Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 712
Episode 712: Poems for Little Things (3)

God said, 'The wrath against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their iniquity is so grave, that I am going down into the world to punish them.'

Abraham said, 'Are you going to punish the good and the bad alike? It's not fair. The good of the bad

Would you like to do that even if there are 50 people?'

God said, 'If there are 50 good men in Sodom and Gomorrah, I will forgive them all.'

Abraham said, 'If fifty or five are not enough, and there are 45 good ones, will you punish them?'

God said, 'If there are 45 good people, I will forgive them all.'

Abraham said, 'If there were forty good men, would you punish them?'

God said, 'If there are 40 good people, I will forgive everyone.'

Abraham said, 'If there were thirty good men, would you punish them?'

God said, 'If there are 30 good people, I will forgive them all.'

Abraham said, 'If there were 20 good men, would you punish them?'

God said, 'If there are 20 good people, I will forgive them all.'

Abraham said, 'If there were ten good men, would you punish them?'

God said, 'If there are 10 good people, I will forgive everyone.'

-Genesis (創世記) 18:20~18:33 -

* * *

Sodom and Gomorrah.

The two queens were climbing the ark with many children.

A huge worm pillar is erected.

And even at that moment, the generation of bugs quickly flickers and new

Insects kept popping up.

Basically, the lifespan of bees and ants is 100 hours. After that, it dies and returns to the dust.

However, the Queen's birth rate is much faster than that, and now the phenomenon of abnormal reproduction is taking place.

Because of this, the number of worms was truly enormous.

As the generations of worms passed quickly, they developed their respective tolerances.

Just as cockroaches with a lifespan of 100 days or more rapidly change generations and build up and pass on resistance to all kinds of insecticides, bees and ants inherit it while acquiring resistance to various heat and cold weapons.

[Inno-Om, you abominable owl!]

[Where did the phoenix hide?]

Sodom and Gomorrah were unaware that the Phoenix had been slain by an alliance of dragons and demons.

They soared furiously towards the final outlet to vent their lost rage.

The worm column is approaching the upper part of the tower. It was truly an astonishing pace.

Now, the worm pillars were visible even to the eyes of the refugees who had passed the top of the tower and were approaching the top.

Akisada's complexion turned pale when she saw the worms flooding from below at a frightening speed.

"Come on, I'll catch up with you!"

The refugees look at the deceased's hologram all at once with an anxious gaze.


The giant hologram with only its head floating, somehow had a carefree expression on its face.

[Don't worry. I have arranged everything."

terrified of the end of the word.


The worm's pillar wobbled.

[ ] ?]

Sodom and Gomorrah paused their advance and looked down.

OK. Soon, an amazing sight appeared.

A long procession that forms the worm's column. The camp of insects that made up the last part was collapsing.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

An unidentified, enormous number of users came out of nowhere and were pounding bees and ants.

These users, mainly composed of middle-aged men and women, are hunting bugs with wrinkled hands with a belly and wrinkled hands.

None of the levels were very high, but they tried to catch bees and ants.

They were truly extraordinary people.

The refugees opened their mouths.

Where did such users appear at this point?

Akisada was curious about who they were and why they were catching bugs like crazy, so I searched the Internet window.


A few hot posts that are heating up the entire gaming community immediately caught my eye.

  Shock secret! Bees and ants are good for stamina!?

The reason why I became an S university student who was the last in the school to become addicted to games? 'After catching bees and ants all day, my concentration ,

"The secret to growing taller? When I let only bees and ants catch in the game, I lost 8cm a month!

* * *

"As planned."

I secretly stole a cold sweat.

A few days ago, there was a project I had planned in advance with director Uhm Jae-young.

,Honey, but will this work as you think?'

'Perhaps it is? People say 'energy' and 'students; They are sensitive to 'children's height'.'

I posted fake news on the Internet using the commentary team created by Gyu-yeop Cha of Red Moon and the network of several reporters.

If you connect to the game and catch bees and ants, you will increase your stamina, it is good for improving the gravity of the examinee's house, and even children

is that he grows taller.

In fact, if you think about it a little, it's nonsense, but surprisingly, it worked.

"Heh heh, virtual reality games these days are too complicated. No automatic hunting or automatic hunting? Chuck jjjjkjjjjjjk~ When it comes to me~ Ouch! By the way, there are a lot of bees and ants. I almost would have been shot. It's enough to get shot by Director Choi at the company, and by his wife at home.

Well, it doesn't matter now. Uh oh, these are all good for the body, so you should catch them all~ Your health is the best~ Uhhhhhhh, but is this really good for men? Yes? I don't know what to say? Heh heh-

Oh my gosh! Can you catch me like that? It's so full like a mother! Huh? Look, there are so many bees and ants! Look at what Mom is doing. Yay! Pop! Smashing your back like this.

I thought that each animal would increase the mock test score by 1 point. Huh? Who said that? Rumors have spread around the apartment women's association. You just listen to your mother. Oh! Why is the guy who usually plays even though he doesn't play games so sloppy today? Huh? I can't, you go out of the capsule now and drink a pill straight away. In the meantime, my mom will hold me. Oh? Hohoho Minsung, did his mother also log in? Oh, look at my mind, I thought I should have done a little bit of savvy and brought a stick of +7 chives."

Middle-aged users were disturbing the rear of the bugs at an incredible speed, such as the fat-headed manager Kim, who had a bit of a revenge in the past, and the 503 father-in-law whose back smashing power is the national level of volleyball.


There is one more terrifying card besides the growth of energy, test takers, and children.

[No matter how powerful the insect corps is, will it be able to defeat capitalism?]

That is 'money'.

Marquis Scrooge and I became a partnership thanks to the favorable feelings we had built up to MAX, and started a fairly large project together.

It was a 'bounty' project.

[I will bet a bounty of 10 gold for each bug!]

Each time you catch a bug, you accumulate 1 won in real money.

Of course, the total amount of prize money is fixed, so the person who catches the most quickly first wins.

Bees and ants are easy for anyone to catch, so not only rankers, but also people who don't usually play games are tempted to go to the capsule room.


Five? Is it a good side job?"

"I should do this rather than attach the doll's eyeballs."

"Now, let's stop squatting! Even if I die, I will kill all the bees and ants here!"

The morale of humanity and the player union has risen significantly.

Again, there is nothing more powerful than energy, test takers, children's height, and money to inspire people's fighting spirit.

There, I even manipulated the weather so that players could climb over the harsh snowy mountains.

-   Cthulhu Kraken's Tentacle / Wan


The majesty of the sea god who calls the great storm itself.

- Defense +1,700

- Agility +2,000

- Ability to use 'Windstorm'


- Ability to use 'Buffer (緩衝)'


If you use the effect of this storm, you can offset the power of the blizzard to some extent.

Also, due to the large-scale march of insects, the snow and ice of the snowy mountains are almost

It was worn out or swept away, so even those who normally just completed the tutorial were able to cross over to the North Continent.

In addition, the situation changed again as the rankers, who were cold at the amount of the bounty, gave up on any more siege or sit down and ran out of the fortress or shelter.

A corps of middle-aged newbies in doubt about the strength of the rankers who have endured persistently in the deluge of insects so far

Crazy synergy began to emerge as the fierce tenacity was added.

[Hey, what is this?]

Sodom and Gomorrah looked down as if puzzled.

They erected a worm pole and paused for a moment to climb up.

Then he started to control the children behind him.

Akisada exclaimed urgently.

"Is this a secret weapon? Is it over now?"

[No way. The real hand hasn't been pulled out yet.]

Embarrassed, I comforted Akisada and the other refugees who were fluttering.

However, it was clear that Sodom and Gomorrah's aggression was beyond the expected range.

Before the return, the calculations were misaligned because each of the two queens looked at the fighting powers separately.

The formula 1 + 1 = 2 does not apply to Sodom and Gomorrah, which are currently holding hands.

[ ] Hmmm, definitely. I don't have much time.

It takes time for the secret weapon to warm up.

Eventually, Sodom and Gomorrah rearranged the aft and raised the worm column again.

Two war overlords approaching with incredible speed.

[Minerva's Owl! Starting with you, I will annihilate all living things in the world!]

[The world will pay a price for ignoring and humbling my children.

It will be!]

The queen of bees and ants was voicing out rage so hot that even the fires of hell burned.


I stepped out in front of the refugees to buy some time.

Wei Ying-

My hologram is slightly down

The two queens of the East Sea were blocked.

Dark flesh erupts from the eyes of the two queens who finally met me.

"The outcry of my daughters and sons is great and their pain is so great that I now go up and see for myself whether all their dealings and actions are like the cry that I have heard or not!"

So, did you come all the way here to see for yourself?

I answered the two queens with a calm attitude.

[Do you seek to destroy the righteous along with the wicked?]

[ ] what?]

The two queens frowned upon hearing my question.

I continued to ask.

[It is unjust to punish the good and the bad equally. If there were 50 of us who have never harmed bees and ants, would they not forgive us?]

Then Sodom and Gomorrah chuckled.

[What an absurd point indeed!]


All players in this world catch bees and ants from the beginning of the game.

The monsters that appear from the top of the tutorial are bees and ants, and bees and ants always appear in the list of prey required by countless low-level quests.

primordial prey. For the player, bees and ants are inextricably linked.

Knowing this, the refugees seem anxious.

"Has any of us ever caught a bee or an ant?"

"Are you stupid? Of course not!"

"There can be no 50 people! What do you think of the deceased?

Laughing at such refugees, he spoke as if Sodom and Gomorrah were greatly favored.

[If we can find 50 among you who have never harmed bees and ants, we will forgive all of you and the whole world."

I said again.

[What if 40 people?]

[Don't forgive me though.]

[What if there were 30 people?]

[But forgive me.]

[What if 20 people?]

[But forgive me.]

[What if there are 10 people?]

[But forgive me.]

Sodom and Gomorrah were quite generous. It may be the absolute confidence that comes from branding the player side as complete garbage.

I decided to try one more match here.

[ ] If there is only one person?]

one person. What if there is a 'good person' who has never caught a bee or an ant?

Sodom and Gomorrah laughed at my question.

[Believing in existence like a gannan child


[no. Of course, among adults.]

Is there anyone, not a newbie, but a high-level oldby who has never caught a bee or an ant?

Even the refugees look at me with disbelief.

And soon in that tense atmosphere.

[ ] good.]

Sodom and Gomorrah opened their mouths.

[Only one. Even if there is only one righteous man, I will not destroy you.]

The two war overlords look up at me with the same generosity as Ha Hae.

However, the atmosphere of the refugees was still hopeless.

Unless you've caught bees and ants

persons. With just that one person, everyone, or even the whole world, can live.

But none of them had never caught a bee or an ant.

Because it is impossible unless you are a level 1 newbie in the first place.

After reading the atmosphere, the two queens laughed.

[Look at that. After all, you are mortal.]

After speaking, Sodom and Gomorrah came up with an army.

A huge worm column soon swept away everything and was finally aiming for the top floor of the ark.



A heavy shock immediately stopped Sodom and Gomorrah's bodies.

What is it?]

transparent barrier. It was preventing the rise of all insects, including Sodom and Gomorrah.

I smiled at the two war overlords with bewildered expressions on their faces.

[Yes, there is one person...]

Soon, someone appeared in my hologram.


There is only one.

Oldby, who has never caught bees and ants, is at a high level.

" Ugh, just taking the bus consistently helps here."

At level 1, she skipped even the 'Tutorial Tower' and went straight to the Sky Island to raid.

That's Yunsol!


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