Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1399: Possessed by the Drama Spirit

"Look how angry you are. I am a monster, not a human being."

"By the way, why are you so anxious to find the boss?"

"Is it possible that the boss bullied you and still doesn't want to take responsibility?"


Kunpeng deliberately said disgusting words in order to anger Wu Nianhan to death.


Wu Nianhan was furious, with sparks of anger shooting out of his eyes.

What she didn't expect was that even more angry words were to come.

"Xiao Pengzi, what you said is wrong."

"Xiao Chen doesn't like second-hand goods like her!"

"I think she wants to seduce someone else's husband."


Ziwei Xuannv rolled her eyes and joined the humiliating team.

The thoughts in her heart were much more complicated than Kunpeng's.

Although Ziwei Xuannu didn't know what happened.

Through analysis, she could tell that something big must have happened on Xiao Chen's side.

Not long ago, Xiao Chen was alone, following Shen Tu Feijun.

At that time, she clearly saw a golden light rising into the sky in the thick fairy mist.

It is certain that Xiao Chen met a strong person and started a battle of wits.

The final result was tantamount to Xiao Chen being unable to fight against the opponent and casting a spell to escape.

Otherwise, Wu Nianhan, a stinky bitch, would not be able to chase her here.

Since Xiao Chen was seriously injured, he had no time to take care of this...

It is urgent and must be delayed for enough time.

As long as Xiao Chen can recover his cultivation, he can come and kill Wu Nianhan.

It was precisely because of this that Ziwei Xuannv joined the humiliating team and said those words.

The lethality of these words to Wu Nianhan was really too great.

She was so angry that her whole body trembled, and she wished she could eat Ziwei Xuanzang alive right away.

"You bitch, don't be complacent."

"Although this formation is powerful, I haven't taken it seriously yet."

"When I break the formation, I will use the most cruel method to kill you."


Wu Nianhan glared at Ziwei Xuannu and said solemnly through gritted teeth.

"Can you stop bragging? Do all women in the fairy world like to brag?"

"If you have the ability to kill me, do it now. There is no other way to bark."

"If you are smart, run for your life quickly. When my husband comes, you will have no chance."


Ziwei Xuannu didn't take Wu Nianhan's words seriously at all, and humiliated her with great pride.

"You bastards, I'm going to kill you..."

Seeing that Wu Nianhan could not defeat Ziwei Xuannu, he shouted angrily.

After saying that, she used her magic to attack the blood evil formation.

Although this formation is a weakened version of the Blood Fiend formation, its defensive power cannot be underestimated.

After all, within the formation, there is a part of the blood essence and blood power of the Blood Demon Ancestor.

You must know that the cultivation level of the powerful ancestor of the Blood Fiend God Clan is much higher than that of Wu Nianhan.

With Wu Nianhan's little fighting power, it was almost impossible to defeat the formation.

Therefore, Wu Nianhan, in anger, started meaningless operations.

No matter how she cast spells, she just couldn't defeat the defense of the blood evil formation.

When Wu Nianhan was angry, he gritted his teeth and used the magical power of the Eastern Royal Family.

I saw a stream of light flowing from her palm, and a golden ball condensed with immortal power quickly emerged.

The golden ball flashed and landed on the Blood Fiend formation at an astonishing speed.


A loud noise echoed.

The golden ball collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

The blood evil formation was not only safe and sound, but also released a huge rebound force.

Wu Nianhan was less than three feet away from the blood evil formation.

At such a close distance, she couldn't avoid the rebound force.

This huge force fell on her body, and her body flew out.

After landing, Wu Nianhan's face was as pale as paper and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"Little beauty, I've said it before, it's best for women not to be angry."

"When you get angry, you become less beautiful."

"It doesn't matter if you're not beautiful, how can you not think about self-mutilation!"


Kunpeng showed a look of sympathy and said earnestly.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Nianhan, who was already angry, was completely furious.

"Shut up, I'm going to kill you..."

Wu Nianhan roared angrily and was about to cast the spell again.

The moment she took action, she heard words of vomiting blood again.

"Beauty, don't take action yet, listen to my advice."

"The boss will definitely look down on second-hand goods like you."

"I don't dislike you. Are you considering marrying me?"


Kunpeng stared into Wu Nianhan's eyes and talked nonsense seriously.

Such humiliating words directly made Wu Nianhan furious.

"What did you say?"

Wu Nianhan laughed angrily and asked solemnly.

"I made it very clear, how about you marry me."

"Although I am not an immortal king, I can give you meticulous care."

"If you think it's feasible, we can cultivate the next generation now."


Kunpeng walked to the blood evil formation and said with longing eyes.

"Do you really want me to marry you?"

Wu Nianhan changed his previous attitude and suddenly said this.

She said this, but deep down in her heart, she was thinking about a question.

Right now, the Blood Evil Formation is too powerful and cannot be broken.

If you want to kill these people, there are only two ways.

First, let them take the initiative and defeat them one by one.

This possibility is not great, after all, the three of them are not fools.

If we settle for the second best and let Kunpeng come out, it will be much simpler.

Wu Nianhan is the concubine of Donghuang Xianjun, and she is also the most favored one.

The reason why she can stand firm beside Donghuang Xianjun is closely related to the charm technique she practiced.

Wu Nianhan is absolutely confident that as long as she uses this charm technique, she can take down Kunpeng.

When Kunpeng tells the method of entering the blood evil formation, all problems will be solved.

At that time, subdue Yu Qiushuang and Ziwei Xuannv to threaten Xiao Chen to hand over the treasure.

It is for this reason that Wu Nianhan changed his previous attitude and deliberately said those words.

"If I don't want to marry you, how can I tell you this?"

"I promise that you will never regret being with me."

"I can give you everything that Xianjun can give you."

"I can't give you anything that Xianjun can't give you."


Kunpeng deliberately took a step forward when he spoke.

With this step, he was about to walk out of the bloody formation and come to Wu Nianhan.

Wu Nianhan was so excited that she was about to use her charm to take Kunpeng down.

Soon, something happened that made her speechless.

Kunpeng took a step forward and then retracted it.

"Why don't you leave?"

Seeing this scene, Wu Nianhan was stunned and said with great anger.

"You haven't agreed to my request yet, I dare not go out!"

Kunpeng patted his chest and looked scared.

"As long as you treat me well, I promise to be with you..."

Wu Nianhan is also a master of acting, and said with a blushing face.

Her current appearance is typical of wanting to refuse but also to welcome.

Even if she didn't use her charm, she could make countless men unable to stop.

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