Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 2 Preparing for the Afterlife


Xiao Chen knelt in front of the bed, holding his mother's hand tightly, his heart was broken.

Li Xiurong lay on the bed, breathing weakly, his face as pale as paper.

"Chen'er, mother is fine, just a little tired, just rest for a while!"

Li Xiurong stroked her son's head, and a smile squeezed out of the corner of her mouth.

With a wow, a mouthful of blood spit out from her mouth, and she fainted immediately.


Xiao Chen shouted loudly.

"Xiao Chen, get out of the way, the doctor is here..."

Zhang Cuihua and Xiao Guangkun came hurriedly, followed by a doctor.

Doctor Liu came to the bed, took Li Xiurong's pulse, and shook his head from time to time.

"Prepare for the funeral!"

Doctor Liu sighed.

He was a famous barefoot doctor in the village, and his diagnosis was very accurate. He said that it was clear that Li Xiurong's time was running out.

"Doctor, please, save my mother..."

Xiao Chen's mind went blank. Seeing Doctor Liu taking the medicine box and leaving, he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Child, it's not that I don't want to save her. Your mother is terminally ill. It's a miracle that she can live to this day."

Doctor Liu bent down and wanted to help Xiao Chen up.

"Doctor, as long as you can save my mother, I will do anything!"

Xiao Chen didn't get up, but kowtowed three times. After kowtow, his forehead was bright red.

"Alas! There is a way, but at most I can only let her live one more month!"

Doctor Liu took out a pill from his arms, put it into Li Xiurong's mouth, and slowly poured warm water into it.

Li Xiurong's face became ruddy, and Xiao Chen was delighted and asked: "Doctor, how can I cure my mother's disease!"

"Mortals can't cure it, unless... ask immortals for help!"

Doctor Liu's words made everyone stunned. Isn't this a joke? Where in the world do immortals come from?

"Doctor, are there really immortals in the world?"

Xiao Chen stared at Doctor Liu. If there really were immortals, he would save his mother no matter how much it cost.

"That pill was given by the immortal. As for where to find the immortal, I don't know!"

Doctor Liu helped Xiao Chen up, said a few words of comfort, and left without collecting the money for the medicine.

But before leaving, he told Xiao Guangkun to remember to notify him if he found the immortal.

Xiao Chen was stunned in place, with only one thought in his mind, that he must find the immortal and save his mother.

But the world is so big, how can he find the immortal?

"Xiao Chen, don't worry, your second uncle and I will go to the city to inquire about the whereabouts of the immortal."

Zhang Cuihua comforted.

She watched Xiao Chen grow up, and in her eyes, Xiao Chen was half her son.

"Your aunt is right, let's go find the immortal now, maybe we can really find it!"

Xiao Guangkun took his wife away. He was not a bad person, but he was a little greedy.

The pill of Doctor Liu worked, and Li Xiurong woke up in the evening of the same day.

"Chen'er, what did the doctor give me? Why do I feel that all my illnesses are cured..."

Li Xiurong was full of doubts. She knew her own chronic illness very well. Every night, she felt a piercing pain in her bones.

In order not to worry her son, she never said anything, just hoping to watch her son grow up and get married.

"Mom, you are in good health! The doctor said that you can live to be a hundred years old!"

Xiao Chen smiled and answered, feeding his mother a little bit of the cooked millet porridge.

The mother and the mother talked for a few more words, and Xiao Chen kept smiling, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

He knew that his mother's condition had improved because of the pill.

Once the effect of the medicine ended, there was no way to save her.

After three consecutive days, there was still no news from his second uncle and second aunt, and Xiao Chen had some more white hair on his head.

Finally, on the evening of the seventh day, Zhang Cuihua ran in hurriedly.

"Xiao Chen, there is news, there is news..."

As soon as Zhang Cuihua entered the room, she saw Li Xiurong looking at her in surprise, and said happily: "Sister-in-law, you are awake!"

"Cuihua, did you say there was any news just now?"

Li Xiurong was puzzled and asked Zhang Cuihua to sit down and talk slowly.

"I saw that Xiao Chen was not young anymore and had not studied, so I asked someone to enroll Xiao Chen in a private school in the city!"

Zhang Cuihua casually gave a reason and secretly winked at Xiao Chen, signaling him to go out and talk.

"Mom, I'm going out to talk with my second aunt, you rest first!"

"Ask your aunt how much the private school costs per year, and I'll give her the money."

Xiao Chen nodded to his mother, and as soon as he walked out of the room, he couldn't wait to ask about the immortal.

"Second Aunt, where can I find the immortal?"

"If you want to see the immortal, you must take the Immortal Order to the Immortal Mountain!"

"Where is the Immortal Mountain?"

"Leave the village and go north. There is a mountain fifty miles away. That is the legendary Immortal Mountain!"


Xiao Chen finally figured it out. If he wanted to see the immortal, the key was the Immortal Order.

"Second Aunt, thank you. I will go find the Immortal Order now!"

Xiao Chen ran into the room, found his father's relics, and started looking for them quickly.

His father's death was very strange. Xiao Chen secretly investigated for many years, but he stopped every time he found a clue.

If he could really become an immortal, he could not only cure his mother's illness, but also avenge his father!

Not long after, a jade tablet appeared in sight.

The jade tablet was white, oval, palm-sized, and engraved with ancient characters on the front and back.

Xiao Chen couldn't understand these characters. They looked like oracle bone script and tadpole script.

If my father really brought back the Immortal Order, it would most likely be this thing.

"Mom, Second Aunt, I'm going to the city to study in a private school, so I won't be eating at home tonight!"

Xiao Chen put the jade card in his arms, took some dry food, and left home in a hurry.

"Xiao Chen, study hard and get the top scorer next year. I'll take care of the family, don't worry."

Zhang Cuihua stood outside the door and waved goodbye. She reminded Xiao Chen to go find the whereabouts of the immortal with peace of mind.

Xiao Chen waved and left, and he didn't notice that Zhang Cuihua's arm was blue and purple.

It can be seen that Zhang Cuihua paid a certain price to ask for the whereabouts of the immortal.

The snow was heavy and the wind was cold.

Xiao Chen walked out of the mountain village, stepped on the thick snow, and set out to find the immortal.

When hungry, eat some dry food.

When thirsty, drink some snow water.

When tired, find a cave and rest in a worn-out cotton jacket.

It took three days to reach the foot of the fairy mountain that the second aunt mentioned.

What Xiao Chen didn't know was that from the moment he walked out of the mountain village, he was on a road of no return that he could never turn back.

At the foot of the fairy mountain, clouds and mists were lingering.

Xiao Chen looked up and could vaguely see the peaks looming, which really felt like a holy place for the immortals.

Soon, Xiao Chen was in trouble. The fairy mountain was so big, where could he find the immortals!


Xiao Chen used a folk method and shouted loudly, but except for the echo lingering in his ears, he could no longer hear any other sound.

"Immortal, if you hear it, squeak..."

Xiao Chen continued to shout, his voice was hoarse, and he didn't see any trace of the immortals.

Shouting on the spot was not a big deal.


Xiao Chen shouted as he walked.

The weather was cold and the mountain road was rugged. It was extremely dangerous to walk.

Several times, Xiao Chen slipped and nearly fell into the abyss.

He was not afraid at all, and gritted his teeth to persist, hoping to find the immortal as soon as possible.

Even if Xiao Chen had an iron body, he was exhausted after searching day and night.

At the moment of coma, Xiao Chen vaguely saw two figures stepping on flying swords and falling from the sky.

The leading girl was getting closer and closer. She was wearing a white dress, which was as white as snow and as beautiful as a fairy!

"So beautiful, are you a fairy sister?"

Xiao Chen finished this sentence with his last strength, and he fainted in the snow when he felt sleepy.

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