Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1305 Chaos Golden Refutation

"Li Xinhu, don't be stunned when you step on the horse."

"Don't you want that thing?"

"I'll give it to you, hurry up and save me!"


Zhao Tiangang roared and threw the things around his waist.

At the same time, he quickly formed seals with his hands and struck towards the heart.

This was also done to preserve his body before Xiao Chen rescued him.

Xiao Chen grabbed the flying object, and after making sure it was okay, he put it into his storage bag.

Just when he was thinking about how to save Zhao Tiangang, Yu Qiushuang ran over.

"You idiot, you can't see this monster without using magic..."

Yu Qiushuang said angrily, and hit Xiao Chen's eyebrows with a magic spell.

Under this divine technique, Xiao Chen's eyes felt cool and he saw the monster attacking Zhao Tiangang.

It was a monster, but in the form of a shadow.

However, the phantom is almost solid and looks like the real body.

This demon is half a foot tall and three feet long, and looks like a pony.

Those big copper bell-like eyes exuded a faint blood light and were indescribably ferocious.

There was disdain in its eyes, and it obviously didn't take Zhao Tiangang seriously.

At this moment, the monster was stabbing Zhao Tiangang in the chest with a golden horn.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen was obviously stunned, his eyes full of surprise.

He originally thought that this was a monster with sharp claws that could take out human hearts.

Unexpectedly, this demon actually used its golden horn to forcefully pierce the human heart.

What kind of monster is this damn beast? Why have we never heard of it?

"Sword comes..."

Xiao Chen didn't have time to think too much, he controlled the Huntian Sword and headed straight for the golden horn of the monster beast.

The sword flashed and landed on the golden horn, saving Zhao Tiangang.

"Thanks, brother..."

Zhao Tiangang survived and expressed gratitude to Xiao Chen.


The golden-horned monster was furious and roared to the sky.

Its big copper bell-like eyes were staring at Xiao Chen not far away.

Obviously, it was reminding Xiao Chen that it was best not to meddle in other people's business.

"Evil beast!!!"

Xiao Chen met the golden-horned monster's gaze and took a step forward without fear.

With this step, Xiao Chen's whole body exuded huge domineering energy.

The golden-horned monster was stunned for a moment, then turned around and chased after Zhao Tiangang.

"Damn it, he's provoking you, why are you chasing me?"

"You stupid monster, hurry up and kill him!"

"I'm a little guy like me. It won't be too late for you to kill me later."


Zhao Tiangang was furious, and while he was tired of running for his life, he cursed.

"This is the legendary beast named Jin Pi, also known as Chaos Golden Pit."

"Under normal circumstances, the Chaos Gold is completely white, like a white dragon horse."

"Look at this one, its whole body is red, as if blood is flowing on its body."

"If I guess correctly, this is a burial object, and its body has long since died."


Yu Qiushuang obviously knew about this monster and talked about it in detail.

"Is this monster easy to deal with?"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed and he asked subconsciously.

"If you can kill the Chaos Golden Barge, you will gain great fortune."

Yu Qiu Shuang glanced at Chaos Golden Mottle and said with a strange expression.

She didn't hide anything, and explained the situation of Chaos Golden Bullet in detail.

Yu Qiu Shuang told Xiao Chen that the golden horn of Chaos Golden Mottle was very useful.

It is said that this golden horn is so sharp that it can cut iron like clay.

Even the most top-notch immortal weapon can easily penetrate and defeat it on the spot.

If this golden horn could be removed, it would become a weapon refining material in an instant.

Using divine fire and refining for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, it can be made into a divine weapon.

The Chaos Golden Barge is extremely ferocious and likes to eat the hearts of animals.

Even if he encounters a big Kun, he will not fall behind in the fight.

"Why is this guy so strong?"

Xiao Chen took a breath and said in disbelief.

"If you knew its legend, you would turn away."

Yu Qiu Shuang smiled bitterly and continued to tell the story about Chaos Golden Pier.

She told Xiao Chen that the reason why this demon was called Chaos Golden Bullet was because it was born from chaos.

There is a legend circulating among the Gods that the Chaos Golden Barge was originally the vehicle of a certain strong man from the Gods.

Many years later, Chaos Gold became spiritually connected and left his master privately, wanting to see the outside world.

The Chaos Golden Barge faced the sun and flew rapidly, encountering a fierce tiger on the way.

The tiger was also a great demon of heaven and earth. After seeing the Chaos Golden Barge, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

In a flash, the Chaos Golden Barge caught up with the tiger, stabbed out its heart and swallowed it.

From then on, Chaos Golden Barge was out of control and enjoyed devouring the hearts of monsters all day long.

Especially at night, the Chaos Golden Barge is even more brutal, killing both humans and animals wherever it goes.

"It ate so many monsters, but its owner didn't catch it?"

Xiao Chen was a little confused when he heard this, and asked with a frown.

"The owner has too many cars. He should have forgotten about this guy a long time ago."

"My father once told me that Chaos Golden Bullet and Zhu Jiuyin fought for three days and three nights."

"In the end, Zhu Jiuyin was defeated and escaped with serious injuries, all the way to the world."


Yu Qiushuang didn't hide anything and told everything she knew.

"Chaos Golden Bullet, why do you like eating hearts so much?"

Xiao Chen changed the subject and asked the question he wanted to know most.

He knew in his heart that this was the breakthrough to kill Chaos Gold.

If the principle was understood, a way to kill Chaos Gold could be found.

"Every time Chaos Gold eats a heart, it will emit a dazzling light all over its body."

"If it can eat enough hearts, it can grow wings, soar into the sky and earth, and become a divine beast."

"Of course, if it can be tamed, it can possess its power and gain the power of immortality."


When Yu Qiushuang said this, her eyes were full of yearning.


Xiao Chen was stunned and asked in great surprise.

Is there really such a magical power in the world?

If you get it, even if you die in battle, you can be resurrected instantly?

Or, no matter how seriously injured you are, you will not die?

Just as Xiao Chen was imagining, Zhao Tiangang's angry curse came to his ears.

"Li Xinhu, you bastard, you have no moral principles."

"I gave you the things, but you didn't save me."

"You didn't save me, but you're still flirting with girls."


Zhao Tiangang was furious. Even if he died, he would curse before he died.

At this moment, Chaos Golden Bo flashed and came in front of Zhao Tiangang.

It used its huge golden horn to stab Zhao Tiangang's heart.

If this stab really landed, Zhao Tiangang would say goodbye to this world.

Because the power contained in the golden horn can make him die in an instant.

Even if the Dead Evil Lord uses the most powerful dead evil magic, he can't revive Zhao Tiangang.

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