Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 102 Good news, aliens are mentally retarded, bad news, I

Chapter 102 Good news, the aliens are mentally retarded, bad news, we have never fought them! [Third update, please subscribe]

we won!

Captain America Rogers looked at the surrounding urban environment that was in ruins. It seemed that it was only now that he was finally able to accept that they had finally won and defeated the army of this terrifying alien civilization.

Great job, guys, great job. I think we won't go to work tomorrow. We have a day off. Have you ever eaten Turkish kebab? There is a restaurant about two streets away. I don't know how it tastes. But I want to try it! Tony Stark said.

We're not done yet! Thor said.

Tony Stark said: We'll have barbecue later!

The next moment, the scene changed, and it showed a group of Avengers members eating Turkish barbecue in a barbecue shop with expressions of despair.

'Happy' and 'I like' are written all over his face.

The video ends here.

Tony Stark held his forehead and smiled bitterly. He could almost feel that the little easter egg at the end of the video was full of Lin Feng's bad taste. He must have done it on purpose.

The purpose is to let them know how unpalatable this Turkish barbecue is.

Emmm, Tony, your taste is really average... Hawkeye Barton said.

Everyone nodded, and deep down in their hearts, they had quietly crossed Turkish kebab off their dinner list.

That look of hopelessness was too lethal to them.

I haven't eaten it either, and besides, I've heard that there's no way to eat without being surprised! Tony Stark said unconvinced.

Tony, we are really impressed by you now. We didn't expect that you could actually make such a righteous decision in the end. No wonder Lin Feng said that you are as good as a god with a mortal body.

The widowed sister Natasha spoke.

That's the shining point of my personality. Tony Stark showed a somewhat triumphant expression on his face.

Although I was a bit reckless in the other timeline, the time had come and to be honest, I had no choice.

Although I feel a little sorry for Pepper, the problem is that if the alien army is allowed to spread, everything he wants to protect will not be able to be protected.

But these politicians are crazy and actually bombed New York with nuclear bombs! Hill said.

Although New York was spared in the end, the mere possibility of it was enough to make people gasp.

If it's a matter of life and death, let alone one New York, so what if it's ten New Yorks. Rogers said.

As a soldier and a veteran who personally experienced World War II, he still has a typical war mentality. The biggest difference between war thinking and peace thinking is that peace thinking always considers how many people will die.

The war mentality considers ensuring the final victory and protecting the majority at the expense of a few. This is normal.

He just couldn't integrate the Tony Stark in front of him with the selfless Tony Stark in the video, who even sacrificed himself. Is this the same person?

Could this be a person?

You tell me, this is Tony Stark?

He's eight years old, ah, no, he's the playboy?

When everyone thinks about it, there is nothing wrong with Rogers' idea. If you don't consider their entire net worth and their relatives and friends are all in New York, this is correct.

If the alien army spreads, there seems to be no difference whether they die under nuclear bombs or are killed by aliens.

But isn't the technological development of this Chitauri a bit biased? Tony Stark said. First of all, they don't seem to have the ability to jump through wormholes or fly faster than light, so they have to rely on the people on Earth to prepare such a device for them.

Secondly, why was it that such a large Chitauri mothership didn't even have an air defense system, and a single nuclear bomb wiped out their entire group?

Tony Stark still found it incredible when he said this. As a race that can transcend stars, not only do you have energy shields, but at least you must have a basic air defense system. You cannot be hit by a nuclear bomb so easily. Bar.

This is too scientific.

Even if you put it on the major countries on the earth, their fleets will not have any air defense capabilities, and they can be stunned like this.

And why do they feel like the Zergs written in science fiction novels? They all have only one mothership, and all their consciousness is on that mothership. Once it is destroyed, all contact is lost directly, so these are all The Tare soldiers are actually unmanned robots? Tony Stark said incredulously.

This kind of unmanned robots, unmanned aircraft and the like are also very popular concepts on earth, especially in order to greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers, they have already begun to be developed.

But even so, it is impossible for each country to develop a product because it will suddenly lose all combat effectiveness because it cannot be connected to the Internet.

Are all soldiers connected to the cloud?

Don’t they have processors in their bodies?

No tasks saved?

Have you ever considered the possibility of not being able to connect to the Internet?

So I seem to have found a way to deal with these aliens. We don't need to destroy their mothership with nuclear bombs. We just need to develop a signal shielding processor and cut off the signal directly. One of them will be destroyed. ... Tony Stark then complained.

They look different, but they play the same role.

He originally thought the Chitauri mothership was very difficult to deal with, but what happened?

It completely disappointed him. Why didn't he even have basic defense capabilities? He couldn't even intercept a nuclear bomb developed by a level 7 Earthling.

This whole thing has an absurd feeling to it.

It's not as good as the crappy Patriot series. At least hundreds of Patriot missiles can stop this nuclear bomb.

If you want to say that the other party is unprepared, then Tony Stark is even more ridiculous. You, an interstellar civilization that has conquered countless civilizations, must have very rich combat experience. How come you have never encountered a nuclear bomb before? Long-range missiles?

I can't understand it at all.

Therefore, he could only understand that the development of these Chitauri was completely biased and went in the wrong direction.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the fluctuations in combat effectiveness of these Chitauri.

You have to say it's not powerful, but it can easily defeat the American army. Even the superheroes are in a panic. They are already exhausted after only an hour. If you give them a little more time, they can destroy the Avengers together. It's not difficult at all.

The U.S. government is so cruel that it will blow up its own New York City.

But you have to say how powerful it is. Their mothership, the kind of mothership that can travel across the universe, didn't even have an early warning system or even an air defense system, and it was just blown up.

Their soldiers and their spaceships are like NPCs controlled by the Internet. If the Internet is disconnected, they will be completely helpless. There is not even a program for independent combat.

If there is such a thing, even if the space rift is cut off so that they cannot support from the mainland, it will be very difficult to clean up the Chitauri soldiers and spaceships that have already arrived.

So you say they can't do it. Human beings on earth really can't come here these days. You say they can do it. But you feel so aggrieved, unconvinced, and angry.

It’s really infuriating that you can’t advance and you can’t retreat.

It can only be said that these Chitauri technology trees are completely wrong. For example, these Chitauri soldiers have even reliable armor and war weapons made to look like a big fish. It looks like It's all fancy, but has no use except to prove their high level of anti-gravity technology.

The Chitauri obviously have a very high level of science, but in terms of the application of warfare, they are at most about the same level as the people on Earth today.

It's just that their more advanced technology makes the resistance of the earth's military so completely unmatched.

He was confident that if the Earth's technology could one day develop to a level similar to that of the Chitauri, it would be enough to defeat the Chitauri and teach them the art of war.

It really feels like a waste of resources. With such a high scientific level, the final product is actually something like this.

It's like fighting a World War I or World War II with modern warfare equipment.

In Tony Stark's imagination, it should be very common for civilizations that can fight across the stars to equip his current armor, which is at the normal level. Looking at those Chitauri soldiers, I doubt them. What level of civilization is it?

As long as the earth's civilization can develop to the first level, it will not be worse than them!

It’s really angry, funny and helpless.

What's funny is that the opponent can be so outrageous and useless.

What's so annoying is that we can't beat such a useless opponent. Isn't that worse than a retard?

So what he feels now is that the good news is that the Chitauri's technology tree is crooked and they are acting very retarded.

Bad news, such weak-minded aliens defeated the American army and almost conquered the earth.

If it develops to that level according to my idea, it will at least have an energy shield, but they don't seem to think about it. Tony Stark said.

But we have to be thankful that they don't have such ability. Their technology tree is crooked. Otherwise, how could we survive? There's no chance of winning. Natasha, the widowed sister, said.

That's right!

Tony Stark nodded, but his expression did not soften much. He had never been a person who pinned his hopes on his opponent's mistakes.

Because that would be a little too humiliating for him.

Moreover, this is just the Chitauri, what about other cosmic civilizations?

Does everyone have to hope that their technology tree is crooked?

In the final analysis, strengthening yourself is the most important thing.

The basic update is completed. I will write monthly tickets to add updates during the day. Please subscribe and support me with monthly tickets!

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