Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 348: Cut into pieces

"Lv Langyue, you are so brave, you dare to betray me..."

Zhou Hanyun roared angrily, and her figure jumped up from the hot spring and disappeared from the screen.

"It's over, it's all over!"

Lu Langyue's mind went blank and she collapsed on the ground.

Her whole body was weak and her eyes were lifeless, like a walking corpse.

Thinking of all this, it was all caused by Xiao Chen.

Lu Langyue's eyes surged with murderous intent, and she stood up suddenly, drew her sword and stabbed Xiao Chen.

"Dog man, I'm going to kill you..."

Lu Langyue went crazy and struck a series of sword shadows at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to such an attack at all, and easily defeated it with a wave of his sleeves.


With a soft sound, the sword fell to the ground.

Lu Lan's moon face was ashen, and he could no longer think of fighting.

With such a big misunderstanding, how can she face the island owner?

Even if you tell the truth, the other party won't believe it.

Only a ghost would believe that this is all a coincidence.

"Lu Langyue, get out of here..."

When Lu Langyue was panicking, Zhou Hanyun's roar came from outside the cave.

"Even if I die, I will still support you!"

Lu Langyue glared at Xiao Chen and bravely opened the formation outside the cave.

A figure rushed in, as fast as a thunderbolt, and was in front of Lu Langyue in an instant.

Lu Langyue closed her eyes without resisting, waiting for death to come.

Because she knew that facing the island owner in the Nascent Soul stage, resisting would only lead to a worse death.

However, Lu Lanyue waited for a long time, but still did not get the expected result.

She subconsciously opened her eyes and saw an incredible scene.

Not far away, Zhou Hanyun was like a kitten, obediently staying in Xiao Chen's arms.

"Damn, what's going on..."

Lu Langyue was stunned and rubbed her eyes in shock.

Did you miss key details when you closed your eyes just now and waited for death?

The island owner has never been close to men, what happened today?

Seeing those who looked down on her, she didn't kill them in anger.

Instead, he is as gentle as a cat and actively throws himself into his arms?

Is it possible that the island owner went crazy while practicing and had something wrong with her brain?

Or maybe you have been lonely for too long and want to find a man to marry?

While Lu Langyue was thinking wildly, a tender and angry sound came from her ears.

"Let me go!!!"

Zhou Hanyun was so ashamed and angry that she suddenly left Xiao Chen's arms.

She held out her long whip and held it tightly in her hand, showing that she was about to take action.

What happened just now? It's actually very simple!

When Zhou Hanyun rushed in, he really wanted to kill Lu Langyue and accidentally saw Xiao Chen.

She still trusts her personal guards and thinks it's because of the stinky man's temptation.

Zhou Hanyun changed to kill the opponent and flew directly towards Xiao Chen.

How could Xiao Chen coddle the other party? A strong wind spell was about to blow Zhou Hanyun away.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hanyun's cultivation level was extremely high and he could easily resolve the strong wind technique.

The distance between the two is less than three feet.

Xiao Chen didn't want to use the magical finger of heaven and earth, he was afraid that he would accidentally kill Zhou Hanyun.

This time he came here to discuss cooperation with Zhou Hanyun, not to kill him.

Therefore, Xiao Chen raised his hand and slapped Zhou Hanyun on the chest.

This palm contains two powers and is extremely powerful.

Zhou Hanyun was frightened and did not dare to fight, so she ducked away.

What he didn't expect was that Zhou Hanyun was so calculating that he ignored the speed of Xiao Chen's attack.

The moment she dodged, Xiao Chen's palm struck her first.

Coincidentally, the location where the photo was taken happened to be an indescribable location.

Xiao Chen was also startled and instantly withdrew the power in his palms.

Ever since, the falling palm turned into an extremely gentle touch.

Even though Zhou Hanyun is the master of an island, she is still a young lady.

This girl's body, which had been preserved for many years, was touched by a man for the first time, and the result was predictable.

Zhou Hanyun's delicate body felt numb and numb, and she couldn't help but fall to the ground.

Xiao Chen was also kind-hearted. He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Zhou Hanyun's shoulder.

Seeing the captured palm, Zhou Hanyun mistakenly thought that the other party wanted to be scornful of her, and immediately became very angry.

In shame and anger, Zhou Hanyun used her palms to smash Xiao Chen's palms into pieces.

How could Xiao Chen coddle her and take a step back, completely ignoring Zhou Hanyun who was in free fall.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground, Zhou Hanyun reached forward with his right hand and directly grabbed Xiao Chen's arm.

Xiao Chen didn't expect that in this situation, the other party would still want to kill her.

If we don't give you some clues, how can we talk about cooperation next?

At the critical moment, Xiao Chen directly grabbed Zhou Hanyun's slim waist and held her in his arms.

Only then did Lu Langyue see a surprising scene when she opened her eyes.

"Lu Langyue, tell me, who is this bitch?"

Zhou Hanyun did not take action to kill Xiao Chen, but asked Lu Langyue beside him.

She calmed down and suddenly felt that something was wrong with this matter.

When ordinary monks saw her, they were all respectful and respectful, how could they dare to be so frivolous.

The opponent is not only brave, but can also easily neutralize her attacks. He is definitely not a good person.

If this person has no background, just kill him.

If this guy comes from the Three Gods Mountain, or is a mysterious organization, you must think twice before acting.

Because of this, Zhou Hanyun decided to find out the details about Xiao Chen before making the next step.

"Island Master, if I say...I don't know him, can you believe it?"

Lv Lanyue's face was very ugly. She thought for a long time, but she couldn't figure out how to explain it.

"I believe it!!!"

Zhou Hanyun said this, but she had another idea in her heart.

I don't believe you, do you really think I'm a fool?

Come on, make up a story for me...

I want to see what you can make up to deceive me!

"Island Master, not long ago, I received a message from my cousin saying that an old man wanted to kill him."

"So I took four good sisters to find out."

"When I found out that this old man was not simple, I brought him back for interrogation!"


Lv Lanyue wanted to tell the situation at that time in detail.

Unexpectedly, she was interrupted by Zhou Hanyun before she got to the point.

"Lv Lanyue, do you think I'm blind?"

"Such a big boy, you told me he's an old man?"

"If he's an old man, wouldn't you and I be old ladies?"


Zhou Hanyun was so angry! Do you really think she's a fool?

Even if you are making up nonsense, you are making it reasonable, right?

Wait, is he wrong?

Isn't this guy in front of me the old man that Lv Lanyue said?

Where is that old man? Is he hiding in the cave?

"Where is that old man?"

Zhou Hanyun was alert and sent out his spiritual sense to sense the surroundings.

After sensing for a long time, he sensed nothing, and there was not even a ghost in the cave.

"Island Master, he is the old man. He used the disguise to trick me before."

Lv Lanyue pointed at Xiao Chen and said with certainty.

"Okay, even if he is an old man, why didn't you remind me when I was taking a shower?"

Zhou Hanyun's face was gloomy, and she questioned Lv Lanyue.

She felt a little confused and couldn't figure it out at all, so she simply believed this nonsense.

"I reminded you, but you just didn't listen..."

As Lv Lanyue spoke, she saw Zhou Hanyun's furious expression and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Okay! In the end, you still blame me?"

Zhou Hanyun was so angry that her body trembled violently with anger.

She felt that if she continued to talk, she would definitely go crazy, and suddenly looked at Xiao Chen.

"If you don't want to die, gouge out your eyes, and I will spare your life..."

Zhou Hanyun raised the long whip and said to Xiao Chen grimly.

There was only one thought in her mind.

First dig out the eyes of the bastard, and then cut him into pieces.

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