Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1411: Stepping into the God Realm

"Wow, Xiao Haizi is so happy..."

Kunpeng looked intently, his eyes full of envy, and his mouth watered.

He had fantasized about this scene countless times, but it had never come true.

The intertwining of souls is like a man and a woman lying together and having pleasant things happen.

If the two parties have a very tacit understanding, it will be worse than something embarrassing.

Mo Lihai's delicate body trembled suddenly, exuding the charm that only a woman can have.

Just when Wu Nianhan thought that he could take back his body in one go...

What happened next almost pissed her off to death.

"You bitch, let go of my woman..."

A roar echoed from far to near.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared out of thin air, suspended in mid-air.

The figure took action angrily, interrupting all Wu Nianhan's plans.

There was a flash of light, and a strange seal fell on Wu Nianhan's body.


Under the huge force, Wu Nianhan screamed and flew backwards.

She was so seriously injured that after landing, she vomited out a large mouthful of blood.

Wu Nianhan endured the injury and wanted to see who ruined her plan.

Seeing this, Wu Nianhan was so furious that she almost exploded with anger.

The person who took action just now was actually the person she loved most, Immortal Lord Donghuang.

The matter has reached this point, and no amount of complaining will solve the fundamental problem.

We can only go back to Donghuang Immortal Lord first and let him kill Xiao Chen and others.

"Husband, I am here..."

When Wu Nianhan shouted, he was stunned.

No matter how she spoke, she couldn't make a sound.

Wu Nianhan sensed the injuries in his body and finally understood what was going on.

Her vocal cords were damaged and she was unable to speak.

In desperation, Wu Nianhan took out the elixir and recovered from his injuries.

She just sat cross-legged on the ground when she saw a scene that made her vomit blood.

"My dear concubine, are you okay?"

Immortal Lord Donghuang hugged Wu Nianhan's body and asked with a worried expression.

There was nothing wrong with the body he was holding, but the key was that the soul inside him was Mo Lihai.

Ever since, the extremely disgusting scene echoed in the minds of Kunpeng and others.

How disgusting is it for an old man to hug another man?


Mo Lihai was also disgusted and didn't know how to answer.

He is not stupid either, he can tell the true identity of the person in front of him at a glance.

If you push the other party away rashly, Immortal Lord Donghuang will definitely become suspicious.

If Immortal Lord Donghuang saw the flaw, he wouldn't kill him in anger.

However, if you say the wrong thing, you will also die.

When Mo Lihai was thinking about how to deal with it, something even more disgusting happened.

"It's okay, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you..."

When Immortal Lord Donghuang said these words, he hugged Mo Lihai tightly in his arms.

If you just hold it, it's okay, at most it's a little disgusting.

The key is that Donghuang Immortal Lord's hands gently stroked Mo Lihai's long hair.

No, to be precise, he was stroking the long hair of Wu Nianhan's body.

Mo Lihai felt nauseated and was about to vomit.

In order to survive, this guy gritted his teeth and swallowed the disgusting thing in his mouth.

Just when he thought he could get through this, something even more disgusting happened.

Immortal Lord Donghuang suddenly lowered his head, faced Mo Lihai's cheek, and sniffed hard.


Mo Lihai couldn't bear it any longer, and vomited it out on the spot.

Immortal Lord Donghuang was stunned by the sudden scene and had no time to react.

As a result, all those filthy things fell on him.


Immortal Lord Donghuang stared into Mo Lihai's eyes with indescribable shock.

This shock fell into Mo Lihai's eyes, and he immediately peed in fear.

"It's over, I found it, I'm going to die..."

Mo Lihai thought he was certain to die, and trembled all over as he murmured to himself.

Just when he was hesitating whether to make a sneak attack and fight with the Donghuang Immortal Lord.

Immortal Lord Donghuang's next words made him dumbfounded.

Of course, everyone around was also fooled together.

"My beloved concubine, are you happy???"

As soon as Donghuang Immortal Lord opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.

No one expected that the majestic Immortal Lord Donghuang would actually say such silly words.

Kunpeng was not only speechless, but also felt nauseous.

What the hell are you kidding me about?

Two grown men actually talked about having children.

Do you really think that people of the opposite sex only carry on the family line, and that true love can only exist between people of the same sex?

Kunpeng felt that something big would happen if things continued like this, so he secretly winked at Mo Lihai.

He was reminding Mo Lihai to stop when he was ready and change the subject quickly.

Mo Lihai pretended not to see it at all, showing the tenderness of a woman and nestling on the shoulder of Donghuang Immortal Lord.

"Don't worry, I will kill all those who bully you..."

Immortal Lord Donghuang patted Mo Lihai's back gently and spoke with cold eyes.

After speaking, he raised his head and glanced at Kunpeng and others.

Everyone who was seen by him felt their whole body tremble, like a light on their backs.

It can be imagined how high Immortal Lord Donghuang's cultivation is, and he is no less advanced than Wu Nianhan.

In the end, Immortal Lord Donghuang’s gaze rested on Xiao Chen.

"Abandon your cultivation and kneel down to atone for your sins, you can avoid death..."

Immortal Lord Donghuang's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his voice was emotionless.

Xiao Chen did not speak. It was not that he did not want to speak, but that he could not speak.

Now he was recovering to the critical moment. If he spoke nonsense, he would reveal his flaws.

He thought for a while, secretly controlled a divine consciousness, and attacked Mo Lihai's soul and spirit.

"Husband, it's not him..."

Feeling the breath of death, Mo Lihai's face changed drastically, and he spoke hurriedly.

"Your voice?"

Donghuang Xianjun was stunned and asked subconsciously.

He and Wu Nianhan had been together for many years, and the other's voice was familiar to him.

Although the voice he heard just now was similar, there was something wrong.

This voice had more masculinity and less feminine tenderness.


Mo Lihai's delicate body trembled, his mouth moved, and he did not answer.

He knew that Donghuang Xianjun had become suspicious and his life would not last long.

Just when he was about to use the secret method to fight with Donghuang Xianjun...

"Did they break your vocal cords?"

Donghuang Xianjun spoke, pointing to the people around him.

"Ha ha ha?"

Mo Lihai was stunned. He didn't dare to speak nonsense and nodded desperately.

Never expected that Donghuang Xianjun, this idiot, would actually think of this.

"Dare to bully my woman, all must die..."

Donghuang Xianjun roared, releasing a huge momentum from his body.

Under this momentum, his cultivation broke through the limit of Xianjun and reached the realm of Xiandi.

Unexpectedly, Donghuang Xianjun's cultivation continued to improve.

Finally, he exuded a faint divine power, and it ended.

At this moment, although Donghuang Xianjun did not become a god, he was only one step away.

Such a powerful strength, in the fairy world, is also called the stepping god stage.

In short, the stepping god stage is to take one step to become a god.

This step is to open the ascension channel and successfully fly into the god world.

"You bastards, die..."

Donghuang Xianjun looked at Xiao Chen and others, and roared with cold eyes.

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