Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 15 Fatal Disaster

"My number of spiritual roots... is about the same as yours..."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and answered awkwardly.

He couldn't tell the truth. He couldn't tell Wang Shun that he had a spiritual root abandoned by heaven!

"Don't be discouraged. Even if our spiritual roots are not good, as long as we work hard, we still have a chance!"

Wang Shun comforted.

He told Xiao Chen that the best spiritual roots are chosen by heaven, perfect, and top-grade.

As long as you have this kind of spiritual roots, becoming a true immortal is just around the corner.

Those with four to ten spiritual roots, who are slightly worse, may reach the foundation-building stage.

Those with more than ten spiritual roots like them also have the opportunity to cultivate spiritual power.

"Brother Wang, have you cultivated?"

Xiao Chen didn't expect Wang Shun to know so much, so he asked.

"It's too difficult. I really don't know when I can cultivate a little spiritual power."

Wang Shun shook his head and sighed, motioning Xiao Chen to memorize the cultivation method on the note quickly.

He really treated Xiao Chen as a brother, otherwise such an important thing would never be taken out.

"Brother Wang, the immortal cultivation method is so precious, you..."

Xiao Chen was a little moved, and was interrupted by Wang Shun just halfway through his words.

"Precious shit, I'll write a few more and sell them for money."

Wang Shun thought of a way to make money and laughed.

Xiao Chen was shocked and took the cultivation method from Wang Shun and read it briefly.

"Too profound."

Xiao Chen said this deliberately.

Only in this way can Wang Shun believe that he saw the immortal cultivation method for the first time.

"I was also confused when I read it for the first time, especially the breathing method, which was too awkward."

Wang Shun nodded in agreement and shared his cultivation experience with Xiao Chen.

The relationship between the two became closer, and they could be said to be good brothers who could talk about anything.

"As long as we work hard, one day, we will definitely become formal disciples!"

Xiao Chen encouraged Wang Shun and ignited his desire for immortal cultivation.

"Formal disciples are fine, but being a registered disciple is God's blessing."

Wang Shun waved his hand, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He had no hope of becoming a formal disciple.

Xiao Chen's mouth moved, and he swallowed the words that were about to come to his mouth.

Wang Shun could share the cultivation method, but he could not take out the Qiankun Ding.

This thing can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, transform it into spiritual power, and input it into the body of the cultivator.

It is difficult not to improve the cultivation level with such a heaven-defying thing.

Soon, Xiao Chen's eyes dimmed again.

Human desires are infinite, like a shadow under the knife light.

Invisible, but exists!

Who doesn't want to have a high level of cultivation, who doesn't want to live as long as the sky?

Faced with huge temptations, there will inevitably be murder and treasure-grabbing.

The Qiankun Ding must be kept well and must not be seen by others.

Otherwise, it will cause a fatal disaster.

The Zhao family's matter is an example. Although Zhao Pengchao has not come to the door yet, it feels that this day will not be too long.

The most urgent task is to practice hard and strive to have the first level of Qi Refining as soon as possible.

Time is like a white horse passing by, passing quickly.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Xiao Chen has been practicing every moment, and the effect is very significant.

With the help of Qiankun Ding, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth quickly gathered in Xiao Chen's room.

Fortunately, this is at the foot of Qiyun Mountain, and there are not many registered disciples.

Including Deng Yongfei, there are only eight people.

These people found that they could not absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth when they practiced recently.

Even if they were puzzled, they would not think of Xiao Chen.

How long has this guy been here?

If he can absorb all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, anyone can become an immortal!

Through this period of practice, Xiao Chen also discovered a secret.

Qiankun Ding can not only absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also discharge the excess impurities in the spiritual energy.

And in a very short time, it is converted into pure spiritual power.

When Xiao Chen practices, he only needs to hold the Qiankun Ding in his hand and absorb spiritual power crazily.

After half a month of practice, the spiritual power stored in the spiritual root has reached saturation.

No matter how to absorb, it cannot increase by half a point.

This situation was mentioned in the note Wang Yuwei gave him.

This is the bottleneck of the first level of Qi Refining. Only by breaking through can you practice the second level of the law.

Xiao Chen tried to break through again and again, but all ended in failure.

"Damn spiritual roots, I don't believe that mortals can't become immortals, and mortals can't reach the top of the immortal road!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were determined. He took a deep breath and tried to break through the bottleneck of the first level of Qi Refining again.

If people knew that Xiao Chen had tens of millions of spiritual roots in his body and cultivated to the first level of Qi Refining in half a month, they would definitely be wide-eyed.

A single day-selected spiritual root, as long as the spiritual power in the spiritual root is saturated, can break through the bottleneck and break through to the next level.

Xiao Chen is different. He has too many spiritual roots in his body, and the spiritual power he needs is tens of millions times more than others.

Such a huge spiritual power, if it weren't for the help of Qiankun Ding, it would be as difficult as ascending to heaven.

"Brothers, let's raise our glasses and drink to our heart's content..."

Outside the room, cheers came.

The selection of disciples every three years will begin in seven days.

Those registered disciples are eager to become formal disciples as soon as possible.

They paid out of their own pockets and invited all the peripheral disciples to come and drink.

Everyone would participate, and no one wanted to offend a person who might become an immortal in the future.

Xiao Chen liked peace and quiet, so he didn't join in the fun.

He didn't cultivate immortality for others, nor did he want to curry favor with others.

Others thought that his leg was not healed and he could not walk, so they did not care.

In fact, with the help of Qiankun Ding, Xiao Chen's injuries had long been healed.

With a creak, the door of the room was pushed open.

"Brother, I brought the wine back for you. Let's not go home until we are drunk!"

Wang Shun took two pots of good wine and staggered to Xiao Chen.

He handed Xiao Chen a pot of wine, then tilted his head and drank it in big gulps.

"Thank you, I don't drink, I want to practice for a while."

Xiao Chen smiled slightly and said politely.

"Don't practice, even if you work hard, you can't get any results in a short time..."

Wang Shun shook his head and rolled his eyes.

He drank too much and forgot that Xiao Chen's leg was not healed yet, so he pulled subconsciously.

This pull directly pulled Xiao Chen off the bed.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I forgot your leg... Damn! Your leg... can walk?"

Wang Shun was startled, first apologized, then was surprised, and finally widened his eyes.

Xiao Chen had broken bones all over his body, and he could walk after only lying in bed for half a month?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

"It still hurts a little, but I can walk!"

Xiao Chen was afraid that Wang Shun would be suspicious, and just wanted to change the subject, but he saw Wang Shun drunk on the ground.


Seeing Wang Shun was unconscious, Xiao Chen sighed and helped him to the bed.

Then, he closed the doors and windows again.

"Brother, this is all I can help you. Whether you can reach the first level of Qi Refining depends on your luck."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, gritted his teeth, took out the Qiankun Ding, and cast a spell on the body of the Ding.

With a flash of light, a huge amount of spiritual power was released from the Qiankun Ding.

Because his cultivation reached a bottleneck, he did not use the Qiankun Ding during cultivation, and a large amount of spiritual power was stored in the Ding.

Xiao Chen tapped Wang Shun's body and forcibly input this spiritual power into his body.

In a few days, Xiao Chen will participate in the disciple selection.

If he becomes a formal disciple, it will be difficult to see Wang Shun in the future.

In order to help his good brother, Xiao Chen controlled the Qiankun Ding and continuously released spiritual power.

Xiao Chen was not sure whether Wang Shun could store this spiritual power in his spiritual roots when he was not in cultivation.

He felt that as long as he continuously released spiritual power, he would definitely increase the success rate.

However, he forgot a fatal problem.

Once the spiritual power leaked, it would evaporate into spiritual energy and emanate from the crack of the door.

"Damn, am I dreaming? Brothers, come and practice!"

A drunken registered disciple passed by the door and found that the spiritual energy around was rich, and shouted loudly.

"You are fucking drunk again, where did the spiritual energy come from in the middle of the night?"

Xiang Bo laughed and was about to help the other party away when he found something unusual.

So everyone ran over.

Everyone sat cross-legged side by side around Xiao Chen's room, greedily absorbing spiritual energy.

What Xiao Chen didn't know was that this spiritual energy leak almost caused him to get killed.

At the same time, it is also an excellent way to change your destiny and embark on the path of cultivating immortals.

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