Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 51: Show off

"Deng Yongfei, think it through before you answer."

Liu Tianlong mistakenly thought that Deng Yongfei was speaking for Xiao Chen, and angrily reminded him.

"Second Elder, everything I said is true."

Deng Yongfei also misunderstood, thinking that the other party felt that his evidence was not conclusive enough.

In order to make everyone believe it completely, this guy started talking again.

"Master, except for me, all the outer disciples can prove it."

"What Xiao Chen did has an extremely bad influence."

"He broke everyone's mentality. They don't want to work hard to practice, but just want to get rich overnight."

"With such a vicious heart, if you don't expel him from the sect, how can you convince others?"


Deng Yongfei's words were moving and reasonable.

After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Chen with a sneer on his lips.

"Don't blame me for being cruel, you should blame me for offending someone!"

Deng Yongfei thought so in his heart, and his eyes were more proud.

The elders looked at each other, and their eyes looked at Xiao Chen more hotly.

If the outer disciples can prove it, this matter cannot be false.

If you ask Xiao Chen about the secret of digging out the fire crystal stone, it will be difficult not to improve your cultivation.

"Master, since this is true, why not ask Xiao Chen how he dug out the fire crystal stone?"

Some elders could not sit still and stood up and clasped their fists.

"Xiao Chen, tell the truth."

Although Master Qi Yun did not like Xiao Chen, he was also somewhat tempted.

Qiyun Sect is at most a third-rate sect in the territory of Chu.

There are many disciples in the sect, but few of them can really show off.

Every time the sect competes, it becomes a laughing stock of other sects.

If you can get the fire crystal stone and improve the overall strength of the sect, it can be said to be a great achievement!

"Master, I have something to say."

Xiao Chen looked at Master Qi Yun and said neither servilely nor arrogantly.

"What else do you want to say?"

Master Qi Yun was a little unhappy, but still asked.

"If the disciple tells the secret, can the disciple be judged not guilty!"

Xiao Chen has been leading the rhythm for so long, just for this purpose.

"Not guilty? You can say that."

Zhenren Qiyun snorted coldly and said unhappily.

The Seven Peaks Trial, so many people are watching.

If Xiao Chen is found not guilty, how will the disciples in the sect view it?

Just when Zhenren Qiyun wanted to yell at Xiao Chen, the elder interrupted.

"Master, if Xiao Chen can really tell the secret, it will be a great achievement."

Wu Yunfei said seriously.

The meaning of his words is very clear.

Compared to the overall strength improvement of the sect, why bother about such a small matter?


Zhenren Qiyun hesitated, Wu Yunfei's words made sense.

Choose the lesser of two evils, he still understands this principle!

Xiao Chen seriously injured Liu Tianlong, even if the crime has a bad impact, the crime is unforgivable.

If compared with the secret of the fire crystal stone, it is nothing at all.

"As long as you tell it, I will agree to your request!"

In the end, Zhenren Qiyun chose to compromise and said loudly.

"Master, don't joke!"

Xiao Chen bowed and said what he had thought of.

He told everyone that he was born with a spiritual root that was abandoned by heaven and had some special properties.

Ordinary spells that hurt the soul were ineffective against him.

In addition, he could sense subtle energy fluctuations.

Although the Fire Crystal was buried underground, as long as he felt it carefully, he could find its specific location.

"Master, this is what happened!"

Xiao Chen said to Master Qi Yun, bowing his hands.

Everyone was shocked and depressed.

Isn't this nonsense?

Xiao Chen talked for a long time and said nothing.

After all this time, only he could find the Fire Crystal, and no one else could find it?

"Master, Xiao Chen's words cannot be fully believed. I suggest that everyone go outside the Flame Cave!"

One of the elders stood up and proposed.

The other elders also had the same idea and agreed at the same time.

After all, what you hear is not what you think, and what you see is what you think.

If it is true as Xiao Chen said, only he can find the Fire Crystal, everyone will accept it.

On the contrary, if Xiao Chen lies and plays tricks on everyone, it will not be too late to punish him severely.

"Everyone, follow me to the Fire Cave!"

At this point, Master Qi Yun could only nod and agree, and led everyone out of the Qi Yun Hall.

At the foot of the mountain, outside the Fire Cave.

The arrival of everyone made this small place crowded.

"Xiao Chen, as long as you can find the Fire Crystal Stone, the previous things will be forgiven."

Master Qi Yun looked at Xiao Chen and said in a serious tone.

He still didn't believe what Xiao Chen said, thinking that the other party had fooled everyone.

As soon as he landed, Master Qi Yun released his spiritual sense to sense every move underground.

With his cultivation, he did not sense the existence of the Fire Crystal Stone.

Master Qi Yun did not believe that Xiao Chen could create the Fire Crystal Stone out of thin air from the ground!

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

Xiao Chen bowed his hands to thank him, and pretended to crawl on the ground.

Zhou Pengcheng rolled his eyes when he saw this.

This kid, he is doing this again.

God knows how long it will take to find it, it's better to find a place to sleep!

As soon as Zhou Pengcheng took out the futon and sat down cross-legged, the faces of the others changed.

"Brother Zhou, what do you mean?"

Qian Tianwen came over and said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Sleep for a while, and remember to call me when he finds it!"

Zhou Pengcheng said, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Qian Tianwen was puzzled, is it so slow to find a fire crystal?

Soon, he realized that Zhou Pengcheng's approach was too wise.

Xiao Chen's search for the fire crystal stone was not only slow, it was as slow as his grandma's house.

Everyone waited for more than an hour, but the kid was still crawling on the ground!

No matter how patient everyone is, they can't help it anymore.

"Xiao Chen, how long do you have to look for?"

Master Qi Yun couldn't help but ask.

"Sect Master, don't be in a hurry, otherwise you will gain nothing."

Xiao Chen dropped these words and lay on the ground again.

Master Qi Yun wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason, and he was extremely angry.

In this way, another hour passed.

Xiao Chen was still lying on the ground without moving.

When Wang Yuwei saw this, she was very moved.

She didn't expect that the fire crystal stone Xiao Chen gave her was obtained in this way.

"You bitch, you're still acting for me! I want to see how you dig out the fire crystal!"

Zhao Pengchao also came. He was supported by two junior brothers, and his heart was full of anger.

He cursed in his heart and winked at the master.

"Brothers, don't you think Xiao Chen is playing tricks on me?"

Liu Tianlong's words completely ignited everyone's anger.

For a moment, many elders spoke angrily and asked Master Qi Yun to make the decision for them.

"Sect Master, this guy is trying to trick us!"

"This is the first time I see people looking for fire crystals like this. Do you really think we are fools?"

"If he can dig it out, I will eat all the soil here!"


Everyone didn't believe it, even Master Qi Yun didn't believe it. Only Wang Yuwei believed it.

"Sect Master, fire crystals are treasures from heaven and earth. How can they be found so easily?"

Wang Yuwei spoke, she was buying time for Xiao Chen.

"I'm giving you a quarter of an hour. If you can't find the fire crystal, don't blame me for being rude."

Master Qi Yun waved his long sleeves and his face became gloomy.

Xiao Chen took out the medical shovel from his storage bag and dug quickly into the ground.

At the same time, he was preparing to find an opportunity to secretly put the fire crystal in the storage bag into the ground.

"Xiao Chen, bring me the storage bag!"

Liu Tianlong said.

Because he knew that there was probably a fire crystal in Xiao Chen's storage bag.

"Second Elder, why should I give you my storage bag?"

Xiao Chen's heart tightened and he was thinking about how to deal with it.

"How do we know if you took it out of the storage bag?"

Liu Tianlong snorted and asked.

In front of everyone, Xiao Chen couldn't refuse and could only throw the storage bag aside.

"Hmph! Without the storage bag, let me see what other tricks you can do!"

Liu Tianlong smiled coldly, ready to see Xiao Chen's joke.

Soon, Liu Tianlong couldn't laugh anymore.

Xiao Chen dug casually on the ground a few times, and a fire crystal suddenly appeared.

"Oh my god, is there really a fire crystal?"

I don't know who screamed in surprise.

A group of elders ran quickly, trying to grab the fire crystal as soon as possible.

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