Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 467 Qinglong Immortal Realm

"Daoyou, is this pose handsome?"

"If not, I have a more handsome pose!"

"Look at my temperament, how well I control it, I will definitely be able to charm thousands of female demons."


Kunpeng floated in the air, boasting with a good feeling.

"Well, demon friend, can you change to a normal pose?"

Hong Jinwu looked embarrassed and persuaded him speechlessly.

This is nonsense, isn't it?

If Kunpeng's wretched appearance is really carved out perfectly.

Not to mention selling the jade talisman for money, even if it is placed in the store, it would be embarrassing.

"I am so handsome, you actually asked me to change to a normal pose?"

"I say, kid, do you know how to carve jade talismans?"

"If you can't carve well, let's break up!"


Kunpeng obviously got angry and said unhappily.

"Isn't it good for me to carve?"

Hong Jinwu sighed and carved the jade talisman.

This thing will definitely not sell.

It can only be used as a more powerful talisman in a battle.

In this way, Hong Jinwu sat on the stool and carved the talisman in a depressed manner.

Xiao Chen was not idle either. He took out the jade slip that Hong Jinwu gave him and input his spiritual consciousness into it.

A huge star map appeared in his mind out of thin air.

This star map is very detailed.

It is many times better than the one that Zihuohou gave him.

In the center of Qinglong Immortal Domain, there is a vast cloud.

The cloud is blurry and the specific situation cannot be seen.

Next to it, there are five big characters written, Qinglong Immortal Domain Map.

There are tens of thousands of light spots of different sizes around the cloud.

The colors of the light spots are different, as many as nine.

Gray, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and gold.

These nine colors represent the level of the planet, from level one to level nine.

Among them, there are many gray light spots, which occupy most of them.

The number of red light spots is considerable, occupying most of the remaining.

The light spots of other colors are decreasing drastically.

The number of blue and purple light spots is pitifully small, all close to the location of the cloud.

Obviously, this is one of the few level 7 and 8 planets in the Qinglong Immortal Domain.

As for the level 9 planet with golden light spots, Xiao Chen searched for a long time and did not find it on the map.

Xiao Chen turned over the back of the star map, and lines of text appeared in his mind.

The distance on land is divided by miles.

The distance in the sea is divided by nautical miles.

The distance in the starry sky is divided by star speed.

What is star speed?

Simply put, the time it takes for an ordinary star compass to fly for one day is the star speed.

For example, the distance between Pangu Star and Neptune requires half a year of star speed.

If an ordinary star compass is used, it will take at least half a year.

If it is a high-level compass, the time will also be reduced due to different levels.

It is said that the star speed of a top-grade star compass in one day is equivalent to the speed of an ordinary star compass in one year.

Therefore, it only takes half a day to get from Pangu Star to Neptune.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen's blood boiled, and he wanted to get the best star compass immediately.

Xiao Chen's consciousness moved, and he quickly searched in the star map.

Not long after, a gray light spot appeared in his sight.

This light spot is the location of Pangu Star.

The map that Zihuohou gave Xiao Chen clearly marked the name of Pangu Star.

There is no name in this star map, only four small words "abandoned planet".

Obviously, in the eyes of those super strong people...

This kind of planet is not worthy of recording the name because of its low level.

Under normal circumstances, there are no strong people on abandoned planets.

The highest cultivation is only in the realm of false god stage.

Even if there is a strong person in the god transformation stage, he will leave the planet and go to a place with richer spiritual energy to practice.

Abandoned planet!

This is the second time Xiao Chen saw the word "abandoned".

No matter how abandoned Pangu Star is, it is still the place where he was born and raised.

It is not the turn of others to say anything.

He also did not allow others to erase the name that should have been there.

Xiao Chen's mind moved, and a divine consciousness emanated, quickly carving the name next to Pangu Star.

At the same time, Xiao Chen secretly swore in his heart.

If in the future, his cultivation is strong enough to change the planet.

He must use his great magical power to turn Pangu Star into an extremely powerful existence and become the center of Qinglong Immortal Realm.

Xiao Chen was thinking deeply, and suddenly heard a commotion in his ears.

"My friend, please, I won't carve..."

Hong Jinwu cried and pleaded loudly to Kunpeng in the air.

"How can this be possible?"

"As a man, you must keep your word!"

"We agreed, how can you go back on your word?"


Kunpeng was so angry that he opened his bloody mouth and asked angrily.

"I can't carve your posture..."

Hong Jinwu wanted to curse in his heart, but he still answered with a stiff upper lip.

"Why can't I draw it?"

"Am I not handsome?"

"Am I not cool?"


Kunpeng's voice became louder and louder, like thunder.

"Your posture is too vulgar. If you continue to carve, I will be pissed to death."

Hong Jinwu thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He just kept saying that he would not carve anymore.

"Kunpeng, let's go!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen couldn't stand it anymore and spoke up.

"Let me make it clear first!"

"If you give up carving, it's not my responsibility. The money can't be refunded!"

"If you want to carve jade talismans in the future, remember to find me! No cheating!"


Kunpeng laughed and said shamelessly.

After that, he turned into a little peng bird and landed on Xiao Chen's shoulder.

"Daoyou, monster friend, have a good journey, I won't see you off!"

Hong Jinwu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and waved to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen walked out of the shop, his mind moved, and he quickly restrained his breath.

He didn't look much different, and gave people a completely different feeling.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen and ordinary people, there was no difference.

Even if you use your spiritual sense to sense, as long as your strength is not higher than his, you can't see Xiao Chen's specific cultivation.

Xiao Chen took out the map of Neptune that Hong Jinwu gave him, turned to the page of Haiwei City, and read it carefully.

After reading it, Xiao Chen took a deep breath and recalled the description above.

Haiwei City, with an astonishingly large area, is far beyond the cities of the Chinese mainland.

There are tens of millions of cultivators living here.

Among them, local cultivators occupy the majority.

The rest of the cultivators all came to the nearby abandoned planet.

For such a large city, what is the reason for everyone to settle here?

Xiao Chen understood it in a flash.

Neptune is the largest planet nearby, and it is also a place where you can cultivate to the infant transformation stage.

The best of those abandoned planets leave their planets after their cultivation becomes strong.

Everyone will fly in the starry sky to find a place suitable for their own cultivation.

In the end, everyone gathered here and started a new life.

This is just like the rich people in the town, in order to live a better life, they go to the city to settle down.

Haiwei City has many external reasons for attracting cultivators to settle here.

The atmosphere of cultivation here is good, and cultivators are not allowed to fight privately, and there has never been a large-scale war.

In the city, there are not only star compasses for sale, but also many demon beasts' spirits.

Most of these spirits are wind-type demon beasts.

As long as the wind-type spirits are integrated into the star compass and refined.

The refined star compass can increase the flying speed a lot.

Among them, the most important factor is the auction.

Haiwei City holds a large auction every hundred years.

The items at the auction are of various kinds and priceless.

From small elixirs and spiritual treasures to large forbidden magical powers.

To put it bluntly, as long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy.

Of course, the auction period is also the most chaotic time period on Neptune.

A man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure.

If you carry a treasure and are secretly targeted by a strong man.

As long as you leave Haiwei City, the other party will kill you without hesitation.

It is said that those super strong outsiders ignore the laws of the city and kill people and steal treasures in the city directly.

After killing them, he used his powerful magical powers to forcibly leave Haiwei City.

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