Worn And Torn Newbie chapter 766
Episode 766: Star Wars (4)

Military Security Advisory First Command Department.

It is a military organization that was once called the Kimusa but changed its name after 2018.

Its main duties include military security support, military counterintelligence, and military-related intelligence collection and administration.

Li, missions such as investigating crimes within the military. For this reason, it is an organization that all military officers fear the most because it has the authority to investigate crimes within the military.

And today, the person who visited the 77th Division stands at the apex of that organization.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung, Commander of Military Security Support.

It's three stars.

dry swallowing sound.

Brigadier General Roh Yeol-shik, commander of the 77th Division, took an alert posture with a nervous expression.

The difference between one star and three stars is the sky and the earth.

Lieutenant-general is the highest rank in the ROK military, except for the extremely rare rank of general, which has only 34 members even if they rob the Republic of Korea.

It is a star that is hard to see even in any operational command-level unit.

of stars.

匸匸匸匸匸匸 一厂一厂一厂一厂一厂一厂一

The sound of the helicopter that Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung was riding on slowly fades away.

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik glanced at how his black sedan was getting dirty by the helicopter wind, and then regained his attention.

Eventually, Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung gets off the helicopter.

"Heh heh heh. What is it all about?"

He looked around at the officers who lined up around him.

All of the Class A outfits they were wearing were all messed up in the helicopter wind.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung made an apologetic expression and brushed off each person's clothes by hand.

Of course, as long as his hand touches it

Even though the executives below Lieutenant-level and below-sergeant-sergeant in Rho, looked like they were going to faint.

Then, Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik hurried forward.


"Uh, yes. cohesion.

"Hey, I couldn't prepare for the welcome salute because I wasn't in a good mood! Come on, gather the soldiers "

no. no. It's okay. done.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung waved his hand and smiled kindly.

Behind him are Prosecutor Jang Jin-hyuk, head of the Civil Inspection Office and the Bucheon Branch of the Incheon District Prosecutors' Office, and Admiral Kim Cheol-hyeon, the second-ranking chief of staff at the Security Support Command, looking like a ghost behind him.

The pressure of these three dignity

With that alone, Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik felt like he was about to be crushed to death.

'Why did the entire command come here?'

The presence of the three people in front of them is equivalent to a visit by the Military Security Support Command in its entirety.

I even heard that Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung, who had just completed the promotion ceremony this time, originally served for a long time in the special forces unit and was extremely strict and strict principled.

Most of the newcomers there tend to be cautious and careful, and they have a tendency to fill up their results quickly, so you have to be extra careful.

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik felt his back getting wet with cold sweat and smiled hard.

"Let's go to the official residence and have a cold drink. I will see you."

no. no. It's okay. I just came here to take a look around."

At Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung's words, Lieutenant General No Yeol-shik felt dizzy for a moment.

Why did you come to this 77th dan on the outskirts of the outskirts? Really?

When Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik felt something strange.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung said.

by the way. Brigadier Noh, what is the game doing?"

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung asks.

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik shook his head.

no. I don't really have any games to play."

Is that right? You're living life to the fullest.


no. Heh heh heh."

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung took out a pipe and asked for one.

And under the sunglasses, his eyes lit up.

"No, even after work is over, are there any soldiers at the training ground over there?"

"Ah, the kids are so lively."

"You don't seem to be exercising, do you? Isn't that pulling weeds?

"Ah, that's a kind of troop beautification business I want to make a beautiful army unit as all the soldiers... ."

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung chuckled as Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik was sweating profusely.

"Because we need to know that Brigadier Roh works hard."

"Ah. Go, thank you!"

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik's face brightens at the unexpected compliment.

The faces of all the executives behind him also brightened.


Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung opened his mouth.

"However, if you are mobilized for work after hours like that, the soldiers will

I don't have time to play and play comfortably."

"Yes? Ah, no. Normally, the capsule room was opened so that soldiers could use it freely."

"Hey, the 77th Division is doing well for its soldiers!"

It is a word of exaltation."

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik laughed heh heh

ripped off

At that time, a completely unexpected remark came out of Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung's mouth.

"Can I take a look at that capsule room?"

" Yes?

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik, with a blank expression on his face or not, Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung calls a soldier pulling weeds from the training ground.

"What's your friend's rank?"

"Everyone, unite! Corporal Kim Cheol-hyun! I will be promoted to sergeant next month!"

Five. yes yes I almost did my military service. But why are you pulling weeds here during your break time?"

"Now, all the company members are working hard to voluntarily beautify the troops!"

"Oh is that so? at that time though

It would be better to go to a capsule room and play a game."

After finishing his speech, Lieutenant General Jang Tae-gyeong laid his arms around the corporal in front of him.

"Yes, Cheolhyun. Where is the capsule room that the troops usually use?"

Then Corporal Kim Cheol-hyeon turned his head and pointed to the container in the back of the barracks.

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik's expression is getting worse


Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung was walking down the path to the capsule room and talking to other executives.

"Heh heh, do you play games? Huh? what level is it? Oh my gosh, it's a shame if a young person's level is that low.

Fucking jokes with the battalion commanders next to me

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung, who was doing the flag, eventually stood in front of the shabby container building.

When you open the door, you can see the capsules scattered around in the dark room.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung looked around the capsules once.

"Heh heh heh, that's right. You mean using this model? Although it is a little outdated, the specs are good."

"Ah, Commander, you seem to like games."

"Uh, what do you do sometimes? I'm not good at it, but I like seeing people who are good at it~

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung began examining the capsules closely.


"But Brigadier Noh. Are all the capsules here?"

Yes? Yes. That's right. The size of this building is limited by the bylaws."

He is Brigadier Noh Yeol-sik, who blurs his tail.

Then Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung asked him one more time.

"But looking at the order quantity, it is normal to have more than the capsules here."

Ah Alas That is. It seems that when the barracks were built, the area was calculated incorrectly, so there was a minor mistake in the order. Well, it's not an internal military problem, it's the fault of an outside contractor...

"Then where are the capsules that are said to have been taken out because they are narrow?"

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik desperately shook his head.

The idea he came up with was .

Ah! In case of an emergency, we put it in a separate supply warehouse."

oh is it? So let's take a look at those models. Heh heh heh, why did you pile up things for the soldiers there?"

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung took the chief sergeant and immediately left the capsule room and headed for the supply warehouse next door.

When the chief sergeant is just about to open the door to the supply depot.

The security guard makes eye contact with Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Uh-huh- what kind of lock is this? Soldier!"

The two heavy locks in the supply depot are not opening.

A few minutes later, a logistician who was pulling weeds from the parade came running in a hurry.

cohesion! Private Park Jin-gyu!"

"Oh, yes, Jin-gyu. Bring me the supply depot keys A and B."

"That, that "

Private Park Jin-gyu, who received the guard's gaze, said with tears in his eyes.

"It looks like I lost the key to the supply depot while I was pulling weeds!"

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik's face only then showed a young light of relief.

The chief officer behind was Noh Yeol-sik

He winked at the brigadier general, and Haengbo gives a thumbs up to the chief officer.

For nothing, only the division commander, regiment commander, battalion commander, company commander, platoon commander, chief sergeant major, and private sergeant Park Jin-gyu, who received the attention of the officers, are crying and do not know what to do.

Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik said it was a pity that he had lost his embarrassed smile.

Commander. Now the soldier's petty

There will be some problems with the opening of the supply depot due to a mistake. Once you go to the official residence, cool off a bit, and find the key...

In the meantime, I was thinking of going out and buying some overgrown capsules.


"Heh heh- it's okay. What if I don't have a key?"

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung, who was smiling wildly.

With a gentle hand he pulled a .38 revolver from his waist and smashed his two feet against the lock on the shed on the spot.

Boom- Taang!

Two locks were smashed and scattered with sparks.

The former officers froze.

Then, Prosecutor Jang Jin-hyeok and Director Kim Cheol-hyeon opened the supply warehouse door.

Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung chuckled.

"Commanders at the regimental level and above like this. Because it can carry live ammunition. oops? But do you want to hear what they say that they just shot it out of nowhere? Well, it's difficult to individually check the ammunition recovery, so it's no big deal, right? Huh? Brigadier Noh?"

At those words, Brigadier Noh Yeol-shik shuts his mouth and freezes.

I think I know a little bit now.

That there is a terrifying madness hidden in that gentle smile.

And it was no coincidence that he visited Company 77 here today.

Before long, Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung, who broke through the warehouse with the army, was empty

I looked inside the warehouse.

Obviously, the inventory of the warehouse should contain 35 new capsules and 42 old capsules.

Before long, Lieutenant General Jang Tae-kyung's expression turned cold.

At the same time.


All the military officers gathered here

Military life also began to cool down.


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