Wrath of the Immortal

Chapter 6 A magical pill

"Ah! You stinky rascal, you're a pervert!"

Xiao Chen returned to his residence with his upper body bare and wrapped in leaves, and happened to meet the disciples outside who were queuing up to get food.

When the female disciples saw Xiao Chen dressed like this, they all screamed and ran away.

For a moment, the scene was in chaos.

"Quiet! Come here!"

Deng Yongfei shouted angrily, called Xiao Chen into the room, and stared at him again and again.

Xiao Chen's hair and clothes were burned away, and his whole body was completely black. It could still be seen that his skin was intact.

"Didn't your kid get burned to death?"

Deng Yongfei exclaimed, suddenly feeling that this statement was inappropriate, and coughed twice.

"Well, there is a long way to go, don't be so anxious, and you can still accumulate enough merit by completing the tasks slowly!"

Deng Yongfei said earnestly.

Just as he was about to say a few more words of comfort, Xiao Chen's next words made him stunned.

"Brother, I got the fire crystal!"

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and in his palm, there was a red crystal stone the size of a palm.

"Holy crap, did you really get it back?"

Deng Yongfei was stunned and stared at Xiao Chen for a while.

That look was like seeing a monster.

"Senior Brother Deng, isn't this a fire crystal?"

"Yes, it's fire crystal. Where did you get it?"

"It's the place you said!"

"I mean, how did you get it back?"

"I went into the cave and got it back!"


Hearing Xiao Chen's answer, Deng Yongfei was furious and said angrily: "I want to know, how did you get in?"

"You walked in!"

Xiao Chen deliberately looked puzzled.

He knew that he must not reveal his secrets.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

On the way back, Xiao Chen hid the other two fire crystal stones and the strange little cauldron.


Deng Yongfei was furious, picked up the fire crystal, turned around and left.

"Senior Brother Deng, have you had enough merit? When can you redeem the elixir..."

Xiao Chen chased after him and grabbed Deng Yongfei's hand.

"I'll help you change it. From today on, you can live here!"

After Deng Yongfei finished speaking, he left. He did not return to his residence, but picked up a piece of talisman and stuck it on his thigh.

This is a top-grade wind control talisman. After using it, you can fly through the air in a short time like an immortal.

Not long after, Deng Yongfei came to a valley.

The valley is filled with birds chirping and flowers fragrant, and large tracts of medicinal herbs can be seen everywhere.

Deng Yongfei came to the cave and smelled the fragrance of medicine coming from the cave, his eyes greedy.

"Peripheral disciple, Deng Yongfei, asks to see Yao Lao..."

Deng Yongfei bowed down and clasped his fists respectfully.

"What's up?"

In the cave, Yao Lao's majestic voice came.

"Disciple got a fire crystal stone and wants to exchange it for some elixirs!"

As soon as Deng Yongfei finished speaking, there was a flash of light outside the cave, and the formation instantly dissipated.

An old man over fifty years old, with white hair and wearing a red robe, came out.

"Do you have a fire crystal?"

Yao Lao stared at Deng Yongfei, his eyes sharp and somewhat unreasonable.

Ten years ago, in order to find fire crystals, missions were even issued to peripheral disciples.

Although he knew that it was impossible for the peripheral disciples to obtain fire crystals, there was no harm in trying.

Ten years later, no one sent the fire crystal, so he also tried to look for it in the cave.

The temperature in the cave is too high. With his cultivation in the foundation building stage, walking to a hundred feet is the limit.

If Deng Yongfei hadn't come here, Yao Lao would have even forgotten that he was looking for this thing.

"Yao Lao, I wonder how many pills can be exchanged for a piece of fire crystal?"

Deng Yongfei made a small calculation. If he could ask for a large number of pills, he could condense his energy in one fell swoop and become a real immortal.

"Hmph! How many do you want?"

Yao Lao looked displeased, a small peripheral disciple dared to be so rude.

Deng Yongfei did not answer and raised a finger.

"A gourd? You really dare to ask for it!"

Although Yao Lao was unhappy, he still agreed. He waved his sleeve and a gourd flew out of it.

Deng Yongfei was dumbfounded and took the pill gourd. He was both excited and unbelievable.

Originally, he only wanted a bottle, but Yao Lao unexpectedly gave him a gourd of elixir.

One bottle, ten pills.

One gourd is one hundred pieces.

"Get rich, get rich!"

Deng Yongfei was ecstatic, handed the fire crystal to Yao Lao, and returned to the foot of the mountain excitedly.

"If this fool gets a few more fire crystals, it will be difficult for me to become an immortal!"

Deng Yongfei secretly rejoiced and walked quickly towards Xiao Chen's residence.

At this time, Xiao Chen took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

Just as I was about to have dinner, there was a knock on the door.

A squeak!

Xiao Chen opened the door, thinking that his roommate was back, but he saw Senior Brother Deng.

"Senior Brother Deng, have you got the elixir?"

Xiao Chen asked nervously, this could be related to his mother's life.

"Alas! Your fire crystal stone is of such poor quality that it can only be worth thirty merit points..."

Deng Yongfei sighed and pretended.

Xiao Chen didn't believe such nonsense. If that thing was really easy to get, it would have been robbed long ago.

"So, I need to get more?"

When Xiao Chen spoke, he deliberately looked out the window.

Secretly, he observed Deng Yongfei's eyes, trying to determine whether what the other party said was true or false.

"If you get some more, I'll get the elixir for you!"

Deng Yongfei showed his talent, and when he spoke, his eyes flashed with ecstasy.

Xiao Chen saw it, but didn't point it out. He stretched out his hand and said, "Since the Fire Crystal Stone can't be exchanged for the elixir, give it back to me!"

"How can this be possible? According to the sect rules, completed tasks cannot be revoked!"

Deng Yongfei almost jumped up when he saw Xiao Chen wanted to go back, and refused sharply.

"If you don't give it to me, I won't accept such tasks in the future!"

Xiao Chen punched out with a Tai Chi boxing move, and Deng Yongfei was helpless.

"In this way, I will give you an elixir, and you give me three Fire Crystal Stones, and our account will be written off!"

Deng Yongfei looked very disadvantaged.

He had a good plan. Three Fire Crystal Stones meant three hundred elixirs!

"I can't go for the time being! My mother is seriously ill, and I must go back to save her!"

Xiao Chen didn't want to cultivate immortality at all, nor did he want to stay here. He just wanted to go back to save his mother.

"That's easy. I'll give you a few days off. Tomorrow morning, you can go home to visit your family!"

Deng Yongfei handed Xiao Chen a pill and a few low-grade wind-controlling talismans, and told Xiao Chen to go and come back quickly, and then left.

After Xiao Chen had dinner and returned to his residence, his roommate had already returned.

"It's you? You big pervert, don't come over!"

Wang Shun saw Xiao Chen and exclaimed, and hurriedly hid aside, fearing that Xiao Chen had a bad habit.

"Ahem, misunderstanding, I took a big task on my first day here, and accidentally burned my clothes..."

Xiao Chen simply told it again.

He only said that he got outside the flame cave and his clothes burned, but he didn't mention what happened next.

"Oh my god, you dare to take the task of the flame cave just after you came here, are you kid going to die?"

Wang Shun was stunned and pulled Xiao Chen to sit down.

The two chatted casually.

From Wang Shun's mouth, Xiao Chen knew how dangerous it was there, and the strong men in the Jindan stage never came back.

Xiao Chen also knew part of the division of cultivation.

Qi Refining Stage, Foundation Building Stage, Golden Core Stage!

These are the first three steps of cultivation. Only when you reach the peak of the Golden Core Stage can you be considered a true immortal.

As for higher realms, Wang Shun had never heard of them. He told Xiao Chen that the Great Elder was only at the Golden Core Stage.

The two talked for a while, and Xiao Chen felt sleepy and said, "I'm going to sleep first. I have to go home to visit my relatives tomorrow!"

"What the hell? You can go home to visit your relatives right after you arrive? Could it be that the rich disciples sent money to gild you?"

Wang Shun was a little envious. He had been here for more than half a year, and he hadn't accumulated enough merit to go home to visit his relatives!

Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly, without explaining, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

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