's Friend (Waiting) / Atlandum Prince of Japan (Benefit: The Great Deep Sea)

HP: 930/930

The experience did not rise, but a new title, 'Agent of the Phoenix, was born.

As a result, the privilege is 'selection'.

It is a bit more compatible than when I caught Death Knight before.


"What? Beloved, I have this spoiled item in my inventory!"

"Uh? Dude, so am I."

Sol Yun and Drake each take out an item from their inventory.

It is a pebbles that shines red and

It was a shiny blue pebble.

I looked into these little stones in the form of fire and ice spirits.

- Time Stone / Material / S

A stone imbued with the power of a phoenix that manipulates time.

- Time controller (special)

T disposable

- Space Stone / Material / S

A stone imbued with the power of a phoenix that manipulates space.

- Space controller (special)

- 1 use

"Looking at the acquisition time, it was added to my inventory the moment I met the phoenix.

I think I came in."

"Looks like the phoenix handed them over to us as soon as they met. I didn't know he gave it without a word.

Yunsol and Drake presented the stones they had learned to me.

As I accepted them, I went through my inventory.

Anyway, I saw that there was an item that I had never seen before.

it is

- Time Traveler's Prophecy / Materials / ?

When unclean values abound, the hands of the clock turn backwards, dragons and demons will mingle, and the star of calamity draws long trajectories in the sky,

The sun will go down and the long twilight will come at last.

- (The item is currently sealed)

" What is this?"

An item that even I, a regressor, cannot understand.

However, as it is an item that seems to be related to the death and resurrection of the phoenix, it seems necessary to keep it.

After hearing my words, Yunsol opened her eyes and asked.

"Oh dear. Isn't the phoenix dead? Are you resurrected?"

"Ugh. Perhaps. The phoenix is famous for its ability to come back to life after dying."

Upon hearing my words, Yunsol swept his chest down as if he was lucky.

But I was praying for the resurrection of the phoenix with much more earnestness than my friends.

Maybe I'll have to talk to the phoenix once more to find out something about my second life.

And as if supporting my judgment like that.

- Tiling!

  You found a hidden quest Hidden quest 'Minerva's Ortemi)'   Conditions for the occurrence of a hidden quest: A person who inherits the maintenance of the 'Phoenix' - 'Phoenix's agent required (1/1)'

  Conditions for completing the hidden quest: Defeat Leviathan of the Demonic Constellation of Jealousy (0/1), Defeat the White Dragon Lord, and Fighter Dragon Ka Pcataract (0/1)

  Hidden quest completion reward: greatly reduced cooldown of 'Phoenix'' resurrection

Only first-time visitors to the Parthenon can perform this quest

"It's a hidden quest You must clear this to resurrect the phoenix.


Again, the Phoenix has the ability to resurrect.

The extreme annihilation bread battle between substreams was avoided in terms of the rules of the world view, so this was an expected fact.

However, it seems that the resurrection of the Phoenix can only be accelerated by completing this quest.

" It was a quest I had to do anyway."

The monster of the seabed Leviathan, the white dragon Kafcataract.

Even if it wasn't for the above quest, they were willing to visit again.

No, it is overflowing.

Because I'm the type of person who can't live without debt.

One ring!

[You have logged out]

[Please come again next time]

I pushed the capsule cover and came out.

As soon as they came out, they received a video call between Sol Yoon and Drake.

[Did you logout well? You look tired... Aren't you supposed to take a break?]

[Ummm, dear. What's your next raid plan? I think it should be after taking a long rest period.]

I answered the two friends' questions right away.

"No, I'm going straight ahead without a break. And I want to try this raid by myself."

[carbuncle? Why?]

"It's just that I feel a little reluctant."

Wilson's warning comes to mind over and over again.

'Watch out for Leviathan'

His words to beware of the Leviathan did not sound like a simple slander.

Because of this, it is true that I am concerned about attracting even my friends.

"Instead, you guys will gather some information about the white dragon in the meantime.


Yoonsol and Drake, hearing my words, nodded their heads.

[Yes, I will. Anyway, I thought so Even though I hadn't seen the phoenix in a long time, it was a very affectionate existence... As much as Netty and Betty sisters on the Sky Island.]

[Me too. It's been a long time since I've felt so angry at the death of an in-game being. jack

Oh, it's the first time since Lantern!]

I also nodded in agreement with my friends.

Still in my head, the mysterious light that the phoenix's pupils showed is good.

Those eyes that resemble those of a humpback whale that rescues a drifting diver without any cost.

This what we feel for the phoenix

An inexplicable intimacy led to revenge against the Goth Lanhi Leviathan and Kafcataract.

[Then, my dear, while you hold the Leviathan, we will gather information about the white dragon.]

[The location of Leviathan is relatively clear, but the white dragon is not... I'm sure you'll need an inquiry. Leave it to me.]

I nodded and spoke


The next thing I did was call the Dem Universe headquarters.

This is the direct number of General Wilson, which he received during his former pilgrimage.

But there was no contact.

Several times since then.

" It's impossible."

I put my phone down and thought about it for a moment.

'Watch out for Leviathan'

Again, Wilson's warning rings in his head.

Eventually, I got up from my seat and left the room.

The place I went straight to was the supervisor's office in the building, the space where Director Uhm Jae-young watched his work.

Squeak 7

I opened the wooden door and entered.

"Hey, you're going to change it to an automatic door."

"I like old fashion

Director Uhm Jae-young, who was sitting at his desk turning over papers, was seen waving a whiskey glass filled with ice.

It's Saturday evening, so it looks like I already had a light drink.

I scratched the side of my eyebrow and asked Director Um Jae-young.

"Did you drink?"

"Ugh. Why? nagging?"

"No, what It's not really like that. Is it an expensive drink?"

"Uh, I came in as a present. Would you like a drink too? This is a very expensive whiskey."


I sat on the sofa and looked at director Uhm Jae-young and said.

"I'm sorry, bro."

uh? what?

"I used to drink expensive alcohol, but I made it useless."


Director Um Jae-young raises his head with a slightly drunken face.

A look that doesn't understand what I'm talking about.


After hearing my words, director Uhm Jae-young put on a drunken expression.

"I think we should start the second cataclysm a little sooner."

In the past, before Mamon Reid, I said something similar to director Um Jae-young.

"Let's prepare together. 'Second cataclysm. "

And now you are ready

also finished

There is only one thing left to do in earnest.

Director Uhm Jae-young, who remembered how many things have changed since the 1st cataclysm and what a huge ripple effect has come, opens his eyes wide.

But this is not the end.

"And now, it seems like it should be released to the public soon."

I blew away even the slightest bit of alcohol that stood on Director Uhm Jae-young's face.

"The fact that the deceased and King Madong are the same person."

  Worn out newbie

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