Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 1519 Dowry Maid


Zhou Benyuan struggled hard, but couldn't push Xiao Chen away.

Xiao Chen can only let Xiao Chen mess around and explore to his heart's content.

At this moment, is Xiao Chen really asking for the soft and fragrant lips?

Of course not! ! !

The lips between the two didn't even touch each other.

Xiao Chen did this just to get close to Zhou Benyuan quickly.

When Zhou Benyuan was surprised, he forcibly sucked away the power from Zhou Benyuan's body.

This power comes from the Divine Breeding Stone and is also a incomplete part of the original power.

The energy in Zhou Benyuan's body became less and less, and her whole body became limp and weak.

She collapsed in Xiao Chen's arms, her eyes blurred, and she looked like she was enjoying herself.

This scene made the surrounding girls completely dumbfounded.

"What the hell!!!"

"Sister Mu Xue, what is that woman doing?"

"She collapsed in Xiao Chen's arms, is she enjoying it?"


While Murong Xi was envious, she couldn't help but speak.

Although the other women did not speak, they all thought that Xiao Chen was too courageous.

He actually did bad things to Zhou Benyuan in front of them, openly and openly.

Those conservative-minded women suddenly blushed and turned around one after another.

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing?"

Qin Muxue was so angry that she bit her lower lip and asked.

"I'll explain to you later, it's almost over..."

Xiao Chen said casually and continued to absorb the energy in Zhou Benyuan's body.

"I...wait for you to finish and listen to your explanation..."

Qin Muxue couldn't stand it anymore and turned her back to Xiao Chen and said humiliatingly.

Xiao Chen absorbed it faster and faster, and it didn't take long for him to absorb all the energy.

Zhou Benyuan is an energy body. Without the support of energy, she fainted on the bed.

Xiao Chen dodged and came to Qin Muxue.

Just as he was about to explain to the girls, he sensed something unusual and ran straight out the door.

"Where are you going?"

Seeing Xiao Chen leaving, Qin Muxue was furious and asked angrily.

"I have something urgent..."

Xiao Chen left these words and flew directly out of the nine-story fairy tower.

He stepped on the Gang, stepped on the seven stars, and disappeared into the sky.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen came thousands of miles away and stood in front of a person.

"Xiao Chen, I really underestimated your strength..."

The man smiled bitterly and spoke helplessly.

"If you don't want to die, tell me who you really are."

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he asked word by word.

"I am a nine-tailed fox fairy from the nine-tailed fox clan."

The nine-tailed fox fairy stared at Xiao Chen and said solemnly.

"You know, that's not what I asked..."

Xiao Chen's face darkened and he spoke solemnly.

"Oh! Then tell me, what are you asking about?"

The nine-tailed fox fairy smiled lightly and said irrelevant words.

"court death!!!"

Xiao Chen's eyes surged with murderous intent, and he raised his hand and waved it into the air.

In an instant, the surrounding starry sky became extremely restless, and countless chains suddenly appeared.

Under Xiao Chen's control, these chains trapped the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy at an alarming speed.

"Such magic can't kill me..."

The nine-tailed fox fairy showed disdain and said without fear.

After saying that, she used an Immortal Technique to successfully defeat the chain.

Just when the nine-tailed fox fairy was proud, he felt the breath of death coming.

The face of the nine-tailed fox fairy changed drastically. He wanted to dodge, but it was already too late.

A dazzling sword light came through the air and pierced the nine-tailed fox fairy's back.

At this moment, the nine-tailed fox fairy was less than half a foot away from the sword light...

At the critical moment of life and death, the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy managed to dodge on one side of his body.

Even though she dodged the fatal blow, the sword still pierced her shoulder.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the strong smell of blood echoed.

"It turns out that this is your killer move..."

The Nine-Tailed Fox Fairy did not deal with the injury, but said with alert eyes.

"Sorry, you guessed wrong..."

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"What? No..."

The nine-tailed fox fairy regained consciousness, his eyes filled with fear.

A huge cauldron fell from the sky and headed straight for her.

Huntian Cauldron released a huge suction force.

There is an extra trace of original power in this force.

You must know that the power of origin is the strongest force in the world.

Even if Xiao Chen's cultivation is insufficient and he has not understood the secret of the original power...

With this power, the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy, who is fully capable of fighting, has no power to fight back.

The poor nine-tailed fox fairy was unable to withstand the force of the suction and was about to be sucked into it.

"Xiao Chen, you dare to kill me? I am..."

The nine-tailed fox fairy gave up resistance, glared at Xiao Chen, and gritted his teeth.

She knew in her heart that facing the power of the source, no matter how strong the attack was, it would be in vain.

It's better to tell Xiao Chen some secrets and make Xiao Chen feel afraid.

What the nine-tailed fox fairy didn't expect was that she was interrupted by Xiao Chen before she finished speaking.

"Even if you are the King of Heaven, I will die today..."

Xiao Chen didn't give the nine-tailed fox fairy a chance to speak at all, and sped up the magic skills in his hand several times.

The huge suction force forcefully sucked the Nine-tailed Fox Immortal into the Huntian Cauldron.


The nine-tailed fox fairy roared angrily and tried its best to climb out of the cauldron.

She tried many times, but was finally sucked into the cauldron for refining.

"Double fire, refining!!!"

Xiao Chen used the fire control technique and sacrificed two-color flames.

With the blessing of the Burning Sky Fire and the Phoenix Divine Fire, the refining speed was amazingly fast.

The cultivation in the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy's body was disappearing at an amazing speed.

She knew in her heart that as long as the cultivation was exhausted, it would be completely refined.

"Stop, I'll tell you everything."

"The relationship between your father and I is extraordinary."

"I am his dowry maid, serving him all year round."


The Nine-tailed Fox Fairy could not bear the severe pain and quickly told the secret in her heart.

"Go on..."

Xiao Chen's eyes did not change, and he spoke grimly.

In his heart, the four words "dowry maid" set off a huge wave.

The so-called dowry maid is to follow the master and the lady and marry into the husband's family together.

Such women are all unmarried and have a free body.

Due to their special status, dowry maids mostly have two endings.

If they do not get the trust of the lady, they will soon become slaves in the family.

On the contrary, if she is smart, capable, and has good eyesight, then she is amazing.

Her status will also undergo a substantial change, and she will become a maidservant.

As the name suggests, a maidservant is someone who serves the young lady's husband.

The Nine-tailed Fox Fairy said that she was her father's dowry maidservant, who did she marry with?

Even if he thought with his toes, Xiao Chen knew that it was definitely not his mother.

Just when Xiao Chen was daydreaming, the Nine-tailed Fox Fairy took the initiative to speak.

"Xiao Chen, in terms of status, I am also half of your elder."

"Is it not a loss of status for you to treat your elders like this?"

"Stop refining, I will tell you everything I know."


The Nine-tailed Fox Fairy climbed to the mouth of the cauldron with difficulty and pleaded weakly.

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