Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 353 Arrangement of program

"Zhou Hanyun, you are so brave, do you know what kind of place this is?"

The man came in front of Zhou Hanyun, turned into an old man, and roared immediately.

"Manager Zhang, if you don't want to die, call out that bastard Zeng Zhijie!"

Zhou Hanyun's face was gloomy, and she said to Manager Zhang grimly.

"Looking for death!!!"

Manager Zhang relied on the power of others and didn't take Zhou Hanyun seriously at all, and was about to teach the other party a lesson.

However, at the moment he made a move, Xiao Chen raised his hand first.

The Heaven and Earth Divine Power Finger was displayed and instantly came in front of Manager Zhang.

"Hmph! Such a spell, I don't even take it seriously."

Manager Zhang sneered and grabbed the finger technique.

However, as soon as he grabbed the finger technique, he fell from the air.

With a splash, he fell into the water.


Manager Zhang sank, and bubbles appeared on the water surface.

The onlookers were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly released their spiritual senses to sense the situation in the water.

When they found that Zhang Zongguan had no breath, they were all stunned.

Oh my god, this man is so bold that he dares to kill even the servants of the Zeng family.

Wait, Zhang Zongguan seems to be in the late Jindan cultivation!

In the same realm, can he kill instantly?

Thinking of Xiao Chen's strength, the onlookers trembled in their hearts and quickly retreated.

Especially those who gave Xiao Chen the middle finger were even more scared.

They were afraid that Xiao Chen would kill them in anger.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Chen looked indifferent, as if he had done something ordinary.

After saying that, he took a step and headed straight for Zengxian Island.

Zhou Hanyun followed behind, speechless with surprise.

This guy is really too cruel, he kills when he says he will, without any ambiguity.

If he kills to the island like this, how many people will he kill!

Thinking of revenge, Zhou Hanyun's eyes were full of expectation.

Outside the island, the crowd watching had another idea.

Some people thought that Xiao Chen was so strong that he could kill Zeng Zhijie.

Others thought that no matter how powerful Xiao Chen was, he could not kill Zeng Zhijie.

His cultivation was so strong that no matter how strong he was in the Jindan stage, he could not kill him across levels.

What's more, Zeng Zhijie had a special identity. He was the eldest son of the Zeng family.

This kid's life experience was a bit strange.

How to say it! He was the product of the old master of the Zeng family and a socialite after drinking.

Such an illegitimate child could not enter the Zeng family at all, let alone inherit the family business.

No one expected that the woman that the old master of the Zeng family married gave birth to all girls.

The old master of the Zeng family was unruly and had many illegitimate children, but only Zeng Zhijie was a boy.

Later, the old master of the Zeng family lost his fertility and could only take Zeng Zhijie back to inherit the family business.

Zeng Zhijie had no one to discipline him since he was a child. The only thing his parents could do was to give pills to women.

As a result, Zeng Zhijie either swallowed pills or studied various beauties every day.

Not only that, Zeng Zhijie made friends with bad people and spent a lot of time together.

If he liked a beautiful woman, he would directly take action and take her to the island for fun.

Even if a woman from a big family got into trouble, her parents could take action to settle it.

Over time, Zeng Zhijie became more courageous and took action against those beautiful island owners.

Not long ago, Zeng Zhijie targeted Zhou Hanyun and used despicable means to trick her to the island.

This guy wanted to force his way in, but Zhou Hanyun refused to obey, and the two fought.

In the end, Zhou Hanyun used up all her treasures to escape.

Zhou Hanyun knew that Zeng Zhijie was vindictive and she would not be able to sleep or eat if she did not solve this matter.

Therefore, when she met Xiao Chen, Zhou Hanyun chose to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

At this time, Zeng Zhijie was sitting in the cave with a few friends, having fun.

Zeng Zhijie also heard the loud noise outside the island, but he didn't take it seriously.

He still trusted Zhang Zongguan, and there was nothing he couldn't handle.

Zeng Zhijie sat on the futon, and a charming woman sat next to him.

The woman was eighteen or nineteen years old, and her whole body exuded endless temptation.

Although she looked glamorous on the surface, her identity was very sad.

She was Zeng Zhijie's furnace, and as long as he sucked the Yin Yuan in her body, he would throw her into the sea to feed the sharks.

"Everyone, you won't believe it when I tell you, I met a superb beauty, more beautiful than Haihua."

After Zeng Zhijie drank a large cup of fairy wine, he winked at the people around him.

"Brother Zeng, you didn't lie to us!"

"Haihua is so beautiful, how can there be a woman more beautiful than her?"

"Are you drunk and talking nonsense?"


These people hugged the beauty, drank wine, and raised their glasses to Zeng Zhijie frequently.

The so-called flower sea refers to Ji Siyu, the most beautiful woman in the East Sea.

This woman is so beautiful that you can't help but fall in love with her as long as you take a look at her.

Ji Siyu is a disciple of the Three Gods Mountain. Everyone has evil intentions but no courage to attack her.

"I sent someone to inquire. That person is the owner of Zhouxian Island, named Zhou Hanyun."

"After drinking, let's go together and bring that girl over to have fun."


Zeng Zhijie drooled when he thought of Zhou Hanyun's appearance before she changed her appearance.

"I have seen that woman. She is really beautiful, but not as good as the sea girl."

Li Chuanxiong thought of the dirty things, smiled, and pinched the beauty in his arms.

It was a coincidence that the place where he sat was exactly at the entrance of the cave, and he could see the situation outside the cave.

Hearing the footsteps, Li Chuanxiong subconsciously looked up.

This time, Li Chuanxiong was stunned, and an evil light flashed in his eyes.

Because among the two people who came, the woman was Zhou Hanyun mentioned just now.

If he hadn't drunk, Li Chuanxiong would definitely think normally, why would the other party come here.

Now that he was drunk, this guy couldn't think straight, and mistakenly thought it was a program arranged by Zeng Zhijie.

It must be Zeng Zhijie who asked the man to go to Zhouxian Island, bring Zhou Hanyun, and accompany them to drink and have fun.

"Brother Zeng, you are still loyal enough to arrange the program for us!"

Li Chuanxiong laughed, stood up suddenly, and touched Zhou Hanyun's pretty face.

Zeng Zhijie couldn't see the situation outside the cave, and he was a little confused at the moment.

What happened to this kid? He got drunk and talked nonsense as soon as he started drinking?

"Yes, there are plenty of programs. After everyone finishes drinking, have fun together..."

Zeng Zhijie didn't think much about it, raised his glass, and drank it in big gulps.


At this moment, a pig-killing scream came from the direction of the cave entrance.

Before everyone could react, a bloody broken arm flew to the center of the cave.


Seeing the broken arm, everyone turned around and vomited.

The drink that Zeng Zhijie had just drunk got stuck in his throat, almost choking him to death.

After the others finished vomiting, they looked at Zeng Zhijie with anger.

You are so good, Zeng Zhijie, we treat you as a brother, and this is how you arrange the program for us?

Damn it, do you want us to be happy or do you want to disgust us to death?

"Why are you looking at me like this? This is not the program I arranged...Manager Zhang..."

Zeng Zhijie rolled his eyes and shouted loudly outside the cave after he finished arguing.

"Okay, stop acting."

"Didn't you send Manager Zhang out to find the troublemaker?"

"If you don't explain why you arranged this program today, don't blame me for turning hostile!"


The third young master of the Zhan family, Zhan Zhenhu, immediately stood up and roared at Zeng Zhijie.

Before Zeng Zhijie could explain, another black shadow flew over and hit the ground.


Seeing Li Chuanxiong's body chopped beyond recognition, the women screamed on the spot.

Thinking of the explosion just now, no matter how stupid everyone was, they knew that this was not a program.

Zhan Zhenhu and others immediately used their magic weapons and looked at the direction of the cave entrance vigilantly.

"Which bastard, who doesn't want to live anymore, dares to come to my territory to make trouble!"

Zeng Zhijie lost face in front of his friends, and was immediately furious, roaring at the cave entrance.

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