Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 469 Star Domain Compass

"Boss, do you really want to buy a star compass?"

"That thing is too expensive."

"In my opinion! Let's just go and rob one."


Kunpeng was reluctant to part with the top-grade spirit stone, so he came up with a bad idea.

"With my current cultivation, if I provoke a strong enemy, I will die."

Xiao Chen glared at Kunpeng and said unhappily.

After leaving Pangu Star, Xiao Chen's mentality has changed dramatically.

Although the Qinglong Star Region is huge, it is a world where the weak are preyed upon by the strong.

It's not that he has never thought about robbing a star compass.

It's just that with his current cultivation, he can't do it.

The most urgent task is to strengthen himself.

Only by becoming stronger can he survive better.

Otherwise, one day, he will die under the butcher's knife of others.

"Boss, I find this place so remote!"

Walking to the street, Kunpeng saw that there were not many people around, and said subconsciously.

"Although this place is remote, it is a good place."

"Strong people have no interest in this place."

"Even if we encounter weak people, we have the ability to deal with them."


Xiao Chen's eyes were deep, and he said what he thought in his heart.

"Uh... do you have to consider so much when choosing a place to live?"

Kunpeng rolled his eyes, unable to understand Xiao Chen's thoughts.

"If I didn't consider these, I wouldn't be here now."

"The path of cultivating immortals is to fight against the sky."

"If you don't kill others, others will come to kill you!"


Xiao Chen raised his head, stared at the sky, and sighed secretly.

The Sea King Chamber of Commerce is the only place for trade in Haiwei City.

The Chamber of Commerce is amazingly high, with 18 floors.

From a distance, this is not a chamber of commerce, but a tall pagoda.

The moment he walked into the Chamber of Commerce, Xiao Chen was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The decoration here is luxurious beyond imagination.

On the surrounding walls, tens of thousands of fire crystals are inlaid, emitting dazzling light.

You know, these fire crystals are all priceless treasures on abandoned planets.

However, here, they have become the least valuable decorations.

The receptionists in the Chamber of Commerce are all young and beautiful women.

These women shuttled among the crowd and told the invisible customers about the items sold in the Chamber of Commerce.

Xiao Chen had just taken a few steps when a woman in palace clothes came over.

This woman had a slim figure and beautiful appearance.

Although her appearance was not as good as Qin Muxue, it was not much different.

Su Moru's face was not too heavy, just some rouge.

She walked a few steps to the front of Xiao Chen and spoke in a sweet voice.

"Hello, I am the receptionist here, Su Moru."

"Excuse me, fellow Taoist, what items do you need to buy?"


Su Moru was very polite. After saying these two sentences, she waited for Xiao Chen's answer.

"Which floor is the star compass?"

Xiao Chen didn't waste any words and asked straight to the point.

Hearing this, Su Moru's heart tightened and her face became a little ugly.

Ordinary receptionists like her don't get paid much every month.

The biggest profit is a commission based on a proportion.

Simply put, for every item sold, you can get 0.03% of the profit.

The more expensive the item sold, the more considerable the profit you get.

She has been here for half a year, not only did she not sell anything, but she also offended the guests.

Those guests told Su Moru privately that if they wanted to buy something, they would have to pay a certain price.

After Su Moru asked, she found out that the so-called price was to exchange her body.

She was angry and scolded the customer for being a hooligan.

In the end, she was reported by the customer and was fined three months' basic salary.

The star compass is worth a lot of money, and selling one can get a lot of profit.

Su Moru didn't think that such a good thing would fall on her head.

The other party was most likely coming for her body.

Therefore, after hearing Xiao Chen's words, Su Moru became extremely excited.

"Don't be so roundabout, just be direct, spend a few nights with me!"

Su Moru changed her attitude, and said unhappily with a straight face.

"What did you say?"

Xiao Chen was stunned, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Don't you understand what I said?"

"You men are all the same kind of people."

"How many nights did you spend with me before you bought the Star Compass?"


Su Moru looked at Xiao Chen coldly, with angry flames in her eyes.

"You think too much, I'm not interested in you!"

Xiao Chen looked unhappy and said in a cold tone.

"Don't pretend with me, you came to me, don't you just want to sleep with me?"

Su Moru saw Xiao Chen was about to leave, and she didn't give in, and quickly chased him and questioned him.

"Okay! I just want to sleep with you, let me sleep?"

Xiao Chen was impatient with the question, his eyes turned cold, and he turned around and asked back.


Contacting Xiao Chen's cold eyes, Su Moru trembled all over and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Either take me to buy a star compass, or get out of here!"

Xiao Chen said coldly without any sympathy.

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave without even looking at Su Moru.

"Daoyou, I'm sorry, I thought you were the same as them..."

Su Moru seemed to have realized that Xiao Chen didn't come for her body, and kept apologizing.

"Lead the way!!!"

Xiao Chen was too lazy to find another receptionist and chose to forgive her.

This girl, although a little extreme, at least she didn't mean to use hidden rules.

If you meet a scheming bitch who takes the initiative to throw herself into your arms, that's a headache.

"Daoyou, please follow me!"

"The first floor here sells magic weapons for the Nascent Soul and God Transformation periods!"

"The star compass you need is on the ninth floor!"


Su Moru is a qualified receptionist. While leading the way, she told Xiao Chen in detail about the situation of the Chamber of Commerce.

Not long after, the two came to the teleportation gate and pressed the button for the ninth floor.

The two entered the teleportation array and saw a flash of light, appearing on the ninth floor.

There are much fewer cultivators on this floor than on the first floor.

At a glance, there are only a few hundred people on the huge ninth floor.

Countless long counters are neatly arranged, with star compasses of various shapes placed on them.

Xiao Chen walked to a counter, and his consciousness moved, wanting to sense the compass in the cabinet.

However, as soon as the divine consciousness landed on it, it was rebounded by a huge force.

Fortunately, this force had no offensive power.

Otherwise, Xiao Chen would have been seriously injured at that moment.

Even so, Xiao Chen's body shook and instantly recovered.

His expression remained unchanged, but his heart was in turmoil.

Outside this counter, no energy fluctuations could be sensed at all, but a powerful ban was set up.

It can be seen that the method of setting up the ban is mysterious and complicated.

"Daoyou, which star compass do you like? I will help you take it out!"

Su Moru saw Xiao Chen's body shaking, and already knew the reason, so she spoke hurriedly.

"The faster the speed of the star compass, the better!"

Xiao Chen thought about it and said.

He didn't understand the classification of star compasses at all, he just wanted a magic weapon with a faster flying speed.

"This top-grade star compass is called Yunying, and the price is ten top-grade spirit stones!"

Su Moru took out a cloud-shaped star compass and explained it to Xiao Chen briefly.

"This star compass is good, can we exchange it for something else?"

Xiao Chen smacked Yunying, quite satisfied, and asked casually.

Ten top-grade spirit stones are not only expensive, but ridiculously expensive.

Even if he took out all the treasures on him, he probably couldn't afford this top-grade star compass.

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