Wrong Love

34 In the dark space

Inside the ward, Parker was holding on to Mixue's hand hoping that she will wake up soon. Seeing the condition of Mixue, Parker decided to take leave to take care of her.

A week passed and there no way of improvement on her condition, Mixue still have not wake up. Parker was loss, he didn't know what to do. At this time, Andy entered to visit Mixue.

"Hey, how is everything?" Andy asked Parker.

Parker was zoomed out and look at Andy again "huh?"

"How's everything? I can see that you are not very good. Do you want to go and have a stroll to have some fresh air?"

"she still doesn't wake up. Doctor said she might be resisting to face the reality at this time."

"go and have a walk. I will be here to look after her"

"fine" Parker leave reluctantly but at the same time he knows that he will need it.

Andy opened up the window once Parker left the room and he start talking to Mixue. At first, he will start telling her about what happened to the world, and he move on to talking about work. He discovered that whenever he mentions about Terry, Mixue's brows will frown. He decided to talk more about him.

"you won't know what had happened to him recently. He often made mistake at work and the higher management have already notice him, have remove his duties for Airline P. Fengxi broke up with Linda and Linda went missing for a few days till now she is still not found. I think you will like to see her face at that time. When do you want to wake up and talk to me? I am kind of bored talking to myself." Andy signed and he carried on "I actually don't understand your relationship with Parker. Terry and you.. I understand but you and Parker, I don't get it. Why Parker get so sad and angry with your miscarriage and he ever have a huge fight with Terry earlier on. "


Mixue feels like she has been trapped in the black place. No matter how she wants to escape the place, she couldn't. She is able to hear what other people say but she can't respond. Everything, she thought she will be able to get out, she heard the baby crying. She feels guilty leaving the baby behind and she keep searching and searching, until she heard a voice.  He been telling her a lot of thing but none of it she understands. She only knows her heart feel very pain. Who are the related to me? The pain escalates, she couldn't take it anymore until she blacks out.

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