Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 748
Episode 748: The World's Strongest Certification (2)

England's Oliver Marco

He was a world-class ranked 14th in the world combined rankings, and was a rival of U.S. team Euler Simpson.

In reality, Oliver is a chef, and in reality, Euler is a food fighter.

He usually thinks, 'Cooking should be like cooking', 'Cooking should be served only to those who know the taste', and 'Food fighters eat a lot of food without knowing the taste. was a person

So, as soon as he heard that Euler had become a ranker, including in the 'eat a lot' meta in the game, he changed his meta to the poison type.

If you're going to eat a lot ignorantly, it's poison or eat a lot.

' There is no other place that poisons people more than the kitchen.'

Oliver is the youngest chef in a third-class restaurant, and has endured many cravings and discipline.

With the dozens or hundreds of poisons he created in that way, he came to this position.

And here I am standing now is the top of the world.

Although he never met his rival Euler Simpson, it didn't matter.

It is because he has never seen an opponent whose poison does not work while he has been active in the domestic league, the European Champions League higher than that, and even in the world league.

At least until we meet here against Drake.

'What, what?'

Oliver, the German, broke out in a cold sweat.

As a drop of sweat fell on the ground, the mud burned, and a green smoke came out.

As such, his poison is powerful.

But the opponent in front of him was just silently ignoring all the poison Oliver had released.



The appearance of the opponent who came out through the green poison mist was completely different from before the game started.

Black gloves, but never look heavy or dull

A knight wearing black light armor

He wore sharp barbs and chains all over his body, and dark morale attacked his mind.

The teeth of the helmet that resembled the head of a black dragon, and the two eyes burning red in the torn black jaws are visible.

Death Knight! Death Knight!

Drake was 'undead doping' and evolved into an archer-type Death Knight with two giant crossbows.

' Ah, yes, there it was.'

I looked at the dagger that turned Drake into a Death Knight.

-  Dagger of 'Polished Pride' / One-handed weapon / S

When your noble pride is defiled

Frustration will drag you down to the abyss of your heart, deeper than the abyss.

-Physical Attack +1

-Characteristics 'dead end ead End), usable (special)

When the owner of an item dies, ownership is transferred to the person most directly involved in the death. You may not renounce possession of an item in any other way.

T-shaped handle with an awl

A basilard-type dagger with a sheep's pointed blade sticking out.

An item dropped by the named monster 'Wilhelm Tell', who is probably the only archer-type Death Knight in this worldview.

The black energy emanating ominously from the tip of the sword and the handle of the sword is one of the most beautiful creatures.

This was during the Russian war in the past.

It was the entire prize that Lake earned by defeating Ahn Hyuk-soo or Victor Ahn in a 1:1 archer match.

A hidden piece called 'undead doping' or 'corpse pony'.

The target stabbed by that dagger becomes undead at once.

Depending on the level, players can also experience Skeleton Mode, Zombie Mode, and Ghoul Mode, and the stats are usually slightly lowered.

Depending on the level, the stats go up.

Drake's level is a whopping 83, and in terms of undead, an elite level like 'Death Knight' or 'Ghoul King' suits him well.

Meanwhile, Oliver frowned as if he had never seen Drake vs. Victor Ann in the past.

"I've never heard of a Death Knight using a bow."

Then, Drake, who had been silent for a while, opened his mouth.

"Then that must be your loss."

" What?

Oliver didn't even have time to ask questions.

Drake received the energy of the Death Knight and raised two crossbows covered with jet-black scales.

Not only did the stats explode, the crossbow also became huge.

The crossbow, which had grown large and elongated like a siege weapon, now had to take a few steps back because of its recoil with each shot.

Naturally, the attack power is also incomparable to the previous one.


Two huge craters were dented on the edge of the cliff after being hit by Drake's arrow.

The powerful firepower that two crossbows unleash nonstop!

Even Drake was releasing the morale emanating from his undead body, loaded with arrows.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


An arrow that has driven a dark vortex immediately blows up a few meters within a radius of it as soon as it hits.

Now the arrow has almost the strength of a cannon ball.

Not a shooting, but an onslaught close to shelling!

The mighty firepower that Ahn Hyuk-soo showed in the past, as it is, or even more

It was Drake who was reproducing it.

"Uh Whoa! I don't think you'll just be suffering!

Oliver rolled his body to dodge the arrow, and at the same time made a seal in the air.

I wondered if large magic circles would appear in the sky, and then raindrops began to fall.


Just a poison shower! Raindrops containing all kinds of venomous venom are pouring down with a fierce force.

Soon, countless poisonous stalks began to rain down.

Not 99% humidity (濕度), but 99% Dokdo (毒度).

Oliver quickly pulled out his poison umbrella.

turned over

If you touch these falling raindrops, your body melts even if you are yourself.


Raindrops leave traces all over the world.

The hot mud was polluted with a powerful poison, and foul fumes were spewing out in all directions.


with a splash! with a splash! with a splash! with a splash!

Drake chews up all the poisonous cows, airways, hot mud, spewing sulfur gas and boiling underground water and runs away.

The Death Knight's jet black armor repels all poisons and pollutants, and at the same time, the strong poison resistance obtained by catching Belzebub's son can be used to lower the armor.

protecting wealth.

But Oliver, unaware of this, was terrified.

It was the first time I met an opponent whose poison did not work, so I did not know what to do.

the only thing you can do is

" Tae, tag!"

It's just a call for substitution to fellow teammate John Hawkins behind him.


Oliver, who was about to shout for a substitution, stood still and froze.


Drake ran right up to his nose and fired an arrow into Oliver's mouth.

because it is

An unprecedented forward shot.

The arrow, which was fired with the power to run, pierced Oliver's mouth with one shot and completely detonated the back of the head and the back of the neck.


The arrow pierces Oliver's head and blows up to a corner of the cliff behind him.

Curl rumble!

Beneath the collapsing rubble, Oliver, with a large hole in his head, floundered in a pit of tainted mud.

Iron Punk!

Strike (一擊). The victory was divided.

A lot of people are just apprehensive about this shocking and shocking way of fighting.

I had to open

Naturally, the Korean casters were outraged.

[Alas! Drake Player! I never expected to show the world such progress!]

[How long has it been since the first round has started, have you already picked up a win? It's an incredible sight!]

[Exactly 58 seconds! under heaven

It took me less than a minute to face Oliver Marco!]

Even Drake's stamina was barely worn out.


Drake returned to the Korean camp in a lively state and soon high-fived the next player.

The next player we were going to send out was Matthew Kang.

"I am going to share my energy."

Matthew Kang grinned at Drake and kicked off the bench.

Soon after, the British side sent the next player out.

thud! thud! thud!

heavy footsteps.

The huge vibration forced the casters to reset the observer cam for a while.

[Should I turn on the shake correction function for this?]

[Or increase the observer cam altitude.]

[The screen should be well anti-vibration.]

The phrase 'cramping on the ground' was the most appropriate expression.

The surface of the ground cracked at every footstep of his, and he suffered a lot of pain.

[Now, that player is finally on the standing line!

[This is the first time I've actually seen it! However, it is overwhelming to see it live like this rather than a low-capacity in-game screenshot!]

[ ] Even the appearance alone makes the audience roar!]

Soon, a large human player with a muscular body appeared on the field.

" Suck!"

A man who blows away the poison mist that Oliver left behind with just a snort.

Those bulky trapezius muscles, biceps and triceps, and more than 8, 10 abs.

Bodybuilding in the game

looks like a body

Newton John Hawkins. The so-called 'Giant of Europe'!

As he leaps into the field, the ground thumps and cracks in the ground.

Whoops! Cook!

A few rocky mountains have collapsed, and thick gases swirl to match his exhalations and inhalations.

With each step, the ground shook up and down, and every time I turned my neck left and right, a rumble resounded throughout the wasteland.

He was 2 meters 12 centimeters tall and weighed 160 kilograms.

Bald head, beard, armor-like muscles, scars and tattoos all over his body.

Among their ancestors, Germanic, Samoan, Slavic, and Sudanese

Rumors that they were evenly spread were not for nothing.

He is who he is today with his innate physical strength and hard work.

Besides, he is quite different from before his return.

[Ah, new physical data is coming in right now?]

[Well!? Hawkins, are you injured?]

[Not like that. It is said that there are parts that are different from the data in the current script!]

The caster quickly scribbled down new data before the game started.

[Height 2 meters 22 centimeters, body, weight 180 kilograms! I increased it even more!]

[ ] Well. Fiji in real life now

Are you talking about curl? Not in the game.]

[Isn't this already the limit of race growth for modern humans? how !]

[Ah, the game starts during the talk! Hawkins! A huge step from the start! Indeed, the legendary American boxer-turned-player [Mur] Eweather Alita Eason is a man who declared his rival!]

Perhaps this is a kind of butterfly effect.

What's more, the scariest thing is this.

Newton John Hawkins shouted like a rip-off at the river Matthew in front of him.

Come on, let's go! Thunderbolt!

that he is a wizard


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