Wrong Girl
5 Episode 5-Scary Mistake
Scarlett sat at her desk as the teacher taught. She didn't care what the teacher had to say. She was too busy watching out the window. Austin was out there for gym. She watched him as he ran back and forth. She sighed. She thought about meeting him after school. But she didn't know if she should or not. She turned back to the teacher.
End Of Class~
As Scarlett walked out of the classroom she suddenly got grabbed. "The hell?" she looked to see who grabbed her and her eyes widen. It was Austin. He looked muddy and sweaty. Scarlett tried to pull away but it was no use. He was clearly stronger than her. When they made it out of the school he let go of her. "The hell Austin?" She looked at him as she rubbed her wrist.
He was breathing heavily. He was clearly nervous. "I...I don't know okay!"
"Hey calm down" She raised as brow. Why was he acting so weird?
"I'm just..." he looked away.
She looked to where he was looking. A group of girls stood. The red haired girl stood in the middle crying. The others kept glaring at Austin.
"I don't have time for this" Scarlett starts to walk away but Austin grabs her arm. He pulls her back and kisses her. She quickly pushes him off. "What the fuck!" she wipes her mouth. "How dare you kiss me?" She was mad. "You have no right to do that! You lost that when you broke my heart!" She slapped him hard. "Fuck you" She began to walk away when she caught the group of girls walking towards her. She was tired of their bullshit. She knew that they were there to be mean to her. "Great what the hell do you want now?" They stopped and stared at her. "You wanna torture me? HUH? IS THAT IT!" A munch of kids started to crowd the area. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU PEOPLE CARE SO LITTLE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE? ALL OF YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS TURN YOUR FUCKING HEAD TO ME WHEN YOU SEE ME CRY! WHEN YOU SEE THESE GIRLS BE MEAN TO ME! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE BEEN THROUGH? HUH? DO ANY OF YOU?" She started to cry. All those years of them throwing her around like some rag doll. All those years of all of them being so cruel to her. "Fuck you....FUCK ALL OF YOU!" she ran away, pushing people out of her way. She ran to the girls bathroom and went in a stall. "FUCK!" She kicked the stall door as she cried and cried more. She fell to the ground. "Fuck all of them...." she pushed her knees to her chest.
The door to the girls bathroom opened. The person stopped at the stall Scarlett was in.
"What do you want?" Scarlett said harshly to the person. She suddenly heard crying. She stood and opened the door. Her eyes widen. The red haired girl stood there crying. "Wh-" the girl grabbed Scarlett and hugged her tightly.
"I'm....I'm so so so sorry!" the girl hugged her tighter. "I didn't mean to hurt you....I know I was cruel to you....but....but its because I....I" The girl struggled to speak so she yelled loud. "I LIKE YOU!"
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Scarletts eyes widen. "You what?" She pushed the girl off of her. "You like me?" She laughed. "Are you kidding me? All those years that you were always mean and hurt me is because you had a fucking crush on me?"
The girl nodded her head. "I liked you but I didn't know I went so far until I seen you today when you blew up. I've wanted to tell you for so so long but I was always so scared you wouldn't feel the same. So I kept my distant. That's also why I haven't touched you for a while because I wanted to kiss you all day and all night." The girl blew her nose in some toilet paper. "That's all I wanted to do. But seeing you be kissed by Austin made me angry. I wanted to be the only one to do that. I wanted to be your first kiss but he was!" She kicked the wall. "THAT'S ALL I WANT TO DO IS LOVE YOU AND FOR YOU TO LOVE ME!"
Scarlett didn't know what to say or do. She was so confused. 'Why or when did she start to like me? Should I accept her or tell her to screw off?' She sighed. "I...I don't know..." She left. Without saying anything else Scarlett left the school.
She was angry, yes, but she also felt bad for the girl. "Why the hell do I feel so bad for her?" she kicked a rock. "Why did I have to suffer now after I finally started to become happy...to feel it.." as she approached her house she noticed a ambulance leaving it. She ran quickly to her home. See soon saw her brother. "Marcus!" she went to him. He was crying. "What happened?" He couldn't say anything but cry. "Shh okay okay" She held him. Something bad happened she knew it. But what?
At the hospital~
Scarletts mother laid in a bed. She was hooked up to a bunch of machines. Marcus sat next to his mother. While Scarlett was outside arguing with a nurse.
"What do you mean its going to cost us $2000 to make sure she gets the right meditation?" She was angry.
"Mam you need to-"
"No I will not! You are telling me my mom is dying and if we don't pay you this money you will unhook her and she will die? Huh?" She threw a pencil at the wall. "Fuck you!"
The nurse waved over for some men in police uniforms to come over.
Scarlett saw. "Forget this! Ill get a lawyer!" The man tried to grab her but she backed away. "Stop Ill leave on my own. But Ill be back" She went passed them.
"That one is unstable. I tell you" The nurse said laughing.
"Probably bad parenting" another nurse said also laughing.
Scarlett walked out the doors of the hospital. It was dark now. She pulled out her phone. "Crap!" her cell was dying. "I forgot to charge it" it died on her. "FUCK!" she threw it.
"Hey you okay?" A tall man asked as he approached her. He was smoking a cigarette. He looked to be maybe in his 20's. He also had a nurse uniform on.
Scarlett sighed. "No! My mom is dying and they wont let us keep her alive because we dont have enough money." She started to cry. "Freak today!"
"Hey hey" He threw his cig and went to her. He held her as she cried. "There there. I promise it will be alright." He let go of her.
"No it wont. These fuck heads wont help her." She stared at the city. "Ill kill the fuck head who owns this hospital and lets their employees treat their patients like shit." She looked up at the man. "Can I have one?" She pointed to the box of cigs. "Please?"
He sighed. "You know I'm not allowed" he saw her face. Her eyes was swollen. He took a deep breath. So he went to grab one but dropped it. "Shoot. Now I cant have it" he winked at her.
She smiled and grabbed it. "Thank you" She wiped it off and put it in her mouth. "Can you?"
He pulled out his lighter. He lit her cig. "Now don't say anything to anyone" A woman passed them looking at Scarlett. The man smiled. "Shes 19" The woman continued to walk.
Scarlett sat down on the curve. "Thank you. For real" She smiled at the man as she breathed in some smoke. She let it out.
The man sat next to her. "Well I only help people with real shit" They both laughed. "So you say they were rude to you huh? And they really said they wouldn't allow your mother to stay here?" He stared at her.
She nodded while letting out some smoke. "Yep. And so I got angry and they kicked me out" She put out the cig. "God....I don't know what I'll do without her. Yeah shes rude to me but...shes still my mother you know?" She looked at the man. "Like yeah she can be hard some times but other times shes really nice. Like on my birthday when I was 10, she was very sick. And so I told her that I all I wanted for my birthday was for her to get better. I went to school that day and when I got home you know what she did?" She smiled big. "She invited the whole family. I was surprised." she bit her lip as she was tearing up. "God I fucking love her..." she started to cry. "Fuck me man" She wiped her eyes. "Sorry"
"No need" He knew she was hurting. "This is your way of getting through this." he stood. "Now lets go get you some justice." He held out his hand. "Come on"
She looked up at him. She took his hand.
As they walked in the police men stopped them. "Sir she cant-"
"Shush." He moved his coat a little for them to see his badge.
Both men were surprised. "Sorry sir." they both stepped away.
"What just happened?" Scarlett asked but he shushed her.
"Excuse me nurses who was this girls mothers nurse?" He asked the nurses as they were in the middle of talking.
The one from before stepped before. "Whose asking?" She sounded cocky.
"Well no one important." He looked at Scarlett. He winked. He went to look back at the nurse. "I'm just you know the owner of this place and I wanted to know why you were so rude to her? And that you told her such a ridiculous thing?"
Both nurses looked at one another.
"I'm so so sorry sir. If there is any-"
"There is something you could do for me" He went to grab her badge. "You can go find another fucking job" he smiled as he threw her badge in the trash. "Leave my hospital."
"Whatever. It was shit pay anyways." She stormed out the hospital.
Scarlett laughed. "Wow thank you. But you didn't have you"
He turned to her. "Non since. You said that the owner should do something about this anyways and so I am"
"About that I'm sorry"
"Don't be. Its my fault I didn't check up on my own hospital. Now how much money do you owe?" He asked as he grabbed her moms file.
She smiled at him. 'How was he so nice? Who was this man? And why was he so freaking nice to her?' she smiled big looking at the man.
End Of Class~
As Scarlett walked out of the classroom she suddenly got grabbed. "The hell?" she looked to see who grabbed her and her eyes widen. It was Austin. He looked muddy and sweaty. Scarlett tried to pull away but it was no use. He was clearly stronger than her. When they made it out of the school he let go of her. "The hell Austin?" She looked at him as she rubbed her wrist.
He was breathing heavily. He was clearly nervous. "I...I don't know okay!"
"Hey calm down" She raised as brow. Why was he acting so weird?
"I'm just..." he looked away.
She looked to where he was looking. A group of girls stood. The red haired girl stood in the middle crying. The others kept glaring at Austin.
"I don't have time for this" Scarlett starts to walk away but Austin grabs her arm. He pulls her back and kisses her. She quickly pushes him off. "What the fuck!" she wipes her mouth. "How dare you kiss me?" She was mad. "You have no right to do that! You lost that when you broke my heart!" She slapped him hard. "Fuck you" She began to walk away when she caught the group of girls walking towards her. She was tired of their bullshit. She knew that they were there to be mean to her. "Great what the hell do you want now?" They stopped and stared at her. "You wanna torture me? HUH? IS THAT IT!" A munch of kids started to crowd the area. "YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOU PEOPLE CARE SO LITTLE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE? ALL OF YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS TURN YOUR FUCKING HEAD TO ME WHEN YOU SEE ME CRY! WHEN YOU SEE THESE GIRLS BE MEAN TO ME! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'VE BEEN THROUGH? HUH? DO ANY OF YOU?" She started to cry. All those years of them throwing her around like some rag doll. All those years of all of them being so cruel to her. "Fuck you....FUCK ALL OF YOU!" she ran away, pushing people out of her way. She ran to the girls bathroom and went in a stall. "FUCK!" She kicked the stall door as she cried and cried more. She fell to the ground. "Fuck all of them...." she pushed her knees to her chest.
The door to the girls bathroom opened. The person stopped at the stall Scarlett was in.
"What do you want?" Scarlett said harshly to the person. She suddenly heard crying. She stood and opened the door. Her eyes widen. The red haired girl stood there crying. "Wh-" the girl grabbed Scarlett and hugged her tightly.
"I'm....I'm so so so sorry!" the girl hugged her tighter. "I didn't mean to hurt you....I know I was cruel to you....but....but its because I....I" The girl struggled to speak so she yelled loud. "I LIKE YOU!"
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Scarletts eyes widen. "You what?" She pushed the girl off of her. "You like me?" She laughed. "Are you kidding me? All those years that you were always mean and hurt me is because you had a fucking crush on me?"
The girl nodded her head. "I liked you but I didn't know I went so far until I seen you today when you blew up. I've wanted to tell you for so so long but I was always so scared you wouldn't feel the same. So I kept my distant. That's also why I haven't touched you for a while because I wanted to kiss you all day and all night." The girl blew her nose in some toilet paper. "That's all I wanted to do. But seeing you be kissed by Austin made me angry. I wanted to be the only one to do that. I wanted to be your first kiss but he was!" She kicked the wall. "THAT'S ALL I WANT TO DO IS LOVE YOU AND FOR YOU TO LOVE ME!"
Scarlett didn't know what to say or do. She was so confused. 'Why or when did she start to like me? Should I accept her or tell her to screw off?' She sighed. "I...I don't know..." She left. Without saying anything else Scarlett left the school.
She was angry, yes, but she also felt bad for the girl. "Why the hell do I feel so bad for her?" she kicked a rock. "Why did I have to suffer now after I finally started to become happy...to feel it.." as she approached her house she noticed a ambulance leaving it. She ran quickly to her home. See soon saw her brother. "Marcus!" she went to him. He was crying. "What happened?" He couldn't say anything but cry. "Shh okay okay" She held him. Something bad happened she knew it. But what?
At the hospital~
Scarletts mother laid in a bed. She was hooked up to a bunch of machines. Marcus sat next to his mother. While Scarlett was outside arguing with a nurse.
"What do you mean its going to cost us $2000 to make sure she gets the right meditation?" She was angry.
"Mam you need to-"
"No I will not! You are telling me my mom is dying and if we don't pay you this money you will unhook her and she will die? Huh?" She threw a pencil at the wall. "Fuck you!"
The nurse waved over for some men in police uniforms to come over.
Scarlett saw. "Forget this! Ill get a lawyer!" The man tried to grab her but she backed away. "Stop Ill leave on my own. But Ill be back" She went passed them.
"That one is unstable. I tell you" The nurse said laughing.
"Probably bad parenting" another nurse said also laughing.
Scarlett walked out the doors of the hospital. It was dark now. She pulled out her phone. "Crap!" her cell was dying. "I forgot to charge it" it died on her. "FUCK!" she threw it.
"Hey you okay?" A tall man asked as he approached her. He was smoking a cigarette. He looked to be maybe in his 20's. He also had a nurse uniform on.
Scarlett sighed. "No! My mom is dying and they wont let us keep her alive because we dont have enough money." She started to cry. "Freak today!"
"Hey hey" He threw his cig and went to her. He held her as she cried. "There there. I promise it will be alright." He let go of her.
"No it wont. These fuck heads wont help her." She stared at the city. "Ill kill the fuck head who owns this hospital and lets their employees treat their patients like shit." She looked up at the man. "Can I have one?" She pointed to the box of cigs. "Please?"
He sighed. "You know I'm not allowed" he saw her face. Her eyes was swollen. He took a deep breath. So he went to grab one but dropped it. "Shoot. Now I cant have it" he winked at her.
She smiled and grabbed it. "Thank you" She wiped it off and put it in her mouth. "Can you?"
He pulled out his lighter. He lit her cig. "Now don't say anything to anyone" A woman passed them looking at Scarlett. The man smiled. "Shes 19" The woman continued to walk.
Scarlett sat down on the curve. "Thank you. For real" She smiled at the man as she breathed in some smoke. She let it out.
The man sat next to her. "Well I only help people with real shit" They both laughed. "So you say they were rude to you huh? And they really said they wouldn't allow your mother to stay here?" He stared at her.
She nodded while letting out some smoke. "Yep. And so I got angry and they kicked me out" She put out the cig. "God....I don't know what I'll do without her. Yeah shes rude to me but...shes still my mother you know?" She looked at the man. "Like yeah she can be hard some times but other times shes really nice. Like on my birthday when I was 10, she was very sick. And so I told her that I all I wanted for my birthday was for her to get better. I went to school that day and when I got home you know what she did?" She smiled big. "She invited the whole family. I was surprised." she bit her lip as she was tearing up. "God I fucking love her..." she started to cry. "Fuck me man" She wiped her eyes. "Sorry"
"No need" He knew she was hurting. "This is your way of getting through this." he stood. "Now lets go get you some justice." He held out his hand. "Come on"
She looked up at him. She took his hand.
As they walked in the police men stopped them. "Sir she cant-"
"Shush." He moved his coat a little for them to see his badge.
Both men were surprised. "Sorry sir." they both stepped away.
"What just happened?" Scarlett asked but he shushed her.
"Excuse me nurses who was this girls mothers nurse?" He asked the nurses as they were in the middle of talking.
The one from before stepped before. "Whose asking?" She sounded cocky.
"Well no one important." He looked at Scarlett. He winked. He went to look back at the nurse. "I'm just you know the owner of this place and I wanted to know why you were so rude to her? And that you told her such a ridiculous thing?"
Both nurses looked at one another.
"I'm so so sorry sir. If there is any-"
"There is something you could do for me" He went to grab her badge. "You can go find another fucking job" he smiled as he threw her badge in the trash. "Leave my hospital."
"Whatever. It was shit pay anyways." She stormed out the hospital.
Scarlett laughed. "Wow thank you. But you didn't have you"
He turned to her. "Non since. You said that the owner should do something about this anyways and so I am"
"About that I'm sorry"
"Don't be. Its my fault I didn't check up on my own hospital. Now how much money do you owe?" He asked as he grabbed her moms file.
She smiled at him. 'How was he so nice? Who was this man? And why was he so freaking nice to her?' she smiled big looking at the man.
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