Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 653
Closed Beta Testers (4)

Quite time has passed.

Blood was dripping down the hallways of the hospital.

A river of blood that meanders over the hill of the corpse.

Exhausted survivors cling to the wall and stare at each other.

Dozens of survivors crossed over the scattered corpses and utensils, and stood in the corner to watch out for each other.

[Shit! That old woman, I killed a few doctors and nurses earlier and ate stones and became very strong. Wouldn't it be nice to kill the person who took care of you and survive? What's your greed because you're all old?]

[Look at that habit! the young guy

Respect the old man! And why do I have to die just because I'm old!? Who founded and led this country!]

[Damn it! Secretary! Why aren't you answering the phone?! Today is the day I attend the National Assembly! When you're arguing with fucking pigs like this...

Almost all the good or the weak died.

The only survivors today were those who forced sacrifices on others.

People stared at each other as if to kill each other, but they couldn't move easily.

It was burdensome to fight because everyone got stronger due to the essence of the stats.

Team one group 二 group one ess

The blood flowing in the middle of the hallway suddenly turned into clear water.

Whether the water purifier exploded or not, from above

The clear water that runs down from the bottom pushes out the blood and flows down the hallway floor.

The survivors, who were noticing, then felt thirsty and drank the water running down the floor with their hands.

The people hiding in the corner also looked at me and drank water one by one.


As if everyone made a promise to each other, let's go

There was no bloodshed as long as the case was solved.

Just as the beasts of the savannah do not fight each other at the water's edge in a terrible drought.


- Tiling!

A status window appeared in front of the survivors.

(Second mission: Who caused the most damage to these two)

Reward: 100 stat essence (random).

Start counting the rankings

All the survivors stared at the status window with strange aspirations.

If you take first place here, you will be able to obtain 10 times the combat power of the general public.

If that happens, you won't have to worry about being attacked by the rest of them, and you might even counterattack and take the stones.


(Second mission; Those who harmed the most people)

Reward: 100 stat essence (random).

Ranking is complete!

1st place (recipient of compensation): Decedented People -The cumulative number of victims is 72.

It was none of the survivors in the hallway who took first place.

[what!? Who is the deceased!]

[Nonsense! If there are 72 people, it's all the people who survived here!?]

[I've never been hit by a single bullet, so how did you harm me!]

Survivors began to protest violently.

This is also because there were 21 records of people who placed 2nd right below, and 7 people who placed 3rd below them.

Everyone is excited and sensitive, so harming others means life or death.

It's a situation where you can't just put one on the other side and end it, so in fact, it's a lot to set a record with just one or two people.

can do.

In the meantime, the number of people who set the record of 7 people is amazing, but the number of 21 people more than that is also amazing.

However, the number of 72 people was an incredible record.

The number 72 is a record comparable to all those who survived here.

So survivors protest against counting

It was also natural to do.

[what! None of them killed 72 people!]

[Are you kidding me? I mean, you have to explain it!] [Isn't that squeamish!?]

Dissatisfaction is boiling in the hallway.

However, the people wearing the goblin mask did not respond to their dissatisfaction at all.

[Ho ho ho, is something wrong? Ah

Even if it's unreasonable, is the number 72 too excessive?]

But they, too, are just puzzled.

However, the people who wore the goblin mask were bewildered, but they paid the compensation as promised.


Soon, 100 stones were created in the air.

-  Stat Essence-Stone of Agility / Material/ ?

A mysterious stone that makes the body agile when held.

100 stones of agility move through the air and fly.

That direction is right.


In the upper part of the hallway where water was flowing down, there was a broken water purifier.

"Oh, agility. welcome.

I devoured 100 stones of agility flying towards me with gratitude.

I don't wear any items now

I can move quickly without it. If you wear items, well, nothing more to say.

I quickly picked up the stone of agility and ate it, then lifted my head and looked at the status window.

1st place (recipient of compensation): People who have died - Total number of victims: 72

It is only natural that I ate 1st place.

'Damage is not just physical damage to the body.'

The content of the second mission is how many people are harmed.

Since everyone is in a sensitive state, inflicting damage in a situation where even a slight swipe of a knife will feel like killing.

However, the concept of damage in the game includes more than just damage.

For example, something like 'state abnormality'.

So I burst the water purifier pipe as soon as the mission started.

The next thing I did was to pee in the water of the purifier.

There was also a way to bring my venomous slasher into contact with the water, but that's too cruel.

'Even minor damage doesn't matter. If it can only cause damage to as many unspecified people as possible.'

The water I urinated formed a stream across the center of the hospital hallway, and everyone in the hospital, tired of their long battles, drank it at least once.

'Why does this taste like this?' he grumbled.

"I'm sorry, everyone. but anyway

It's an illusion, doesn't it matter?

It is immoral for many people to urinate in the drinking water, but what to do They say you should forget all the rules of the past.

Meanwhile. The goblin mask, who saw my actions, stuck out his tongue and shook his head.

[We should learn a few things about this.] [Peeing in the water we all eat together, as expected, the world is wide.

A lot.]

[Ho-ho-ho, whatever. I've extracted all the chinumi noje today, so should I just stop?]

[I hope I can extract a little more tomorrow. It is tight to meet the quota this month.]

At the end, a woman in a goblin mask opened her mouth.

[Closed Beta Day 1, successfully completed. I will resume with mission 3 from the 2nd day.]

Who are you reporting to?

Eventually, the goblin masks suddenly opened the portal as if they had appeared, and disappeared on the spot.

" Hoo?"

I could infer quite a few things from the lines of the goblin masks.

They're someone's minions, and they're called 'closed betas'.

that you are experimenting with something in the

'But what is numinose? Who are these people?'

That's the problem.

Why are they suffering trapped in the world of the game? Was he a real person in the first place?

I avoid corpses that don't disappear even if I die, be careful in the hallway of the hospital

hung on the wall


[Huh, huh, huh. Mom! Mom! Save me! Mom!]

A large man is seen smashing the hospital window and crying.

Perhaps it was because he ate a lot of stones of strength, but his body was very large and puffy, but during the fight his head was

I guess I got it wrong, my mental age has become a baby.

The window of the hospital he is hitting is as hard as a steel wall.

If you look closely, you can see a thin, transparent wall covering the entire layer.

Every time the man slammed his fist, a wave of light waves like an acrylic film vibrated in the air.

[Uh-huh! Mom!]

When the man keeps hitting the transparent wall.


Suddenly the wall disappeared.

- Tiling!

  Daily quest has ended

  The 'barrier' is pushed back

The scope of activities has been expanded

The wall that surrounded the hospital

has disappeared.

[hurray! lived! Mom!]

The large man frowned and ran towards the emergency stairs.

The moment he crosses the transparent wall and tries to get out of the 4th floor.


Something silvery protruding from the pile of corpses was lodged in the man's neck.

It was.

[ uh?]

The man pulled out a piece of iron stuck in his neck.

It was a surgical scalpel.

[Huh? uh? Mom?]

The man wrapped himself around his neck and struggled, but there was no way to stop the blood already gushing out like a fountain.

Ground! Tangrang! Ground!

In the end, he rolled over on the floor of the hospital hallway and dropped about thirty red stones along with cold blood.

[ ] fussy.]

Soon, something slowly stood up from under the pile of corpses next to the emergency exit.

red dropped by a big man

A man who sweeps away dozens of stones.

He has dark hair, white skin and dark circles under his eyes.

I recognized his identity at a glance.

The guy who placed 2nd in this comprehensive evaluation.

2nd place:   J - Total number of casualties: 21.

Zodiac Bundy Vale.

He looked at me with a scalpel in his blood-stained white robe and smiled kindly.

uh? Why are you here?"

Saying what I want to ask

  Worn-out Newbie

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