Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1407: Furious and Regretful

"Even if I lose my body, what can you do to me?"

Wu Nianhan snorted and said humiliatedly with disdain.

She said this, but deep down she was extremely nervous.

No matter how powerful a practitioner is, he is still a legendary beast.

Without the physical body, the strength will be greatly reduced.

This is Wu Nianhan's current situation.

If it cannot return to the body within a short period of time, the consequences will be disastrous.

In the mild case, his cultivation level regressed, in the severe case, his strength was greatly reduced and he was no longer able to defeat Xiao Chen.

Therefore, when Wu Nianhan spoke, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

She first attracted Xiao Chen's attention, and then found a way to return to her physical body.

"I can kill you..."

Although Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, it reverberated like ice cutting through snow.

Although he was looking at Wu Nianhan's soul, his attention was on the other person's body.

Xiao Chen was so smart, how could he not see what Wu Nianhan was thinking.

Besides, he also paid a huge price in order to force out Wu Nianhan's soul.

All the divine power given to him by his father was exhausted, and even a large amount of fairy power was added.

Even so, it could only force Wu Nianhan's soul out, but it could not kill her.

Right now, if he wanted to turn defeat into victory, he had to manipulate Wu Nianhan's body.

As long as he can prevent Wu Nianhan from taking back his body, Xiao Chen has many ways to slowly kill her.

However, it is not easy to stop Wu Nianhan under his nose.

Just when Xiao Chen was worried, a bold idea quickly flashed in his mind.

This idea is a bit crazy and even a bit nonsense.

If it can be used successfully, even if it cannot kill Wu Nianhan, it can still make the opponent go crazy.

"Boy, don't be so arrogant in front of my aunt."

"Even if your father comes, he may not be able to kill me."

"With your level of cultivation, my aunt can kill you with just a few clicks of her fingers."


Wu Nianhan deliberately showed a disdainful smile and said extremely arrogantly.

After saying that, her spirit jumped up and floated between heaven and earth.

"The cold light is harsh and everything is dead!!!"

While Wu Nianhan was using the Divine Art, he recited this incantation again.

However, the attack power this time was much weaker than before.

However, Wu Nianhan found another way and entered another divine technique.

In an instant, the dazzling cold light quickly merged into one.

Previously, the light was dispersed and could be attacked indiscriminately.

Now, the cold light condensed and turned into a light as thick as a thumb.

Under Wu Nianhan's control, this light went straight to Xiao Chen's eyebrows.

Looking at it suddenly, I saw that the Immortal-Destroying Finger used by Xiao Chen had the same effect but the same approach.

However, the attack power contained in it is far beyond that of the Immortal Destroying Finger.

With a flash of cold light, he came to Xiao Chen like a thunderous giant.

Wu Nianhan stared at Xiao Chen, with an imperceptible smile on his lips.

She had already thought that as long as Xiao Chen cast a spell to block it, she would immediately take back her physical body.

Soon, Wu Nianhan realized something was wrong, and Xiao Chen had no intention of taking action.

"What are you still doing? Are you waiting to die?"

Wu Nianhan couldn't bear it anymore and asked Xiao Chen loudly.

If Xiao Chen didn't take action, wouldn't all the previous efforts have been in vain?

Wu Nianhan really couldn't understand what was going on.

Under such circumstances, why did Xiao Chen stay there stupidly?

Is it possible that Xiao Chen is not afraid of death, or has seen through her inner thoughts?

When Wu Nianhan was confused, Xiao Chen raised his hand and pointed his finger at Wu Nianhan.

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

Seeing this finger, Wu Nianhan was completely stunned and blurted out.

At this moment, Han Mang has arrived in front of Xiao Chen and is about to kill him.

Not only did Xiao Chen not stop him, he was actually in the mood to cast an attack spell.

Wu Nianhan even felt that Xiao Chen was either stupid or his brain had been eaten by a dog.

Soon, Wu Nianhan discovered that he was wrong, and how wrong he was.

Xiao Chen's attack was not on her soul, but on her flesh god.

Under that finger, her body trembled slightly, as if it was alive.

"What's going on? What does he want with my body?"

Wu Nianhan's eyes widened with disbelief.

What Xiao Chen did was beyond her cognition.

Although Wu Nianhan didn't understand what Xiao Chen wanted to do.

But she knew that if her body was taken away, it would be difficult to get it back.

"You bitch, don't touch my body..."

Wu Nianhan roared angrily and rushed towards the physical body.

This rush completely fell into Xiao Chen's trap.

Xiao Chen glanced at Han Mang who came in front of him, and cast a secret technique on Wu Nianhan.

The murderous intention is coming from the sky, and the stars are changing!

Xiao Chen successfully exchanged places with Wu Nianhan's soul.

As soon as Wu Nianhan appeared there, a flash of cold light penetrated into her soul.

This time is not only well grasped, but also extremely good.

Not even one more breath can produce such an effect.


Wu Nianhan was hit by his own magic and immediately let out a scream.

Her soul was severely damaged, and she could only endure the pain and quickly levitate in the air.

Only in this way can we deal with unknown dangers.

Just as Wu Nianhan was suspended in the air, she saw a scene that made her vomit blood.

Xiao Chen had already arrived in front of her body and grabbed her body.

"You bitch, don't touch my body..."

Wu Nianhan was furious and cursed angrily at Xiao Chen.

After saying that, she couldn't care so much anymore and chanted complex spells quickly.

Under this spell, Wu Nianhan's body flashed and went straight towards her soul.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and they are about to touch each other.

Xiao Chen was well prepared, and instantly arrived in front of Mo Lihai and captured his soul.

After completing all this, Xiao Chen controlled Mo Lihai's body and performed the transformation.

Ever since, Wu Nianhan's body changed places with Mo Lihai's body.

Wu Nianhan was caught off guard, and with a flash of spirit, he penetrated into Mo Lihai's body.

Poor Wu Nianhan didn't know it yet, but he was drilled into the wrong body.

She was also complacent that she had won a complete victory in the battle with Xiao Chen.

"You bitch, you're still too young to play tricks on me, my mother..."

As Wu Nianhan was talking, he suddenly couldn't speak anymore and his voice stopped abruptly.

She found that her voice had changed, not only becoming male, but also very hoarse.

Wu Nianhan looked down and saw his body covered in stench, and almost fainted on the spot.

"This is impossible, what did you do to my body..."

Wu Nianhan looked up at Xiao Chen and roared with gritted teeth.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw her body floating next to Xiao Chen.

Not only that, Xiao Chen also injected Mo Lihai's soul into her body.

Seeing this scene, Wu Nianhan was completely shocked, angry and confused.

Even if she is an idiot, she cannot enter the wrong body!

Damn, what's the reason?

Actually, it's very simple.

Xiao Chen took the first step and moved his hands and feet on Wu Nianhan's body.

He forced Wu Nianhan's aura into Mo Lihai's body.

In the end, the two auras were consistent and Wu Nianhan was deceived.

"Master, I don't want this woman's body."

"The perfume on her body smells so damn bad."

"I still like the smell of that body."


Mo Lihai's face was filled with grievances and he kept pleading.

Hearing this, Wu Nianhan was furious and almost died of anger.

"You bitch, get out of my body, I'm going to kill you..."

Wu Nianhan was extremely angry and roared incoherently.

She looked so furious that she wanted to eat Mo Lihai alive.

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