Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 18: Good times come after bad times

"Elder Zhou, I have let him go. If he ends the matter hastily, the sect master will blame him..."

Deng Yongfei was still a little unwilling and couldn't help but say something.

"I don't need you to teach me how to investigate, get out!"

Zhou Pengcheng also lost his temper, his face was gloomy and he said sternly.

Deng Yongfei snorted coldly, tossed his sleeves and left.

Zhou Pengcheng simply didn't believe that Xiao Chen and Wang Shun could produce such pure spiritual energy.

After much thought, he decided to interrogate him first to see if there was anything fishy.

If it is true, it will not be too late to find out the ins and outs and convict him.

If it is an accident, I can report to the sect leader after I return.

"What are your two names!"

Zhou Pengcheng had a countermeasure and asked casually.

"Xiao Chen!"

"Wang Shun!"

Zhou Pengcheng nodded, secretly activated the magic formula, and a huge force was released from his body.

The clothes on his body billowed violently in the absence of wind, making bursts of noise.

At this moment, Zhou Pengcheng looked more like an immortal with a Taoist spirit.

Wang Shun's eyes gleamed. This was the magic that he dreamed of, and he dreamed of practicing it successfully.

"Do you know what kind of magic this is?"

Zhou Pengcheng saw the longing in their eyes and knew that the spell had worked.

He just wanted to arouse the two people's desire for magic, slowly play the emotional card, and ask what they wanted to know.

Xiao Chen and Wang Shun looked at each other and were both stunned.

Aren't they interrogating them? Why are you asking about this?

"Your magical skills are too advanced and your disciples are stupid. Please give me some advice from Elder Zhou!"

Wang Shun had a quick mind and was very good at solving problems, so he flattered him.

"If you could understand it, you would be as powerful as this elder!"

Zhou Pengcheng enjoyed the compliment, touched his beard and smiled.

Xiao Chen was speechless.

This magical technique looks powerful, but it doesn't have much power.

Is it possible that when the two of them compete with each other, who can blow their clothes louder?

"Elder Zhou's magical skills are beyond the reach of his disciples!"

Xiao Chen didn't say what he was thinking and just complimented him casually.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine Zhou Pengcheng was selling in his gourd.

"Do you know how much effort it takes to become a true immortal?"

As soon as Zhou Pengcheng finished speaking, Xiao Chen and Wang Shun were confused again.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of interrogation method. If we continue to talk like this, won't we be talking about trivial matters?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

If we follow Zhou Pengcheng's train of thought, something big will happen.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and decided to fight back.

"Elder Zhou, don't you want to know why there is such strong spiritual power outside our room?"

Xiao Chen said this deliberately, just to bring out the rhythm of an interrogation.

"Do you know the reason?"

Zhou Pengcheng's train of thought was indeed led astray, and he looked at Xiao Chen curiously.

"With the abilities of both of us, there is simply no way we can do it. If some people want to frame us..."

Xiao Chen said deliberately.

Due to his character, he has clear grievances and grudges.

Now that we have broken up with Deng Yongfei, there is no need to hide it and simply divert the trouble away.

"Oh! Then tell me, who is setting you up?"

Zhou Pengcheng was smiling, but he had small calculations in his heart.

"The disciple accidentally discovered the fire crystal stone and gave it to Senior Brother Deng. He only gave me an elixir..."

Xiao Chen was very smart. When he spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word "fire crystal stone".

Sure enough, Zhou Pengcheng jumped up, completely ignoring his image as an elder.

"What did you say? Found the fire crystal?"

Zhou Pengcheng became even more excited when he saw Xiao Chen nodding, and at the same time he cursed, "This Deng Yongfei is so greedy, no wonder he wants to frame you!"

"Don't worry, with this elder making the decision for you, no one dares to do anything to you!"

Zhou Pengcheng patted his chest and promised.

His words were spoken with great aura, and he seemed to be a supporter of justice.

There is no such thing as free steamed buns in the world.

In the world of cultivating immortals, it is even more vividly displayed.

Zhou Pengcheng did this because he wanted to turn Xiao Chen into a tool to obtain fire crystals for him.

"Elder Zhou is selfless, please accept my disciple's respect."

Xiao Chen got off the donkey along the slope and quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Get up! I believe you are innocent. It must be Deng Yongfei who is doing something weird and wants to frame you!"

Zhou Pengcheng's understatement completely cleared the two of them of suspicion.

"Thank you, Elder Zhou!"

The two of them bent down and cupped their hands at the same time.

"Wang Shun, right? You go back first."

Zhou Pengcheng was not in the mood for interrogation and waved his hand at Wang Shun.

After Wang Shun left, Xiao Chen took a deep breath, knowing that the drama was about to begin.

If Zhou Pengcheng could be persuaded to accept him as his disciple, he would not only be able to achieve success in one step, but also resolve the Zhao family's crisis.

"Fire crystal, how did you dig it?"

Zhou Pengcheng didn't waste any time and went straight to the point.

"The disciple's spiritual root is special and is sensitive to fire crystals. It is easy to sense whether there is such a thing underground!"

Xiao Chen had already thought of his words, which were half truthful and half false.

"Oh? How special is your spiritual root?"

Zhou Pengcheng has lived half his life and is already an old fox. He will not believe it easily.

"Disciple Tian Qi abandoned his spiritual roots..."

Xiao Chen answered truthfully.

He didn't believe that there could be another person like him in the world who had abandoned his spiritual roots.

"What did you say? Tian Qi Waste Spiritual Root?"

Zhou Pengcheng was slightly stunned and stared at Xiao Chen for a long time.

There are thousands of kinds of spiritual roots. The Heavenly Abandoned Spiritual Roots are only mentioned in ancient books and have never been seen before.

It is said that this kind of spiritual root cannot store spiritual power, and ordinary spells are ineffective against it.

"If Elder Zhou doesn't believe it, you can erase the disciple's memory at any time!"

Xiao Chen said seriously.

Zhou Pengcheng was dubious and thought about it secretly.

If Xiao Chen really has abandoned his spiritual roots, he might really have abilities that others cannot possess.

"No need, this elder believes in you..."

Zhou Pengcheng waved his hand, showing that he completely believed in Xiao Chen.

This was also done to make Xiao Chen favor him and make the following plans.

Besides, it's not difficult to investigate.

Just ask the great elder who is responsible for detecting the attributes of spiritual roots and you will know whether it is true or false.

"Thank you, Elder Zhou!"

Xiao Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the matter of letting the other party accept a disciple was more than half done.

"Don't thank me yet, seeing is believing and hearing is believing, isn't it?"

Zhou Pengcheng raised his eyebrows, and the consciousness in his words was self-evident.

He's ordering Xiao Chen, don't come here with me!

If you can't find the fire crystal, no matter how much you say, it's useless.

"Elder Zhou, please come with me..."

Xiao Chen didn't waste any time, walked out and headed straight for the Flame Cave.

The two came to the entrance of the cave, and what they saw in front of them surprised Zhou Pengcheng.

At a glance, everything within a thousand feet radius was covered with plowed soil.

If Xiao Chen hadn't told him that the fire crystal was in this area, he would have thought he was in a field where fairy medicine was grown.

"Are you sure that fire crystals can be dug underground?"

Zhou Pengcheng rolled his eyes. He even felt that Xiao Chen was setting a trap for him.

Of course, none of this matters.

As long as you can find fire crystals, even if it is a set, there is no harm in drilling it.

"Elder Zhou, there are not many fire crystals here. As long as you search slowly, you can still find a few."

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and dig!"

"Disciple can't dig it unless Elder Zhou gives me a guarantee!"

Xiao Chen looked at Zhou Pengcheng and said word by word.

"Xiao Chen, you are so brave, do you know who you are talking to?"

Zhou Pengcheng's face was gloomy and he shouted angrily.

"Fire crystals are priceless. If people knew that I had this ability, would this disciple still be alive?"

Xiao Chen met Zhou Pengcheng's sharp gaze and said neither humble nor arrogantly.

"What guarantee do you want?"

Zhou Pengcheng frowned and asked.

"Please, Elder Zhou, accept me as your disciple!"

Xiao Chen bent down and clasped his fists, speaking sincerely.

"As long as you can dig out the fire crystal stone, I will accept you as my disciple in three days!"

Zhou Pengcheng admired Xiao Chen's courage and simply agreed.

He doesn't care about multiple disciples, he only cares about whether Xiao Chen can dig out the fire crystal stone.

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